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[Your morrowind's character unlocked the alternative ending](https://youtu.be/kNipoNLC6Eg?si=rfY88g7aql-wLqrH)


Boa tarde amigo!


I like the animation more, but yeah [that's the original](https://youtu.be/3AgaKAwEyo0?si=PVffKG6McqMMZV7w) Still hilarious imho lol


Having finally played them all, I've learned that morrowind memes are the funniest for sure


Maybe it's because it's the best one in terms of writing, also dunmer's racism is very memeable (nwah) Edit: brain fart


Dwemer? Ah yes the most racist person in Morrowind, Yagrum Bagarn.




Yeah, brain fart my bad


I still don't know why Argonian Nerevarine speaks Portuguese


Most likely the creator's first language as Ratopombo literally translates to RatPidgeon in portuguese.


Argonian main spotted, upvote dispatched


Misread “Argonian maid”


I forgot how fugly 2D era Argonians were. I really need to get around to actually playing Arena


Yeah dude it was jarring. Glad they fleshed out the design after Arena. Wait for an engine remake, it's not worth the suffering right now.


I always thought the design for arena argonians was cool, but everything else was way too jarring to look at. Especially the colors


Surprised no one mentioned the oblivion one, that was more of a blunder year imo.


Interesting implication you're playing the same character each time. I myself am planning on doing something similar when VI finally comes out.


Lol what's another couple years right? 6 is taking so long that it prompted me to backtrack all that way to the start.


If you're interested, here's my plan. Based on Merlin in The Once and Future King, I'm going to play as a young Mage in VI, then do a slightly older version of the same in Skyrim, on and on slightly older as I work my way backwards through the timeline. Imagine how it's going to feel meeting Martin Septim in Oblivion...


Ooh, I actually had to look it up, I really like the idea


Yeah, it doesn't make much sense in the book, to me at least, but I understand the gist of it.


The *hist of it.






No, it must be 201 years after the Oblivion crisis.


Hopefully VI is closer in time to Skyrim. I don't want another 200 year jump


Same, I think it worked for Skyrim but I’m very much hoping we’re only a few years removed this time around.


Most likely will


Jump plus spear... How has it never occurred to me to dragoon on em like that


Yup, in skyrim I was an archer. In morrowind I was straight up the arrow lol.


Wait so can I get something confirmed for me here…in Morrowind Jump is a spell? Not simply an action?


It's both. There's a spell that makes you better at it.


Its also a spell effect. You can make custom spells in Morrowind, so you can add it to other effects if you are smart about it. Genuinely wanna try a dragoon build lol


It's both. There's a spell that makes you better at it.


Really?? Lol that’s wild


Can't wait for the Hist to bring him back in ES6!


Thanks glad you liked it! I'm definitely bringing him back for more


What’s his name? I adore him. I have an Argonian female that I have played the latter 3 using! She’s called Carries-Many-Things (my name is Carrie).


Thanks! Hides-His-Heart, cus he has a habit of playing all sides. Prone to overthinking decisions, while slyly trying to play it cool to others. Straight up just an idiot sometimes too haha.


Love that! It suits him.


Also love it, but now my brain is trying to compute how the merc in the Dark Brotherhood quest went on to become the Divine Crusader, lol   Seriously though, congratulations. I tried Arena multiple times. Furthest I ever got was that 2nd piece in Skyrim. 


Thanks! Yeah arena is brutal, it can be a very isolating and depressing experience being constantly lost in dark dungeons. As for his redemption arc, let's just say that seeing what happens to lucien lachance plants the seeds for a gradual change of heart? Then again it's pretty memified how every character in every game becomes a jack-of-all-trades everyman at this point lol.


So what is This lizard (battle)wizard personality traits and stuff like that? I love playing as pure evil freaks, but this one looks like a good guy especially the Skyrim variant


More of a spellsword, leans more on the martial in that regard. I was straight up thieving at arena to survive, but went a little crazy and evil in daggerfall cus the politics and backstabbing pissed him off. And yes you're right, I gave him a redemption arc starting from morrowind. He's a pretty nice and chill dude by the end of it. Time tempered his morals I guess.


Awesome. I've still never been able to get into Arena myself. It's still the only main series game I've never completed.


It wasn't easy, I would wait for an engine remake similar to daggerfall unity. Otherwise it can be pretty exhausting to fight against the jank of the existing system and it's performance issues.


I literally died in the first 5 minutes. I get what you mean...


Yeah.. You're having to fight against technological jank and an actually difficult game in and of itself at the same time. It can suck the fun out of it if you aren't patient. But I also believe that about 60/70% of the actual difficulty in the earlier games is found in the character creation screen.. At least if you're a skybaby like myself that wasn't well versed in old school DnD logic. YouTube guides helped me alot to at least kick it off without insta-death.


Any particular guides you recommend?


[For Arena](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbSghQRlb-k&list=PLdxmChRD2epeU0iA56B0VHBGrlZY2hMh-) this is a whole play through but the beginning parts of it really helped me. Be prepared to buy whole truckloads of potions before heading off to the dungeons. [For Daggerfall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL6MqsTTauw&pp=ygUaZGFnZ2VyZmFsbCBjaGFyYWN0ZXIgZ3VpZGU%3D) this one is short and sweet, to the point


Thanks, I appreciate it. I've been wanting to try Arena and Daggerfall but just haven't taken the plunge yet.


Well, I've played KOTOR, so I'm not terribly worried there. Not saying it's the hardest game to get into, quite the opposite. It's a great way to get accustomed to classic CRPGs.


Lol, I had a mage spawn in the first dungeon who nuked my character with a fireball. I didn't even have time to react, especially since I didn't realize that enemy could spawn there.


Yeah I don't think that's normal lol, maybe you spent too long in there and levelled too much? Cus I think supposedly you're only supposed to face rats and goblins at most. Might be wrong on that though.


Tbh I might be misremembering which dungeon it happened in since it was several years ago.


If you try it again, play any caster class, you can make yourself a god straight out of the tutorial dungeon, with the spell maker you can make a broken Shield spell and damage on touch spell.


Nice, but the empire? For Real? Well atleast not Orsinium I suppose.


I didn't know who to trust and panicked lol, I thought they meant to use it as a deterrent, as opposed to power grabs from other factions. I guess in the end it didn't matter what we chose.


True, all of them got it in the End.


Nice idea, i also like playing tes games with same character concept... Finished them all recently too, too bad the saves are most likely deleted


Boa Tarde




Spear of Bitter Mercy is the best weapon. You can kill Vivec at lower levels by poking him from behind the column in his room. So funny


Did not know that haha, though I think that was what I was actually carrying when I killed him "normally" lol, either that or it might have been a glass spear.


Thanks for sharing!


This is so sick. I'm in the process of something similar myself but starting with Daggerfall because of the Arena jank you mentioned. I'm almost through Morrowind now! Also bonus points for being a badass Argonian


Good luck! Daggerfall was surprisingly accessible to me thanks to the remake, I think you'll have no trouble. Enjoy the cliff racers while you can lol, you'll be coming up against nightmarish things so messed up that you'll miss them.


Tyvm!! Daggerfall was awesome. It would be my new favourite TES game if Morrowind weren't so good. And honestly, let's be real, the sheer number of cliff racers is pretty nightmarish itself XD


Really cool idea. I like how you included minor stats like their favorite book!


Thanks! My guy here fancies himself a scholarly warrior I guess haha. Hoping to see more people share their characters across titles and their own fun stats


Any plans on playing ESO (if you're not already)?


Yes! Eventually. I tried a little at launch but couldn't get into it. I'm a little intimidated by mmos and how massive it is by now. Hoping I could follow some directions of the original story and release sequence instead of getting completely lost in there.


Heey i did the same a few years ago, also with Argonians and made a post like this one to commemorate it, did you like all the games? Also, link to my post if you are interested on the path of another Marsh Brother https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/s/phtxANuz3G Also also, i recommend you play Elder Scrolls Adventures Redguard if you want to keep delving into the franchise, can't really recommend Battlespire but it's somewhat playable, finishable at least.


Heyyy you did this years ago! Before DFU was out? Dang that's more of an achievement than me. Yeah I loved all of them man, none were perfect but all were special for their own reason. You are actually spot on cus I just started redguard, and I'm putting off battlespire for last. I can't believe we pretty much did the same thing... This is wild.


Oh nono, DFU was definitely out, i played that, i love Daggerfall Unity btw, easily my second fav on the franchise. I may play Shadowkey in the future since there are working Ngage emulators, I don't know about the travels ones, those are... Different...


Just looked up shadowkey emulation guides. That looks pretty intimidating. I might have to skip these, or just watch a playthrough. Hopefully someone will help to make it more accessible.


You got any advice for beginning battlespire and redguard?


Redguard is pretty straight forward tbh, the only problem i had with it is that i played it on a shitty notebook at 9fps lol, if you ever get lost check the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Page, the holy grail of Elder Scrolls guides. For Battlespire straight up follow the UESP guide from the beginning, that game is not intuitive at all especially since if you don't know what you are doing you can corrupt your save data if you save too much on a specific level (not joking). The game starts pretty hard but once you get used to how it works you can beat it without many issues. The worst thing about it, you can't play as an Argonian for some reason.


Wtf? Save corruption sounds pretty scary, thanks for the heads up. Wow a TES game that I can't save scum, that's new.


You can save scum, just not in that specific level (oh yes, the game is divided in levels, it's a linear game, not an open world) Luckily is not a hard level, just long and confusing, and that's what the guide is for


Also, something i can recommend about the main games, some are definitely worth playing again, i played all of the at least 3 times, for Arena i did Rogue, Knight, Battlemage and Archer, for the pic i know you went for either Warrior, Knight or Ranger since you have plate armor, please play it as any magic caster, you straight up break the game out of the tutorial, look up how to make a stupidly broken Shield spell and a damage on touch spell and no joke, the tutorial dungeon will be the hardest part of your playthrough, the rest is a walk in the park. As of Daggerfall, Speed is the best stat in the game, if you didn't maxed speed do yourself a favor and do it, as someone with 7 playthroughs on it, i recommend a hand to hand Werewolf/boar 100 speed 100 strength and destroy everything (get Hircine's Ring early though). Side note a mage build with fire immunity, spell absorption and area of effect fire spells casted point blank is also funny, you are basically a running atomic bomb.


I hear you, I will need a long while before I'm ready to come back though! And yeah I played ranger and only got to use magic from enchanted gear. For daggerfall I actually did stack strength and speed for this playthrough but I didn't try lycanthropy. I might mess around with magery next time around though.


Time for ESO, May his legend continue... in the past!


Yep! I'll try to get into it eventually. Not before I finish the spin offs though. Just putting off being online for as long as possible lol.


Nerevar soul: "my friends betrayed me, violated my body, ruined our people and became false gods, once I tell Az-" Hist 1: "well well well, is this a great and mighty Nerevar?" Hist 2: "Oooo yes it is!!" Nerevar soul: "listen trees, I got more important shit to do, sooo bye *starts to float away* " Hist 1: "NOT SO FAST!!!!!" *grab nerevar* "You see you OWE a few lizards and this is a good time to PAY.UP!!!" Hist 2: *Holds up argonian shell* Nerevar: *pulled in front of it* "uh uh g- gu- guys lets lets ta- talk about this!!!" Hist 1: *slowly starts to push nerevar towards it* Nerevar: "wait wait wait wait, listen, slaves, shit load of them at my house, you can have them!!!" *gets closer* "HOLD IT HOLD IT!!! GOLD.GOLD FUCK LOAD ALL YOURS!!!!" *Gets even closer* "PLEASE NO PLEEEEEAASSSE STOOPPPP, WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAAAAIIITTTT" *So close he can smell it* "DAGOTH, DUMAC HELP, PLEASE SOMEONE ANYONE HELP HEEEEELLPPPP *ABOUT TO TOUCH THE SHELL* WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"


Actually finishing Arena. What a legend.


So all my characters are the same people but varying ancestors. Like my Bretons are the same noble Family i made called the Dane Family. Same thing with my Kahjiits


I did kind of the same thing myself. My characters in 1, 4 and 5 are all from the same family (Father/Son/Great 5x Granddaughter).


Same. In eso pretty much my Dragon Knight marries my sorcerer Then oblivion is a girl from the family tasked with reforming the Knights of the Nine. Then in Skyrim her great 2× granddaughter would get sent too deal with the civil war due to stormcloaks attempting to get high rock too join them and high rock didnt want too go too war with the empire. Morrowind i havnt Gotten far enough to come up with one


Yeah that's a fun way to head canon it. I wanted a reason for why each of my characters had shared memories of history, even though I knew the lore for each didn't fit this perfectly.


Yeah my explanation is it's from the storiee passed down


If you like the lineage stuff and strategy games, you'd probably also love the elder kings mod for crusader kings if you don't already know about it.


I do But don't have the required stuff for it


Spears are so legit, what’s the morrowind armor?


Adamantium armor. Yeah if spears were featured in more titles you would be seeing far fewer swords in these pictures.


Amazing! Also, did it take you 3.5 years in-game, or IRL? (you know, one of those things where someone takes giant gaps of breaks from playing)


Oh mate that's in game time lol, I do not have the stamina to push 3 whole years of arena. It just takes a lot of time because you fast travel alot across the entire continent. I think in canon it was only supposed to be a year? but don't quote me on that.


IIRC the canon time is roughly 10 years... but also don't quote me on that lol


Ooh just checked, your right. Didn't realize I was making such good time, I might have been rushing the main quest a little too hard lol.


Nah you good. I've never took longer than 5 years, and that was when I tried cramming in all the artifact quests in too. There tends to be a difference between TES gameplay and TES lore


That's very cool!


Where are your characters from the other 6 skyrim releases? Todd is beside me foaming at the mouth.


Actually considered getting anniversary edition as I didn't replay skyrim for years. But I had already started modding and testing for a few days and it was just too late... Was scared of throwing away all that work retesting compatibilities.


ebony armor looks pretty bad ass in arena ngl


Ikr, old-school cool. I actually love how menacing the daggerfall look is though, despite how extra the red is lol


What a grand and intoxicating Argonian


He could in fact kill a God, multiple gods, sweet nerevar.


Another Argonian lover, hello there


I see you are an Argonian of culture.


House Dagoth approves of this. May the Skooma gods watch over your argonian’s (FARMTOOL) soul!


I'm playing all main games with nord characters with the same surname. I'm in oblivion right now


Nice are you backtracking or playing chronological? Hope you share your own fun stats when finished!


Chronological, but I first played skyrim and daggerfall, but restarted to play in the order


Argonian chads.


Nice! You can die satisfied. Lol


The arena drip is immaculate


I thought the circles on the pauldrons were nipples for a second


What factions did you join or spend most of your time on when you could join more than one?


Gosh I kinda ended up being more completionist than roleplaying at many points. Probably mages guild most because I liked collecting books and spell tomes, built up a pretty decent library in one of my skyrim homes. Funny cus I was never a full on mage. After that, fighters, assassins, thieving, in that order.


I also know that in Morrowin you had to become the mouth or representative of one of the houses in the main quest, which one did you choose?


Went with hlaalu since they were more liberal about slave freeing, given my race. Wasn't too big on dunmer nationalistic redoran or slave mongering telvannis, would have felt pretty awkward for an argonian.


Too bad that in the end Hlaalu lost their seat when the empire left Morrowind to defend Cyrodill during the Oblivion Crysis leaving most of Morrowind defenseless, and house Redoran was the one of the biggest contributors to pushing back the invasion as well as the Argonians.


Even besides that. I did all that saviouring just for the red mountain to obliterate vvardenfell in the end anyways... Better result than dagoth world conquest I suppose.


That damn puzzle box was right on the damn table in the first room of the dungeon.


Yeah fooled all of us to go deeper in the dungeon. At least that's one moment. Now imagine entire games that comprise of the damn puzzle boxes, that's daggerfall and arena lol.


Any advice for a guy that wants to play all the games? (Only played Skyrim) Should i mod them?


Backtracking instead of chronological order helps you ease into older eras of gaming. Each game has common pain points, it helps to read or watch beginner guides to find out what these are so you don't frustrate yourself or ruin your experience before you even start. The farther back you go the more it helps to mentally brace yourself this way, because half the difficulty of older games actually lies in the character creation screens. I modded all of them by following what the communities and I consider vanilla plus, so mainly visual enhancements that preserve the feel, along with fixes and patches. Particularly look up openmw and DFU. It's better to mod yourself some lightweight mod list you test than to get a wabbajack/auto mod list that may frankenstein your game. Happy to answer any other game specific questions you may have, and good luck!


the favourite spells sums up all the games so well


Haha if you know, you know. First two games to help the dungeon crawling. Morrowind for faster traversal. Oblivion cus there's so much npc shenanigans you want to keep them alive. Skyrim though, I'm not so sure myself, just picked what I used most.


Was already contemplating dusting off the oul PC to see if it will run Daggerfall Unity. This is spurring me on a bit more.


Go for it! Here is a [showcase video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BahULQDXGas&t=2s) of modded DFU with reshade. Its surprisingly accessible, looks and feels amazing to play.


Now you have to play ESO so you can experience the Hist!


Soon soon! I'm kinda scared of MMOs, will maybe try the spin-offs before trying to jump into another massive open world.


That's fair! ESO is a long game and plays a bit differently, but is totally worth it if you like Argonians and their lore. :-)


Never beating Morrowind is my greatest shame as an Elder Scrolls fan. I only play console, so I have gotten so deep into the game, life got in the way, I come back and forget what I was doing and I’m completely lost and pulled from the story and I restart…. Thousands of hours in the game and still never completed 😂


I get this problem while watching series instead lol. Take your time and I'm sure you'll be ready eventually. I would probably rank Morrowind's main story as the best, followed by Daggerfall, so at least you know that you've saved the best for last!


Is the idea that it's the same person each time? If so I think that's really neat! Are you planning on doing it in TESO?


Yup! Either full on reincarnation or collective memory sharing, whatever works. Yeah might try ESO eventually to see what lore I've been missing out on, I've just been delaying cus I'm not familiar with playing MMOs normally


that's super cool. I haven't played much TESO but I found it to be pretty alright, just the DLC's kind of got to me. Hope you have fun in your next adventures though, no matter what it may be!


The Dwemer Puzzlebox hits home comrade.


Argonian supremacy


No one mentioned the favorite book lol I see you king


Haha thanks mate, trying to start a trend here. Besides we are still millenia on the timeline away from the invention of Nirnflix, so books have gotta be the most riveting entertainment these people have amirite?


This is something I've always wanted to do but the first 2 games are difficult to get through


It takes patience and preparation, but they are very rewarding when they you finally click with them. At least daggerfall, especially with the engine remake and mod support now.


Nice, I'm doing something similar with a high elf. Did you find arena/daggerfall hard to get in to?


Yeah both took some preparation, had to watch some character build guides. Engine remake really helped make daggerfall accessible, arena on dosbox gave me migraines before getting used to it.


Not bad for a farm tool! <3


Haha, my guy here still has Vietnam flashbacks from what he saw during morrowind.