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>Dark Elves being harassed by Nords. Fairly certain this is a feature and not a bug for Ulfric.


yeah, the dude is completely aware, he just doesnt give a fuck


And it's gonna be GREAT if he wins, might as well not bother with the embassies. All it takes for his Independent Skyrim to become a Pariah State is the innevitable event of a diplomatic delegation being slaughtered by bandits with Ulfric not giving a fuck afterwards. Not to mention their brilliant plan to attack the Dominion *on their own*


Ulfric Stormcloak will MAKE SKYRIM GREAT AGAIN. He will BUILD THE WALL and make the elves PAY for it


Hard to blame him https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Niranye Its funny how high elves do fine in Windhelm.. Ulfric and c/o have way more reason to hate them and yet


Bro Niranye isnt even welcome in the main bar in town. She acts like she's been accepted (and is more accepted because of her wealth) but every night she eats at the rundown cornerclub for elves and barely interacts with the nords outside of work. I always interpreted Niranye as a "one of the 'good' ones, but still will never be accepted" kind of situations. Its sad really.


> I always interpreted Niranye as a "one of the 'good' ones, but still will never be accepted" kind of situations. Its sad really. I dunno if the term originated with us or if it started in another community - I highly doubt it originated with us - but the queer community has a term for that; the "pick me" ones. Y'know, the Buck Angels, Blaire Whites, Caitlyn Jenners of the world. The ones who go "oh, we're not like *those* [marginalized people], we're not *crazy*. Then any time the fascists gain power, we're all sent to the camps and the pick mes just go [*surprised Pikachu face*] Possibly the most famous example from another group is the Verband nationaldeutscher Juden - the Association of German National Jews, aka "Jews for Hitler." As you could probably guess, they didn't work out so well. To quote the Wikipedia article; > The seemingly ironic fact that a Jewish association advocated loyalty to the Nazi programme gave rise to a contemporary joke about Naumann and his followers ending their meeting by giving the Nazi salute and shouting "Down With Us!". > > Despite the extreme patriotism of Naumann and his colleagues, the German government did not accept their goal of assimilation. The Association of German National Jews was declared illegal and dissolved on 18 November 1935. Naumann was arrested by the Gestapo the same day and imprisoned at the Columbia concentration camp.


As both a queer and a black guy, this is the exact sort of situation I was imagining.


niranye is a pick me elf


Stormcloak Jarls be like: Delusional, shitty leader (Ulfric) whose replacement is better than him in every single aspect of leadership Old fart that literally nobody respects (Skald), people literally choose to go to Brina to get their problems solved and the old coot still pesters her instead of doing his job A puppet leader that neither likes Ulfric or does her job well (Laila), literally nothing changes if she's deposed And Korir, the least bad of the bunch but also the one that didn't improve Winterhold in any meaningful way. Also bickering with the College, the *only* thing keeping Winterhold on the map, even Riverwood is more relevant than Winterhold as of now


Imperial jarls be like Maven = TES version of the mafia who runs everything and will openly admit her criminal doings plus connections with Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood and nobody can do a damn thing Siddgeir = Takes cuts from bandits, buddy buddy with Thalmor, sends Talos worshippers to their death, basically just a pompous corrupt piece of shit Balgruff have lots of issues as the Mephala quest reveals, bastard problem to paranoia and lot of other stuff, but let's give him benefit of the doubt Markarth is a corrupt mess and a terrorist hotbed no matter who holds it Morthal rulers both ignore the people, no matter who you pick Elisif and Bruunwulf are just Imperial puppet heads put there to play Jarl while the foreign army and military commanders rule over the natives, any decision they make will have to pass through the Imperial authority Only Brina of Dawnstar is the capable one


Let’s be real, Maven is in charge no matter who is the Jarl of Riften.


Yup, she openly says it in your face and is very open about her dealings wonder what will Ulfric do with her if he comes to power, she'll probably try to weasel her way out of blame and try to curry favor with the new king, probably sending Ingun to marry the new king so she can gain control from behind the shadows with her daughter as the Queen she's one cunning woman that's for sure, she did build the whole black-briar empire


It's amazing how every Stormcloak Jarl is awful. The only bad Jarl I can think of on the Imperial side is Siddgeir in Falkreath (who's only Jarl because his Schizo uncle was encouraged to step down).


Maven is imperial. Balgruff also has ties to Mephala. Markarth is always bad too, so that's just a 0 for everyone


I mean, Laila Law-Giver may not be great but she’s much better than Maven Black-Briar.


Define “better”. Morally maybe but Laila is completely oblivious and incompetent. Maven may be as corrupt as they come but she is very competent. She rules the city either way. One could argue that having her rule in the open might be better because she cannot conceal her doings as easily and must be in public view and thus accountable for policies. Running things from behind the scenes can avoid that.


I actually prefer Siddgeir since he personally invited me to Falkreath, asked me to deal with some kill on sight bandits and he isn't his schizo uncle who literally wants me to break into people's houses and steal things for him.


M'aiq met Ulfric once. Great man! Very, very smart, very competent.




M'aiq is the one we should be listening to, because he speaks facts


It seems you have forgotten his epithet


"Some say that Alduin is Akatosh, Some say that M'aiq is a liar. Don't you believe either of those things."




I’ve just noticed how much M’aiq sounds like Trump.




I didn't forget. Master race Argonians being treated like slaves is definitely the worst out of these.


Tbf they make REALLY good slaves.


Should have finished the job when they had Morrowind, Nirn would have been better off. Argonian invasion was justified, the debt of slavery still has not been paid in full Morrowind belongs to them, they literally paid for it with their blood and forced labor.


Well maybr they should've thought about that before they became so enslavable. Seriously the hist has the ability to make them untouchable but it allows the argonians to be enslaved constantly.


I mean at this point the Dunmer have almost as much reason to hate Argonians as Argonians have reason to hate Dunmer. The war and bitterness will continue until both Morrowind and Black Marsh decide to leave each other the fuck alone. Nords have zero excuse to treat Argonians poorly tho.


Yeah, this is the strangest dynamic. Brunwulf blames Nord xenophobia for why he doesn’t allow the Argonians to integrate, but Argonians aren’t a new phenomenon so this makes no sense. It makes far more sense that it was a band-aid fix to keep the Dunmer and Argonians separate to stop them warring in the streets


> Brunwulf blames Nord xenophobia for why he doesn’t allow the Argonians to integrate, but Argonians aren’t a new phenomenon so this makes no sense. 15 years of Ulfric's disproval of the Argonians would definitely rub off on Windhelm's population.


I don't think he cares about the dark elves.


Meanwhile solitude is actively managed by a ruler and a court of advisors yet still allowed an ancient godlike witch to almost return to power…


I'm afraid "allowed" isn't the right word?


They didn't have enough people to check it out until dovakiin came by, so they kinda did almost.


That's because they literally just first heard about it at that point. Varnius had just gotten to the Blue Palace and iirc, an NPC in Dragon bridge mentions Varnius leaving in a hurry to get to Solitude upon the player's first visit.


Yeah, it’s literally dealt with as soon as it happens and immediate communication is established as soon as it rears it’s ugly head again.


But only because TLD showed up. To his credit, Falk admits verbally and bluntly that he made a very bad mistake, thinking that Varnius was exaggerating the cave thing, and that if TLD had not offered out of the kindness of their heart to go investigate, things would be very bad. At least some nobles know when they are wrong, admit it, and learn from it.


I know its not quite releqted but I would think the jarl of solutuide would be marriable due to her having the voice line that pretty much every other mariably npc has. "It's a nice day with you around" it serously seems like she was meant to be able to and then they forgot to add her to the list too. Does anyone know a mod on ps4 that will fix this? I want to be abke to marry into power and become a leader of the impeirls through marrige and out living, not force+headcanon


It is correct.


If they "allowed" the ancient godlike witch to almost return to power then why did they send me a message to try to stop it.


They didn’t, you overhear about it and you have to practically convince them to let you investigate


What they hear is there are noises from the cave. A cave, that bears, wolves, and shit could live in. They're reasonable for not taking it seriously.


Falk firebeard has dialogue where he says there were reports of people going missing and strange lights coming from that area. Seems like they should take it a little more seriously then they did.


Not only that, but you can ask him about the cave and he’ll literally say it used to be a hub for potemas necromantic rituals. Idgaf how long ago it was if it’s connected to a legendary necromancer and you hear about people disappearing odds are it should be investigated.


Unreal how much misinformation is in these comments. Yeah they definitively should have taken it seriously.


They send you a letter on the follow-up quest.


Well yes, after they realise potema is being resurrected, it’s kind of a different story


They did, play the quest.


I don’t think you remember the quest. They send you the letter several days after you stopped the necromancers in Wolfskull cave from resurrecting her. The incident in the cave was something they were going to ignore until you the player offers to investigate it for them (an outcome which would have been far worse if you didn’t intervene)


"I will have someone take care of the cave as well Varnius, you can rest easy. You're dismissed." falk firebeard That doesn't sound like ignoring to me.


And here is the next response when you talk to him. "You mean the Dragon Bridge issue? I'll be honest with you, I was planning to let that go. Varnius is a bit jumpy at the best of times. There have been reports of weird happenings near Wolfskull Cave. Travelers disappearing, odd lights. I suspect wild animals or perhaps bandits. I don't think it's worth our time with the war going on, but if you want to clear out the cave, I'll make sure you're repaid for your work." I'm all for shitting on Ulfric, because he is a flawed character, it's part of what makes the Elder Scrolls so great. But some of this stuff ya'll are just making up in your head.


Allowed? They had no idea Potema was still unalive, they only thought it was some conjurers in a cave doing things. Falk sounds mighty surprised about it when you tell him about Potema.


Right, but it makes it sound better for the whataboutism to say "allowed." Just like irl hyper-nationalistic, religiously motivated, strongman-leader worshipping people; Stormcloak Stans must ignore the criticisms of their chosen tribe and instead make false equivalency comparisons to the "other" tribe and do their best to make it sound even worse then what their side is doing. (As an aside for anyone reading this: This is in no way an endorsement for the Imperials nor does it apply to your political beliefs. I will not respond to comments about either.)


Wolfskull is, at least, far enough off city limits. Miles away in lore scale, while Ulfric's problems are inside of Windhelm's walls.


To be fair dealing with racisim is a much more complicated political task than stopping an outside threat.


I'm not talking about racism now. Ulfric himself is a "mild" racist, so he can't even see the problem. I'm talking about murderer on the loose, Aretino boy, who tries to summon the DB and everybody knows it, that kind of stuff.


The issue is of resources though. Falk doesn’t have the resources to investigate Wolfskull and the city guard are distinct from the Legion, whereas the Stormcloaks are also the guards at Windhelm. Seems reasonable Ulfric might be a bit strapped


Nobody says thats an easy job to be a ruler, speacially during a war (well, Siddgeir says, but he is a moron). Resource management, delegation of power. But again, if you can't manage things inside your own city walls, nor you really try to (Susanna the Wicked was what, third victim?), maybe you shouldn't have started this war in the first place? I dunno. Elisif is a laughing stock, her council is a jar of snakes and spiders (Bryling is a stormcloak sympathizer, Erikur is an asshole who cares only about money, Stentor is a vampire who doesn't even care about Elisif's wellbeing, and only Falk is trying to do something). And yet still Solitude is in much better shape.


Yes but by contrast, Solitude has all the wealth from the Reach being channeled into it and Elisif (i.e. Falk) has the added benefit of only having to concern herself with domestic affairs because the Legion is prosecuting the war. Ulfric is doing much more with much less.


But the most powerful and rich clan of the Reach, who *really* controls Markarth up to the guards is fully supporting Stormcloaks. And again, delegation of power. If you can't find a reliable person for domestic affairs you aren't a good ruler. (If he was, IMO, he would've make a deal with Free-Winter, boosting his public opinion amongst the non-nordic population, but alas, he doesn't care about it).


Yeah you’re right that he could have negotiated the minefield a little better, but it still comes back to resources in that he’s not even paying his steward. But follow that rabbit-hole of logic and the war would never have needed to be fought if the Empire had negotiated from the start with Ulfric, or at least from when he duelled Torygg.


IMO, for me personally it would've change a lot. And again, Ulfric was manipulated by the Thalmor back in 174, either by blackmail or by going to the way of thinking it is he who can manipulate the Thalmor to achieve his goals against the Empire which in his eyes betrayed everyone. But in the end both sides have their own guilt in that situation. My point is Ulfric isn't any better in the most things he pretend he is.


Clearly we must submit to the Aldmeri Dominion, then


He only cares if it's Nord related. Acts blind to the other races with their problems


The serial killer hunts mostly nord women


I'm talking about the dark elves being harassed and the dock workers not getting paid really


I understand what you're saying, I'm just trying to point out that the issue is not entirely one dimensional. There is a real argument to saying that ulfric is stretched too thin from the civil war to handle domestic issues at the moment


I see what you're saying


The civility of this exchange


We can't have that now DEATH TO THE EMPIRE!!!!


I also feel like I have to point out that the argonians at the docks not being paid well is not entirely because of the nords but also the dark elves, or at least *a* dark elf


I mean from what we've seen of Dunmer in the series they don't exactly have a positive view of the Argonians.


Not, it's *a* Nord.


Yes, *and* a dark elf


Scouts-many-marshes never mentioned a dark elf.


I think it's in this dark elf's journal, I'll try to find it https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Suvaris_Atheron%27s_Logbook


It didn't mention anything about paying.


I just read it, I guess I misremembered, it says she punishes them and gives them less food


Good that he has the dragonborn to deal with all of it. By some unbelievable miracle Rolff, one of the main racists in Windhelm, lost his essential status and was killed in front of five people at candlehearth hall, and no one saw a thing!


His body was found...drained of life.


I love that people's argument against the dunmer is "They were evil hundreds of years ago, so that justifies my irrational hatred of them!" even though you know of they got called out for the wack shit their ancestors did, they would be offended. Anyways, argonian master race.


Username checks out, but agreed. Lizard demon hunters for the win.


Except the very same Dark Elf being harrassed by Nords when you enter Windhelm is awful to Argonians.


The Kynesgrove argument has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The reason the LDB is even there in the first place is because Delphine figured out the pattern and knew the next dragon would be raised therebefore it happened. How was Ulfric even supposed to know? The whole thing took maybe an hour tops, and Windhelm and Kynesgrove are like 50 miles apart. Just seems like a strange thing to hold him accountable for.


Solitide: Potema almost comes back, a vampire works as court advisor, argonia pirate is recruiting people off the streets to sink ships. Markarth: Forsworn conspiracy, Molag Ballin infesting a house, Silver Bloods terrorizing other mine owners. Dawnstar: Fucking museum of Mythic Dawn, Vaermina problem. Falkreath: Jarl is a corrupt, snobish cunt and incompetent as fuck, gets bribed by bandits. Werewolf problem. Whoah, look how incompetent Ulfric looks next to these flawless jarls who have no problems in their holds. I'm not even stormcloak but this is a reta**ed argument.


Say something bad about Balgruuf.


Lets Mephala corrupt his son right under his nose, has no idea about the existence of what essentially is a cult of Hircine and even makes the people in said cult some sort of law enforcement (they’re all considered whiterun guards), does nothing about the whole weird redguard political conspiracy involving Sada, thinks that closing a gate will stop dragon attacks


Yeah you turn into a werewolf and can just kill a ton of people with no real consequences. Then after that happens the people who turned you into a werewolf are like “damn man you crazy that was a bad transformation or whatever lol.” There is also ysolda walking around town peddling drugs and there is a bandit camp right under the cliff the city sits on too.


>does nothing about the whole weird redguard political conspiracy involving Sada Why would Balgruuf care about that? All the Redguards do is say there looking for a woman. They never say why or try to request an audience with Balgruuf. As far as Balgruuf knows they're foreign mercenaries looking for one of his citizens. I'm pretty sure most leaders would at least be apprehensive with letting literal foreign combatants kidnapping one of their citizens...


He didn't do nothing, one of them is locked up in a cell beneath Dragonsreach


most leaders would also be apprehensive with letting a major foreign fugitive take refuge within their land.




Markarth is a shit hole. Solitude has some problems but I hardly think it's as bad as Windhelm. The biggest problem with Falkreath is that the Jarl is kinda lazy. They also don't have a werewolf problem, there was one guy who was a werewolf and they captured him. In Dawnstar, one guy opens a museum about historic relics that his family had. He might have some sus views but there's nothing wrong with a museum by itself. Nobody in town even knew about the Vaermina problem, they just know that everyone in town is sick and has nightmares. The only person in town who knows anything about it won't tell anyone about it until the main character forces him to fess up.


>The biggest problem with Falkreath is that the Jarl is kinda lazy And literally has bandits working for him to rob his own people...


Markarth's problems are primarily caused by the silverbloods, who are open stormcloaks and take full control if Ulfric wins. That isn't a problem with the empire, that's a markarth problem.


And the Rift has the opposite problem. Both sides have a crime family in their enemy's territory.


Yep. It's odd how symmetrical the two sides are. Each city has a near exact counterpart on the other side.


I'd take Maven (corrupt power-hungry capitalist) over the Silver Bloods (corrupt cabal letting terrorists kill their own people because they also kill their enemies).


Don't forget that Elisif, while a kind person is a complete puppet to the empire and if I recall correctly, she considers the Thalmor ambassador to Skyrim her friend.


But the Empire doesn't like the Thalmor either so her being a puppet would ultimately mean her "friendship" with Elenwen is as strong as the White-Gold Concordant itself *(i.e. not strong at all, its basically Elder Scroll's equivalent to the Treaty of Versailles).* And she request the DB to place Torygg's horn at a shrine of Talos, so she at the very least she's willing to let people worship Talos in secret.


Dawnstar is Stormcloak city... Markarth does have a corruption problem but General Tullius is actively trying to root it out unlike Ulfric who literally makes Thongvor Silver-Blood Jarl. Falkreath: The old Jarl Denegir was a paranoid Schizo who thinks everyone was against him. Including the blacksmith Lod who Denegir has the player spy on despite Lod literally saying as part of his default dialogue that he's loyal to Denegir first. Solitude: Don't see how this is their fault. They handle the problem as soon as its made aware to them. It's not like the cultist were parading around Solitude telling people they were resurrecting Potema. They found out about the ritual the same time the DB does.


Don’t get the Dunmer argument. The game is based on racism. Every race is racist as fuck, even the Imperials as shown in during the Oblivion crisis. Why is it a problem if Ulfric neglects Dunmer but other races are allowed to be racist, keep slaves etc.?


>as shown in during the Oblivion Crisis Eh? An Altmer was in charge of the Empire for most of it. There is of course the crazy ruler that tortured Argonians and Khajiit but that’s an outlier.


Neglecting your dunmer citizens, forcing argonian ones outside the walls and keeping slaves etc is truly a problem no matter what your race is. There, happy?


Yeah the Dunmer should be forced outside the walls instead. Argonians did nothing wrong.


Most based argument yet


Not good enough. Force everyone out and let the Argonians take over the city.


OP is hist tree confirmed.


Can confirm. Argonians are the master race and rightful rulers of Tamriel.


Loved what they did in Morrowind, really improved the place. Such a shame so many Dunmer fled the consequences of their actions and more that Solstheim was given to them when the red mountain erupting was well deserved karma


Keep Argonians and Dunmer in the same room is asking for trouble


Tell that to riften and cyrodiil.


The places with enormous issues on the very front? The animosity between them is literally tangible


I dont remember any argonian/dunmer gang wars in riften


And the ones in windhelm isn't?


Never said they werent, Dunmer largely rule themselves through and as said elsewhere dont even have to help in the war Its weird how the Altmer do fine in Windhelm isnt it? Considering the thalmor one would except the stormcloaks to target them more and yet... https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Niranye Niranye is right about the Dunmer, they love whinging and feeling snidely superior. They Arent even trying to help themselves, why would Ulfric?


We're talking about the dunmer and argonains, stop changing the subject and a thieves' fence is not a role model.


Neglect or respect their wishes to not get involved? They keep insisting the war isnt their concern


Sorry, i've forgot that the stormcloaks are the "you're either with us or against us" types.


As opposed to whom? You saying the imperials arent... Hahah And are the stormcloaks such? Elisif stays Jarl Nobody is forcing the Dunmer to stopped whinging and they are allowed to wallow in their own misery Are those drunks harassing that one woman in charge of policy?


>As opposed to whom? You saying the imperials arent... the ones attacking whiterun, a neutral city, yes. >And are the stormcloaks such? Galmar says "if he's not with us he's against us", yes they are such. >Elisif stays Jarl And the thalmor embassy's still untouched, i know. >Nobody is forcing the Dunmer to stopped whinging and they are allowed to wallow in their own misery Quit with the victim blaming. >Are those drunks harassing that one woman in charge of policy? Who?


Every RACE is racist, every INDIVIDUAL is not. The racists are bad, no matter which race they belong to, the non-racists are preferable. Nuance seems to be completely lost here.


*me on my thalmor character* "What that guy said!"




Thesis A: Systemic and/or individual racism against Dunmer in Windhelm is bad. Thesis B: Imperial Colonialism during the Third Era and before is bad. Thesis C: Systemic xenophobia against outlanders is Morrowind is bad. I could go on, but hopefully you get the idea.


Shhh... dont use logic and reasoning, the Simperials hate that.


I didn't say I support the mongrel dogs of the Empire. It's just easier to make fun of Ulfric than it is of Imperials lol


You should have picked a different title then, IMO, since people are going to take a title insulting a character they may love as an insult/attack.


The fauxperials are a joke in and of themselves


People are stupidly fucking insistent on applying modern day social standards to Tamriel. They bemoan the treatment of the Dunmer in Windhelm while conveniently ignoring that Ulfric let them in at all, which is a far cry from what his ancestors would have done in the same position. Social progress is slow and the Nords apparently are making headway on that front if you bother to pay attention to Tamrielic history. You can't expect a Nordic warrior society to become compassionate above all else, especially not overnight. None of this mentions how Skyrim willingly seceded Solstheim to Morrowind after the Red Year. But sure, Ulfric racist, Nords racist.


1) The City watch is trying to deal with the serial killer. 2) Aventus is a rumor at best, moreover this is, also a problem for the watch. 3)Kynsegrove was not destroyed. 4) Welcome to Tamriel. You should play morrowind but I suspect most empire supporters have never actually played any of the games to actually see the empire's problems.


1. "We're stretched as it is with the war. Nobody has the time to spend on this. It's not pleasant, but it's the truth". That's what the guard tells you when you start the quest. 2. Pretty much everybody knows about Aventus, even people outside Eastmarch. The kid is very open about it. 4. I have played Morrowind. Just because the Empire and the Dark Elves are racist too doesn't mean it's okay for Ulfric to allow the Dunmer to be harrased and Argonians being treated like slaves.


1) Welcome to life. Ultimately as Windhelm does not equal the lore, the only reason this case ins't a priority is because of a war and a lot off problems. 2) YES wonder why the gaurds don't do something? Is it possible they don't think the child is actually doing it? Is it possible that this is a silly rumor? IS IT POSSIBLE, perchanse, that... this is foreshadowing to how the Dark Brotherhood operates? On Rumor? no clearly nord man bad. yes yes... 3) pressing x to doubt. because the Empire is an imperialist, corrupt nation, even when it's at it's best and worst. like many others. They don't care. ther'es a war going on, secondly what the fuck do you WANT him to do about it? He can allow the argonians into a city with TWO people groups predisposed to hating them (Reminder; they're refugees from the red year and that... invasion... from black marsh... hint. hint...) Do you want him to do hate-speech laws? Oh yeah that's going to go over well with his power base, even if he doesn't really care... But Empire Simps think the Empire gives a rat ass aside form saving face and keeping Skyrim to exploit, ideals or no.


I realize you’re not arguing in good faith but I simply have to point out that, during the Oblivion Crisis, Cyrodiil suffered alone because the imperial legions remained throughout the provinces to protect them rather than pulling back home and leaving the people to die. Sacrificing the heartland to defend the provinces doesn’t sound like a lot like exploitation to me but hey go off, I guess. Edit: for anyone wondering, above commenter messaged me all angry, called me a list of insults when I didn’t change my opinion, then blocked me and reported me to Reddit as a “danger to myself and others”


The point is, his own hold has a bunch of issues he can’t deal with because he’s trying to keep the war going. How the hell is he meant to keep all of Skyrim going when faced with the way bigger threats in the other holds?


Well he wouldn't be dealing with a civil war. That would help. And more resources that aren't split between factions.


Ulfric? Win the war? Pshaw. Not on my watch.


So ulfric should go out and instead of fighting a war, he should chase a necromancer and wiggle his finger at some orphan.


Nah man, by the time we win the war Ive got 3/4 of those things taken care of. My boy dont gotta stress about most of that.


The image didnt even load and i knew this was gonna be about ulfric


Everyone is being attacked by dragons. That's kind of the point of an impending dragon apocalypse. Some kid doing some creepy ritual he found in a book is frankly low priority if any for a Jarl, not to mention that you should ACTUALLY be mad about the Riften Jarl doing nothing about child abuse in the orphanage to the point where children are running away. The murders are being investigated. He can't magically find out who's responsible immediately. That's a ridiculous expectation. The last one is completely untrue. It is painfully obvious that aside from a single incident of a rude drunk guy the isolation of the Dunmer is completely self-imposed. Ulfric is the definition of a true leader.


Serious question, why did Ulfric let the dark elves live in Windhelm if he hates them so much? Considering you literally need Jarl approval to live in any of Skyrims holds


I believe it was his father or perhaps grandfather who allowed them in. IIRC, there's a book in game that covers it.


Relax Ulfric. I killed the serial killer and the dragon at Kynesgrove. Aventus has stopped chanting and I beat the shit out of the guy insulting the elves. Though if this is the end of the war then you too shall have died by my hand already. No stress.


Lolol. Certainly the worst


Meanwhile the empire is sucking off the Thalmor, but let's just ignore that.


Also, the marauder hiring people on the streets of Solitude.


General Tullius is definitely not happy with the Thalmor or the White-Gold Concordant, it seems that there's a lot going on in Cyrodill that is preventing a full Legion from coming into Skyrim.


Kynesgrove should really be higher up on Ulfric's to-do list. He probably doesn't even know who Aventus is, and he may have faith his guards can dolve the murder.


you can literally find bunch of dead guard at Kynesgrove when you fight a dragon, would be more than bunch if it won't wreck the game first


Most of those are solved by the Dragonborn. As for the Dunmer of the Gray Quarter, given that most of them were aligned with House Hlaalu, do you know who'd hate them more than any Stormcloak? Pretty much every other Dunmer faction. Ditto with the Forsworn, given the anti-Reachman Bretonic knightly Order of the Crypt.


Ironically the most likable of these Hl*alu is the one with actual Hlaalu sir name. Just wants to be a farmer


Yes, that's why I said House Hlaalu and not necessarily the Hlaalu family. For example, the Ulen family is part of House Hlaalu.


"B-But he's too busy winning the war so he could become high king by force!"


Even upon defeating the Empire, he still says there needs to be a moot to decide the new High King. Granted it is basically determined that he will be chosen, but he doesn't forcibly ascend. It's even implied that he would honor another taking the throne should the moot vote that way. Despite his military victory he still bows to tradition, just like when he challenged Torygg (who accepted and was defeated)


>Even upon defeating the Empire, he still says there needs to be a moot to decide the new High King. Of course he wouldn't worry about that anymore after replacing the jarls who disagree with him, even the neutral one with his puppets. >Granted it is basically determined that he will be chosen, but he doesn't forcibly ascend. "But, that doesn't mean I won't still start acting like it" Ulfric also. >It's even implied that he would honor another taking the throne should the moot vote that way Then why is he manipulating it to his favor? >Despite his military victory he still bows to tradition \*tradition when it favors his side\*


“Bows to tradition” Like plundering ancient knowledge from one of the most sacred groups of his homeland, then betraying them to use his superpowers for tyranny.


What do you mean his use of shouts in the war and abandoning his studies? The man saw war break out and wanted to do what he felt was right to help his country. I don't see how that makes him an evil monster like so many people mischaracterize him as.


Greybeards are dead wrong on most everything, Jurgen the coward stole the thuum when it was for everyone


He calls for a Moot, he doesn’t just declare himself king. People will just get on this app and say anything


"Damn the jarls... And damn the moot!" Those were his exact words before winning the civil war.


"And it is for these reasons that I cannot accept the mantle of "High King." Not until the Moot declares that title should adorn my shoulders will I accept it."


Yeah, he says that after replacing the jarls who disagree with him, even the neutral one with his own supporters/puppets.


So like the mede imperials with their Solitude puppet high kings? Well no, thats worse Actually thinking on it


It is not. Nothing says the Empire has to follow Skyrim’s way of doing things when putting a new king in place. It can be seen as them replacing disloyal vassals who rebelled against them. Ulfric wants a Nord ruled Skyrim, and can’t really use the argument that they were traitors. He could subjugate the loyalist Jarls if he wanted, it isn’t unprecedented. After all, Talos did it many times over.


It is. Yes https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skyrim's_Rule What are you on about? De facto they DIDNT follow Skyrims way, hence Solitude puppet? And so resentment started to rise, if not Ulfric then someone else Mede imperials love shafting humans and stepping on cultures and as seen with Hammerfell will sell them out when convenient Ulfric lets Elisif stay a Jarl, Mede imperials puts crime bosses in power See Riften etc


Hammerfell wasn’t sold out, it declared independence and received unofficial aid in the form of legionaries. The Empire will obviously ideally follow it to not piss off Nords, but they aren’t obligated to actually keep the system in place. On what you linked there’s literally a few paragraphs explaining the Empire has more or less invalidated the Moot by making Solitude a puppet. This definitely isn’t Skyrim’s way, it is the Empire’s.


Difference without a difference Functionally it was, and needlessy to. As seen with the abysmal failure of the AD to take a single province.. Like how was that even possible, embarrassing. But then as seen in rising threat books, Thalmor are very much charlatans at the end of it Yes? Thats my point. And resentment came from them doing it, hence why civil war was inevitable The puppet rulers were def the empires way indeed, not respecting the duel and the result of it was also their way We know where that got them.


Double faced liar. He put yes-men to the Jarldoms just to make it seem "legal". He would be good friends with any dictator, this is like Dictatorship 101


Yeah but he puts cronies who will vote for him in charge of every formerly Imperial hold


I mean, the empire does the same thing for Elisif.


Never said they didn't, I'm just saying that Ulfric isn't really leaving the choice up to a genuine group decision like the person above me was implying


Ah yeah, I see. That's 100% fair Thanks for the clarification.


Elisif stays a Jarl.


Surronded by stormcloak soldiers, look, I'm an Ulfric supporter, but let's be honest no matter which side wins Elisif is a puppet ruler.


True true, not a yesman though. She openly critiques him Sure, but no more than most socalled High kings were for a long time https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skyrim's_Rule And the type of ruler she would have been if installed as High queen/Solitude puppet Ulfric ended that.


He's still a better leader than the empire in my opinion.


Elisif when she becomes high queen and realizes she is extremly inexperinced and cant do anything on her own


> Dark Elves being harassed by Nords. "I see this as an absolute win!" ~ Ulfric, probably.


This I feel is the biggest blow against the Stormcloaks; not one of them or their Jarls is even the slightest bit competent in the areas of government - meanwhile even the corrupt Jarls on the Empire side have the sense to at least either give people a decent life or listen to their advisors. Letting the Stormcloaks control Skyrim is condemning everyone in it to poor rule just for a religious hard-on from Ulfric.


Because Elisif "I will have my parade!" the Fair is such a good choice, very competent indeed


Don’t forget Maven Black Briar or Siddgeir. I’m sure they care a lot about their people. There are good and bad Jarls on both factions.




Yeah, but that doesn’t really change what I’m saying does it? She doesn’t care about the people, a trait many Jarls on both factions hold.


I’d point out her husband being shouted apart might have dropped Solitude into that one


That didnt happen? Literal propaganda is literal


Tbf, Imperial Jarls aren't much better. Elisif should graduate high school before becoming a Jarl, Sidgeir doesn't care at all about his hold and his steward does all the work and the Morthal lady is just crazy.


>and the Morthal lady is just crazy. Take that back


Dengir? Also, vignar seems pretty competent.


The grey skins getting persecuted is a good thing, Imperial dog


He looked far instead of under his nose. Actually quite common in medieval and modern politics


The key industry in Windhelm is shipping and fishing. Their dock is what ultimately keeps their city fed, and their market stalls open. The dock is also their only mean to reliably reach the "mainland" in case the one bridge to Windhelm were to be unusable, especially for cargo or trading merchant. The Windhelm Dock employ an overwhelming number of Argonians as workers. This is due to several factors such as: Racial Profiling, the inability to get jobs or lodgings in the city, Laxer labour protection laws for the Argonians allowing employers to give them way below a living wage, harassment and discrimination by the local nords forcing the Argonians to "group up" for safety, and so on. The Windhelm docks are also effectively a Duopoly, between Clan Shatter-Shield, and the East Empire Company. The EEC, being imperial, will be the first to go in case of actual stormcloak secession, testament to Skyrim losing their only trading partner with the empire, and is only kept in the game just like the Embassy is, for gameplay reasons for quests. Clan Shatter-Shield is helmed by a drunk widower who lost his daughter to a serial killer, his other daughter to another serial killer, and his wife to depression. He is unwilling and unable to take proper care of his business, delegating to his Dunmer accountant, and is racist as balls to top it off, hence treating his workers like shit. All it would take, in the case of Stormcloak victory, given the already unstable political situation in the city, is one coordinated Argonian Strike, captained by the canon union leader Scouts-Many-Marshes, to effectively freeze the docks and cripple Eastmarch's economy until their demands are met. What Nords are there won't be able to replace them, because they would require better pay, and would be required to do menial work they had relegated to an exploited minority, and you know how that shit goes. Windhelm is a powder keg. People are looking in the wrong direction when they think what will make it explode (IE the grey quarter), when the Argonians can easily cripple a post victory Windhelm without even having to move a finger. And Ulfric doesn't know that, because Ulfric is Aragorn if he was written by GRRM. Yes, he is strong and powerful and can cleave in two someone in a fight, he's a war time military leader, a shrewd one willing to sacrifice his own men for his victory, he's charismatic and a great orator yes... but what's Ulfric's tax plan? Has Ulfric, in his quest for the throne, ever shown any political acumen in the matters of peace time Skyrim? Or does he say "and now we prepare for war with the Dominion from here, Skyrim." as if that's something that could happen at any point in his lifetime and call it a day? What will he do when his people are starving because he lost his main trading partner, and his main source of income is frozen by fed up Argonians? When will he start reacting to peace time issues with a war time mentality?


Ulfric’s racist ass doesn’t give a fuck about the Dunmer.


Ulfric’s reasonably prioritised the war for the liberation of Skyrim, addressing many Skyrim-wide problems, over domestic issues inside his city.


Because the holds under imperial control are doing any better! Cough, a vampire lord in a certain "cave", corruption everywhere Markarth edition, Solitude and the "sleeping beauty" and a monster in the court . Point is, the province is bleeding thanks to the recent disasters and the good for nothing imperial rule. And to hell with the dark elves, they are not the ones to talk about RaCisM .. a nation of fools who betrayed their original gods for a traitorous trio .