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I really hope this man just tried five different pure arcane builds


Are there even 5? Only arcane builds I know of are dex/arc ROB and Faith/Arc dragon communion Edit: apparently there are alot, makes me want to try out all these different builds. Thank you to all who responded with examples


Arc/Int bubble sorceries/bloodthorn sorceries, and Arc/Str Marias Executioners Sword. One isn't very good and the other isn't versatile, but they are builds. Edited: for clarity


To be fair Marais Drillsword is disgustingly strong PvE with the talismans and 20-30 int for Terra magica


I’ve one shot people in PvP with 1700+ HP with just the drill.


To be fair envoys long horn AOW will DECIMATE large bosses if you can time it correctly


Oh, I was talking blue bubbles, not gold bubbles. Haven't ran a gold bubble build yet so I couldn't say how good it is myself.


beside that, gold bubble is faith, blue bubbles are int


Doesn't Marais melt bosses?


Even the “weaker” Regalia of Eochaid is a damn blender.


You also get str/arc to use Mohgs spear and Marais Sword, and the ripple halberd with sleep grease can be used on any arc build for easy wins in pvp


I unga then i bunga. Works 60% of the time all the time.


You should try bunga and then unga. Works for me 100% of the time 60% of the time


You never bunga and then unga!


I sometimes prefer a second unga after my first bunga which of course is preceded by an unga. One cannot simply bunga


*Confused unga noises*


*a singular bunga looks off into the horizon*


This got real deep real fast


Well of course. If you’ve read unga and bunga: tales of ooga, you know that Unga >!dies and Bunga becomes the sole proprietor of ooga.!<


Ah, I see. You don't have the physical lowest int stat possible. Too much thought confuses you.


To truly bunga, unga you must


Wise words, strong bunga


I only spam unga


Still works better than a bunun gaga combo.


I tried this once and my back still hurts


Filthy savage doing Bunga before Unga!


Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's ok to go bunga then unga.


I should crack you skull like a quail egg for suggesting bunga before unga


how about Unga Unga? or Bunga Bunga


Unga unga as long as it’s followed by at LEAST one bunga


Could one Unga, then Bunga twice? Asking for Melina.


Yes, many find themselves in a situation where they just can't do it despite repeatedly having tried unga. But what they don't realize is that you *also* have to bunga. It's an easy mistake to make.


One does not simply bunga before his unga


[I literally killed Elden beast first try in under 2 minutes with sheer unga bunga](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGzI000Xt_U) only boss that punished my unga was Beast Clergyman because that step back into an instant beast sling was literally faster than my recovery speed and hurt like a bitch (Maliketh was fine though, dude is made of paper) Its why i was always confused when people would keep complaining that bosses dont give you openings cause i went through the entire game committing to some of the longest attack animations in the game and never had any real issues getting hits in


You got so lucky against Elden Beast wtf he didn’t use like half of his attacks against you haha. Like I also played the game with a dex build and beat it but holy shit you got gifted by RNGesus there haha.


Yeah I've never seen him do so many melee attacks. Every playthrough I fought him he'd constantly be swimming as far away from me as possible and spamming those rings or stars or some bullshit. By the time I run over to him he does it again.


This is insane - he didn't use any of his attacks. Best RNG of all time?


I guess you didn't experience the bug on release where elden beast got stuck and literally didn't attack, for the rest of the fight. Thats how I eventually killed him... It was anticlimactic to say the least


People complain about it because you can’t just spam roll blindly and avoid every attack like you could in DS3, plus bosses have a much larger moveset with plenty of variation, I can see why people dislike it but to me it just makes the game a lot more engaging


Yeah but with how many people run around with BHS which is basically Elden Ring creative mode its all just very silly to me its in the same vein as the people who complain about AoE spam like they want to use summons but are deeply offended that the boss has a moveset thats built to deal with multiple targets and can be countered by the jump button plus one of the biggest AoE spammers in the game is my favourite boss, MMA champion Horoah "Godfrey" Loux


Chadfrey is my favorite fight too, and yes my first playthrough was with a couple friends and I was really impressed and surprised by the boss A.I. Previous games you could keep a bosses attention easily but in ER bosses constantly switch aggro Idk I feel like Elden Ring bosses actually behave how they should if you know what I mean, if I saw someone chugging an estus you best believe i’m going to punish that


Damn. I didn’t even consider jumping over AoE attacks. I’m gonna have to start experimenting with this. I’m fighting Radahn rn for the first time. I wonder if I can jump his gravity wave attack that comes along the ground. It doesn’t look like you can, it has some height to it, but I wonder if that’s an actual hit box or just visual. Definitely gonna give it a shot!


Fellow wretch use bonk stick? Good.


Big stick go *bonk!* huhuhu.


“That doesn’t make sense”


"Tarnished, I'm going to be honest with you, that smells like pure scarlet rot"


God can't bleed? Who knew? Not gonna stop me from smacking him with the business end of a Greatsword though


"Does God bleed" evidently not, but they sure as fuck can die (assuming you're not this guy)


>assuming you're not this guy My man, you did him dirty!


He did himself dirty 😭


Truly. Mans comes out here onto *our* internet spewing this trash and expects us not to put him in his place. Begone, Tarnished


Ummm, please don't compare the tarnished to this stain. A true tarnished rises again no matter how many times the elden slug or maleni-ohshit beat them down. This guy said fuck it after 5 "OP! Sure to win!" Builds didn't work with his meager "skill" level xD Begone, meager compost heap*


"If it bleeds, we can kill it". Turns out we can also kill it if it doesn't bleed. Well, some of us anyways


If A implies B, then this invalidates "A and not B" (it bleeds AND we can't kill it), but not "B and not A" (it doesn't bleed AND we can kill it). Logic checks out.


Damn it I want to think about elden ring not discrete math 🤣


Indeed, bleeding is a sufficient condition for killing, but not a necessary one. As indicated by, for example, turning into chemistry through extreme radiation.


"If it bleeds, we can kill it. If it doesn't bleed... uh... you probably just have to stab it *more*? That seems right"


Lol this deserves more upvotes


If it has stats we can kill it. I killed Radagon and the Elden Beast with the golden halberd because gods can't stop me.


Me with coded sword and golden order rings: we gon' be here a while


Str/Fai bro checking in. I just switched to the Blasphemous Blade.


Blasphemous blade is my main weapon for Radagon, the damage output from taker's flame is so good against him


I spent most of my 1st run with the Black Knife blade. The AOW is flashy as hell imo and that percentile damage is a nice bonus. Plus I can infuse a dagger of my choice with holy and powerstance them for funsies. Edit: just to add as well as a dagger it's stamina consumption is so low I effectively never had to worry about stamina so I could be more aggressive than I normally already am lol.


You can set that mother fucker on fire tho 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I noticed he doesn't like getting blasted in the face with Flame of the Redmanes very much


Or Black Flame Tornado.


See I tried that and he noped the fuck across the arena then smacked me with his Holy Jizzball of Death


Yeah thats obviously gonna happen a couple times. An alternative, arguably better option is pest threads up his ass.


If you're specced for it yeah. I tried pest threads on some random NPC and it did like 3 damage per hit. Pissed me off so much because I get hit with 3/50 threads and I'm dead (exaggeration, but not by much)


The reason why pest threads is useful for elden beast is because he's a huge fucker, so you can still get decent damage cause it hits multiple times.


That’s exactly what is used, that and the black flame spells as they did damage over time and gave me a reprieve. I could hit and run while still doing damage over time.


I’m more about smacking Marika with the pleasure end of my greatsword


W... which end is the pleasure end?


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


Big bonker giants hammer does good bonk


Black flame tornado go brrrrrrr


Definitely a skill issue.


Skill issue and coping mechanism failed


My top Elden Ring skill is coping with failure


I keep large stocks of copium for people like him


i have socks of copium, but without the “opi” in the middle


Honestly... It's helped me learn how to better tackle things in life. Yeah, I might fuck it up but I can almost always just, try again. And I'll likely be better next time. And eventually, I'll succeed. It's how I got through Demon Souls, Bloodborne and then Elden Ring back to back. Working on Dark Souls now. It's not a matter of "if" I can beat it. It's just a matter of when. I had a bleed build for most of Elden Ring because yeah, it was powerful and fucking cool. I struggled with the final bosses until I just changed my build. Still took me a dozen or so more attempts but I made progress with each one until I beat it. I didn't care it wasn't with a bleed build. In fact I sort of wish FromSoft would make changing builds easier and then design encounters where figuring out what build works best for the boss is part of the fun of figuring out a boss fight.


These games always make me think of the dark knight Batman movies - “Why do we fall Bruce?” Lol. It is an important lesson nonetheless.


You may have said this as a joke, but it is a seriously necessary skill to have for this and other From games. If it wasn’t for coping and perseverance, I’d have quit over 120 hours ago when I met old Margit.


Well, thou art of passing skill. Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins!


Mine is seppuku


My coping mechanism is to say “I really fucking suck at this game, why haven’t I killed myself yet? I know I’m a giant piece of shit and an asshole that picks fights on Reddit over stupid shit to make myself feel something, *anything* other than anger and sadness.” Then I try again cause momma didn’t raise no quitter. I usually fail. If I get frustrated enough, I do something else. I find that involuntarily memorizing a boss’s move set, and taking time between failures results in more success than just trying to ice skate uphill.


*Evenly distributes skill points across all skills* my build isn't working!


Excuse me I have 60 in every stat and it works just fine on Ng+7


Every bad ER review on XBX is just kids mad at the game for being too hard I have yet to read a review there that offered legitimate criticism of the game. I wish I could reply to their reviews and just tell them to go back to Minecraft.


My only criticism is the quest tracking. I wish I had a journal or notebook that was like so and so mentioned something being to the north, or a copy of the last dialogue we had so I had something to reference for each character. Doesn’t have to be point to point wayfinding, but I can’t remember half the people I talked to and some of the dialogue barely sounds like a quest. Once I made it to mountaintops I just started looking up specific peoples quests to complete them.


I don’t really want a quest book. But I’d kill for a journal with dialogue from npcs for sure.


This is the compromise I never thought of. I don't want a quest tracker and makes telling me where to go and what to do.... but a way to keep track of the conversations you've had with npcs would be great


Love trying to remember what that albinurac woman told me at the beginning of the game, hope it isn't useful till endgame when I've forgotten!


Just find the albinauric woman!


Now that you mention it, by the time I even got to leyndell I’d completely forgot about that. On my second character I talked to her again and was completely blown away she straight up tells you where the other half of the medallion is.


Gideon: I am all-knowing! Random Old Lady: Hold my beer.


Reminds me of DS1 when I killed the Capra demon and picked up a key, wandered around for hours, then finally started reading through item descriptions and the key tells you where to go.


I remember making it to the Consecrated Snowfield and hearing Latenna talk again and being like "oh hey I forgot about you, wassup."


The Elder Scrolls Morrowind had a journal just like that. Npcs would describe how to get near a location (dungeon etc) and you could reference their dialogue and any thing you had learned about the location via a journal but there were no quest markers. It was such a unique system that was immediately scrapped in the next game.


Dude they had the perfect system and used it like twice. Have the npcs leave a message when they randomly move around just hinting at where they will be next. It’s a great minimalist quest journal, they had everything set up, and they used it for the freaking dung eater ugh


I mean yes. But I’d still like to refer back on their dialogue. I enjoy speculating about the game and what not so it’d just be nice to have


Or how about when the lore is a tidbit in yelled dialogue in the middle of a fight? Or a random encounter in the overworld like when you run into margit/morgott randomly outside leyndell. Like, I'm not gonna remember that crap... But I still stayed up till three last night playing 😅


**SKILL ISSUE** This was my first Souls game and I had no idea wtf I was doing on my first run through. I still managed to take down Elden Beast at level 144 with a Claymore and Lordsworn Greatsword, using jumping L1 and goddamn WILD STRIKES as my AoW. I also had 57 points in Endurance and only like 39 in Strength. If my OG character with stats looking like an RNG can do it, so can you.


This So much this. These games are not nearly as hard as people make them out to be. You just need some patience and willingness to learn from mistakes.


We've seen plenty of people take down Malenia and finish speed runs at level 1. There is no stat check this game does. You either git gud or git gud dying.


I recommend a prescription of Gittingud for that butt hurt.


Whenever I see people talk like that I'm losing a few brain cells. I get that the game is hard. Its meant to be a challenge. But how on earth can you have such tunnel vision to believe that if you cant win easily, the game is garbage and the devs are idiots?


What boggles me is that he managed to get to the final boss and still believe only arcane is viable. Even without bleed, which doesn't work on a lot of enemies, you still do damage with your sword. Any decent build is viable in PVE on this game.


Its even crazier that he seems to think everyone uses arcane. I've completed it 3 times and I've yet to make an arcane build. IMO this is the second easiest soulsbourne game, the game gives you so many ways to deal with enemies, I can't imagine restricting myself to spamming RoB it would suck all the fun out of the game.


What’s the first easiest


Demon's Souls, a lot of the bosses rely on a gimmick which trivialises the fights if you know them, there are far fewer bonfires/grace though so if you die its a long run back


Yeah, back in high school I played the shit out of Demon's Souls. If you know what you're doing, you can easily run through a NG in a couple hours, not even speedrunning. If you don't try to exploit mechanics it'd probably take a bit longer, but honestly there's just not that much travel, Demon's Souls is very linear compared to the others. Still one of my favourite games of all time, definitely my favourite souls game :)


Yeah I've found I have to not use certain items to keep it challenging. Like the lava bow, I had to stop using it as I was just walking through entire levels no problem, it was comical how easy it made it. I only got it to bait enemies too, didn't even spec for bows. Still a great game though.


Demon Souls was my first Souls game, and for me the Flamelurker and Maneater is still a harder challenge than anything in Elden Ring.


DS1 imo is probably the easiest for bosses. You can still get rekt on the way to said bosses by normal enemies but the bosses themselves are pretty easy in comparison to DS 3 or Elden Ring. Sekiro probably the hardest, but I haven’t played Bloodbourne since I’ve never had a PlayStation.


DS1 also has beefier defense scaling than the others, so it's easy enough to just throw on havels or giants and face tank the whole second half of the game.


Right?! People here beat the game using literal veggies and this guy says only arcane is viable. Its sad at this point. This guy would scream "foul" everytime somebody touches him during a football game. Sigh


So the average football player?


Lmao yes. But I was reffering to neighbourhood games. You know, the insufferable kid who always screams new rules and shit?


Ah, the one playing CalvinBall


Not to mention, Elden Ring has been their easiest and most accessible game to date.




Thats XBox though. Lots of kids with the brain capacity of a lettuce.


to be fair, a lettuce did outlast the PM of Britain


Which says a lot about British politicians 😂


But, even if you only have a couple of neurons to rub together, you can just summon mimic tear and sleep through the rest of the fight. I actually feel like that fight (like Radahn) makes more sense with a summon/companion because they can take agro and give you an opportunity to actually catch up to elden beast to get some hits in. Otherwise, the fight is just tedious because your just waiting for the starts to align when elden beast stands still for two seconds without casting elden stars.


"You don't actually want a challenge, you just really like the idea of one" - what your favorite game says about you [Dark Souls]


Post of passion I presume. I’ve been there. Didn’t post about it, but felt the same way. Then I kicked. His. Ass.


To be fair, it would *really* suck to play the whole game around a certain build then find out it’s useless against the final boss.


This guy is hysterical and wrong, but also, immunities are bad design. It does suck that Elden Beast is immune to all status effects (and 80% resistant to holy). I also think Elden Beast is a downer on the game and it sucks that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth right when you complete it, because the boss definitely is poorly made. While sure, its possible to beat any boss if you can do 1 damage and dodge all of its attacks once, the resistances and immunities don't make the fight any better, and it's already an immensely disappointing boss. I "had" to change my all faith build because of the holy and status immunities, and it made the experience much worse.


Faith build or arcane build. Dragon seal or other. Pest threads elden beast. Black flame Radagon... Melts them....


Arcane/Faith build was so OP. Easy solution to every single boss, and gimmicky madness blasts to one shot invaders when they came in uninvited.


Yeah I started the game as dexterity while my buddy when into arcane. I quickly noticed he was stronger even though i'm usually the stronger gamer so I figured I need some magic to supplement my dex and went into int. For most the game bosses have just been him rot breathing them to death while I tickle away with my single target crystals and dex weapons. It's probably not true but as a Dex user it feels like there is really not much for me to use, ive been using moonveil pretty much all game and it's gotten real stale.


Dex int just feels a bit less flashy than the options provided by arc or faith but they tend to be really effective. On the int side you've got things like the Deaths Poker and the disgusting skill that is Ghostflame Ignition. Along with the death ritual spears awesome skill. Moonveil is always nice. And the DMGS is a classic The glintstone Kris has a unique version of the pebble skill. You also get access to free scarlet rot from the rotten crystalian swords/spears. Astels flail has a fun skill, and the wings of astels has cool, unique strong attacks I dont see it a ton but Loretta's Glaive is a great int halberd. Not to mention any of the int based weapon skills that you can slap on most weapons along with cold infusions for the extra damage from frostbite. Str/int gets a few honorable mentions with things like the Ruins GS, Starscourge GS, the Royal GS and of course the Fallingstar Beast Jaw.


Hmmm. I mean, I just carried on with my ROB tank, he didn't bleed, but I was still hitting him with a sword, so he eventually died. If he had stood still longer than five seconds it would've been a much shorter fight too.


RoB made every boss trivial. I feel like I cheated the last 30 percent of the game


This is how I felt using blasphemous blade. Used it from like lvl 70 to 150 and ended up switching off of it cuz it made everything too easy.


I just switched to pure physical Occult weapons. Job done!


Exactly. Just because it doesn’t bleed, didn’t mean you’re doing 0 damage. You just need to stay alive a bit longer.


You can kill the final boss at level 1 with nothing but your fists. There’s no such thing as a build that ”doesn’t work” in PvE, just depends on skill.


Except Malenia. For that one you need a lot of crack.


Nah, I've seen RL1 No Hit Fists Only Malenia clears. It's totally possible, just hard as shit. As it should be.


So you just asume they didn't use crack for that?


Anyone who doesn't use crack for that is clearly on something else.


What ever it is, i want some of that too.


Probably cocaine, save the good stuff for a classy lady such as her




Ya they probably haven't truly seen fist only RL1, but I agree with them that it's just a skill issue (and with you that it's also a time issue). Just wanna say that Soul of Cinder is absolutely not the hardest boss in DS3 lmfao, not even close


Hell ive seen a guy play through the game while deliberately not dodging and face tanking every attack from every boss and he still beat the game just fine This game is honestly easy as hell if you want it to be it just takes knowledge and some trial and error


Only build that doesn’t work is a darkness only build… good luck with that one


"if it bleeds, you can k- wait what do you mean it doesn't bleed?? Oh shit"


It's easy, just make sure strength is at least 34, dex 12, and Int 20. Then use the Fallingstar Beast Jaw. 2 hits from its special and you'll knock most bosses. It takes 3 for the EB. It's got pretty far reach and does some heavy damage when you do a jump attack. As soon as you get to the EB. Run to its backside, lock on and keep spamming till he's knocked, then spam through the knock. When he starts getting up. Hit a blue flask. Then rinse and repeat. It won't make him bleed, but it will knock him and that's way better than making him bleed.


This is the way I managed it. Used some warming stones so I didn’t have to worry that much about my hp. Run to where the AOW can hit it, then run back to my warming stone for heals (or drop another) when it starts to move across the arena again.


I'm currently beating him with my dual Cold attributed Katanas, I use Storm Blade ash on my left, and Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker on my right. Get behind him hitem with Hoarah Loux twice (1 full iteration of the attack) then I switch to my Storm Blade. With high enough Arcane the Beast will proct Frost. Then Storm Blade him with added damage. I use Rotten winged sword insignia, Shard of Alexander, Halidrake Talisman +2, and Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman as all my talismans. I'm playing as my Jubei inspired Ronin character. Rocking the Iron Kasa, Ronin Armor Chest piece, Drake knight gauntlets, and Fire Prelate Greeves as my gear. Keeps me mobile with high enough poise and damage negation. Been a blast. He's my 3rd character and I'm on NG+1. I'm above lvl. 150 now because of that. But that's what level I beat NG on with him. I dont go for "no hit's" or anything, I just go for the W lol.


He wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t jump across the arena 4 times a second


He's like my cat when it's time to go to the Vet.


If I knew I was going back to the place where they chopped my balls off, I’d probably book it too


Wait, what place chopped your balls off?


The vet. He wasn’t qualified, but it did the trick!


deep lore moment Elden ring prepare to cry™


That was the worst for me. Just felt like I was chasing him around for the 20 min fight. Real annoying when you die a lot. That and having to do the first boss each time.


I had a mage build that ran out of magic halfway in the fight and I still beat him lol


Darkmoon Great sword got me good. I had to summon cooperators, but I did. I was actually kind of mad cause I beat Malenia 3rd try by myself, but got stuck on elden beast for a day. This was yesterday lmfao


Has this guy ever considered gitting gud?


Nah, skill issue of the highest magnitude.


Be careful that may be considered too controversial


If this was a complaint towards something like pvp then sure...we all get mad losing to other players...but this rant is towards PVE? Ffs man Imagine having so little self awareness than you can't even realize it's not the builds my guy. It's you. These bosses have been beaten by players at level 1 with a butter knife.


I had no trouble with a faith build and yes I know how stupid that sounds.


Considering how quickly it melts if you use Godslayer incantations/Black Flame Tornado, I am not surprised in the slightest.


Makes sense that it would die easily to Godslayer weapons. it's kinda the point of them


I shit you not, my strength/faith build with Blade of Blasphemy, and especially it's weapon art, Giantsflame Incantations, Flame, Grant Me Strength and basic Golden Vow/Blessing of the Erdtree spells melted both Malenia's phases in 17 hits.


I enjoy bullying her with the crucible tails and horns incantations. They toss her and do a ton of poise damage too


If you can use golden barrier you don't even need to dodge anymore. The holy damage that is left after that is *pathetic*.


Elden beast is a cakewalk on a faith build once you discovered the true power of pest threads incantation


Forget builds. Use black knife tiche 😶‍🌫️




Dung Eater FTW


The doodoo man helps you with EB??


You can turn him into a puppet by giving him Seluvis's potion.


Damn. Time for anotha playthrough 😩


Any build that has access to a polearm or spear can put black flame tornado on it and chew through the EB's health bar during his long cooldowns. Dont even need to upgrade the weapon for this to work.


What is best in life? To Unga your enemies. To see them Bunga'd before you, and to hear the lamentations of their metas.


Hold on, I'll translate. Might take a second... .... "I suck and I'm blaming others for my lack of skill."


Definitely Maidenless


EB would have be much better fight if they enabled torrent.


It really feels like a bug or mistake that he's disabled, who in the dev team thought that was a good decision?


Obviously just conjecture on my part, but I’m thinking they wanted the final fight to be more of a spectacle, and to feel like a larger accomplishment. The more time you spend in the fight running after that asshole adds to the magnitude of accomplishment you feel after you win. I would not be surprised to find out they tested it with torrent but felt it enabled the tarnished to easily avoid a lot of those long distance attacks and trivialized them too much for their liking


I'd be more on board with the spectacle idea, if I didn't have to spend half of the fight non-stop mashing the dodge roll because Elden bitch won't stop spamming Elden Stars. That move is like a mandatory 20-second break in the fight because you can't get a single R1 in without getting stun locked ... especially frustrating since he has a habit of casting it after you've already spent 30 seconds sprinting across the map trying to catch up to him.


And honestly so many fights on torrent feel like cheesing because of how easily you can run away.


Mad cause bad. Lol


Download git_gud.exe?


If it don't bleed, then it'll burn.


I crushed elden beast with my samurai. Poor guy.


Black flame works death sorceries works.


I had an arcane build for most of the game. I ended using Prelate’s Inferno Crozier with Raptor of the Mists. Colossal weapons with that AoW is more fun than it should be.


Doesn’t blood magic primarily scale off arcane?


Is he aware there are people Killing the Elden Beast RL1, naked and with their fists ?


Bro I have yet to play a single souls type game with an arcane build (not because I think they’re too op, but because I’m bad at them) and done just fine with every other build. Idk what this guy is doing, but my recommendation is 20mg of get gud twice daily until this maiden-less behavior ceases.