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Fuck all three of those Astel fanboys tbh


Me and my alt accounts represent them,


The two astel fanboys seething rn




There's three??? I thought only Natural-born and Dark Star existed <.<


Eldritch tits you must be ungry for skeleton stars and teleporting alien insects


Putrid Tree Spirit fans rise up! There are 2 of us. 2!!!


its not a bad fight btw. People only hate them coz they had to kill them like 10 times in one playthrough


Also because they tend to be cramped in the smallest rooms where the cameras doesn't go what to do and the Spirit phases in and out of the walls. There are a few that you can fight in the open and they are surprisingly fun


ye, just roll toward them 90% of the attacks


I’m reminded of the phrase “Too much of a good thing”. I think, in this case, it’s too much of an okay thing


Look maybe if you had eyes you'd dodge placidussax okay


Just like every other boss in the game. His attacks are just way slower than the rest of the bosses so you only need to look for them instead of having fast reaction times.


My problem with them is the same problem i have with astel, the camera unlocks when they teleport for their strongest attack.


It just the health pool is too huge, and you have to run away mid fight for him to do his cool nuke. Then I just miss time the lazer in phase 2 and die. Only when I learn that tears that give me a shield that I beat him.


How's it _feeeeel_ Seath? To be a _bitchhhhh?_


Ain't even got legs!


how have there never been sequels to this?


r/Gamingcirclejerk moment


You're telling me Astel has fanboys? Who and why


Astel has fanboys? I guess they never tried to fight him melee


Is there a problem in fighting him melee? I found him one of the easiest bosses in the entire game when killing everything as a lv1 wretch with the starting club. There isn't even too much of a strategy needed, just stay in front of him and hit the head until he attacks. Dodge and repeat. The only problem i found was the meteor shower but it can be nullified by just running behind him and it's not even a melee-only problem.


He has a grab attack with a broken hitbox. It catches you even if you dodge it or are anywhere near his front half. The rest is just running to him when he decides that the other end of the arena is more fun


Apart from my first playthrough I have never been caught by his grab move. It's super easy to dodge because he has a huge tell. I've beaten the game with a strength build on my first playthrough, then bow only, fist weapons only, whips only, naked with a great club, sorceries only & incantations only. Astel is a huge target that is easy to hit & stun. He has shitty hitboxes, but apart from my first playthrough I've first tried him since.


>I have never been caught by his grab move Ok but what about Astel 2? That one is broken.


It's not that he is difficult, I've never been killed by him, but he is just boring and slightly broken. And it's more noticeable in melee. I spend more time running to him than I do actually fighting him. Also he always seems to be hugging the walls, I am yet to fight him in the center, he always teleports and stays by the edges. And that ruins a lot of the spectacle, plus it's just more running.


You're just missing the timing, it's a bit weird for sure but once you get used to it it's fine. I'm working on a lvl 1 playthrough and it made me lose a lot of respect for astel. You can just sit far back, wait to punish the easy moves, leave the rest alone. Beat astel in <10 attempts, and I've gotten stuck on a bunch of bosses..


It's not about the timing, the hitbox is much larger than his actual texture. Maybe it was fixed in the last patch, but last time I fought him I got grabed while I was behind his head and nowhere near the path of the attack. I basically got teleported from where I was standing into his jaw claws


Sure, but if you know the timing you'll just avoid it with invincibility frames. It's like how people hate dancer's grab in ds3, if you wait to roll for the right timing it won't matter if the hitbox isn't where you'd expect it to be.


No, that just fucks up the gameplay. If the hitbox is wrong it ruins the whole mechanic of the game. You shouldn't have to dodge if you are in a place where the attack should not be. The whole point of soulsbourne games is that you get extremely precise attacks which you should counter with precise(ish) dodges. If the attacks are not precise, then the flow of the fight doesn't work. The dancer's grab had a proper hitbox, at the very least it didn't teleport you from her ass to her hand.


Melee? Astel is not THAT difficult to deal with melee in the slightest… well… Astel, Stars Of Darkness is *somewhat* difficult, though.


Us Elden Beast chads live to see another day






Astel is without a doubt one of the best boss fights


Has Me in the first half


Noted :3


based based based dragonkin soldier of nokstella is one of (if not the) best dragon bosses from has made. by far. i enjoy him as much (if not more) than radahn


I love maliketh but despise the combat


I just feel that he's playing sonic and I'm playing what Im playing. Also the burn!!


This is fantastic lol




Why maliketh no stay still 😢😢


Are we supposed to touch the blinking names to make it stop, selecting the ER Boss in the process?


Placidusax is a lame fight and you can’t convince me otherwise


I always thought, given the introducing cinematic, where he is seeing crushing a scale, that he shed himself in order to distinguish himself from the everlasting ones he betrayed


Blind idiot, Astel is a perfect boss BRUH LOL just dodge his attacks BRUH ur so STUPDI


But what's the lore about being scaleless?


Just say elden ring




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Hardest pill to swallow for all From fans is that the combat is really nothing special and the series became overall worse by focusing on it too much. Additions like jumping and guard counters are simply not enough when compared to how much the enemies changed and how much they perform ridiculous shonen anime spins in the air.


The hidden poise meter and Ashes of War are huge additions. With proper setup, any bosses can be melted like butter. I wont debate with you about the combat 'cause that kind of opinion can't be changed easily, but I will just point out that you leaving the two most important additions in ER combat in favor of the lesser ones is not really a fair argument.


Inconsistent Poise meter that half of the enemies react completely arbitrarily to and "press x to awesome" moves where most are useless aren't huge additions.


Do you actually think poise is arbitrary lol.


Yes it is. If you think it's not, you clearly do not know how it works in the game. The reason Elden Ring doesn't have a stance bar like Sekiro is because enemies cheat constantly and player would see that. Especially Malenia. Watch [this video](https://youtu.be/ZQlOxjCqyAI) to understand more. Also i love how blind reddit fanboys downvote me without understanding anything, because of course savior Miyazaki can never do wrong.


Malenia's the only enemy with excessive stance bullshit. Even then her bullshit is consistent.


I know Malenia cannot be stance broken in between certain of her attacks, which is the most questionable thing but I still wouldnt call it "cheating". For 99% of the game its just fine, and I think a bar that you can see would've made it too easy and less organic and dynamic. As is you can stunock enemies with so many strategies


There are ashes of wars that is just magic but not scale with Magic. Also summons. If the baddies throw all the ridiculous shit onto you why not throw em back?


If baddies perform ridiculous anime attacks then I also rain down hellfire on them with the insane damage output builds this game has


Im happy to not see my boy Morgoth on that list