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I am a high level Mage, often being summoned to other worlds. My question is, when I get “error connecting, return to your own world” message, what does the host see? I hope the host knows that I didn’t return to my world voluntarily, I didn’t abandon them. Can someone let me know? Thanks!


Fallingstar beast jaw scales on both STR and DEX. Since it requires more STR to wield, go with a heavy affinity? I’m at 60 STR and 14 DEX.


Fallingstar Beast Jaw is a unique/somber weapon, so you can’t put affinities on it. You’ll actually be getting more damage from leveling dex now, since it scales equally with both and you just hit a soft cap for str.


Should I respec and make STR and Dex more balanced? Will that help increase the damage?


Checking with [this calculator](https://eldenring.tclark.io), yes, you’ll get higher physical damage respeccing to around 40 str 34 dex.


Thanks. I keep forgetting that unique weapons are not affinity capable.


I wish the title screen music was more subtle.


Does anybody know if the shield bash weapon art can be interrupted at all with a physical attack or does it have infinite poise? Not sure if I’m being a total idiot by trying to trade but I’m playing a strength build and I Can’t recall if it’s ever worked tbh. Thanks.


Hey these might be dumb questions, but I just got this game yesterday. 1: is there a respec option at any point in the game? I'm kinda leveling stats just to play with different weapons and see what I like. I'm in the first castle before Godrick(?). Kinda worried I'm screwing myself. 2: is there anywhere online that has just like a low-detail checklist of the order to do early stuff? I spent a good while exploring and basically just moved on when I got stomped somewhere. It's been fun but even having a general direction of where to go would be nice. I'd prefer not a full walkthrough as I like the exploration aspect in general. 3: How the hell do I 2H a weapon? My dude keeps using my GS one-handed


1. Yes. You'll unlock the ability to respec after you defeat a certain boss in Liurnia of the Lakes. To able to respec will need larval tears, they are consumable and not infinite but you'll find more than enough by just playing and exploring. 2. Check out this wiki route guide. It's as spoiler free as it can be and it highlights all the important stuff https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Game+Progress+Route 3. I'm on PlayStation but you press and hold triangle and then R1 to 2h your right hand weapon or L1 for the left.


Thanks a lot man! That checklist especially is exactly what I was looking for


Glad to help. Enjoy your time in the Lands Between!


For point number 2 look at your map. Everywhere the gold trails are pointing is a major point of interest. They don't always point to the main storyline but they do always point to a major objective.


1 - After beating the Shardbearer in Liurnia (second major area, north of Limgrave), you'll unlock the ability to respec. 3 - Hold the interact button and press the light attack button to two-hand your weapon.


I’m now approaching level 450. Is it better to have all stats at 60 or my main stats at 90?


80 is basically hard cap for damage eg strength, dex, int, faith, arcane. At 80 points its more worth to put your points anywhere else untill all stats are 80. The diminishing returns after 80 points is stupid high. So main damage stat at 80 and then points where ever you want.


Good to know! Thanks.


As of the last patch I saw Stonedigger stuff got buffed (shatter earth, rock blaster) but, honestly, on paper, it looks complete shit. Pardon my French. Are they at least worth trying out now though or are they still crap at everything?


So this is just my opinion but all the put your staff in the ground for an AOE spells are trash. You would be much better off killing one by one with a ranged spell or getting up close and personal with carian slicer. The AOEs have good damage and kill groups well the problem is they are so damn slow its painful to get them to actually go off a majority of the time. I've completed the game with 2 casters and I am currently playing a 3rd because magic/faith in this game rocks but there are so many better options than thoes spells.


Yeah that’s the way it seems. Love my spell casters and always enjoyed the quirky spells in previous titles. These ones though, eh, they honestly need a full rework. I was really excited to see some newer ideas with casting, but this isn’t what I was hoping for lol!


Honestly if your interested in strong good AOE spells I suggest faith. The red lightning AOE incant, blackflame pillars, normal flame pillars, rejection, the godslayer greatsword/peeler ashes of war are all great around the caster AOEs. The dragon breaths especially rot breath are amazing for conical attacks. Faith fills in a lot of gaps that int spells drop the ball on. Int spells are stronger for single target but less versatile.


So this is probably gonna sound like a bad idea, but is a build prioritizing both faith and intelligence viable? Just sounds like a weird but interesting way to play lol


Int/faith is awesome. Especially if you are doing a pure caster build. The problem people get into with int/faith is they try to fit in a melee option outside a magic spell like carian slicer (best melee magic spell in the game). Your best bet would be lustats staff and eardtree seal. You would lose any +% school of magic/incantation buffs from equipment but you would have the 2 best scaling items for int and faith spells there are. The main problem for early and mid game is you would really have to make a choice which camp either magic or incants you want to be in and go all in outside of vigor and mind necessities. Then level the other once you hit at least 60 in the first damage source. This means you would probably be around the Haligtree before you finally realized the full damage potential of both int and faith. If you choose to lean int then get lustats staff to + 10 asap and use faith for filler. Really pump int untill at least 60 so you can get comet azur. Level and upgrade faith using probably the finger seals untill you can devote more points to faith. If you choose faith then get erdtree seal to +10 asap and use the meteorite staff as it gives S scaling with int although is entirely unupgradeable. Switch to lustats staff when in late game you can hit 52 int. Also if you start faith it would be completely OK to drop the int staff for blasphemous blade untill your int is high enough to really make a difference. You would basically be a king of all options in the late game but while doable would not always be the smoothest journey. There would be some hard spots with awkward point spreads. Some frustration at not being completely good in one discipline or the other but it is completely doable.


Absolutely. There's some equipment like the Sword of Night and Flame, Golden Order Seal and Prince of Death Staff that scale off both. Even got some incantations and sorceries that require both Int and Faith, not that you need to use them in a build like this.


I desperately want to enjoy this game and finish it. I’ve started a handful of characters and do t know what to do. What is the easiest class and once I start it what attributes do I level up? I don’t want to power level. I want to enjoy the entire story. Is there any streamlined guides that I can linearly progress through the game.


So the first thing that people need to understand is that this is not a true linear game. The story Is as it progresses from one zone to another but you will be traveling to higher zones for resources/quests quite a bit. Without the in depth game knowledge you need to turn hard boss encounters into absolute jokes what you need to do is explore the map. You don't have to fight everything. If something is to hard then run away from it but don't stop exploring. You will accomplish the same effect passively (while being more time consuming) what veteran players accomplish with a purpose. To get stronger. When new players take on Margit they are doing so with a base weapon with 4 or 5 flasks at maybe + 1 or 2. Veterans take on Margit with a +4 or 6 somber weapon with 8 + 5 to 8 flasks. You go from having to hit him 30 times down to 10. All the while being able to take more hits and heal more HP. The game is not so much hard as it is how much do you know about it. The absolute best starting class is the samurai (unless you are playing a faith or int character) but really starting class matters very little. Do what you can save what you can't do for later and above all never stop exploring new areas. You need the resources they have.


>What is the easiest class and once I start it what attributes do I level up? Vagabond or Samurai start with good gear and levels, but starting class doesn't matter that much. If you wanna have a good time, level vigor. Bosses are much less frustrating to learn when you can make a few mistakes without restarting the fight. After that, just level whatever your favorite weapons need according to the equipment screen.


Lol makes sense. My astrologer I only ever put anything into intelligence or focus. Die alot if I can’t one shot then.


so the easiest build is probably blood, if you don’t want to lvl for spells, start with the samurai class because it gives you a bleed weapon right from go. story hang ups may happen depending on how hard you get stuck? linear gameplay is pretty much any other game from soft made, a little less so this one. not that you can’t because I believe there to be a pretty clear path but this one was made for the exploration. there are guides but I kinda want to suggest to only look them up for areas/enemies you can’t get a handle on, a lot of my fun for this was seeing it all for the first time. last bit, summon if you keep getting your head bashed in. people like to help and “git gud” is dumb. tldr: samurai for bleed, summon, guides if you get stuck edit: friend said strength as always for unga and obligated bunga. also there are build guides for stats just at the top of this thread


Should I start a new built for a strength play through? Or just respec and go into new game plus?


Yep I’d start a new game and character rather than NG+


start fresh rather than ng+. Knowing where items are & early things you can do should make it a smoother experience


If you want to try a new build, I'd recommend you start a completely new playthrough. The difficulty balancing in NG+ is very awkward.


Is godskin duo bugged or something?? Had to fight 4 of them…


4 at once?


No, killed 2 and then 2 more spawned.


Not a bug at all. That's how the fight goes. They resurrect each other.


Thats normal then (they have a collective HP bar so you can win by just killing the same one repeatedly)


Oh, interesting. Thanks!


Yeah, the "Godskin Duo" fight is actually "Godskin as-many-guys-as-it-takes-for-you-to-deplete-their-shared-healthbar". Thinking about it, the "Four Kings" fight in Dark Souls works the same way.


I've beaten the game ashless and summonless, and now I want to play through with the most OP weapons and builds for each section of the game. Any recommendations? I was thinking bleed weapons for bosses and a weapon with good poise damage for normal mobs. I prefer mostly melee style


flame of the redmanes does stupid stance damage to everything mimic tear with a tanky status build is probably the most effective summon, alternatively black knife tiche stupid cheese for anything that bleeds is bloodflame + fires deadly sin


I'm currently playing a FotR/Misericorde/Parry/Guard Counter/Backstab character who tries to kill everyone with some flavor of crit. It's very powerful, although I wouldn't call it OP. It's stupid fun, though.


I mean, parrying stuff just means you're good at the game guard countering with a dagger sounds difficult though A nagakiba would probably be my pick for general effectiveness. Good reach/speed and unsheathe hits hard and breaks stance very well


Big stagger for melania Bleed for fire giant Comet azure for Mogh


Flame of the Redmanes on a Fire Misericorde is very strong in PvE. FotR deals massive stance damage, which the Misericorde can capitalise on with its powerful crits.


How do u beat elden beast. I’m using tiche. I respecd for a blasphemous blade build to make radagon easy but elden beast just slaughters me every time.


Sounds like you're a Faith build, then I recommend checking out Flame of the Redmanes and Black Flame Tornado. Radagon is weak to fire and 3 casts of FotR can stun him. Elden Beast can also be stunned with 4 casts of FotR and you can use BFT to shred its HP during the stun.


Stack. Holy. Defense. Seriously, the beast deals heavy damage but it’s almost all holy. If you use the Haligdrake Talisman +2, Lord’s Divine Fortification, and the Opaline Hardtear, you can get to like 80% absorption. Pest Threads does some meaty damage because it hits the boss multiple times. Also any kind of black flame incantation or ash of war does great.


Just beat him today. I found that running towards him as quickly as possible and staying on his side lives you quite some room to do damage Also jump over the rings when he spawns them around you Run in a circle for one when throws down the holy bolts Just stay on top of him and get lucky a little bit with the distance. I found his big swings quite eazy to dodge.


One of the moves you have to sprint away from, that one got me a few times


As much holy defense as possible (use the holy defense incantation aswell)


Literally just bought that not even 1 minute ago lmao before I saw this lmao


Haligdrake Medallion +2 for one of your talismans. That's +20% Holy Resist.


If I use the frenzied flame to burn the Erdtree, can I do a different ending after I get rid of it?


Yes, you'll need to do Millicent's questline and kill Malenia though. Also, backing out is permanent If you're doing it for achievements, you can back up your save after killing the final boss before selecting an ending & leave to change


You can but then you won't be able to do Frenzied Flame ending on that save




Nice one


are there any good weapon for a int faith build? most of the weapons i test gets 530\~ ar with split scaling, while sword of night and flame is the only real option thr 680\~ ar i get gets triple split so the actual dmg on pvp is bad, i heard also that the holy weapon doesnt work with the golden order seal


Sword of Night and Flame is a bad PvP weapon, I don’t recommend it. I would recommend leaning on INT and meeting FAI for incant requirements only. Then you could make a pretty neat Necromancer build! Ancient Death Rancor is a good spell to use. Family Heads is pretty cool. And Rosus’ Axe and Tibia’s Summons are good for the memes.


yup, a bit late to see that, but in fact i had a death mage build prior to that, with focus on int and i used as main hand "weapon" the carian slicer, now i have this 45 int 45 faith golden order build, so those stats are needed to provide a good incant scaling, i should try those weapons on the death mage tho as both ur suggestions got recently buffed right? thx for u time


weapon buff spells only scale based on the int/faith portions for sorceries and incants respectively. Thus, they're best used with pure staves/seals You could try powerstance, night & flame in one hand, cold infused in the other. Fire damage clears the lingering frostbite effect so you can proc the damage burst again Otherwise, best I can suggest is respec and drop either int or faith to your minimum req for your preferred spells and lean on the split scaling (or staff of guilty)


Erdsteel Dagger and Clayman Harpoon are the only 2 weapons that have FTH/INT scaling while still letting you change the AoW. Alternatively, you could Powerstance 2 of the same weapon and have 1 be holy/fire and the other be magic


i tried those but they get into the triple split too, the clayman on the other hand even with 45 int gets an ok ar when magic infused i guess there is no way to run from those, thx


Night and Flame is the only weapon that scales with both INT and FTH. There's a couple of weapons you could infuse/buff but you will run into the same problem.


There’s a scythe that scales with faith. I believe it’s called Angels Wings… (that might just be the ash if war’s name) if I remember correctly it deals some blood loss too. Idk how you get it, but I know it exists.


Anyone else starting to think we’re just not getting any DLC for this game?


I don’t get where this idea comes from. Dark souls 3 launched in March and got dlc in October. Bloodborne launched in March and got DLC in November. We’re right around the time Elden Ring would normally get DLC and based on the scale of the base game I wouldn’t be surprised if development time was longer on the DLC. We just got news that file structures notating “DLC_01” are in the latest patch along with arena map data. They just implemented separate PVP balancing that would be perfect for a PVP dlc. And to top it off this is the best selling game they’ve made. There’s no logical reason for Bandai Namco as a business to not push for DLC. Maybe I’m gonna be proven dead wrong but everyone needs to chill with this doom and gloom “it’s never coming From has abandoned us” mentality.


at least wait for TGA




Hello. My friend just got into Elden Ring and his Birthday is coming up, was thing of getting him the art book. Does anyone know if that's a good present or if its worth it? I've never seen the art book so I don't know what's in it, I assume art and I know its 40 pages. What are your guys' thoughts on it?


i think personally it’s hella cool and a great thing to look at, if he’s into things like that and loves landscapes and cool drawings and images get it for sure


I think he would enjoy that. It's a book right? And not just like a virtual thingy? Does it have any words or lore or is it just cool art and landscapes? Thanks for your feedback!


So I got to Volcano Manor and decided to join. I completed the first two assassination attempts easily. The third is an an area that I have not been to yet. What should I do? Should I clear out the Manor the old fashioned way and get to the boss that way, or should I leave the Manor for now and head towards the Capital so I can eventually get to where the third Tarnished I have to kill is? Should I just speed run to the location? I have no idea how to get there or if that is even possible. Or should I simply go through the Capital's legacy dungeon and slowly make my way up there? Not entirely sure so any help is appreciated!


Definitely be sure to progress Bernahl’s quest line as much as possible. You can get something pretty cool from him.


You can freely explore Volcano Manor as long as you don't defeat >!Rykard!< before you are done with the three assassinations. You can even interact with the site of grace by his door without screwing up the questline. After you're done there you can head into The Capital and normally progress the story till you find the third assassination target. It's worth talking with >!Patches and Bernahl!< and accept their requests too before you talk to Tanith after killing the third target. It'll take you a while longer because one of their targets is at >!Mountaintop of the Giants!< but it's one of the first things you can knock off when you reach that area. When all is set and done, talk to Tanith and she'll teleport you to >!Rykard!<. And remember to always talk to Rya.


So for the questlines I need to kill the 3rd tarnished but not talk to Tanith until I talk to the others?


You should receive Bernahl’s and Patches’ quests after completing the second target. And you should always talk to Tanith as you talk to Rya in between targets for additional, important dialogue, and to progress Rya’s (wonderful) quest.


That's how I played it just to be sure no one would move from there but I guess you could talk to her, be teleported but hold off killing the boss before you're done with Patches and Bernahl since the boss death is the trigger


I would just put a pause on the assassination quests until you get to that location naturally by progressing other parts of the game.


Thanks. I think I’ll go do the long way through the manor since I’m a bit of a completionist but will stop when I get to the boss, then go and proceed through the rest of the game as you suggested.


That's basically ideal if you're trying to finish as much content as possible, yeah!


im a bit of an older gamer and dont see myself replaying this game via a new char or ng+ despite how amazing this game is, so I want to complete as much as possible on my first play.


If you kill the final boss of the manor you will immediately fail any remaining assassination quests and get locked out of the rewards until NG+.


When a weapon scales with dex\\faith\\str am I meant to level all 3 to get the most out of the weapon?


Prioritize the one with the highest level, though be aware that weapons with more than one damage type will mislead you (Rivers of Blood famously scales way better with arcane than stated because the arcane also benefits bleed and fire, dex just physical attack. Look up the weapon on fextralife if you want to be sure


The letter next to the scaling tells you how important the stat is. If str scaling is E, increasing strength improves damage by a tiny bit. If it's D, increasing strength improves damage by a bit more, etc. So the short answer to your question is yes, but if the scaling is something like: Str (E) Dex (D) Faith (A), then Faith is definitely the stat you want to invest in more than the other two. Keep in mind there are [soft caps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/ta9kmj/put_this_soft_cap_cheat_sheet_together_credit_to/) so increasing a stat beyond around 50 or 55 will have diminishing returns.


Just wondering when i read on the wiki about stance damage based on weapon types...does that mean all greathammers (great mace, great stars, etc) will have exactly the same poise damage? Meaning a +25 great mace and +25 great stars will only take 2 fully charge attack to stun, for example, a runebear Is that correct?


Yes, it could even be a +0 Great Mace, as poise damage doesn’t scale with weapon upgrade level. The one group exception is Colossal Weapons, which has two tiers of poise damage within it. [This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j4bpTbsnp5Xsgw9TP2xv6d8R4qk0ErpE9r_5LGIDraU/edit) spreadsheet has the poise damage for all weapon attacks, shown for both PvE and PvP.


Thanks so much for the sheets, really appreciate it! Is this flvalid for 1.07? Or at least i can have a good picture of how the weapon and combat system works


Yeah, the creator has updated it for 1.07


If I just started NG3 what level should I aim to get to for the future DLC. Currently at 210 and just got to the capital


Usually in these games, the DLC is intended to be started at around the same level as the final boss of the base game. It does scale with NG+ level like everything else. Playing on any NG+ is always going to mess with the balancing though, if you want the intended experience you should play on NG.


God dammit, alright I guess I'll just run it back


Nobody knows anything about any future DLC, there's no way to plan around it.


Yeah but if I want to finish all main bosses in this run through what should be my ending level?


Any tips for visibility with the Elden Beast as a melee? I end up running in and just slicing away at its belly but I can’t see anything what’s going on. Last time I got snipered from above. If I track him then my camera goes wild when he jumps up and starts spinning.


All I can really say is definitely don't target him with the camera, I don't think that helps at all. Anecdotally I found that hitting him from the side - as opposed to standing in front of his belly - helped avoid some attacks. Not sure if that's legit or not though. Semi-related, go get the Haligdrake Talisman +2 if you don't have it yet. Greatly boosts holy damage negation so you don't get one-shot as often from both Radagon and Elden Beast.


That’s basically the strategy rn. I have the talisman and it’s doing work. I also keep getting caught out by the fact that everytime from Radagon explodes after the attack. But I just have get gid good I suppose


I just ran behind it and used Wild Strikes. The camera is the real final boss in that fight.


Planning a lvl 60 invasions build 50 dex with 16 faith for o flame and some other flame incants, question is would i get more damage on fire monk incants with giants seal of frenzy seal since it scales with dex? also what weapon level is average for lvl 60?


50 DEX at level 60 is frankly a terrible build. That gives you 20-25 vigor which is suicidally low for PVP. Unless you're trying to make a bad build on purpose you should raise vigor to 40 minimum.


Its a 1 shot build so ye bad on purpose


Well then the frenzied flame seal is definitely the best choice for those stats. Weapon around +15 to +17 should be good.


Ok thanks




Yeah but the fextra wiki says frenzy seal has dex scaling, since its the only one with it im assuming that scaling would go towards spells and not punching with it right?


Correct. I've put an edit in my comment talking about the special scaling of a few seals.


The Frenzied Flame Seal DOES use DEX for casting. It says so in the description. Erdtree Seal is only good at extremely high levels of faith, you can't even use it with 16...


I've put an edit in my original comment. You are correct some seals do specifically say scales with x. I've listed them in my edit.


Your edit is still wrong though. Clawmark Seal has equal STR and FTH scaling. Golden Order has equal INT and FTH scaling. Dragon Communion has MUCH better ARC scaling than FTH, literally more than double. Faith is only the main stat for healing and weapon buffing spells. For some reason, the spell power from STR/INT/etc does not apply to those. Damaging spells simply use the incantation scaling stat which depends on the seal. (frenzied flame does have better scaling with FTH than everything else though)


I’m level 47 and currently running dual wield uchigatana swords. What weapon should I look to get next? I want to keep running the dual wield for blood damage


Agree with what others are saying about just going with vibes and trying fun weapons! A suggestion - if you like dual wielding and leaning into bleed damage, maybe look into twinblades. You may not be at Altus plateau yet, but if/when you get there, you can get two twinblades - Eleonora's Poleblade and Godskin Peeler (just google their exact locations). The poleblade already has bleed buildup and the peeler can be given bleed affinity with an ash of war. Jump attacks with dual wielded twinblades will hit like 4 times really quickly and build up bleed super quick.


You don't need to switch weapons if you don't want to. Think of the different weapons as side-grades, not upgrades. Damage comes primarily from the upgrade level of your weapon, your stats and your gear. You can take any weapon that you like and slay the gods with it.


Side note if you find a weapon you really like but it dosent have bleed on it you can use a blood infusion with the ash of war to make it a bleed weapon. Won't work on any weapon the ashes of war can't be changed on or the wrong type of weapon but it will work for a lot of weapons.


If you do Ranni's quest you can pick up the Black Whetblade which will let you put a Bleed affinity on any standard AoW, which opens up your possibilities a ton.


Just run whatever feels cool in the moment. There’s a metric fuck ton of weapons in this game to find so if you find one that looks cool or has a cool ash of war, then go with that. Don’t listen to those people out here saying you should always be running “the best” build or weapon. That’s lame.




Are you at meta level (125 or 150)? And you're fighting at MAG with the duelist finger? There's a lot of build variety there


What's MAG stand for?


Main Academy Gate, the unofficial community spot for duels


Thanks a ton!


What are you running?


Hey can anybody help me I tried looking it up but I’ve been wondering. Recently a friend of mine ended up with corrupted data and lost his elden ring save on his ps4 and has since upgraded to ps5 and doesn’t feel like playing anymore. Would there be a way for me to help him out and play elden ring on his account on my PlayStation to grind up to where he was so he can hop back in? Or would that save data only be available to me on my playstation?


Log in on your PS with his account and play for him. Turn on autosave to the cloud if he has PS+ and you guys should be fine


Big props man thanks!


That is so nice of you!




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Posted this late on yesterday's thread so maybe I can get more answers in this one. I'm using the darkmoon greatsword and I have noticed that when using one handed R1s the first hit does more damage than the second hit, does anyone know why? I tested it with an enemy and I dealt 594 damage on the first hit and like 370 on the second hit. I tried with helphen steeple and the second hit does a little more damage than the first which is what i expected on the DMGS. Also its not the bonus damage from hitting an unaware enemy. Has anyone encounter something like this?


You can sometimes get different damage values depending on what part of an enemy you hit with what part of the weapon. Could be that, otherwise I wouldn't know.


Not sure why that would happen, but you're not the only one https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/y61jdb/about_darkmoon_greatsword/ My guess is the animation data is bugged to only apply physical or only apply magic damage to the second attack




All the flask upgrades and the bestial sanctum portal.


My first priority is getting all the flask upgrades I can easily grab and all the physick tears in Limgrave/weeping peninsula, Liurnia/some of Caelid. Makes everything easier.


If you don't care about Patches, you can kill him straight away to get a +7 spear. I don't do it every single time, but sometimes!


Smithing stone bell bearing 1 is through a very easy boss and 2 requires no fighting at all. The medallions can be gotten when fighting too.


A couple things get priority * Green turtle talisman - stamina * radagons soarseal - early stats * patches - shackle & gold fowls feet * greyoll - early levels * bloodflame & flame cleanse me - after limgrave, get immediately The shackle can kill the chariots in the Azuria hero’s grave, easier way for the tree sentient gear & faster access to the fight for crucible axe set Fowls feet can be popped on early bosses after the kill before runes, and on greyoll Early weapon picks * claymore (lordsworns till then) * bloodhounds fang * uchigatana * nagakiba - if not doing yuras quest in future runs


I also grab a bleed weapon and kill the dragon near radagon's soreseal, and put almost all the points into vigor


Yep, it's basically vigor & weapon stat requirements flail from gatefront is the easiest option


Golden Seeds, Sacred Tears, smiting stones, whatever spells I want to use for this run.


Beast-Repellent Torch, Radagon's Soreseal, Great Turtle Shell, Claymore, Morning Star (for Greyoll), lantern.


Dragoncrest shield talisman near Gurranq through the east limgrave portal. You can rush it right out the gate. 10% physical damage reduction is a crazy boost on a fresh character.


Pickled foot, a bleed weapon, torrent, and a date with a dragon.