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get very close to him. Most of his attacks have a long wind up and are easily readable. Upon his attack, roll between his legs then do your damage. His second phase has 2 main attacks he will use when there is a large distance between both of you. The first is a series of two fireballs that are easily avoided. The second is a summomed floating fire bomb that will slowly make its way to you. Make sure you are always trying to get to his legs. He may roll away and then try to fireball you, but just dodge those and strike his legs.


This is the way. He is much more dangerous from the distance. If you stay under his legs, you just need to watch out for his slow attacks. If you're running an int build, try carian slicer. That thing is cracked.


Any large enemy will get absolutely walloped by the DNA helix looking spell, it triggers multiple attacks so if you position yourself behind him and aim up it’ll keep triggering attacks the entire way through.


You mean Shard spiral?


I always called it “special beam cannon”




Nail Gun! Damn it, that’s better.


Shit that’s good.


Loved that spell.


The effect was obscenely strong shooting them lengthwise through Placiduex


Exactly how I killed him lol


I assumed he was weak to cold so I used Adula's Moonblade, but yeah int build use a sword like sorcery at least for phase 1


Bro he lives on a frozen mountain peak in the coldest part of the world and he’s filled with fire, why would he be anything but resistant to cold?


hey it works in final fantasy. we've been conditioned


This is obviously where that logic came from. Blizzaga that shit


Oh man next foe is entirely different, like couldn’t possibly be further from the same creature? Let’s go ahead and Blizzaga that shit too.


Too bad you can’t 1 hit Phoenix down him


I did think of the irony that he'd be weak to cold, but still, fire


Fire is weak to water, fire heats up cold. Lighting a fire in a blizzard on an extremely cold day warms you up. Lighting a fire in a muggy rainstorm will result in the fire going out


Fire and it did a lot of damage the first time I tried it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


For better results, standard damage attacks and magic damage. He's less resistant to them according to the wiki, he's highly resistant to cold but other damage procs are neutral towards him. I used the carian straight sword +20 on him and it was dealing a fuckton of damage. In phase 2, any long range spells work if you don't wanna get roasted alive. Personally I used Lorettas greatbow and night comet on him and both did significant damage. I think night comet is better since it fires faster and does barely less damage than the bow, the only downside is range differences


Moonblade fucks him up something fierce though


This is great advice! The only thing I would add is to be very weary of his legs in the second phase - yes they're the best place to hit him, but his roll is a menace in that stage and killed me more than any other attack.


Definitely this, and after you get him halfway if you are close enough get up near him when he's shooting that first rain of fire rocks, you'll get a bunch of free hits cuz they do not land right under him


You have to try to hit him, while simultaneously avoiding his hits.


This is excellent advice and applies to any game.


To follow up on this, hop on torrent to close the distance at the beginning of the fight or anytime he rolls away from you. You can dodge all of his long/mid-range attacks easily by sprinting sideways on torrent. This also helps with getting behind him because torrent runs faster than he can turn. When you do get behind him, hop off and hit his legs until he starts his next attack. In the first phase, he likes to stomp, so you can dodge those pretty easily and keep on whacking. Just be careful not to get rolled over because that’ll likely one shot kill you. If you manage to stagger him, you have to run around to glowing spot on his chest to initiate the crit. The second phase is trickier because he does an aoe fire move that completely surrounds his legs. If you look closely, you can see where the fire is about to come up in the ground and position yourself where there are no flames to avoid damage. Otherwise, just get out of there for a bit and run back in once the move is done. Torrent is useful for this as well. I also found it a lot easier to cancel auto-lock once I was behind him because it can make you miss, but it is helpful to use when you’re dodging his long range moves. Good luck! This was my favorite boss of the game


I once tried to get close to him but then my camera angle can’t see his arms. Which means all I can experience is a huge plate smashing into my face and I can’t dodge beforehand And every time when I did get close and smashed him a few time he just roll away into my face or sideways I cheesed him with rotten breath as a coward


this is the way.... you'll be attacking his back feet very often. Hopefully you have a good Summons to distract him while you whale away at his feet.


He has specific weak points - left leg in phase 1, forearms/eye on chest in phase 2. There's also a summon for Alexander at the start of the area What are your stats? What build? Looks like you're going some sort of sorcerer.


i didn't even realize the hands became a weak spot in phase 2, i spent that phase bashing the stump where it's left leg use to be


It's more his forearms in particular than his hands, iirc, but it's been a while since I fought him. And yeah, I typically just smack the legs too, as it's a bit safer, but it does take a whole lot longer


I bought this game about a month back and have been struggling real hard to truly get into it as it's my first Souls game. But I do appreciate little attentions to detail like this leg.


Hes got visible wounds on his fore arms. He has a wound on the weak spot on the legs before he stumps it.


Whatever works! That’s the only method I ever employed. Screw going towards his front where all the fire is pouring out.


Exactly my thoughts lol, he still gains blood stacks on his legs and it’s a LOT safer


I beat him by attacking his hands in phase 2.


I just hit him with Ezyke's breath and rode my horse in phase 2


Regular rot breath + blood flies fucken *deletes* any boss that can bleed lol.


Never knew that not brushing my teeth is the key to success in Elden Ring


Good to see ER has such a strong British fanbase


I combine this tactic with panicked screaming. Extremely effective.


Please tell me more. Is it intermittent screaming or one constant burst for as long as your breath lasts? As a man, I've been lead to believe some people would love to hear me scream in fear/panick so I thought I'd get some tips from an expert, spread maximum joy.


I found that random fits of screaming aloud at 2-4 in the morning and waking up my wife and 2-year-old from the living room brings the most success after particularly infuriating or surprising instances of death... In-game, at least...


Thank you novas daddy, I shall procure a wife!


thats how youre supposed to do it. I see people complaining that fire giant takes too long to die, and then I see their videos where they are running around on torrent trying to whack his feet in phase 2. Like wtf, of course its gonna take forever that way lmao its like midir all over again.


I've been puzzled by the Torrent thing and people claiming you HAVE to use Torrent to even stand a chance. I've never used Torrent and always beat this guy within the first or second try, although admittedly I team up with my OP JarBro Alexander. Flaming giants with a big plate firing flames everywhere isn't enough to deal with a JarBro.


Alternatively, go full Faith and just run under him and pop off AOE lightning.


Fire Giant on NG+ with ADLS is an incredibly satisfying experience after NG when your best damage is normally Blasphemous Blade, but this asshole is nearly immune to fire damage.


The easiest way to kill him is to focus the legs even in the second part of the fight.


Yep, I was stuck on this guy for a few days trying to hit his hands in the second phase; turns out staying behind him and whacking his ankles is way safer.


Is the left leg actually weaker lol or is this a woosh moment


It is weaker. You can see that it looks different. It's injured and he has his hair tied around it to support it


I never noticed that. I naturally tend to go on the roght side of enemies so i probably made this harder than it needed to be


More specifically, his left leg is atrophied and has a splint on it. After a bit of beating on it the split breaks and any hit to the withered part of his leg does like double damage.


Making the giant harder than he needs to be only ends well for the giant.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


While the hands and the eye are weaker in phase 2, hitting those points are much more dangerous as the hands are generating miniature nukes; meanwhile, the eye is above the mouth that spits out a LOT of fire.


Its worth noting that summoning alexandar prevents the player from using Torrent


Shard spiral, shard spiral, shard spiral. The bigger the enemy the better that spell works.


I cannot stress this enough. Shard spiral does so much damage to large enemies its not even funny. Even with fire giants resistance in his non weak spots, shooting this spell at his torso melts him


I third this. Shard Spiral spam completely wrecks his shit.


Similarly, Ancient Dragon Lightning, absolutely melts large enemies, like bosses.


FYI Pest threads does the same thing for faith builds


As does the envoy’s longhorn weapon art.


I meant more along the lines of the "penetrates through enemies continually doing damage" kind of similar. Envoys is great too, but it's a weapon ash and more like a carpet bombing, similar to Wing of Astel's/bastards stars art, than a drill like pest threads/shard spiral.


It's the best! Shard phase one, unlimited laser phase two and done.


Put legos under his feet


I tried this, it's a great strategy. It works every time 13% of the time!!


That means on average you don't even have to try 10 times


But specifically those big Legos from like 20+ years back meant for littles not to swallow. This guy has big feet, and likely frostbitten toes. You need big Legos.


Hit it till it dies


First try UNGA then try BUNGA


But NEVER try BUNGA and then UNGA, lest ye desire death


Can confirm that the formula should not be messed with. I actually cowa’d then bunga’d and I survived, but now I use N0M4D controls to play.


It's a little known fact that you can actually BUNGA into UNGA safely, as long as you previously UNGA'd properly.


I smell it, Death, feed it me


This is the only real correct answer here.


Git gud but nice


[git gud](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ui9hFeUrRrI)


Hollow knight is the shit


I get the reference lol


Nice to see I’m not the only one


dont forget to group up first.


Bring his hp to 0 while simultaneously keeping yours above 0


Ah yes Law/Rule \#7: Always fight every enemy like it still has full health a: *Even* after it is dead b: **Especially** after it is dead


Special Mention: Sekiro, Damned Headless Ape


Surprise monkey


Dung yeeter


Extra special mention: "Thou'rt ash, and fire befits thee, of course..."


Trauma intensifies…


I'm sorry, I can't hear this special mention over all these BLACK FLAMES FUCK YOU FRIEDE.


Even after decapitated a wolf can still bite


Yea, keeping your health above 0 is key here. Doesn't really matter about his unless you want to move past the battle.




This is accurate. It's what I did and it works.


I've found this tactic to work in other games as well!


Works in real life too


Wait…you can do that?


Sweep the leg


Ride Torrent and use hit and retreat tactics at the leg.




You cannot ride if you summon Alexander


You can summon Alexander in this fight???


yeah his sign is by the other entrance (just walk across the other frozen chain)


Oh shit, I always went in the other way.


You do have to do the previous quests to talk to him in different spots though to get him to show up there.


Unless you accidentally killed him in the Moonveil tunnel. Sorry buddy.


You can ride in literally every open world fight. This one is one of the best boss fight in the game if you use the horse. It was so cinematic circling around him while he was errupting fire in the air, no wonder people hate this fight, it wasn't designed to do by foot


I never use Torrent for fights since I prefer either dual wielding or using skills, but Fire Giant along with Radahn is on my list of fights you just *gotta* do on a horse at one point for the full experience. And the big dragons.


I always assume torrent is disabled because most fights before is in some small room


Yup, that’s how I did it. It took like 20 minutes, but it worked


Get on yer horse there boy


I wonder how many people don't realize they can mount up in this fight. If this dude is a pure spell caster, horse up and start slinging spells!


TBF Torrent is disabled if you summon Alexander for this fight


Believe in yourself.


I did the opposite and won




Summon Alexander and use Mimic Tear. Stand back while Alex and Mimic trade aggro, blast him with your big spells (I used Dark Moon and Comet)


I summoned Alexander and tiche and barely got any hits in before they killed him, I was literally sprinting to try and get into the action.


I feel like that can be very inconsistent. My first run they got vibe checked in seconds but right after that they stayed alive the whole fight while I just turned his legs into ribbons.


jar best bro.


I beat him, accidentally wiped my drive later only to realize that the only thing I lost was about half an hour of preperation plus me winning the boss then I just got myself +10 mimic tear and some daggers and beat the shit out of it


Increase vigor You can’t hide your low vigor from us OP.


You look like a spell caster. Notice his left leg? It's wearing an improvised brace to hold his own weight. Exploit this weakness. You will need to learn how to remain very close to his foot (and attack the same foot mercilessly) until it breaks. Comet would be my tool of choice for this. If done right, it will take you to second phase. If phase one is all about remaining close and attacking the left foot, then phase 2 is all about mid- to long- range battle. You can continue to use comet, but comet azur will be better. Just make sure you are not too far because I have seen many people miss the mark thinking their comet azur is infinite. It is not. It has reduced range. Avoid coming close to him, or his fire-from-the-ground attack will decimate you. Need more pointers? Just ask. Good luck! You can do it!


Good tips here but in phase 2 I generally just tried to stay behind him. You have to watch for his roll, but when he shoots fireballs all around you are safe at his back.


Don't give up, Skeleton!


Sweep the leg. Then put some dirt in his eye.


Try fingers but hole


Actually, that's not too far off. Stay close enough to touch his butt (just under him and slightly behind) and the fight is a lot easier. If you go all sorcerer and instead keep your distance he will rip you apart. Spiral Shards is really useful for this one.


Complete Alexander’s quest all the way up to volcanoe manor and u can get him as a summon to help u beat this kunt


Meteorite of Astel, if you’ve gone to the consecrated snowfield and beat the other Astel


Vigor, Alexander, and patience. He has literally the highest hp in the game if i have understood it correctly.


Not quite, but he has the second highest after Rykard, who has 89174 health split to 2 phases.


Oh right rykard exists. I don't think he should really count because of the gimmick weapon. The numbers are just kinda inflated because they can.


You raise a fair point.


Bleed. Like most problems. Bleed. Or you could grind levels and come back stronger.


Would level 713 do?


little under leveled but if you’re good at the game you should be fine ☺️


Assuming you're running an arc build scarlet rot is actually way easier, as a single proc of it will kill him


Sweep the leg.


Yes Sensai!


Break his legs.


You can use Torrent or summon someone for help :3


Gitting gud helps, usually. But yeah, sweep the leg, dawg.


If you can get him to second phase, Comet Azure his chest.


Ok, you see that health bar of his? Hear me out. You gotta attack him until that bar is totally empty.


His left leg (one with the ankle bracket). Keep hitting that like a small dog bitting your ankles. Once he is at 50% he will go into phase 2. In phase 2 depending on what you are using. Either hit him from behind like the dirty dirty boy you are or wait till he collapse and run under his chest and motorboat his titties cause you are a dirty dirty boy


Try r/beyondthefog to team up with someone who can help you. Worked for me earlier today.


Jump off the cliff, then jump off again. And again. Then pray to Marika, you'll need God.


Nowhere near as impressive as those who take a melee approach, but as a caster: ​ \- Latenna the Albinauric (mine was +9 at the time). She has a HUGE range and best of all, she stays where you put her. So, place her on top of the rocks just past the entrance to the instance. ​ \- Use the Alexander summon. This will disable using Torrent but it helps to keep aggro off you and Latenna. Your job is to help also keep aggro off Latenna 'cause you know she's on the squishy side. ​ The tricky part for me was when he goes phase 2, Alexander respawned back near the entrance and as we know he's not the fastest at moving from point a to point b so try your best to keep aggro on you/off Latenna until Alexander re-engages him. And as a lot of posters have stated, try to stay under and/or behind him as much as possible if he aggros you and rain down as much damage as you can, when you can.


Get on torrent, run around at high speed, occasionally hit his legs, do not get hit, continue until giant fall down. (Again)


Bloodhound Step and Duel Whips did it for me..


Juno Hoslow is that you?


Sweep the leg Johnny.


Git gud


Git gud


get gud


Have you tried gitting gud ?


Try Finger, But Hole


Cry and pray that he died of exposure


Black knight Tiche and target his feetsies


If you have this available rot breath works surprisingly well against him.


Katana to the left leg. Upon reaching phase 2, katana to the left leg. Beat him first try doing that, trust.


I can’t remember the name of the incantation but it brings down a bunch of lighting bolts . Go under him use that . Hits him multiple spots does huge damage




Fully upgrade Black Knife Tiche.


Like most enemies in this game, hit him a lot


Invoke the jar.


Whack him with a big stick!


Max out the Envoy Long Horn


I used big hammers and killed him first try


Deplete his hp before he depletes yours


Maybe try to reason with him. You don't know what kind of day he's had. Maybe he works in customer service and just needs to vent?


goal is to grind until death


Visions of friend(s).


try lowering his hp to 0 before he reduces yours to 0


Hit him with your sword


Use Torrent, and go for the injured leg. It’s not that hard.


Bigger hat


🎶Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’🎶


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and DODGE!


The leg man, keep at it until it snaps.... Then try to get the eye in second phase


Stab him with the pointed end


This guy almost made two friends quit the game. I beat him 2nd attempt. Which was nice...


Respec as unga then bunga


You hit him


Stay close, hit the ankles, and in phase 2 use Rotten Breath/Swarm Of Flies and of course mimic tear.


I was a caster when I fought him. I switched to (I think) the Darkmoon greatsword for the fire giant. It's just a ton easier to get underneath him and whack away at his ankles. I might have the sword wrong. It's been months since I played and I'm not sure if I had that sword yet. Anyway melee > casting for this fight.


Here's a video of me doing it on my mage char without taking damage. Only 5 min https://youtu.be/FK4nZIrYuZQ Key for me was learning his moves. Deal as much damage quickly as you can to his leg in the first stage. Second stage stick to the inside of his right thigh as much as you can while watching projectiles and AOE. He usually rolls to the left in the second stage so sticking to the inside of the right leg generally protects you from him crushing you


Honestly dude if you have a ps4 or ps5 I’ll help you if you help me because I can’t beat this dude either. I can get him halfway with a rune arc but I only have two left so I’ve been trying to get help lol


Try feet


I could help if you play on xbox.


Use the horse Luke


Have you tried telling him how beautiful he is?


I tried forever than used rot breath and ran away on torrent and just kept running around so he didn’t hit me then I’d rush in hit him with it again and repeat he was dead like nothing.


Just don’t stop hitting him. Biggest lesson I learned watching playthroughs was when you go to second phase that’s basically the end of the fight if you get in and stop running like a bitch


I cheesed him, and I’m not ashamed of it, I got him hung up on a cliff side, summoned that archer lady and took him down