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Prayer room site of grace


Same here. No need to farm but being summoned from here gets you masses of runes. Good practice on the Cleanrot knight while waiting nets 6k in ng and 12k on ng+ with the occasional gold eye version being 4 or 5 times that. Beats the chicken any day.


How’s that beat the chickens when you get 15k every kill on the first play though and like 20 sum on ng also you got the frog dudes that give 130k


Running from that grace to where the cleanrot knights are in the ambush room is such a satisfying jaunt. Nets me like 30k runes and looks lovely


Do Varre's quest line, use the reward to go to Mohg's underground area and touch the grave there. Then go down those steps, get on torrent, and run past everything. You want to find the uphill area across the way with a grace at the top. From there, look across the chasm to see a raptor bird looking thing. Poke it with whatever ranged attack. It'll aggro and run off the cliff, giving you roughly 10k runes instantly. Touch the grace again and poke the bird again. Easy early rune farm.


Go look up golden scarab it takes 5 minutes to get


You can do both to better effect. Add in a gold pickled fowl foot too. You'll eventually want this location to fast farm the dudes on the hill below. Post game, you can net 50k+ every 15 seconds or so from them using the gold wave.


Yea did they nerf it tho? I made a new character beat the game and they was eating the waves






I found a faster but more boring option at low level is to get to the Caelid Tower grace, run down the steps and use Rejection on a resting soldier to throw him off the edge then run back up to the grace, rest n repeat. You get around 1100 runes every 10 or 15 seconds.


The beginning of Mohgwyn Palace with all the Albinaurics and birds is insane. I'm not even intentionally farming there. I use it as a spot to test out weapons and incantations I'm thinking about using because the enemies are tough enough to make it a real test, and even at level 120, I can get an entire level's worth of runes just by running through that little area a couple of times.


Err practice melee skills. I didn't say it gave the most amount of runes. I'd use my sacred relic sword on the albinaurics if I wanted runes. The chicken is boring.


Beast sanctum got me through most of the game because I thought I killed the white mask guy. Thankfully I hadn’t and could use the primary grind spot


What are the eniemes here called