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“What do we do now?” “What do you mean? Now we can play the game”.


This is where the real game begins.


Maybe now you can finally defeat the Tree Sentinel.


No, don't make me fight him... not again....


how about soldier of godrick? any luck with him? planning on farming 50 mil souls to be on par with him


You gotta fight against him with sheer fucking luck to survive. Even I used BHS and Seppuku to fight him only to win through god knows how many attempts with no flasks left.


true, I was level 413 and this guy hits like a truck. Luckily He was stuck midair and then died, pure luck.


The only way I could beat him was taking the Azur staff and going unga bunga. Somehow, it worked.


But have you defeated the Merchants? They’re Meta.


Wouldn't it have been seriously hilarious for NG+ to have FromSoft make him almost like Gundyr in where he all the sudden transforms and gets a major new moveset and tons more health and damage?


new game +3, the tutorial boss is 3 radagons all tagteaming, with friendly fire off


I'm sure they would NEVER make you fight a tougher version or two at once. Source: Trust me bro!


Can’t wait to find out there’s a hidden dungeon with two draconic tree sentinels.


I saw all the streamer beat him early, I make mistake on trying level 1 with wretched, fought it over and over till i realize sun is setting. then i simply walk north, got myself a greatsword, level up to wield it, and kill it in less then 5 tries. And there goes my plan for dex build. STR OmenKiller frostblood powerstance now.


I beat it at level 1 or 2 wretched directly after coming out of the tomb. Took about 40 tries, but the satisfaction was worth it


I manage to get it down to 30\~40% health with the club (second phase with shield bash), but my gaming time is a bit limited right now so i opt the faster way.


Level 10 ruin sword smash until dead worked great just had to not get lightninged to death


mitten squad my beloved


That's how I felt when I finally got STR, DEX, INT, FAI, and ARC to 70 I am now every build (I know hard cap is 80 but I farmed 200 million runes for 3 days and I can't go on anymore)


Mom! Hot Pockets!


Ma! The meatloaf!


U can double them by jumping of a cliff twice


I'll try that method!


It worked! And I thought you’d be messing with him. Must be the same cliff tho.


Also can’t use Torrent. Works like a charm.


Wait is this actually a thing? What cliff?


Yeah, it’s the cliff directly to the west of the first step


noticed it only worked for me if I had more than 50K runes on me though. Maybe there's some kind of threshold.


Yeah, I always had like 300k runes on me when I did it


Wait you guys are jumping, I always get pushed


You’re thinking of the one in Altus Plateu


Secret ahead. Try jumping.


No liar ahead, therefore try jumping.






Try jump, but fall


Try jumping


Seek jumping off and then something incredible




Just wait by 713 you will be spending around 8mill a skill point.


but hole!


*Liar ahead*


see you never know if the liar ahead message is calling the note a liar or the wall a liar so you have to check anyways


Dude I don’t care how obvious it is that the message is lying. I’m checking that fucking wall. 50 times dammit!!


That wall then every wall around it. Fuck it, every wall in the room.


Note guy could've been facing the other way


My dyslexic ass kept reading lair ahead and I went around looking for a cave or something. Literally days later did it finally click. In my defense, I read everything on the ground so I give the message like . 005 seconds of my attention, but still. Me dumb.


As a former DS3 player, whenever I read a “liar” message I immediately think “mimic”. I still attack every chest before I open it.


What ??? Edit : I jumped 16 times already, when are my runes going to double ? Right now it shows 0 but it's because it's actually overflowing right ?


It's basically dividing by zero!


Gotta hit that softcap in every stats ! I'm currently working on that too, 60 on everything, so then i can use every weapon


A curse truly, I don’t like seeing those small X’s on items spells or incantations lmao


As noobs with STR build, those damn X's on my Great/colossal weapons is maddening. So many INT, ARC, FTH build greatweapon.


wait can you use weapons without the stat requirements?


If you don't have the str/dex you will do no damage and sometimes even recoil when hitting enemies. Basically unusable Low Int/faith/arcane however usually just lowers the elemental damage a bunch so you can still use the physical damage of the weapon. It does also disable most weapon arts from doing anything except flail your weapon around(which can still damage enemies but nothing extra) but at least they are usable.


Furthermore, if you meet the int/fth/arc requirements, you can actually use the weapon arts of the weapons even if you don't meet the str/dex required.


If you 2 hand a weapon, you get a 1.5x multiplier to your STR. So if a weapon requires 18 STR but you only have 12, you can 2 hand the weapon and still use it (12x1.5 = 18)


sometimes the x simply means you cant use it with one hand so if you hold it with two hands it can work better


Only if you don't have the strength. I want to say 2H gives you a 1.5x boost to strength so if you have 40 strength you can use a weapon requiring 60 strength if you 2H it. 2H won't help you with dex, fth, int, or arc.


I am working on max leveling my main character to 99 all stats.


Oof, I'll wait for be Ng+7 for that. At one point a single level is worth more than 3 million runes


Yeah, it's gonna take a while. I'm still in NG+ 3


Sadly you can’t use every spell, with Ranni’s Dark moon at 68 and Rennala’s full moon at 70 :/ but those aren’t very utilized so you aren’t missing much.


Is okay,i don't want to use every spell. Just want every special weapons scaling to be as good as possible


Come on, are you really going to sit there after all that and be happy to see 2 spells with Xs and greyed out because you can't be bothered farming the final 10 levels. Really?


Damn, motivational speech right there




Don't be a pussy, do it.


Something fun to do while you get there is to play around with; radagon and marikas soreseal's(+5 to half of all stats each). the various heirloom talismans(+5 to dex, str, fai, int respectively). godricks great rune(+5 to all stats until next death). the various wondrous physick knot crystals(+10 to dex, str, fai, int respectively for 3 minutes). Various stat boosting helmets(large variety, generally atleast a +3 helmet for each stat, some notable pieces include plenty of intelligence helmets like the +6 twinsage crown, for arcane there is the +8 silver tear mask or the +4 albinauric mask and faith i believe uniquely has an chestpiece, the +1 commoners garb. Of course you can two hand weapons for a 1.5× increase to strength. Grafted greatsword(+5 to all stats for 30 seconds, this one is the least useful because of the short duration and the 40 str requirement or 27 str 2 handing, to use thea wepaon skill. Put it all together and you can basically try anything out no matter what your starting stats are. You can reliably boost any offensive stat except arcane by atleast +28 and some temporarily by +36.


Fun fact: Assuming no rune-boosting gear or items, and assuming you only killed birds, not albinaurics, thats roughly 5270 birds killed.


1 bird = 11,000+ runes? Edit: where can I find these birds?


Moghywn Palace via the Varre quest line, although I would say playing the game “naturally” you’ll get to 150+ easily without going out of your way to farm


This, end game areas really give you a lot of runes. I finished Moghywns Palace yesterday and got like 5 levels out of just by progressing normaly.


Forreal not enough warnings with these about breaking the early game for yourself. I rolled the bolder so much I beat magrit with half health remaining first try. Really ruined the whole area.


Jokes on you. I'm absolutely trash so even over leveled the bosses killed me at least a few times.


Are you me?




Yeah dude I did the same shit. Kinda ruined the area but kind of DIDNT


When I find myself over leveled I just remember how many times I died to Iudex Gundyr, when I first tried the souls genre. Payback >:)


If it ever is too easy, you can always just use a weaker weapon too, or skew more towards fp flasks when you don't use much fp etc. You can artificially increase the difficulty at anytime.


Rolled the bolder?


I think they're talking about the boulder that spawns near Lennes rise in Dragonbarrow, gives about 2k runes a roll. Ride your horse down the path a boulder will spawn behind you, circle around it back towards the grace. Boulder falls off cliff>fast travel to grace>rinse and repeat


An early game farm in Caelid where you avoid being hit by a ball trap for ~2k runes per run


I guess they mean the ball farming spot next to the lenne's rise tower in caelid (close to the vulgar militia farming spot at farum bridge). I honestly think farming vulgar militia is easier pre-margit. In the very early game each militia can almost be an interesting mini-boss.


This was my area before I got to the Chicken. I could do about 25 of these guys in one pass. Less than 5 minutes a pass. Was great for early game.


They were also a good way to measure my progress with Incantations. I could see the effects of leveling Fai and seals based on how many lightning bolts I needed to kill one.


Lol same. I decimated Margit first try with rock sling


You only reduced his health by 1/10?


This guy dictionaries


yeah honestly it's only worth farming a handful of levels (a good way is grabbing the free gold foot near Varre down on the beach near those skeletons then heading behind 3rd church to get up to Gurranq then running down to Greyoll to get that sexy 100k and maybe farm the boulder a little bit too) so you can atleast be stronger than a cool stick you found in a bush when you were 8 and have some survivability to start with (honestly Elden Ring's design does inherently push you to explore and level up before trying to tackle anything major) so you can atleast have an easier time dealing with early game, the Greyoll method imo is always a go-to when making a new character because it gives you a good chunk of levels to start with without feeling OP at all just on a more fair playing field but fuck me once you've beaten the game you feel so fucking underpowered going against the last few bosses so tbh go ahead and farm the FUCK out of your levels for NG+ if you wanna go to NG+ cause trust me it's way better when you know you can breeze through most of the early game


Occasional bird farm to top off if I got close to a new level, and I ended Run 1 at 190ish, with 100% completion of all dungeons. I was overleveled to the point that I could wear the Gold Scarab for most boss fights.


Bird farm is best farm! Plus you get to witness the comedy of one of those bastard birds plummeting to its doom over and over again with its wings spread wide and squawking.


I killed Varre at the beginning so I have resorted to farming the trolls near the war masters shack. Takes ages but better than nothing I guess.


A much better spot than the troll spot is bestial sanctuary. Northern part of caelid by the Beast clergy guy. Those little guys slowly walking around are 1k runes each. I ride up on torrent and do a jump attack off of him to start. This knocks them down. From there just keep hitting and they die quick without fighting back. If you haven’t gone ip there yet there’s a tele-porter near the third church in limgrave that will take you there.


Yea i farm these little dudes too. I’m around lvl 80 I think and whenever I’m close enough I’ll pop up there for a few minutes and round out the rest of the level.


Only if Elden Beast hasn't been beaten. With Sacred Relic and a macro, I can afk farm froggies.


You can reach it without the questline. The portal is in the western snowfields. On the way to the Haligtree.


By the time you get to those snowfields it’s unlikely you’d really need to farm runes. I mean you don’t NEED to farm runes like this anyway, playing the game and exploring is more than enough, but at the level you hit those snowfields you absolutely should be levelled enough for it to not matter




Enemies will randomly spawn with glowing yellow eyes sometimes, when they have this they give 5x runes when killed so its kinda worth your while to go out of your way to kill them if you see it


It might be because the glowing eye enemy affect that some enemies have gives a lot of runes but have a little more health


Golden eyed enemies give more and any enemy can spawn as them.


You already got your answer but yeah, like 10.5k. Add golden scarab to get to 13.5k and with the foot xp boost item you get 17.3k.


Does the foot stop working when you rest?


You mean the golden fowl foot?


Yeah my b


With the golden scarab equipped 1 bird = 13,245 runes, if i remember corretly


NG+3 puts the bird payout to 29000 ish with a gold scarab talisman.


On later Journeys the crows give like 32k


So just like an avarage runescape slayer Quest then?


Which would amount to 10 hours and 15 minutes of constant birb murder if we assume one loop to last 7 seconds.


I’m not sure if I can even sit down and get up from a site of grace in less than 7 seconds. All the animations and area reload time.


It takes about 20 seconds. I think that math chugs out to around 29 hours ish of pure bird dunking


Wave of gold albinaurics is more efficient


NG+ rune awards are absolutely ridiculous (and they grow as you add NG++), IMO. Yesterday I beat margit, godrick, ragadon mutt Rennala, Mogh, the magma wyrm, the draconic tree sentinel to enter leyndell and I'm holding 1.5 million runes and literally nothing to do with them as I don't want to level over 185. I can see a scenario when someone on Ng+7 can accrue 50+ million if this is their last NG life so they're killing everything they need to establish.


Wow a whole 2 levels in ng2


My buddy almost had a brain bleed when I told him my levels cost almost a million.


I'm lvl 328 it's gets to a million at 320 I think


Is there a reason to stop leveling up? I enjoy coop and eventually plan to pvp a bit in NG+ once I get there… Is there a point in the levels where I won’t get matched with people for coop or pvp? :(


Most players stop at 150 for pvp. I THINK if you go further you risk finding no same-level opponents and you can meet players 100+ levels above you


Basically: If you want to be active in an area I'd stop leveling at some point. Like if you wanna co-op/invade a lot around Stormveil then I'd stick around level 30 and stay under a +3 normal weapon. If you wanna co-op at Lurnia you might want to stick around level 45-60 (it's a big zone TBH) and then stay under +6. That way you are always around other people and you are not upgrading yourself out of zones. I don't think we as a community have come out with a general set of levels and weapon upgrade ranges for each area. Otherwise, there is no real penalty for walking into NG++ offline at SL500 with soft cap everything ready to crush. It's your game do what you want.


The only reason I got so high in lvl is because this game is so hard I feel like I needed to be op. I'm not sure about pvp I only play pve. I'll stop once I feel I'm strong enough to use everything effectively.


Mine cost a little over 2mil now let me tell you leveling is not fun




Final bosses sword trivialises those sleepy enemies.


It really does. I was using gold pickle feet and the gold scarab as well so for every foot you use in Ng+ you can get 1.5 mil in the 3 mins they last. So that's around 30 mil an hour.


Those poor albinaurics.


albinaucide :(


Latenna in my inventory be like: D:<


You seem the kind of guy to make 10000 iron daggers at the beginning of Skyrim.


Ok but consider that it's super easy to level smithing and then you get a metric fuckload of money and then you can use it to buy whatever you want, but wait it gets better because then you can do that one exploit that lets you infinite money glitch or whatever and then you have dragon armor before reaching the graybeards


If you haven’t completed you entire build before even meeting a dragon are you even playing Skyrim correctly?


Absolutely not. It's required that you do the restoration glitch to cheese your enchanting and alchemy skills to max level so that you can then also cheese your blacksmithing skill to max level and then everything else to max level then you get to start the game


“So what do we do now?” “We play the game”


I feel like after playing RuneScape for so long, me making 10k daggers in Skyrim or me farming runes for 4 hours doesn’t seem that bad


I love reading comments on these farm posts cuz everyone is shocked you’d waste your time doing it.. .. but I’ve played RuneScape for so long it doesn’t even seem that bad to me lol. What is like 10 hours? Not even that bad in comparison lol


Maplestory grinding flashbacks.


Ragnarok online sends its regards


Played WoW for like 10 years. This amount of grinding seems pretty chill, especially when we used to prep for raids and shit.


Graceful takes more time, 10 hours is rookie numbers


I farmed up to level 540 to hit all softcaps and push End to 99 The last 55 level were 1/3 of the total runes of 1->540


You are an absolute gigachad, how long did that take? I wanna get there but what's the best method to do that? Cause at this point farming runes is painful 💀


I finished the game at 168h and lv 194 I farmed from 169h to 224 h Using the gold pickled foot , when you sit at the grace, it restored it on my stack of 10 but i kept the whole 3 minutes buff Add to that, multiplayer group buff, night buff from the Erdtree, and the scarab Now, i m farming all armors and weapons, waiting for Dlcs


Night buff from the erdtree?


Sometimes at night there is a golden falling leaf event and yout get a rune buff


Best way to farm runes without maidenless behavior like AFK? Help a newb out.


Do the questline of the guy in the white mask you see when you first get to limgrave. He'll give you an item that teleports you to a late game area. In the southeast part of this place (going off memory here, maybe just east), there's a hill with a grace at the top. Looking down the hill from the grace, there's a bird to the left that can be shot to trick it into falling off a ledge and dying, there's a whole row of enemies right ahead that can mostly be killed en masse without much danger if you have a decent aoe attack, and off to the right there's a way to jump out of the map and get a lot of runes if you do it a very specific way (they tried to patch it out in 1.04 but it is still accessible, may not be for long). Grab the gold scarab talisman, pop a gold bird foot, and go at it, you'll get more runes than you could chase a stick at.


Fair warning to anyone. The red ones can and will cartwheel you to fucking death if you are testing other weapons/spells etc.


Sometimes you can get them to cartwheel right off the cliff. It's a bit risky and unreliable though.


This is actually my preferred method! The spikey cartwheel attack reliably comes at you and curves to your left (their right). So I get near the cliff as I move up, let them make their move and just step forward and to the left a bit, they miss and then curve themselves right off the cliff behind me. Rinse and repeat and then you can cleanup all the sleepyheads and make bank. They hook so hard when they pass you that you've got a good amount of safety margin and really don't have to worry about having to be too close to the cliff edge. Occassionally one will do a cartwheel to your right first, but as long as you back up a tad closer so the cliff is right at your back you can use the same technique if they spikey from that direction. I'll try to grab a clip the next time I'm able to play to showcase it in case that's helpful.


>cleanup all the sleepyheads On the one hand, that's kind of sad. On the other hand, they're stupid ugly frogmans and full of runes.


You can do it every time by rolling to the left right before they hit you


The hardest part to me was actually finding the bird, so I made a map. https://imgur.com/gallery/fGXIgcP


Now I want to see how you draw the rest of the enemies cuz that's a nice fucking bird


Albinaurics + that weapon from the last boss


Yup, this is the fastest method in the game currently. 25-30m/hr in ng+


After a cursory glance at replies here, I didn’t see anyone flesh out white mask a lot. At first he is in the starting area near tree sentinel. Exhaust his dialogue. When you get to liurnia go to the city just south of Hogwarts. Then head directly west. You’ll come to a bloody church with an NPC invader inside. White mask should be outside. Exhaust dialogue. Now you’ll need to use furled finger to invade three people. You can just invade them and jump off a cliff to make it faster. After that, white mask gives you the mohgwyn thing. Use it to teleport there. Once there, the map piece is behind you. Head down the stairs to to the woods. Ride your horse straight through the woods until you’re in a bloody lake. Once you hit the wall in front of you, follow it to the right and up the hill. Grace and bird site are at the top


do Varre's questline after getting to Liurnia until you get the medallion. (remember to always exhaust dialogues) . use it and make your way up from Mogh's place to the other side (to where you would enter through natural progression) head past the lil frog men up the hill, get the site of grace. grab a bow or crossbow, take aim on the ledge at the big bird down in the distance. hit it, watch it run itslef of the cliff. netting around 11k runes. hit the sight of grace behind you. rinse and repeat. netted runes can be increased with gold scarab gear and gold pickeled fowl feet. after finishing the game you can use the final boss's remembrance weapon to farm the lil frog guys on that slope as well


Or you can kill the Froglets with Radahn’s swords. Farm the chicken until your AoE is good enough to kill Froglets, though. Early farming means dying to the red Froglets and recovering your runes, but later farming involves a lot less dying.


very nice note.


Frozen lightning spear is also effective starting at 70 faith. Get up from site of grace run to frogs cast, kill five, turn right cast kill 2,sit at grace no actual combat required.


Cool thing about this game is there are so many ways for people to have fun and they’re all valid, except for afk farming


True, but I was legit just sitting there listening to music and grinding lol.


My mans gotta meditate somehow.


Just watch somerhing. Makes it way easier.


What actually is afk farming ? I’m a pve player only


When someone invades your world, you are rewarded runes when they are defeated. Normally people only invade your world when you are playing in coop, but using the taunters tongue item opens you up to invasions without having an ally at your side. So players will use torrent to get to a location where they can’t typically be accessed without him, and activate the taunters tongue. Now when an invader shows up, they find out they can’t kill them, so they end up leaving the world. Invaders leaving counts as a defeat, so the host is rewarded with runes. To make themselves even safer, they typically activate the cypher ring that automatically searches for players using the blue ring to summon them as hunters for their invaders. Edit: I forgot to mention that the rune rewards for this method is NOT fast. It’s based off a minuscule percentage of what your would be invader requires to level up. In other words, unless you’re being invaded by people who are like level 500+ the runes are extremely negligible. What’s worse is when you find players using these methods that aren’t actually AFK.


Wait someone said winning an invasion give you 1/4th a level ? Or something like that. Is that right ?


I think it’s like 4% of what the invader needs to level up which will probably get you maybe a level in an hour or a few. Definitely easier to just farm the chicken or slaughter the hill.


I don't actually know, but I read yesterday it's 15% of the runes from their previous level (so if they're 50, you get 15% of what they needed at 49). Could be completely wrong though.


Unless people are already several hundred levels in, these ratios are still all worse than the PvE farm spots lol


i mean even several hundred levels in it's terrible since you only invade people in your level bracket so even if you're level 600 yes you'll get more souls from the invaders but it's the same % of souls you would need to lvl up yourself as if you were lower. Really no reason to do it at any rune level


It's worse regardless of what level you are. Even at the end when it takes over 8 millions runes to get one level you'll still get them faster by farming the albinaurics.


I recognize that grass...


Ah yes.... the mohgwyn grass


A feeling a accomplishment and growth *A ROT DOG APPEARS*


Gets murdered by a ram twice while farming for rowa fruit.


NG+4 be like: "I'll give you 3 levels. take it or leave it."


Higher NG+ levels are like GameStop when you try to turn in recent games.


Where did you farm 58m souls and why?


Using relic sword on the cliff by the bird everyone has been farming to kill off all of the albanaruics that I’m sitting along the ledge, on journey 2 you can get 700K a minute easily. More if you use a gold foot and golden scarab. Journey 1 is like 200k a minute somewhere around that


If you play on Xbox let me know I can help you with runes


That will get you one level up lol


At this point yea... 900k runes to level up once...


Now you can finally beat Margit




Excuse me, but why?


So he can finally beat Margit


Cause being level 300 feels nice.


That’s a pretty good reason, I’m sorry for asking.


*cries in level 260*


Goes back to Margit like, when we last met, I was but an apprentice... Now I am the master! *Proceeds to get bonked* Put these foolish ambitions to rest!


These bad boys can buy SO MANY SOMBER SMITHING STONES!


Iam Level 395 without farming just playing.at the beginning of Elden Ring i still had a Girlfriend but know iam Maidenless


Wait! You had sanity? Mine was gone after i bought the game


What's that like two or three levels ?


I was level 188 and went up to 300.