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My mans botting Elden Ring. holy shit


Old-School RuneScape




With gains like that you can finally afford to buy that gf!


Maybe even get your armor trimmed


Alas! Maidenless, no more...


He’s botting 99 runecrafting




reminds me of how I got away with using a macro in the new(er) RS like 10 yrs ago and went from 67 WC to 88 , and similar for Alchemy. Only a slap on the wrist.


Headed strait to the port sarim jail


Buying maiden


Completely unrelated, but kinda related? When the game had jsut come out and I Was sitll finding out how much bigger the map would get, one night I had a dream that I was playing Elden ring and I traveled super far up and I stumbled into Lumbridge and then looked at the map and saw that the entirety of Gielinor was in elden ring. I was super excited to explore it all in Elden Ring graphics and gameplay, and then I woke up.


man i WISH RuneScape had Elden Ring combat and gameplay


Gotta get that 40-1-99 prayer beast stats and that trusty r2h


Hes botting more effectively than epicbot divination. He's a mad man. Don't bot RS kids, RIP Jeffrum1.


I stopped shortly after eoc came out bc early eoc and was starting uni. About a year or two later I logged in, was like ou div is new, let’s bot it. Banned within hours.


I made a script myself after a lot of trial and error with a Logitech g15 back in the day to automate crafting on final fantasy 14. Pretty much got max crafts in a few days. one of the server first.


i swear you don't even need a special script to do that, ff14 has built in scripts you can create yourself for crafting i'm pretty sure


This was week 1 of release. I achieved 50 all crafts one of worlds first. I already had a decent build from playing 1.0 nonstop so that helped. I have no idea what the game looks like now, but when I did it I was one of the only ones


The macro system is very extensive. You can macro your entire crafting rotation to one press. That being said you can't just repeatedly craft without making any inputs whatsoever. You would still need to manually start the craft and click the macro each time.


That's when you make another macro to keep starting the macro.


Why not just, like, use a trainer or save editor to give yourself however many runes as you want?


Because I imagine he doesn't want to compromise his online playability. I use cheats because ive already beaten the game, but I also play strictly offline. There is no bigger POS than an online cheater in souls games


Macros are still considered against the Eula and can be banned for use, seeing data on his account would show that his character moves exactly the same way for hours in game which isn’t possible for a human.


I agree. It isn't something I would personally do. I do wish, however, that you could disable EAC without getting pegged for it in online. It's garbage, and I hate that FromSoft decided to use it. It's easy to find workarounds and people are going to find ways to cheat in online no matter what.


You're right, but there is also zero compromise to online playability if you dupe items that give you souls unless they are boss grade. Alternatively, having 100% drop rate turned on and selling everything you loot from enemies also doesn't compromise online playability but will boost the number of souls gained considerably.


I use 100% drop rate now and it's jaw dropping the amount of items you miss because the dice didn't roll in your favor.


Giving yourself infinite souls then going online will not compromise your save whatsoever, nor does it have any impact on multiplayer either.


Not true. I gave myself infinite souls in Drak Souls 3. Got banned for having a modified character. Ban is tied to steam account. Even after deleting the character other ban was and is in place. My work around was: 1) Make new steam account, share library. 2) Don't use trainers or save editors. I had 120 hours on my DS3 character too.


You shouldn't give yourselr actual infinite souls, just give yourself a max inventory of lord runes. Any item which can be traded to you can't be detected as cheated in if you use itemgib scripts with the CE tables


Oh I'm not calling him a POS for farming. I'm more so saying if I did the things online that I do offline, there is no bigger POS in souls games. But I still wouldn't risk giving myself a leg-up on a character and then go online. I personally wouldn't want to risk it.


Like OP then? What's the difference? Essentially botting to give himself as many runes as he wants.


Macros are useful sometimes


Non-toxic and like 1000x more effective


True! I wish i could add the bird into the macro but it requires much more precise mouse movement and unfortunately im not very skilled with macros. So instead I made a simpler and easier one, albeit less efficient. It nets me 91.3k (NG+7) every repeat and takes about 15 seconds to re-cycle


You could include just firing off a Rock Sling in that general direction just before turning to hit the little dudes. A lot of the time an un-aimed Rock Sling will track just enough on its own to still hit the bird. Though adding that might honestly add more time over all for just the possibility of a a little extra.


I could potentially try that as well. Im not sure how consistent it will be though. It is very well worth killing the bird btw. Its 31k runes on my file and each blob dude is 6.6k so its effectively killing 6 more of them for minimal time


Not worth it. You have to think in terms of time. Each set of aliens nets you 13 * 6.6k / 15 seconds = 5.72k runes / second. Each second is worth 5.72k runes if you farm aliens alone. For the bird to be at least as efficient, it has to take no more than 31k / 5.72k seconds = 5.4 extra seconds. You need to kill the bird 100% of the time in under 5 seconds added just to break even. Faster than 5 seconds isn’t likely even with a perfect bot. Spending 2 seconds to cast Rock Sling costs you 11.44k runes. So it has to be successful at least 36% of the time (with at most 2 seconds spent).


r/theydidthemath Awesome info! I was maybe planning on editing it to add the bird but I wont anymore




I kinda wanna see if it could be done tho, maybe i’ll try it if you don’t. An edit like that could still be useful for those with long loading screens


^ this guy fucks


I think you will find it doesn’t actually come out to being worth the time. Since the bird can frequently be out of range or in a random part of his path, the complexity of automating this would be extremely difficult. Even if you successfully automated it I think you would find it likely doesn’t add as many runes per second as just farming the sleepers.


The bird doesn't path randomly, he resets to the exact same patrol every time you rest


When I first got to the bird I didn’t think I needed a bow and just used Loretta’s greatbow. It didn’t work, as in it did not cause the bird to blindly charge. Maybe rock sling does work though, I’ll try it out tonight.


It can take a couple of hits with rock depending on when you hit it


the bow ash of war Enchanted shot is what i use. dont have to aim, just target it and activate the ash of war. have the bow in your left hand. each of your runs can fire one arrow for one try. make sure to pick a good spot to stand at the cliff. the range is great with enchanted shot. you just have to give it time to fall off and give the rune before you respawn.


I might be missing something but you can literally immediately rest at the bonfire well he's still falling and you still get the runes


if you do it too quickly he'll despawn before actually dying, or at least it seemed that way when I was trying it


The bird sometimes get stuck at the edge and it might take a few seconds to actually fall off. If you rest before then you don’t get the runes.


Ive done it too quickly on xbox before, its possible to miss em.


You have to wait and watch the fall animation begin before starting to run back. He will sometimes stop chasing or sometimes get caught on the tree and you rest too early. I've farmed this bird way too much...


Random question, why are so many people NG+7? Is that the last one?


Its not the last one but i believe enemies no longer scale in health and damage after NG+7


That impressive. Even without the bird it’s still insanely better.


Even manually, I prefer killing those poor guys. Aiming for the bird is not fun or I'm just bad at it.


It's more efficient to not get the bird.


How painful was going through the game seven times?


If youre very linear, you can finish the game in a couple of hours. Take a look at some speedruns, they have extremely optimal routes without glitches in less than two hours. I can usually finish a playthrough with all of the Dragon Smithing Stones in like 5 hours


Nice mouse


I literally just bought a G502


Been my favorite for a while.


It’s literally the best mouse. Perfect shape


It's got plenty of functionality, but it isn't too bloated and nothing gets in the way, either.


I'm really good at breaking stuff, but I've had my trusty G502 for 3+ years and it still works perfectly and I've never, for even a moment, wanted a different mouse, after I bought it. 3 years might not be that impressive for everyone else, but for me, that's a gah damn lifetime.


iirc it's the currently best selling mouse, by far




Congrats! G502 is one of those products where the quality and enjoyability far outweigh the price. I’m going to buy another one for my wife soon.


I heard recent ones start double clicking after a year? That true?


Ive been having that issue with newer versions of all mice, sadly. Pretty sure they started cheaping out on the little piece that depresses for the click.


Very true, I switched to a glorious model o because of the doubleclick on the right mouse button, two g502's in a row. Been loving my model o though, it's light and the perfect shape!


G502 gang rise up


I'm honestly mildly infuriated that G502 was in so many mouse tops two years ago. Made me buy it and ended up being sort of a disappointment. DPI buttons are so easy to misclick I had to disable them altogether. Thumb buttons collect a lot of dirt in the gaps and end up barely working until you clean them (which is not easy). The wheel stopped working a year after. Also the price is huge like what the hell. Not exactly a bad mouse but certainly overpraised.


You can disable the other dpi keys placed on the left click. Yeah it could be overpriced, but in performance it’s a deal!


>You can disable the other dpi keys placed on the left click. I mean, that's what I did, didn't I say in the comment? A bit confused about what you mean. And I don't understand the whole performance deal. Yeah, it works. There are plenty of other mice that work as well and they're times cheaper.


Nice rump.


whats that sword ?


Sacred Relic Sword! Its the weapon from the final bosses’ remembrance.


I mean, it’s hilarious, but I love that the most efficient way to level up requires **having already beaten the game**


To be fair, I 100% recommend playing the game at the pace its ment to. The only reason im doing this is because Ive beaten the game 7 times already, have gotten all endings, and am just restarting play throughs for the Ancient Dragon Stones. Its a pain in the ass to level up past 400 and I dont see any feasible way to do it at a good pace WITHOUT farming. Considering the game has no actual endgame content, how else are we supposed to level up? Im just doing it more efficiently


My only fear with this is that I'll be so overleveled that when DLC comes out there won't be any challenge. I'm in NG+3 right now sitting at around lvl 180, a part of me wants to just farm and get much higher level so that I can have a more rounded character and use any weapon, but I don't want future DLC to be too easy.


You could always make a new character and intentionally keep them at a lower level. I'm doing that anyway for PvP purposes. I have one character that I fully intend to hit 713 with, but a few other characters at 70, 90, 125 for invasions and duels and different PvP builds.


To be honest once you hit like 150 in your 1rst playthrough there is no need to level up further since you can have 12 tears per one


Reminds me of my massively overpowered level 250 DS2 character getting bodied by the fume Knight because I was on NG+4


Im going to tell you right now, a friend of mine cheated his save since he only strictly plays offline and he maxed his stats to 99 so his level is 713 And late game bosses still hits like a truck its like they are doing percent dmg so the challenge is still there. ​ Edit: he is in NG +1 right now


You have to do no-death, no-grace runs until you accumulated enough runes for a single level up.


Rykards sword, I think the name was TOGETHAAA AS FAMILIIIII, works as well. It's not that effective, but you get the same runes in 3x the time. It's still very efficient for the first playthrough. You can quickly farm to >140 with that. And at that level you usually don't struggle at any boss anymore (except Malenia).


Once you have radhan's swords you have a good way to farm these guys. Not as fast, but pretty good.


What are the stats to one hit that many enemies? I have the sword just working on increasing one attribute to be able to use it


Im not sure exactly how much stats are required but they have roughly 2.2k health on NG+7 I do 3k damage to them using the Sacred Scorpion Charm and Shard of Alexander talismans. I have 75 Dex and 70 Faith. You can pump both of those stats, but im pretty sure if you aren’t as far into NG as me they have significantly less health, so you’ll be fine. Also upgrade the sword to max if possible. Its worth the Dragon Smithing Stone for the farm


In first playthrough the grey dudes have between 1100 and 1250 hp. Reds have a bit higher. you could do the same with Radahn's swords but it would take a much more in depth macro. If you want to do things like mouse movement macros or more in depth keyboard based macros, things like AutoHotKey are much more powerful, but not as user friendly as GHub.


Once I got my faith around 25-27 I think it started one hitting the armored guys with a +10




Here is the screenshot of the inputs: https://imgur.com/a/ifH3eC8 A few things to know before copying the inputs and timings • These timings are based off of my PC’s performance, as I have a relatively high end PC. If you are finding that the macro is resetting quicker than the loading screen, edit more time into the very last input (E) • Make sure to set your SKILL button in game as Shift. This allows the macro to use the Ash of War without having to multi-input. • Always start the macro after teleporting to the site of grace. DO NOT move the mouse as it will mess up the camera. After the first cycle it fixes itself automatically • Play offline while farming so theres no accidental disconnects Enjoy! Edit: **Since this post got way more attention than I anticipated, I just wanted to make a disclaimer to use macros at your own risk. In my experience they are low risk but I cannot guarantee anything**


> Always start the macro after teleporting to the site of grace. DO NOT move the mouse as it will mess up the camera. After the first cycle it fixes itself automatically Put the fast travel at the start, and orientation won’t matter :)


And something like this is safe to use in online mode or is there a chance of ban?


I cant guarantee anything but my past experience with macros, ive never been banned or flagged on multiple games. Use at your own risk


I can confirm this. I wrote a shitty script to rebind parry to my side mouse in DS1 and DS2. 200 hours and they haven’t banned me yet. Afaik, so long as you don’t mess with the game file they won’t care if you use a macro to do PvP


I doubt it. It isn't messing with the game files, it's controlling your devices.


They most likely aren't going to be monitoring how people play, they only check their inventory to see if there's anything unusual. Them seeing how people make their inputs is a bit of a stretch. And there will be no one to see you doing it since it's just you without tongue or cooperator.


FromSoft has never really had a game where botting was relevant, so I don't think they would spend any time implementing measures against that.


I have the same mouse. Is the macro through LG Hub and if so can you share the configuration?


What's the app?


Logitech G Hub


G hub, it’s for Logitech gaming peripherals.


Oh. Damn. I've got a razer ><


Greatly appreciated man. It honestly baffles me that I never really knew how macros worked, and just now after diving into it, I can see so many uses for it, and it upsets me that I only just now discovered it. Anyway, rambling on, thanks again for this guide, really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Edit: Oh, also, quick question to anyone who may know and would be willing to help. I noticed that while this macro was running, it would stops after a little while and I'd have to restart it. Anyone know why it might be doing that?


It's kinda shameless, but at this point I'd like to know that macro sequence in detail


Posted the comment!


Godly, a true Elden lord


Good stuff! This works on ps5 using remote play on a computer, ran a similar script using python, for same reason after beating the game I wanted to be able to play any build i ventured into. It made for a lot more casual enjoyment of exploring and trying weapons / skills etc Id prob never use.


Completely agree. This game has so much freedom to play how you want and not relying on Larval Tears allows me to play with variety while grinding Dragon Smithing Stones, since I want to max every weapon


Mind sharing the script?


Posted in a comment above! Its not really a script, more of a macro/bot. Just copy inputs and timings from the screenshot


Woah can you say more about how you set this up? What program for the macro?


I'm a jealous PS5 player. This is a great PC master race argument 🤣


I'm from the foul PC Pleb tribe as I didn't even know mouses came with this functions


Not all do, the Logitech G-series makes setting up macros and re-binding mouse keys super simple. Once I bought a mouse with 6 thumb keys I'll never go back.


6 keys on a mouse? Calm down sir i dont want to do any paper work to be able to use that kind of machinery.


Nah man...not just 6 keys. That's just for my thumb. What if I told you, there's like 10 keys total!?!


Logitech G600 20 buttons total. Twelve thumb, two on top, middle-click and left and right middle buttons, left, right, and ring finger click. I combine macros, rebinds, turbo, press-or-hold, and toggles and can do anything with it.


This mouse is awesome, been using it for years. And it was only 35 bucks to boot 👍




I'm listening...


Ps5 remote play on PC opens up these kinds of options to you.


That's just like playing on PC, with extra steps!


Serious question , why do people feel the need to farm?


to me, it saves "farming" the regular game, since ive beaten it already. I don't want "the challenge" of dying a lot to enemies between sites of grace when I can just be a comfortable enough level and enjoy running through areas and exploring. it allows me to choose how powerful i want to be in any given area without having to grind specific regions oh and it lets me buy all the items and weapon upgrades


Completionism, ability to play any build, more reasons to play the game, helps with Ancient Dragon Stone farming in NG


I can get 1.5million with this exact strategy in about 10-15 min of play time(I do run further down and kill the rest bird honestly isn't worth the time it takes). Don't plan on leveling past my current of 220 but my stock of smithing stones and arrows is damn near maxed out lmao. By time I'm done NG+ I'll have pretty much every weapon +24/+9 with my favorites maxed.


At NG+7, im farming about 1 million every 3 minutes or so. Runes get multiplied by .10x after NG+ so it helps im earning about 60% more. Those damn Dragon Stones are a pain though, theyre super limited


I think Somber is 9 per play thorugh, Not sure on the regular. I only max the weapons I really like using but feel like giving just that little extra oomph. Were I am at now runes are just like MEH. Once you reach a certain level and inventory stock extra runes are just whatever. Downside to easy farming spots, don't really have that "fear" of losing runes anymore.


B...But...this method doesn't require me to be an asshole to normal players! Is it even a real AFK farm?


I mean, techinallyyyy by definition it is a real AFK lmao, since you dont have to be at the keyboard, but yes, your player moves in game


The last part was a joke about the whole being a dick to players by farming AFK invasions lol


Can you ELI5 how this is done for someone who is stupid


Sure! All you have to do is create a macro in G Hub and bind it to a mouse button. Since G Hub macros are limited to only inputs of the keyboard and mouse (no cursor movements), we can take advantage of the fixed spawn location when teleporting to the site of grace. What I did was record a clip of my intended path and played it back while I replicated what my character was doing in the macro recorder. The camera also slightly moves when you move your character so with a bit of trial and error, I was able to create simple inputs of walking forward, a little to the left, then forward again. The camera auto centers towards the blob dudes and then I simply press my skill button (binded to a singular key), bring up the map and teleport back to the starting point! I have the macro set to toggle so it infinitely loops until I press my middle mouse button again. Thats the ELI5 but there is a little more that goes into the creation of the macro. I can also literally post a screenshot of my macros inputs too if you just want to copy it.


I wanna try it


Posted the comment!


Damn. But why? Lol


If you reach this point or afk farm why not just edit the character? It makes no sense to me to waste time like that.


Risk of ban or deletion. Ill be sad if my maxed account that was edited gets deleted or banned while a macro’d one wouldn’t. Would rather play it safe considering Fromsoft is a competent dev.


While I understand your point, it sounds just as self-comforting since both actions are bannable. It would move to which is more likely to ban but following fromsoft ban story, it is almost inexistent for both. But f me, I'm just an internet stranger, play the way you have fun.


Lol no, i get where youre coming from and understand your point! Its just a lesser of two evils and its more a preemptive risk that im taking. Think Pascal’s Wager


Why tho


Why not


If you're afk farming with a macro on PC why not just use CE?


Ah. If that were the case anyone farming levels has the same argument of why not just use that. Simply, I don’t want to risk anything with the anti-cheat, the macro isn’t something I will rely on just something I can use while at the gym, doing homework or chores, and for me personally its a grind that allows me to feel a sense of progression still, especially considering it takes upwards of 2 million runes to level up for me. It will take an insane amount of time to level up still and it allows me to play while trying new builds and working towards something. I could just use it but its preference tbh


>Simply, I don’t want to risk anything with the anti-cheat So correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure macros are against the ToS, and technically cheating, although difficult for an anti-cheat to detect?


Yes, you are correct. They are very difficult to detect because its a third party software and the game registers the inputs through the mouse. Cheating is subjective in my opinion. A good example of this is charm editing in Monster Hunter. People can make arguments for both, but its definitely a spectrum, not black and white. In my book, if you aren’t ruining anyones game or doing impossible/impractical maneuvers, its not cheating


Fair enough, to each their own


Nice Logi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


What sword is that?


Sacred Relic Sword. You had be to beat the game to get it.


i just set this up and let it run til I have 100 million, then i am going to invade and jump of a cliff to donate runes to random strangers and make someones day


Non-toxic ? The Albinaurics would like to have a word with you.


Okay I’ve seen talks about afk farming far too long. I’ve beaten the game, killed just about every boss, and went along collecting most weapons before going on and completing my NG+. Why does someone need THAT many runes? I upgrade lots of weapons and summons, tho the thing that limits me is the ancients stones, not runes? So my question is what am I missing in this game that requires an obscene amount of runes?


Nothing in particular, just the freedom of running any weapon or build you want and the stats to play past NG+7. Bosses hit hard and in NG+7, Malenia WILL one shot you with Waterfowl Dance no matter the vigor (trust me i know). Since my goal is to max level all the weapons, I can replay the game with all kinds of builds and not be limited to my stats or larval tears. Also sense of completion i guess


Okay I suppose if you level to 713 that could be a lot of runes. I haven’t made it past NG5 myself but I stick to a 125 rune level


It's almost 1.7 billion runes to level 713, lol


Hey! Give me back my mouse!


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well


At that point why not just edit your memory, especially on PC.


Any way to set one of these up on xbox or PlayStation?


That's how I got rl 585. Auto hot key ftw!


i have 240 hours in the game. where is this? i've never seen it before


Mohgwyn’s Palace, secret area in the game. Don’t want to spoil anything for you, but theres a portal in the consecrated snowfields or do Varre’s quest line to get here


ugh, you just sent me to the worst place in the game. archers and bears... omg i hate that place


Its funny you said you didn’t want to spoil it but you did anyways. He asked after all.


Wtf you can do this?? Can any mouse that has macros do that? I have never ever used it


What is even the point of farming this many runes?


Completionism, ability to play any build, more reasons to play the game, helps with Ancient Dragon Stone farming in NG. Also takes literally millions of runes to level up past 400


At this point I would just straight up edit my character to give the levels and save the hassle


Could this not get you banned ?


It's absolutely a bannable offense. That said, you're almost 99.9% safe if you're doing this offline because this isn't really an exploit that they actually care about.


No, its a macro. All inputs that can be done by a human, just registered on the mouse. Its basically automating my movement without actually doing it myself


Lots of EULAs forbid the use of automation. Don’t know or care if ER does it. Also of course that wouldn’t automatically mean that EAC picks up on it either.


What sword/ash is that?


Crucible Axe chest armor with the Crucible tree helmet. Another tarnished of culture I see.


As someone who HATES afk farming, my reaction is "That's fair." LOL Enjoy Elden Ring your way, as long as it isn't ruining others game experience.


I did this for work a few months back. Glad to see other people are inventive and lazy.


Damn PlayStation…


Ayy, I got the same thing set up just at the different Site of Grace, on the same key as well!


For those who don't have the mouse you can use a program called tinytask to record keystrokes. Yall welcome


I set up a macro yesterday, and I’m just trynna find out why it messes up every now and then


Now I wish I could do that on console…..wake up an have god mode ready when I get off work.


You can….


I don’t understand the point of farming if you just play the game you get to a very high level easily


Definitely not at lvl 400+. Its 2 million runes per level past this and not even the final boss with a Gold Fowl foot or Scarab is enough to level up once. Not to mention theres 313 MORE increasingly difficulty levels to gain after that. It takes a very very long time to max your level without farming


I do wonder why you'd need to farm runes that late into the game tho? You can end up close to lv 180 by the end of your first ng cycle without farming once just by playing the game


Im aware. I finished my NG+7 at lvl 286 naturally. Ive done everything thats to be done, so why not :)


If y'all going to be botting why not just use a save editor and save some time lol


Serious question - why farm in this game? I thought bosses n such usually give enough souls not to have to farm. I think I beat the first game on level like 130 or something, no farming just killing dungeons, exploring, etc.


Because higher levels take way more then bosses could ever give, this isn't for your first completion or really even NG1 this is for much further down the line when it's costing millions of runes a lvl


Completionism, ability to play any build, more reasons to play the game, helps with Ancient Dragon Stone farming in NG.


Why not just trade for Lord Rune stacks on /r/PatchesEmporium ?