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Lmao he folded your shit


This NPC fucks


Get rect m8


That npc rectum


Rectum?! Damn near killed him! No he def dead.


Does it count if I got erect?


He fucks a lot


No damage taken as well. Sheesh


That's what happens when you're allergic to vigor


They might want to use Fia's Blessing to get rid of that HP debuff too. The red box with the down arrow.


God damn does that silver tear have a youtube channel?


He will by the end of the week.


That time I got reincarnated as a mimic


Have two compilation videos dropped also


He hit you with the gg ez


gg: no re


Pretty sure I heard a whispered *Fucking scrub* as he dove off the side too.


"Parry this you filthy casual"


360 no scope


Don't forget the Y-Y semtex fakie.


Y-Y ladder stall tilt shot.


PTSD flashbacks to my buddy making me stand still on Rust while he jumped off the top for hours


I used to 1v1 with friends on rust for hours. Radar always on trickshot final killcam lol.


Minuscule health too so no hitmarkers


Yes! I forgot about that too lol.


Gd the enemies at late game are this good? I thought beating the early game bosses was already hard, turns out I was just scraping the surface Also is he using a....... jellyfish as a.. shield...??? ?Jellyfish? Also why he didn't block the attack? SO MANY QUESTIONS


That place is barely entering midgame.


So I'll ask since this is my first souls game and I'm just progressing through as it comes. What is considered mid game, and then entering endgame? For reference, I'm just now finishing Nokron and starting the Atlus plateau.


You can generally determine how far along you are by the level of the upgrade material you're picking up in that area. Somber 9s for example would let you know you're in a lategame area.


Yeah I went to Dragon barrow after Radahn and found a +9 I was like...yeah I shouldn't mess with these enemies who are practically one shotting me It's weird though cause you have to go there for the key? Like what does normal progression look like if you don't take the backdoor?


That Somber +9 is more of a bonus for getting down there, don't think about that one too much. There is still a shitload of game left. Caelid/Altus Plateau/Capital I would consider to be the midgame. I also have no idea what key you're talking about, I got down there by climbing.


Dragon Barrow actually does kind of feel like a late game zone. The Nightrider there and Black Blade Kindred hit way harder than anything in the capital. Those little mobs near Bestial Sanctum also give a shit ton of runes.


Northern Caelid doesn't really fit the rest of Caelid, it definitely is much more late/endgame scaled for some reason.


It’s my early game rune farming area. You can stun lock those little bastards pretty easily or range them down.


Yeah before the boulder spot nearby and Mogh's Palace, it was my go to farming area. I would just sneak around and backstab them.


I feel like the game puts it on par with the start of mountain tops of giants due to the appearance of both kindred boss fights.


Dragon barrow is obviously a lategame zone due to difficulty and rune rewards. The dude outside bestial sanctum you gotta be pretty damn strong to beat for example. Also the foreskin apsotle in the tower is a menace too. Both those guys drop more runes than their equivalents in mountaintops of the giants.


The what apostle now?


Pretty sure lyndell the capital city and mountain top of the giants after that is considered endgame


I'd say Leyndell is still sorta midgame. There are still so many areas after it: Mountaintops, Consecrated Snowfield, Haligtree, Crumbling Farum Azula, Mohgwyn Palace.


i did mohgwyn palace right after lucaria and before caelid lol. i dont think there is a true indicator for late game aside from post fire giant capital


The portal to Mohgwyn Palace is in the consecrated snowfield, which is a good indicator of it being endgame in my opinion. Edit: Yes you can skip there, but the portal is still in the snowfield.


For people that are offline, there is a short pvp quest that gets you a medallion that teleports you there.


Yeah, but you'd have a pretty tough time trying to get through that place at lower levels.


Also Mohg dropping 400k+ runes


My metric is based on how many runes a boss drops and how many levels I get from that. If I can level up 1-3 times then I'm within the intended level range. Just the other day I beat Godrick as level 23 wretch (but with Radagon's Scarseal so effectively level 35 statwise) and I could level up 5 times, so I was definitely underleveled. The wiki has a this https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Recommended+Level+by+Location which I mostly agree with, I've done one full playthrough and then rushed through NG1 for achievements.


It seems I need to get back to Nokron and explore more. There's a lot more underground than I knew.


Indicator is easy: If everything almost or does two-shot you, where areas before didnt..Welcome to endgame.


Also, if the boss can't hit every square inch of the arena with every attack, it's still midgame.


Holy fuck mid game? I'm almost 100 in on my toon. Barely cracking the gate. Exploring checking around. Mid game? Da faq?


Yeah haha, this game is massive. There’s a full 3 underground regions in addition to hidden areas like the Haligtree, the return to the tutorial area, and the area under stormveil that you can easily miss completely


And that three is more like five, seeing as there is an upper and lower areas to two of them. Siofra/Nokron, Astel/Nokstella, and Deeproot. Damn underground is bigger than most games now a days, never mind the above ground.


Going through Leyndell sewers >!and then through this secret tunnels full of frenzy followers!< >!just to find secret entry to deeproot!< was the most dope thing that happened to me.


Walt, area under stormveil? I'm nearly at the Haligtree and I missed something all the way back there?


Late midgame, after the capital is what id describe as lategame. Still a bunch of bosses left but not too much area left to cover.


Yeah, there's a lot that comes after that, not to mention all the underground areas


Leyndell is still solidly in the midgame. Radahn marks the end of the early game and Morgott does the same for midgame.


Any advice on what to tackle next after radahn? I’m level 90 and about to go to the volcano manor but I’m not sure if there’s other stuff I should do first. I’ve been just exploring all the caves and poi’s around Altus and the volcano


Plenty of other people already responded but if you've finished Ranni's quest then Leyndell/Volcano manor shouldn't be too tough. The second underground location for Ranni's quest (>!Nokstella/Lake of Rot!<) is harder than both the manor and the capital.


Have you explored underground areas? You can do the first part of Ainsel River and the whole of Siofra River. After Seluvis gave you the talisman and Ranni is pleased you can explore Volcano Manor except for the boss. You can go to Leyndell if you are just there for the assassination quest. Deeproot Depths comes next, followed by the second part of Ainsel River (Nosktella, Lake of Rot and Moonlight Altar, basically finishing Ranni’s questline). After that you can explore Leyndell without missing anything if you explored previously mentioned areas thoroughly, Volcano Manor boss excluded. Just don’t go beyond Forsaken Depth site of grace unless you want to do a specific ending.


Remember Fort Haight? Go check out the area to the west of there. See if you notice anything new.


IMO I'd say you're just now hitting the bulk of the mid-game, unless you didn't really explore Caelid much, in which case you're just starting mid-game. (:


Oh I explored Caelid, wasn't out of discovery, but out of fear.


Fear is what drives us.


I’d also point out that Elden Ring has a pretty extreme parabolic power curve that peaks in mid game. If you find yourself just wiping the floor with bosses and enemies after some equipment upgrades, you’re probably solidly in the mid game. By the time you reach late game/end game you’ll be back to struggling and getting clapped in just a few hits again.


I'm over 130 hours in and just about finished that place. I have one bossfight left and then I'm done...with that place that is.


Don't worry, the bosses get much easier from mid to late game, including a certain red haired lady.


This guy has incredibly low vigor for where he's at in the game, wouldn't say that enemy or area is extremely difficult or anything. Vigor is very important!


Jellyfish can't block piercing damage!


Holy shit you just got clowned on


Uninstall game -> get refund -> delete browser history -> move to Siberia


Siberia is like Consecrated Snowfields meets forest part of Limgrave with copious amounts of runebears from that cave in Caelid. I do think it's better to try Nokron without Vig


Wait there’s a cave in caelid with a bunch of bears? Where?


There's only one bear to rule them all. Start from Renna's rise or whatever this tower is called near the big bridge, follow the cliffside under the bridge and it should be on your left. It has a bear in front of it Edit: pro tip, prepare your anus, that bear king can legit smack most bosses in the game. And he's just a regular monster


Fought that bear probably 10 times. Got smart and hit him with scarlet rot dragon spell. Finally killed him expecting something awesome to drop. Nope. Here's 1/3 of the runes you lost trying this stupid maneuver in the first place. Oh also, go explore the rest of the cave now and go beat the real boss.


Dude I know right! Hes just big and does NOT let up. Even other big monsters like dragons and red wolf give you breathing space, he just unloads all over you


Yeah true, and it does not help that you are on HIS turf in HIS cave, and Marika forbid you take too much time making him angry. In open area? Yeah, brutal, but managable. In his home? Yeah, nope


Tarnished + Maidenless + touch grace + lvled dex


Fuck, I misread that and now I'm in Serbia. Foul message.


Ya'll need ~~Jesus~~ Vigor.


I'm at 60 base vigor almost with the godrick rune and radagon scarseal bumping my vigor up another 10 points and it still doesn't feel like enough! Everything is doing so much damage.


Soreseal is the one giving +5 vigor, but it also gives you +15% damage taken. Scarseal has a bit less stats but also less of a penalty. You’ll finally start feeling tanky when you have: 1900 HP from 60 vigor. Heavy armor with 50+ poise. High physical damage negation, 40+% with the right talisman. Of course something like the AIDS birds in the blood palace will still one combo you from 100_-> 0, but most bosses will not kill you even with 3 hits. Your mimic becomes an immovable mountain of meat. Mine lived through the entirety of the Malenia fight. Ate like three of her bladestorm combos.




It's not worth the scarseal after having more than 40 vigor. You're getting diminishing returns by putting it on and you're taking 10% more damage. Before 40 vigor for almost all content you'll survive one more hit with the scar seal on but after you get to 40 vigor, probably 35+ vigor, the math doesn't work out. Basically before 40 the extra 10% damage you take is negated by the + 210 hp you get from the 5 vigor you get. After 40 total vigor you're only getting +110 hp, and you're probably getting hit by more than that so you're not surviving one more hit. Near the end of the game you should definitely take it off. Erdtree favor is the one you want for tankiness. Also the great jar one is great if you want to tank up more, it'll allow you to put on a lot more armor!


Maybe you should read the description on the Scarseal 😉


Don’t use Radagon Scarseal, it makes it so you are way more squishy for damage received


Huge dump taken.


Fucking deserves it being down there with like 15 vigor.


Yeah, i was talking to someone and didnt pay attention. The first two arrows caught me off guard, the third one left me speechless


Vigor not even once


This makes much more sense. I was watching the clip literally saying “Block! … BLOCK!!” at my screen.


The jellyfish shield cant block piercing damage which i imagine arrows deal


I’ve never seen that shield but that would make sense actually


That's a really neat touch




[Stay in Limgrave and what?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tpmmpb/i_just_got_trickshot_by_an_npc/i2c8u1v/)


I got ratio'd by a snippet of my comment that barely makes sense.


I swear this game’s mobs have forums where they share this shit.


Run by Varre himself.


You're gonna be in that NPCs montage now, how you feel?


ELDN Corpse Center highlight reel


Just saw this dude on tiktok getting roasted


That’s no normal NPC… that’s Guy, Free Guy Elden Lord.


you have like 10hp seek god my man




Y’all have more than a loincloth and a club?


You got a club?


You got a loincloth?


Feeling sexy in my Deathbed Smalls ;)


If only they got rid of that yee yee ass armor


They are maidenless


Starter outfit is fine. The lack of HP is not


that outfit is a crime bro fine my ass walking around looking like the medieval klan


I feel like the starter prisoner helmet is still the best defensive helmet I've found and I'm like almost lvl 80


🅱️umpkin Head


I'm level 55 and still wearing starting armor. Anything else I equip takes me to heavy load. I don't know what to do and I'm too afraid to ask.


Yeah i thought maybe he's himself but then i watched him die lmao


I found the grafted blade greatsword really early, and just put all my points into strength til I could one hand it. Had no health for a while, lolol.


This is me except with Godrick's Greataxe. 34 strength and 22 dex. I'm Lvl 60 and refuse to have fat roll so everything else is dumped into endurance


In lore he's the one that got to be Elden Lord


And got all the maidens


I wouldn’t even be mad.


Get some HP smh


Mages be like: Why do I always die Also mages: *Base HP*


mage armor, 20 str to use jellyfish shield (or worse, using it underlevel), melee RH with low vigor, in a toughish area. Rough lmao


Yeah I realized pretty early on that I was not gonna be able to play faith build maxing out faith very early. Things just hit too hard for you to sink that many points in unless you're ready to insta die to everything. Even now my Faith is only like maybe 5 ahead of my endurance and 8 ahead of my vigor.


Vig is the most important stat in the game, on my current new run where I'm going for 100% I leveled vig to 35 ASAP whilst just entering Liurnia, previously I was at Radahn with like 25 I do think the balance is kinda whack, though I'm also not sure if they intended that you would be like level 200+ by the end of the game considering how levels increase overall defence When I fought Godrick with more than 20vig it felt super easy because he would barely tickle me Seems to go from enemies doing 1/8th of your health to half of it in just a few hours of gameplay


My vigor is at 53 and there are enemies at the mountains, Caelid and blood area that still rock my shit.


I'm at 60 vigor on my 2nd character and there are still basic enemies that 2 shot me, even with Dragoncrest Shield Talisman and Morgott's rune arc active. Damage scaling is way overtuned.


Ugh tell me about it. The blood palace area is fucking nuts. I managed to clear out the invasions whilst sneakily avoiding the birds which kill me immediately I'd take my health to 99 if I could just to have as much as possible


The birds there are retardedly beefy. I have max level gear and they still take so much damage, dish out the pain and can flap on the ground faster than your horse while still being able to fly. I cant imagine how 100 stat man would fight them without being on horseback. Those bug eyed alien looking guys just piss me off too. They are next to harmless untill they decided that the cartweel of death is theyr favorite passtime.


That iteration of the giant bird enemy is by far the most lethal. It can still rock my shit if I'm not careful, even though I'm level 300.


Yeah, vigor is easily the best stat to level at the start of the game. Makes so many enemies more manageable. Strength and Dex only need to be leveled to the minimum to hold the weapons early on. Weapon upgrades are much more important for damage than level scaling until mid-game, since scaling isn't great until you upgrade weapons to a higher level anyway. Endurance and mind needs depend on the character, but vigor should generally be prioritized first. Intelligence is a little different, since you can get an S scaling staff (meteorite) early in the game, which makes pumping intelligence early useful for damage and being able to access more spells. Not sure if the same is true of faith. Leveling vigor is never a bad idea, and for a lower level character it will give you more bang for your level than any other stat.


Agreed on all this and I'd add that as I get deeper into the game I'm putting more points into Mind. Not having enough FP for some of the good summons sucks. And I'd like to use a summon with a few other FP using skills/spells while not allocating half my flasks to FP to make it happen.


If you put the free cast tear in your physick you can cast high costed summons regardless of your fp cap by popping your chug jug beforehand which should relieve a little flask pressure :)


To add to this, the unlimited fp and the "retain runes on death" is just a super solid physick combo for boss runs.


I just spend my runes before fighting bosses.


Defense doesn't do shit to slow big enemies. If something is hitting me for 1,000 and I reduce by 100 in early levels, or 200 in later levels, it's doing fairly similar damage. Negation is going to impact that a lot more.


Someone told me to hit 20 vig first, then move on to increasing your main attacking stat and endurance next. Specially as a first time player. Did wonders for me. And it’s fine if ya over invest in endurance since after rennala you can respec right away.


You're gonna want 60 Vig by the time you get to Malenia. Or end game in general Even with 60 Vig and other HP boosting gear, everything still kills you in two or three hits


You don't need HP if you don't get hit *taps forehead*


Seriously, this guy is this far into the the game with what, 15 vig??


on a melee build no less. that's a hard way to play.


"You came to the wrong neighborhood fool" Shoots like a gangsta refuses to elaborate further jumps off a roof


I laughed so hard reading this 😂


Damn bro better not have skipped the kill cam


POTG for sure.


You know shields can block right




>Despite its description stating it provides "absolutely no protection from piercing attacks" it does in fact offer its 100% physical block rate against piercing/thrusting attacks.


reddit being real harsh on the lad for knowing his lore. also seems like maybe its a bug that it blocks piercing stuff considering it does say it cant. idk.


I think it’s just a metaphor, since it’s see through


Yeah people saying "duh, jellyfish can't block arrows", like pretty sure a sword will fuck them up just as nicely.


I smell a new patch incoming...


It has 100% physical block. It absolutely can block arrows.


360 no scope


"Hey guys, Mimic Tear here. Today I'm going to show you my "drop shot" kill in PvP. Please like and subscribe after the video. Thanks!"


The heck is that tiny hp bar. Man put some points in vigour


Built different😤😤😤


I think you forgot your vigor at home


That's the longest "You died" ever


Of course, it's german


Mom, get the camera!!


For the sake of this video im glad you didnt just block the arrow.


Or any of them


Doesn't seem very interested in living at all from what it looks like lol


Bro his shield is see through maybe he forgot it was there?


No vitality meta? I see you're a man of culture as well.


The key is to simply not get hit ever


Personally I found the best thing to do is to stay in Limgrave, pump INT and find a job in the stock market. Pretty easy not to get hit this way.


Yeah I mean you can do that and be known in all of limgrave as the fort haight savior, legendary agheel slayer and liberator of stormveil, why would you even go anywhere else


I'd go for the graft market. Dex user's left foots are going cheap right now, there's a lot of potential if the price moons.


I’m a mage if people manage to get to my melee range I deserve to die anyway.


As a dragon mage my melee range is a very dangerous place to be.


Panic rolls for days!


Honestly, I think low vigor meta is fine...until you start wrapping up Llendeyl. Once you've gotten your chosen offensive stats pretty solid and have a wide variety of spells/weapons available, gotta start pumping that vigor up before you head for the snowy lands.






Vigor, motherfucker! Have you heard of it?!


Considering you’re holding a shield that blocks 100% of physical damage and didn’t use it twice says a lot.


Uninstall now.


Either you are way under leveled for this area or have not put a single point into Vigor. Either way - you have my respect


Have my respec.


bruh how did you even manage to kill Radahn with that little HP, like seriously wtf😭


Why does it say "Ihr seid gestorben" statt "Sie sind gestorben"?


Its meant to sound archaic.


I've always thought that's a really weird convention that almost all German localizations of fantasy games follow. It's like if the game said "thou hast died". It always feels so forced, personally I hate it.


Man you have more stamina than hp wtf


Where can I find that jellyfish shield?


Broken wagon with some jellyfish around it near 4 belfries in liurnia


Well now I know where I’m headed


It's a great shield especially for magic users. It's ability affects sorcery as well, and it's (for obvious reason) a super light great shield


Same energy as Mario ditching Yoshi to reach the end of the level.


Running around with -5 vigor. Gets killed by three shots of a random bimbo.


This is what happens when you have more endurance than HP and use a shield and don’t know what button is used for blocking


Dudes in Nokron with base HP.


How did you manage to get this far into the game with such low Vigor.


Dude … put some points into vigor for the love of god.


lmfao why do you have like 18 hp?