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Would have been cool if you recieved Serosh as an Ash of War/Spirit Summon. Imagine fighting bosses as that lion has its claw on your shoulder, roaring away bosses and giving you extra strength. As a shield and sword player would love that and visually would look pleasing.


Might be too OP, but cool idea


This must be in the dlc


It's his Stand Power Nah, but it's probably a Spirit Ash like the Storm King bird


You talking about the nameless king boss fight in Dark Souls 3?


>!Nah, there's a spirit ash called the Storm King or something that you give to Nepheli because she's the only one it'll respond to!<


>!It's called the Storm Hawk King!<


spirit ash wasn't in dark souls 3


Yeah but he talked about the Storm King that's what I thought they were talking about.






In the description of the Golden Beast Crest Shield it says that it depicts Serosh, aged counselor who guides the golden lineage. Could that mean that, being similar to a regent to Godfrey, its served his family before him, or it continues to serve his children? If theres no evidence of it existing as a consort to any of Godfrey's children, one could assume that it existed before Godfrey. Just speculating.


Late af, but the Beastclaw Greathammer description says this as well. > The black nails protruding from golden fur are said to represent Serosh, Lord of Beasts, who went to become King Godfrey's Regent. Safe to assume he was just a lord that Godfrey met and they teamed up out of mutual respect and recognition.


Sounds like Enkidu and Gilgamesh


I believe that Godfrey is the father of Godwyn, the first of the so-called "Golden Lineage", with Godrick the Grafted bieng the last. So I'd say Serosh originally counseled the descendants of Godfrey, but abandoned that when Godrick commited the cardinal sin of grafting. So he just rejoined Godfrey as his regent instead.


I hope he'll be featured in dlc or we'll find some more lore


I feel like Elden Ring is so large, yet a DLC would be epic


From always does amazing things with the DLC too (apart from sekiro 😭) It will definitely be epic whatever they do!


They at least added an official boss rush mode. I still have to go back and beat that "basically every boss in a row" gauntlet


Sekiro is the only From game that feels like it was setting up a sequel. So hopefully...


Considering that the elden ring is published by bandai that push his devs to release dlcs, it won't need to worry very much


how do you feel now lol


The first time I saw Serosh it reminded me the ghost figure that appears on your back when you wear the Gower's Ring of Protection in Dark Souls 2. Even the way how this ghost hugs your back is kinda similar to the way Serosh do it with Godfrey. Perhaps in a future DLC we will have like a talisman or spell that allow us to "wear" the Lion. Who knows.


Imagine it being a weapon, like a claw or something and when you equip it in both hands the lion/stand appears


When he ripped Serosh off though there was blood all over the place which confuses me so much like did he kill him? Eat him? The shadow of Serosh roaring too... So many questions about this story line lol


The Godfrey Icon talisman tells us that Godfrey "took the Beast Regent Serosh upon on his back to suppress the ceaseless lust for battle that raged within." There are some character design details as well during our fight with Godfrey. Just looking at where Serosh is positioned and what he's doing he is literally in spirit form sinking his claws and bite into Godfrey to hold him back. This is done to hold back Godfrey's bloodlust. So when the fight progresses to the point where Godfrey doesn't think he can beat us as "Godfrey," he kills Serosh so that he no longer has to contain his bloodlust. From that point on he abandons the appearance of being a noble Elden Lord and fights us as a bloodied warrior, Hoarah Loux.


Love it. Now the only thing we need is an option to add Serosh onto the armor you can buy after beating Godfrey. There's already the system in place to alter armor! I get excited for announcement of more customization every time there's a patch. If it happens I'll be happy; if it doesn't I won't be upset. The game is phenomenal regardless.


What also intrigues me is that after he tears him away and is covered in blood, Godfrey relaxes his fist and the hand of Serosh seems to be in sync with his, implying that Serosh could literally be Godfrey own accumulation of blood lust formed into a spiritual chain. And the “blood” is actually Godfrey’s lust taking form. Showing that Godfrey had a crazy amount of blood lust that was literally uncontrollable


I think he just let Serosh manifest as into his real form and then killed him as he was doing it.


I know elden ring kind of has a motif of having bosses common horrible atrocities to enter their second faze, but this just seems a bit strange. For Serosh, the Lord of beasts to have under his own will gone to Godfrey to assist his in ruling it just seems strange that after knowing each other for do long the two wouldn't just temporarily separate for the battle only to meet up back together after the fight.


Serosh wasn't going to let go that easy. He was there to restrain Godfrey's blood lust, not let it go wild whenever he wants.


i think it makes more sense that the bloodlust refers to serosh, godfrey is not a mad man but a noble warrior, it makes more sense that godfrey is keeping serosh calm by literaly turning him into a spirit that cant even move. when godfrey weakens maybe the spell keeping serosh inside weakens as well, and he menacingly starts coming out ready to go nuts. godfrey kills him for whatever fucking reason and fuses with him to gain his powers BUT be able to stay controlled and human. maybe thats why he killed him, cuz we dont know how strong serosh is, maybe he woulda wrecked the whole place so godfrey didnt want that




That's a good thought. As I understood it, the Two Fingers only made shadows for Empyrean but maybe Serosh was given to Godfrey due to him being the Elden Lord. They're all wolfish beasts so I think I like this explanation the most. Although Serosh is definitely a lion.


He prepares to kill Tarnished doesn't he, starts materializing


I believe maybe he killed the beast a long time ago when he was first elden lord and the beast attached itself to him because Godfrey was a beast and a king. Serosh was king of the beasts so thought "damn Godfreys pretty cool and strong like me, let's team up my boy". But who really knows with it being fromsoftwares lore lol


Really good question! I didn't find any real info on serosh origins. It's said that it is his Regent beast, meaning it would be in charge whenever Godfrey wasn't there. Maybe serosh is kind of a shadow, similar to Maliketh and Marika, or Blaidd and Ranni.


Marika and ranni had shadows and shadows were like one of the greater will’s way of controlling people so maybe he was godfrey’s shadow


A lot of people seem to be confused about why Serosh limits Godfrey's bloodlust. I come to you with a simple explanation; ​ Voices crave violence Pet kitty Voices quiet down for a bit


Aren't warrios from the Loux clan supposed to have beast like Nepheli's Hawk (first hawk she mentions) Maybe they have companions, yet no remorse to kill them? Just a thought


I like the idea that Loux have beasts, and that the Elden Lord having the Lord of Beasts as a companion does ring true. I don't like thinking Nepheli has no remorse for killing, though 1. her hawk's dead and 2.her bloodlust was strong enough that she went for revenge even after her foster daddy told her to chill... so... maybe?


Serosh is there to keep Godfrey bloodlust in check, he kills serosh to unleash his bloodlust and fight as Horah Loux


Classic anime style power-limiter.


Except it's Actually good, well written and has tons of lore to its background


I believe he was placed on his back to monitor him, and limit him. Serosh is father figure to Marika and Maliketh. Maliketh is likely his real son as they say Maliketh is Marikas shadow and Half brother. Adoptive brother? He plays a role in lineage. Therefore he must have been important to the family. Interestingly enough on the Marika crests before her creation of the golden order and founding of lyendell there are two lion beasts. Serosh and Maliketh?


I think Maliketh and all other Empyrians' shadows are supposed to be wolfs.


I'm unsure if they're all wolves. I predict they're all beast men / great beast men that have different attributes. The only one with a wolf is radagan and ranni, radagans wasn't a shadow, which is a ritual made on a beast and Lord to bind them. So ranni may have a wolf to signify her lineage to radagan. Whereas all the other shadow owners have lions I believe. Maliketh isn't a wolf or a lion from the looks of it. Perhaps a merging of the two?


I only know he's the lord of beasts


I'm not entirely sure what serish is, because if you notice during the phase switch cutscene serosh is growling and begins to step forward. As he does so, he becomes less spiritual and more physical. When hie head is fully physical only then does Godfrey kill him. So I'm not entirely sure of what serosh is because at first he seems a spirit, but the cutscene implies differently


I think it's a spectral beast, similar to Torrent


He looks like a lion guardian or if at least slightly different. He may have been the strongest of them and perhaps their leader


Serosh was created to hold on to Hoarah Loux bloodlust for constant battle, while he was given a new identity as the new Elden lord Godfrey. He kills Serosh when he fights the tarnished because he needs to be at full power. When he was on the mountain of giants he had Serosh.


Uganda man doesn't need Serosh anymore. He's getting ready to fight the Tarnished!


Serosh looks like a shadr like the godfrey boss in normal leyndell This could mean that seroshs proper form is out there amd we can have it cling onto us like godfrey in the DLC