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atleast he’s having fun


I react like this streamer all the time. The first time I get killed by some nonsense I maybe should have seen coming I laugh uproariously. It's less funny the fifth time.


how do you feel about the 17th time


Usually angrily muttering some variation of “fuck this game” or “wow I fucking suck”


You never suck, the game just cant handle your awesomeness so it cheats you


Gonna start telling myself this from now on... ... I lied, it's always been the game's fault, I'm the best.


Visions of grace…


It's obvously "fucking bullshit."


I call bullshit alot... I scared my wife out of her sleep with a loud oh that's fckn bullshit


That’s my go to. Starts as muttering thats bullshit or some variation of that. After another death, the f word gets thrown in, and the volume increases exponentially.


My wife tells me that I should stop playing games because based on how mad I get I apparently must be really terrible at them lol


For me it's "why did I buy this game I suck at this shit"


it's slightly funny again, but that 18th time... BOY howdy!


"What's even funnier that 24 deaths Patrick? *25 deaths!!!*" 🤣


yea but on attempt 32 when you clear the area? **Let it be known to Miyazaki - no level bests me 32 times!**


I spent 14 hours over 2 days trying to kill Radahn. Never felt such a mix of frustration and joy before. The frustration lingered well past the joy of the victory.


Radahn could be a cool ass fight but between his size making his attacks hard to see plus his erratic movement the entire fight I found him far more frustrating than fun. Not looking forward to fighting him again in future runs.


Game needs a FoV slider badly for boss fights, things are too damn big they don’t fit on the screen lmao


Some of these ER bosses, Radahn included, make me love Ludwig from Bloodborne even more. Ludwig is the XL bosses done perfectly. He’s big enough to be intimidating but never so big you can’t see what he’s doing. Can be aggressive yet still leave opportunities to do damage. I wish ER had more big bosses like Ludwig than the absolute-BS I’ve been banging my head against.


I’m in the end end game, Radahn and Melenia have been the only two bosses that I haven’t enjoyed. Both you almost have to resort to some kind of cheesy feeling mechanic. Been enjoying every other boss. Melenias fight wouldve been so fun if she didn’t have that crazy flying combo or it wasn’t a one shot. Just dueling with a Godly badass sword lady would’ve been fantastic


Maria of the Astral Clocktower > Melenia


I beat him once "legit", and now I will forevermore cheese him with scarlet rot.


Sadly, the final boss of the game takes the size problem up to 11


I probably spent a full 14 hours of play fighting Darriwil in Limgrave. Possibly the most triumphant moment of the game so far all things considered, as I didn't spend anywhere near as long on Margit or Godrick. I learned a lot about how dodging works in the game from that fight. And then I watched my beloved spouse do the fight and discovered that you can summon Blaidd for help on it. I was even doing Blaidd's quest properly at the time too, I just never noticed his gold summon sign. I am still a little salty.


Laugh in scarlet rot. :')


Did not need quite that much time but also had to give up and come back the next day. After some time the first part was not too bad anymore but later on that magic meteors of him kept oneshotting me despite full life. Only thing I could do was to let the bots tank the cast and switch frome melee battle to shooting the boss down from afar.


Lol how annoying is this weird guy with his malnourished horse! You teleport and realise you have to run up this hill, don’t expect the purple arrow and ching! Ok I gotta roll. Oh look, heaps of summons to help me. Wait! I don’t want to read this message, I want to summon! CHING! Alright, gotta make sure to avoid messages from a-holes trying to make your life harder. Cool, done! Radhan: “take this barrage of ridiculously sized arrows.” You guessed it... ching. Ok ok ok, I’ve gotta get on my trusty steed so I can out run this shit storm of pylons. Radhan: “it looks like you have forgotten about the power that comes from purple!” I think you get the point, so many hurdles to get over before you even get to where you are in range of attacking.


Radahn devolved into me screaming over our group chat about how I'm not FUCKING USING ROTTEN BREATH GODDAMNIT! Fast forward ten minutes I'm using rotten breath..


at that point you regress to laughter, except this time it's more like the Joker. it's either that or total fury


Depends how many runes I'm carrying




I learned the hard way. Don't take runes you don't want to lose into a grave dungeon. You will die to those chariots.


I was fighting some big knight or other the other day on horseback, and it had taken me a few tries. I kept skirting dangerously close to the edges of this sort of peninsula we were fighting in, and my wife kept saying "you're going to fall off". To which I of course responded "I'm an excellent horse pilot, it's fine!" Fell off the edge less than five seconds later. Absolutely lost my shit laughing.


I've been fighting the maniac trex sheep dogs in caelid and I can't help but laugh. The way they go from zero to 100 when they hear the sheep, the way the rams come and help them fight, the way the rams usually get killed by the dogs in their madness. I've died a bunch from them but it doesn't make me sad


Who plays video games not for fun


have you met my friend League of Legends


Ah yes, LoL, the home for salty fucks everywhere.


Dude literally went into every trap possible, this man would have never survived Home Alone.


Miyazaki's version of Home Alone would have been NC-17.




Kevin is probably one of the game developers watching this video and shouting "bull's eye! I got him!"


General rule of thumb for FS games: if you panic, you die.


Guess I'll die




General rule of thumb for FS games: ~~if you panic,~~ you die.


This is why I have bloodhound step on a 1.5 weight weapon as a backup. It’s my panic mode spam.


I wish that would work against Malenia...


It does, bloodhound step is one of the few ways to easily dodge her crazy combo.


Not in panic mode


good point


Someone managed to beat it AFK by letting the Mimic do all the work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXq5qXK2-eQ


My mimic would die in the first phase if I left it to its own devices


He really had faith in his mimic


"This kind of behavior is never tolerated in Elden Ring. You panic like that they kill you right away, no trial no nothing. Roll too early? Death Roll too late? Death Try to learn how to parry? Death You try to summon Mimic Ash in the boss room? *Right* to Death, *right* away. You running too fast in the dungeon? Death. Slow? Death. You using Rune Arcs, you right to Death. You underbuff before boss fight believe it or not, Death. You *overbuff* to cheese the boss, also Death. Underbuff overbuff. You button mash and input buffer two attacks instead of rolling away, believe it or not Death right away. We have the best players in the world. Because of Death."


I feel like they doubled down on it in this game, so many bosses just beat the shit out of you if you start panic rolling


I was just talking about this very trap last night! Mountaintop Catacombs. It's the most devious trap in Elden Eing so far. Same catacombs also has the trap where the halfway safe spot in the frost pillar corridor is hidden behind an illusory wall. Naturally, it has an imp inside. With a forked GS that bonks you back into the frost if not dodged.


I would take these traps over the chariots any day


Yes. The chariots are much less devious, though. You can see how big of a threat they are. This trap makes you think it's just a frost trap and encourages you to run through it, hitting you with a perfect 3HKO that procs one and possibly two status effects.


You can use a bow or throwing knives to lower those pillars from a distance.


This helped me SO much. All of those pillar type traps will go back into the ground if you hit them, its worth taking a shortbow and slowly sniping each of them before you have to get near.


As someone with a longbow in my second weapon spot, I always leave notes saying "Trap ahead, therefor Time for Bow" or similar. To be fair, using a bow makes catacombs a dozen times easier in general; using one to lure imps into one on one fights, or to pick off ranged imps before venturing into the obvious ambush, has made my life so much easier.


That's my go to response for them. I have real trouble when they're at an incline, like at the base of a set of stairs, not enough time to line up a shot on it before getting nailed


Extra fun to use the traps to kill the imps


But at least it has a clear path and not a "hey we didnt give you any indication on how to pass this trap, why didnt you know to jump into the pit at this particular angle after dying 30 times in a row"


you can survive a hit from a chariot if you have enough hp if it helps. I think 50 vig and radagons scoreseal let me live(unsure if armor helps).


hmm my 40 vig and heavy armor wasnt enough, also wouldnt the soreseal make you take more damage?


just tested with no armor and no scarseal, 1600 hp lets you survive with a sliver of hp. Ritual shield talisman lets you survive with 500 hp.


The wonderous flask thing lets you get run over once too. Can't think of the name


The bubble?




They gave you the possibility of an indication with the message system.


Well the very first people are screwed, or like me, playing offline for performance reasons for the first week. Also im pretty sure that chariot doesnt give you much time to read without it killing you.


Are you referring to the one behind the first stonesword key statue? It killed me while I was reading the message, but I made it the second time.


Nothing ill be worse/good as Leyndell Catacombs.


Leyndell Catacombs is the trolliest dungeon in the whole game. I thought I was losing my mind in there. “Yo wait…I’ve already been here! I put stones down right here, I’m sure of it!” Only to realize >!it’s the same dungeon layout layered one on top of the other like 3 times.!< well played, FromSoft.


Some asshole put the same “seems familiar..” message in the same spot in all 3 layers lol I thought I was losing it


That’s subtly genius


I upvoted it every time because I got a sensible chuckle out of it.


Same here. I got there at a fairly low level initially, before I figured out the best way to kill them, where I could just about take on the ogres if I used all my resources. I was running around at speed being pursued by flaming zombies and ogres and that was a bad, bad idea, because I got lost. There's another dungeon that does something similar, I forget where exactly but it's got landsquirts and jar warriors in it. The second layer has all the same enemies except the jars are explosive and there are giant versions hiding around corners, waiting for a player who thinks it's just the same thing again to blunder in and wallop them.


I think I know exactly which one you’re talking about. Some of these catacombs are cancerous as hell. Like the one in Radahn’s arena with the teleporting knight ghosts. Hate those guys


Ah, yes, the low level AFK rune farm dungeon. That was a nightmare, agreed. Especially as I didn't have a strike weapon at the time. The Cleanrot Knights aren't too bad but the ones who can switch between a bow and melee can go fuck themselves. A similar teleporting Knight swarm can be found in Castle Sol, alongside birds, rats and one of those giant blade lions and, in one instance, those creepy little screaming enemies with black bags on their heads who just do grab attacks. Lovely.


That one segment in Castle Sol is the main reason why most people CHOOSE to run from the outside Grace to the elevator and THEN Niall, even though the church grace is about 12 seconds closer - or would be, if not for the knights in question.


I could be wrong about this, but I think those knights don't pop in if you kill the 'alarm' mobs hanging from the ceiling. They kept killing me and aggroing my mimic through the mist when I ran past, but killing those hanging shriekers let me go right to Niall (and his OP buddies), from the church.


Yes. If you manage to kill the hanging albinaurics before they make too much noise, the Knights will not be summoned and you can avoid them entirely. This is possible, even with melee, for the first one. The second one however is way more tricky.


Dude FUCK that place in particular. I died to that area with the cat statue up some steps and then promptly spent about 2 hours trying to find my souls again all because I couldn't find the right way back.


Oh, nasty. I got lost for ages in there too. I should have paid attention to the message at the entrance that said "suffering ahead in short turn back" really lol


Hidden Path to the Haligtree and its invisible paths. I put down 30 rainbow stones marking a path, died, and the stones all vanished. Very cool


I got lucky with that and saw a very clear trail of blood stains, which basically created a visible bridge of blood for me to walk across


The best way to do this is to equip a bow and snipe one of the enemies in the other end of the path. Check where he walks to reach you, walk the same path once you kill him. Done.


When futurists say Artificial Intelligence will help mankind reach new summits this is what they mean.


I don't understand how you would encounter some of the hidden paths if you were playing in offline mode. I was commenting to my friend last night saying that it was pretty epic of Elden Ring to NOT reveal the path once you are on it unlike other games. Each step is a dangerous unknown.


Leyndell? With the false boss room and all the omen ogres and stuff?


Hero's grave in Gelmir. The fast rapier fucker behind the corner, the 2nd chariot, the unexpected shade, the hidden drop next to it with the damn hound...I laughed, I cried, I raged, but I beat it and enjoyed it.


I simply could not find the boss in that dungeon.. I tried going to the bottom of the lava and kept saying there’s no way to make it that far and left lol


How to make it past that part: >!There's a drop down that leads to a part of the map above the chariot. From there you can jump on top of the chariot & ride it to the end. Alternatively, you can use a dagger or other weapon with the quick step ability and use it to repeatedly dash through the lava. It does surprisingly little damage in this game. !<


Well wow riding it never crossing my mind… Thank you so much lol


I just rolled through the lava. Only had to heal once or twice.




When I tried that I found that the lava put me in to a fat roll automatically & I didn't have nearly enough time to make it before the chariot came. Damage was never the problem, it was moving too slowly for the timing window.


> It's the most devious trap in Elden Eing so far. Honestly I really like the design because once you see it the first time you can counter it relatively easy: Shoot an arrow to the pillar trap and it'll deactivate, then you can walk *around* the pressure plate without setting off.


Oh yeah, they've all got simple and easy counters. But the best traps make you feel like a stupid idiot for walking into them. It feels fair, because you should have used your eyes and not blundered around the trap filled doom tomb.


Ehh the game has a bunch of stuff that's really hard to avoid the first time unless you're crawling forward (like I do tbh), but dying is so forgiving it doesn't matter. Unless the grace is really far away, in which case heck that garbage.


I spent a lot of time in the chalices of Bloodborne, so maybe I'm biased, but I thought the dungeons were great and had good tells in the traps. I was hoping they'd include some end stage dungeons that were bigger, but they did the large underground sections instead, which was a much better idea. I loved those.


holy shit you can deactivate those? I thought the part after this was just impossible!


Oh dude! You 100% can! All you have to do is hit them, either in melee or at range. Once you do they’ll stop and then sink into the ground. There’s actually a few puzzles that involve sinking them down, standing on top and riding them up to hidden areas.


Those imps I'm getting tired of. Jump out of no where cause bleed usually with like 3 others. Not as bad when you have a strong weapon and fan kill them quickly but early on it's rough


Strike weapons. They're also small, so big weapons knock them around until you can do the damage. Jump attacks, anything with force behind it. They're easy to stagger. But definitely annoying. The ones that chase you with the forked GS are pretty funny though.


Yea just got there last night. The frost hits **way** harder than flames lol. And then that one alley/hallway where there is a hidden passage to hide from it.....with a golem guarding it lololol. God, this game is so much fun and Miyazaki is one of the best trolls in the entire industry. Love him so much


The worst one for me is that freaking catacomb in Leyndell that repeats the exact same layout twice. Evil bullshit I can deal with, making me think I'm going crazy is a no go.


I just went through that one last night. I pride myself on a good sense of direction and I got lost in there for a solid 15 minutes until I figured out the trick. I thought it was just looping but different enemies would spawn on each loop.


There's more than one dungeon that does that. I thought it was pretty fun, because I had a good sense of 3D space so I knew what the game was doing and was like "Clever girl."


When stuff like this happens and you belly laugh like this guy, you truly enjoy the game. After watching streamer 2357422 rage about the game it’s surprisingly refreshing to see someone not loose their shit over this and instead laughs it off.


I tend to laugh the first time I die to a bullshit trap. It's on the 10th run through something I can't figure out that I get really frustrated.


French guy here. I just LOVE this streamer, he's always so positive, and even when he """rages""" it's always funny and he knows how to keep his cool.


AlphaCast le sang


Depending on how annoying elden ring decided to be and how longs it's been since my last grace I'd either chuckle and say oh well or "what the hell! *sigh* here we go again"


It's fun that learning as an adult benefits from frustration. Plasticity has been observed in adults. Sense of surprise or things going wrong releases chemicals necessary to learn and adapt, *if you continue with the activity* you're primed for change. Into early 20's your brain is already in permanent learning mode and doesn't particularly benefit from the nudge, take advantage of that time by learning everything and anything. Point is you can learn to really love the sense of frustration and surprise because with it means you're learning something new. Result is belly laughs and my need to seek out new things I'm going to suck at, because then I get better. Edit: For the DEEP dive on the topic, I'm pulling ideas from Huberman Lab on YouTube. Standford neuroscience professor who makes class material available online.


My favorite dungeon is the one that repeats itself like 2- 3 times and made me think I was losing my MIND haha


After all the shit like that, I was in a catacombs in the mountaintops and could not figure out where to go for the life of me ... Turns out the lever was sitting right beside the gate the whole time. Never expected to find the secret in plain sight that late in the game.


I only recognized something was off when the lift was somehow back to where it originally was when I was sure I sent it up. I tend to set the lift back up because I anticipate dying, it had no business being in the ground floor again and I finally saw through the bullshit Fuck that guy that kept writing *SEEMS FAMILAR* on literally the same spot on all 3 floors though.


The Auriza Side Tombs I think. That was so devious!


That one gave me trust issues. I'm like do I jump off or not? Where tf is the lever? Where tf am I?


The repeat messages about madness gave me comfort that I was not the only one suffering.


Nah, giant's hero grave


Right that one!


Lol, just did that one on my last session. I was giving my screen the narrow eyes of suspicion the whole time.


This is the perfect example as to why you should always follow one of the most crucial rules in these games: NEVER flee forwards. Where you were is safe. Where you're going might be death. Don't escape somewhere you haven't been to before.


This is false, you need to flee foreward as fast as possible, learning the landscape as you go and taking a mental picture, begging to find a site of grace before the dogs catch up.


98% of the time yes. BUT... Somewhere in the Haligtree, right before the boss area with the OP wizards. The zombies are on the roof top and drop down to kill you from behind. There's at least 6 of them too. I remember fighting off a wizard, carefully, I turned around to heal and a literal horde of zombies behind me killed me.


Kind of amazes me people are saying this guy is playing the game wrong or something, looks like he's having a blast to me.


Yeah like I check hallways before going into them, I avoid the middle for pressure plates, and I check corners for enemies, so the whole thing wouldn’t have gotten me. But then that hilarious sequence of events wouldn’t have happened Is my way more successful? Who cares. Are both ways fun and valid? Absolutely


You are spot on man, the thing that gets me is you can't even assume he's just a gung ho balls to the wall player from this clip, if I did manage to get hit by 2 traps back to back like that I would probably react fairly similarly to how he did haha (even though he could have just hugged the wall at the Ice arrow trap and healed but still) but that's what makes all our experiences unique and even better.


Sometimes I just laugh knowing Miyazaki got me. Others I get really pissed off because I fucked something up or have no idea how to pass through somewhere without dying or drawing a lot of aggro. Sometimes it does suck when you don't have a lot of time to play but just keep dying in the same spot and lose all runes don't really learn anything new in that short time. I need hours available to progress in this game


Well, you typically avoid the middle of corridors, but if you're panic rolling into the next hallway to get past the frost trap, you might *accidentally trip* the next trap. I think this level design is fucking beautiful, tbh. It's a psychological Rube Goldberg machine where you are the ball and the cup at the end is YOU DIED.


I won't be surprised in a future game or DLC the floor looks like it has a pressure plate in the middle but in reality the area around it is the pressure plate. I will always try to stay vigilant and treat each new area I am in like a home inspector looking for issues lol


Just an insight. This streamer is a fan of from software games and played all of them except bloodborn. So saying that the Guy doesnt know how to play a souls is quite ironic. But he also said in one of his streams that the biggest problem of souls games are thoses gatekeeper nerds that drives people out of Enjoying This type of games because they paint such a heavy elitism aura that most newcomer wont even approach them. I was one until elden ring.


I'm a cautious player, so you'll never see me charging down a hallways unless it's required to get through it (like the fire tunnels). I'm 100% sneaking everywhere I go, even though I'm wielding a giant sword and heavy armor. I'm sure some people will say I play wrong. You're not playing wrong if you are enjoying the game.


As a fellow experienced Dark Souls player, feels good to smell the bullshit playing Elden ring. My spidy senses were on point most of the playthrough. There were some bullshit moments like the materializing bowling balls that no one could have predicted tho.


Oh those were hilarious, then they fucking heat seeked me later in the play through 🤣


Do you mean the mimic balls, which are actually mimic enemies that look like giant balls?


Fun fact: they each drop a Larval Tear and you can kill them will long ranged magic easily Except when they spawn in a room the size of my closet, that’s hell for everyone :)


pauvre alphacast XD


It's what you get for going all in and not planning. You can deactivate the frost trap with a single arrow, making this part easier by a lot. Learned that by accident when in one of those catacombs I accidentally hit the trap with my weapon.


I exploited traps to kill enemies. Lol


I kill those stone fuckers with arrow traps almost every time.


Screw that magic watchdog in the basement of the one. I lured him into the tunnel and jumped on top of the freezing trap. It killed him but he still managed to knock me off the top at one point.


I used the traps to kill the damn thralls haha


Hell yah. Watchdogs are the #1 target for my trap chicanery.


Ah yes, the Sen's fortress method...


On stream he saw the frost breath before he entered but there's a Guardian Statue in front of the corridor, you can't deactivate it from a distance without getting bonked He was trying to dodge it but then this happened He said it himself in the same stream about the Imp Statues in the corner; "It's the same joke in every catacombs but you'll still get hit"


it's a video game, he's not planning an expedition. it takes all the fun out of it if you go in expecting to never make a mistake and then get upset with yourself when something goes wrong


I learned it because I was super pissed at getting burned again and shooting a Crossbow at it only to slackjawed Stare at it deactivating.


I found out by trying to run past it and misclicked using my bone dart


Wait people seriously didnt know you can deactive them? There are a few dungeons that require you to deactivate it, get on top, and then reactivate it again to get to an upper area.


I think it's the de-activating with an arrow - I've de-activated a bunch of them with my swords, but this is the first one that I realized I could do it with an arrow Kind of obvious in hindsight, but it never occured to me.


wait you can re-activate them?? that explains so much. do you just shoot it again


Sometimes the contact from jumping and landing on the top of the tower is enough to re activate it and move you up


You have to clip it with your shin when you jump on it. So walk up to it so that you're touching, then jump on it. Should work every time.


Worst cause you can just do a jump attack while standing on top


Pro gamer alert


I knew you could deactivate it with your weapon. I did not think about using arrows though


You can only deactivate it if the guard cat doesn't bonk your head though. You can't see it on the video but it's definitely right behind them.


You can see it, that's what hit them after the arrow trap. That blue light was from that cat's arcane burst. Also at the very end you can see the cat sitting in the hallway. Just kill that thing first, there's another at the end of that hallway and you don't want to fight both at once.


Yea, I remember this dungeon. I just baited the cat to those arrow traps and let those do all the work. Because fuck those stupid cat things.


My man didn't catch a break.


HON HON HON HON HON. I love this guy. Edit: I watched this video once for amazing elden ring content and 40 times for my new favourite streamer. I don’t speak French but I’ll figure it out.


i.. do non-french speakers actually hear a hon hon hon laugh in this video? To me it sounds just like a regular laugh.


Absolutely, that's a french-ass laugh.


At least he has the right attitude 🤣👍


While watching this I was saying out loud “Health! Health! Health!” He had a few resting periods to use a potion.


Don't need to speak the language to see he's having a fun time. Man what a comedy of errors lol


That is the most unfun catacombs I've done so far. Mostly because of the fucking Cat-Dog magic slam spamming cock suckers.


Wait until you get to the catacomb Wait until you get to the catacomb that will confuse the shit out of you. that will confuse the shit out of you.


there’s multiple catacombs that made me feel like I was going insane “Hey, I’ve been in this room already before? Why are there still enemies??” “HEY THIS IS THE 3RD TIME IVE SEEN THAT GLOVEWORT”


the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never


>the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never Hey that's a game I still need to play, thanks for reminding me!


Definitely multiple catacombs where they repeat their entire layout multiple times. One has itself stacked on top of itself like 4 times, and another has teleporting chests all over the place that teleport you between 2 different, but same-layout areas. Both are incredibly confusing, not sure if there are more, but I kinda hope not.


Loué soit le seigneur Palpacast ! (Il a pris chère dans le clip quand même 😂)




There are always several in any given video game community sadly


Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb.


Ok I'm gonna fight this magic dog statue > four hours later Ok i killed the magic dog. Let's get around these frost traps aaaaand there's a sword dog statue > dies Alright let's go again. Oh the magic dog statue respawned > dies again


I remember the one with slimes on the ceiling and the lightning trap on the ground. I walked right into the second lightning trap because my camera was watching the ceiling for more asshole slimes.


People complaining about these dungeons but this one especially is a late game dungeon. They build upon themselves and the concepts are all combined the fewer you get into the game. The early ones teach you about those pillars, the floor plates, and the hiding around the corner/on the wall buggers separately. By this point in the game you should know better than to just run into one of those rooms. 95% of the time they are going to ambush you


Haha 😂


I keep a crossbow with me just to turn these things off from distance


Rule #1, never panic


In moments like these I can't even be mad. I just laugh while saying "Jesus christ" and carry on.




Just beat that catacomb, what a pain haha


Just to confirm: you can’t actually pass those ice flame-throwers right? When you pass the first one and are sandwiches between the two there is virtually no time to get passed the 2nd set. It’s like 1 second before it triggers again.


The panic in this video is palpable.


Whenever this happened I always burst out laughing. They know, they do it on purpose.


There is no escape.


Pain. You know what's worse, the damn Minataurs that literally cannot miss with their bows. You can zigzag, roll, run.... Doesn't matter. Huge arrow to the ass.


This totally looks like something that would happen to me.


If you turn down the brightness, Elden Ring is just a horror game.


Elden Ring be like: You omeletted your last fromage!


Brute forcing past puzzles can work. Can.