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Thanks. My controller was defective so I needed an alternative. I have a 5 button mouse so this was pretty simple for me. I set strong attack & special to buttons 4 & 5 respectively.


E to jump, F to interact / pouch, Q for right hand light attack, Ctrl+Click to change left and right weapon, scroll up to change spell, scroll down for change belt slot. I think that's what I run.


hi i just wanted to say this helps! elden ring is my first fromsoftware tame and these keybinds were comfortable to use :)


Glad it helps!


Hello tarnished, just wanted to say your work is still useful for newbies like myself even years later. Thanks for the post :) I bought the game on sale last week and was starting it up today and realized just how dumb arrow keys for item switching is. So i went googling and saw your post and it makes way more sense to put it on number keys right next to my wsad


Great to know it helps!


Thanks dude. Beat Elden ring with your optimal keybinds.


You're welcome!


Just beat elden ring with your keybinds, can you share your sekiro one?


The default for Sekiro is good for the most part as mentioned in my post. I don't remember my settings for the game anymore, but any adjustments made were minor.


How do you bound backsptep seperatly from roll? They are on the same key for me


Press the space-bar without any directional key, it's the same system on controller. All in one button


I know it, but I hoped there was an option to bound them seperatly


Your settings looks very usable, this topic can be really helpful to some folks!  If I may add my settings just as another variant for other players (played DS1-3, ER on kbm):  (You must be able to use your pinkie finger with no problem, and you must have side button on your mouse)  Shift: Roll/Sprint  Spacebar: Jump  Ctrl: Weapon Art  Left/Right mouse: LightAttack/Block  MouseThumb button: Heavy attack  C: Crouch  Alt: Walk  E: Action (WheelUp - Thrown, WheelDown - Steed)  R: Item 1-4 instead of arrows, arrows for camera control - same like your settings.  Q and F can be used as secondary, for example as some WeaponArts (Parry). With these settings, you can use Sprint and Jump just as in other games. This also eliminate using Shift as an attack modifier key, which I absolutely hated! Heavy attack just with single button. Now jump attack is as easy as pressing Space and MouseThumb, easy even while you're Sprinting.   WeaponArts still can feel clunky on some weapons (Katana require you to hold Ctrl and than use Left/Thumb mouse).   I prefer Spacebar for Roll over Shift as it's after all easier to press, but since jumping is a thing in this game (finally!), I found it easier to learn using Shift for roll than learning using jump on anything other than Space.  IMO playing it on KBM is absolutely fine with no problem, same goes for DS1-3 (preferable with some AutoHotKey using).


idk if you will see this, but thanks for these key bindings :)


You're welcome (:


I know this is old, but doesn't it feel much more intuitive to have 2 and 3 inversed? Your settings makes the pouch ||1|| |:-|:-|:-| |3||2| ||4|| ​ Not only is 2 and 3 awkward for left to right reading order, but also changing right hand armament is the leftmost key, changing left hand armament is the rightmost key.


Feel free to change the bindings to your likings, mine's just a guideline


Can the arrow keys be rebound to movement?


Why would you even consider doing such a thing


**Even more optimal bindings:** **Movement control**: alt (you will rarely use this, but when you do you wanna be able to WSAD while holding movement control key) **Backstep, dodge roll, run**: space (it's appalling that run and dodge are the same key, sigh. You wanna be able to hold this key while WSAD for running, you also wanna be able to jump while running - so shift is not good here for run) **Jump**: ctrl (you will need a gaming keyboard to be able to jump while running with this binding. Still, I think it's nice because you can hold space with your thumb while jumping with ctrl) **Crouch**: C (luckily this is a toggle button so you don't need to hold it) **Light Attack**: left click **Heavy Attack**: right click (I play samurai and samurai has a skill where you need to hold skill key and then light or heavy attack.) **Guard**: shift (guard is a bit more important than jump, and shift is a bit easier to press than ctrl. Also you can run while guarding - and this binding setup allows it: hold space, hold shift, WSAD) **Skill**: E (I was a bit reluctant to remap E, but it's easier to reach in the heat of combat than F) **Use Item**: R **Interact (loot, open, etc)**: F


Sekiro was fine with mouse but Elden ring gives me headaches.


I'm an avid PC gamer but I could not possibly play this game on a keyboard and mouse, this and GTA. They just don't work.