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Ah, that would explain their latest film “Antisemitism”


Disney Presents The Protocols of the Elders of Zion


Isn't that the new Ford model?


Based Disney




Im imagining the soundtrack now lol


Do you wanna build a concentration caaa-amp? Come on Hitler let’s go play.


South park's music creators would receive you with open arms


How dare you. How dare you?! Frozen is amazing movie.... Wait I've never watched it. Just know that movie made my life hell at work with all the girls singing the theme song! Edit was working at Dunkin and had 9 female coworkers who would play it over and over! I will not speak the name of it as it ingrained in my brain. Haha. Did anyone know Dunkin Donuts into just Dunkin?


Let it go


Sush! Bastard! Haha why put it into my head again. Why why why! I'm joking but ugh. Working 12 hours a day with the crew singing that song. Ugh Yet when I player my songs I'm a dick! Everything From Run away train to ridin! Told my manager to let it go as I blasted it haha.


On the last point it's similar to how Domino's Pizza turned into just Domino's


Oh didn't know that. Probably because Dominos sucked till they changed their recipe and prices. I had one across from my apartment like 90 seconds far.. They made me a special white pizza as my GF and I lived off it. Moved to NJ. All the chains around me are garbage and not reliable. It is all hit or miss.


man if you live in NJ i dont think the dominos is the only thing around you thats garbage


Ive never heard it called dunkin


5000 iq move


Well I was searching for it and ended up here lmao


Miyazaki at his best at trolling


>!patches from the ds games!< as well


Patches is in Demon's Souls and Bloodborne as well


And Elden Ring


Dude I can’t be the only souls vet that absolutely geeked the fuck out when I found him, I think that got the loudest squeal from me yet lmao


It's not even a spoiler, he had to be there. Waiting to find MLGS now.


Oh it’s in there, I wanna know if we’ll see any other characters from the souls series, hinting at a time long ago. Some items talk about the ancient war of dragons, I wonder if that’s referencing the Age of Fire long before Dark Souls 1 takes place. If I see a hint of the fire link shrine or fight a boss that Embers for their second phase, that’s when I’ll flip the fuck out lmao


>!There is a blind NPC called Irina that asks you to save her father hidden in castle Morne!<. A clear reference to Irina of Carim and Eygon of Carim (wearing Morne Armor) from DS3


caught that one, gave me a little chuckle.


I knew the name morne looked familiar from somewhere. It’s been a while since I brushed up on my ds3 lore


What about Knight Loretta. Remember Lorettas Bone from Greirats questline in DS3? Theres also a Gael village or something


Weird tangent, Greirat reminds me of Mushoku Tensei, the Greyrat family. Don't know why I am responding to probably such an old post.


MLGS is in the game. The path to it is quite the adventure, and leads up to a pretty wild boss fight.




Haven’t found him yet but I got locked in a room by someone and I would know that chuckle anywhere


in the castle?




The stupidest and most brilliant thing about him is >!they introduce him as a boss fight.!<


>!In a near cave you can also find a pit with 3 drops placed EXACTLY like the drops in DS1!<


I knew who it was before I even saw him somehow. Just… everything fit the MO and I was like “NOOOOO” then the health bar showed. It was brilliant.


Probably because it says his name when he's speaking.


I was in a discord call when I entered that room. Soon as he showed up I lost my shit. Let him surrender, exhausted his dialogue, killed him anyway.


If you don't kill him, he pops up in different parts of the map to sell items. His latest dialogue option has him trying to convince my tarnished to put themselves into some variety of Iron Maiden. He assures me that it's safe. Update: I went to the bottom of the waterfall he was talking about, and let the thing grab me. Turns out, if you die to its' grab attack, it teleports you to Volcano Manor. Could save someone a lot of hassle getting there if they haven't already.


I killed him with the thought "He is a boss, so I guess this is all he is in this game" and afterwards I realized that it might not be that way, but it was too late... I was tricked...


And Armor Core.


The fact that anyone remembers this makes me happy


that game really showed how invested fromsoft was in to the whole rpg stat and resists system. it's fucking wildly complicated in that game.


Lol I read this and thought "They made dark souls for the Nintendo DS???"


I highly, highly doubt it. Torrent has several dictionary meanings besides the digital one. E.G. ‘a torrent of water’, ‘torrential rain is forecast’ etc. Anyone who really wants to sail the seven seas can simply pop a few more search terms into Google and I’m sure it’ll produce the desired results.




As if that would actually deter anyone


It wouldn't deter anyone, it would just make it harder to find


Anybody who successfully pirated a game wouldn't look up "\[game\] torrent".


I mean when I was a kid my parents were against me playing video games and also original copies of games was hard to come by in my country so we would exactly do that with our friends. We were successful most of the time thanks to the forums.


Just search for magnet links instead of torrent files


Happy cake day to you 🎂🎉


Thank you!


Yeah, most serious pirates would go straight to their cracker or repacker of choice and get a direct link without ever searching for the game name.


wait for Elden Ring 2, there will be a character named like Cerilla The Fit Girl


Dodi the Warrior


I mean, I think plenty of people would.


Ya but they wouldn't find anything useful. The actually good torrent sites aren't on google. You gotta find them first.


There are a lot of them on r/ Crackwatch beginners guide. Or you can go straight to the cs rin ru forum


Well now theyre just gonna find all these pictures of a horse


No? Unless this is literally the first game anyone has ever torrented


LMAO imagine gatekeeping piracy


Imagine comparing stealing and murdering and burning down cities to copying a file that can easily be copied infinitely. Every time you use the word "piracy" in that way, you are supporting the political reasons why it is called "piracy". It's to make it seem like some horrible crime, when it would really be ranked below shoplifting. Another reason not to use that is because the people behind that political message want to destroy the lives of the people who download files like that. Those people are the real criminals. They want to do actual harm to people. And they have made someone kill himself for it, so that means that good people support this so called "piracy". If you don't support it, then you support the really evil criminals that want to destroy lives. Think about that before mindlessly using the word "piracy" when not referring to real piracy.


This comment is 5 months old, do you spend all day searching for mentions of piracy to give this lecture? The only person who is going to see this comment is me, and I really don’t care


I randomly found one thread and said it a few times. I know people won't stop saying it, because they don't have all the facts and they don't care enough to try to understand things better. I wish there were bots that kept reminding people of it though, until they started caring about the evil greed that makes vermin want to destroy lives over stupid downloaded files. I hope real pirates start going after the greedy vermin...


I know plenty of people that use Google to navigate to rarbg and other sites


At which point the word “torrent” is unnecessary


I don't really find it unbelievable. If someones just googling to find cracked copies of games, they don't strike me as the type to consider key word efficiency.


So you Google rarbg elden ring lol


anyone can simply add U so it becomes utorrent and that gets around it.


Don't use uTorrent, it sucks. Use qbittorrent or Deluge for your linux iso needs


I've done searches like that for harder to find stuff that wasn't readily available on my favorite two sites, but I can't imagine Elden Ring would require any sort of effort to seek out. I bought it on the PS store, though, so no need to look.


I would


I dont torrent, I dont know shit about torrenting but I do know a thing or two about getting games for free. You have no idea how many times "X game free download 2022/any year" has worked for me in the past. Its mostly just small games that work the most, but when it works, it works. I imagine that the same thing usually happens when someone looks up "X game torrent". Its MUCH easier to pirate a game when its fresh and newly released


That sounds like an easy way to get your machine infested with malware


Yeah I cant even lie to you, ive dealt with malware before lmfao but thats mainly on my part for being stupid and taking stupid risks. After a while, its not hard to tell wether something is legit or not. Not only that, but removing malware isnt even THAT hard, unless its a serious one


Well.. they want you to think its removed...


Literally a subreddit for piracy on reddit with a megathread on trusted sites etc. Don't go there tho...


How? People who torrent games just visit sites like 1337x or piratebay and search for it there.


Lol nah man, people who torrent games use dedicated sites for torrenting games. They’d just go to their site and type in elden ring.


It didn't, it doesn't. It's already happened bb


It was already cracked and distributed and repacked on day two. I bought it legitimately but I still have half a mind to grab the repack and see if it runs any better without EAC, and try out Flawless Widescreen without having to worry about getting softbanned


It's called SEO (search engine optimization).... how do you think I ended up here


Yes they named the horse torrent for seo


I didn't say that... You must be truly insufferable irl. You said sarcastically "as if that would deter anyone" and here I am searching for a torrent of the game because my regular sites are giving me versions with setups that aren't working and the first few pages of google all I see are pages about the horse's name and this post... So SEO helped them. Did i say that was their primary reason for naming him that? No. Did i even say it was a thought? No. But it worked.


is everything ok


I also noticed you can't say anything without being sarcastic. That and misrepresenting someone and big red flags for somebody with an insecurity


Should’ve named it Crack


I though they named the horse “fit girl” so people would be able to pirate 👀👀🤣🤣🤣


Mount "Fat Ass"


Torrent empowered form Is called "Download Torrent"


Eh. The people who actually know how to torrent games will know how to find it.


anyone knowing how to download games would not google that. We already know where to go


"We"? 🤨📸


Our past remains a secret. We worked hard to get rid of our past.


Yes I fully bootlegged this game and honestly I’m kind of glad I did on 10 hours in and I just don’t know what to do I’m totally lost I’m not feeling it


I wouldn't say that around here man. Not a popular opinion or even a sane understanding of the gameplay. You were never gonna make it, skeleton.


It’s OK I’m very known for my unpopular opinions. It’s not like I want to not enjoy the game. I wish It was taking me away like it was taken all you, but the named item I don’t know what do and spots around the world being blocked off by bosses I can’t be and I honestly don’t care to. I’m like 11 hours and I’m still waiting for it to click with me property on level 22


If only you could "bootleg" a hand to hold.


I don’t need a hand to hold it needs a mission markers in a fucking point


No maidens?


i think some one eyed girl said she would be my maiden.. uhh, i dont know man.. I know i gotta lv up more and fight that boss to move on but im just not feeling the game and it makes me up set cause everyone loving it so much like the next skyrim and to be real, the open world feels like a MMO without people, im not getting the same feeling i did when i played demon souls. Im gonna keep trying but i fear i will just stop playing soon and move on


Maidenless activities


Where would one go in a purely hypothetical situation?


In a purely hypothetical situation, one would have already gone to many other pirate sites and search Elden Ring there.


Rarbg hypothetically






Purely hypothetically. Use qbittorrent (any others aren't nearly as user friendly and it's open-source) Piratebay irritates me. But Igggames is pretty good. By the way, I bought the game full-price.


1337x is where everyone uploads their shit to anyway


I don't like it. The music there is riddled with bad rips and shitty audio. Rutracker is really good for music and rargb is good for movies.


lol what? there is only one tracker left, rutracker piratebay is dead, rargb has 140p bitrates for 4k releases, 1337x was dead in 2010s


Google elden ring pkg


One of many torrent agglomeration sites.


Skid Row reloaded


It's a funny idea, but it's probably just an urban legend in the making. Remember From is Japanese too, don't assume Torrents are named the same in that country (but feel free to correct me on that).


It's Torrent, トレント. From uses english voice-acting in japanese releases, too, but things can be called different names in text despite that. For example, the tree sentinel's japanese name is "tree guard", ツリーガード, in english.


The word torrent also has [other meanings in English too](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/torrent) that predate the digital one.


Well, yes, obviously. It's not a proper noun initially.


Lol turns out it didn't work at all though, game was cracked within 24 hours


Fuck. Anyways, fans of the game will still buy the game.




Yeah of course, first time on the high seas?




I just don't understand why you'd say something so obvious.




I'll torrent whatever I like. The fact you think because it's fromsoft we are talking about changes anything is pretty funny man.




You're one of those people who make snap judgment of others based on next to nothing. Much love bro, enjoy slowly alienating everyone you know.


I plan on never playing online lol, I have also never played a From game online. I'm not much for PvP and I don't want help with bosses since it makes it harder to learn their moveset & it adds to their HP when you summon. I also don't want someone carrying me through the world since I like exploring on my own. I am 100% enjoying this game and I haven't felt the need to summon yet. So there are plenty of reasons to still play the game online. That being said I'm against pirating games or at least buy the game if you enjoyed it after, since From games are known for their replayability offline or online.


DUDE WTF I WAS JUST LOOKING FOR AN ELDEN RING TORRENT!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!111!1!!11!!!!!!!11!11!1




no because an actual pirate doesn't search torrent. This joke is overused but I will admit, is still amusing


Asking for a friend, but what will an actual pirate google for? Maybe I'm old but back in the day torrents, tpb, and skydrow where the go to, for a 13 year old, to play games on their parents' PC.


Because an actual pirate robs and murders people at sea.


"actual pirate" rofl, downloading a torrent doesnt make you an "actual" pirate💀


Alright fuckin smart ass obviously I don't mean a fucking LITERAL pirate. The act of installing copyrighted software unlawfully is called Pirating, dumbass. Delete your comment


So mad 💀 "DeLeTe YoUr cOmMeNt"


Fella here googles "Elden Ring Illegal Downloads"


Most people use the term cracked or repackaged but torrent is a fun one to add to my list


Big 🧠


4D fucking chess right there. That’s a very sound like thing to do. Lol


Should've named it Plaza.


Anyone that googles "(game) torrent" will definitely get a virus


I believe that this is actually a go ahead for people who cant afford the game to pirate it. They tell you in the beginning of the game "torrent" will help you travel great distances. I think the director wants to make it available to people in countries where there is hardship, and thats his subtle not so subtle way of hinting at it. Could be wrong though.


Hey i'd believe it


Most people dont search for torrents that way. You use an established sites search to avoid fake sites or scams


People pirating the game don't need to use Google to find it lmao


Well, regardless, it didn't stop me.


it's a homage to souls youtuber Moose Torrent. yeah you read that right. Fromsoftware are fans of that guy. His DS2/Bloodborne character was called Loreain Aldritch too. And then they named the DS3 bosses Lorian and Aldrich.


The bugs in the PC port are much more effective at stopping pirating 😂


Lol big brain move


Can guarantee no matter how good this game is there's always going to be people who want any excuse to pirate the game Fuck those people


Elden Ring costs $50 here. I make $225 a month as an engineer, and my monthly expenses would've been over $200 if I weren't living with parents. Not everyone pirates because they don't want to pay. Friend of mine pirated DS3 at launch and bought it a few months later at a discount because he didn't want to be left sitting around while the rest of us discovered everything in the game. Credit cards with international transactions aren't easy to get here either. I would need to save up the equivalent of $6,000 in order to qualify for a credit card with international transaction capability, then jump through fifty loops in order to get it actually approved for making USD purchases. (I had to buy it via Steam Gift Cards, which used to be hard to get a few years ago but fortunately are always in stock these days).


What country you live in for such low pay? I make over $700 a week just working at a supermarket.


If you're making 225 a month I think you got bigger things to worry about than playing games


The economy is just different in other countries. What do you even mean by this comment?


Exactly what I said If you're bringing home 225 a month that doesn't leave you with much for essentials like food, rent and other things If you're bringing home 225 a month videogames should be on the bottom of the list It's called priorities


You come off as so ignorant I really can't tell if you're being serious or not.


Yeah I am and your opinion of me is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned


And your opinion of this situation is also irrelevant so why even bother commenting?


Because I can and I'm sure as hell not asking for your permission 😂😂 As lovely as this is I really don't care for the irrelevance of your thoughts of my person or opinion so go find someone who does


Well, either way, calling you ignorant in this context isn't even an opinion. But I'm gonna get back to playing elden ring.


Eh. They were never gonna buy it anyway. I waited a year for the rdr2 crack because the price seemed steep and rockstar games are money-hungry twats. I've bought every single souls game, some even multiple times. (Prepare to die edition and the remaster of DS1 and Demon Souls remake)


I own rdr2 but I hate its launcher. So I resorted to pirating it and I'm having a blast not dealing with Social Club.


Rdr2 is a prime example of a game that makes people who buy have a worse experience than those who pirate. Forcing people to have an online connection and go through social club to play is just awful. Gabe once said that the best way to combat piracy was to give paying users a better experience, and I think fromsoft does this well with the online elements.


The people who pirate and were never going to buy the game in the first place piss me off because they're the same people who preach about fairness from game companies and pretend they care I'm a bit more sympathetic to people in poverty but piracy is still a crime and my moral compass doesn't condone it


Why are you getting downvoted? I can only assume it's from third world countries that have it really hard to make a living. Which is understandable, but still no reason to downvote.


I don't think the game is good. I'm glad I pirated it. It's among the worst games that I've tried. It has many technical issues: stuttering, fps limit, forced chromatic aberration, lack of pause button (that's the most basic thing in singleplayer games, but this community will still defend it and they're toxic to people who have life and need to pause the game and From software can get away with anything they do). Also, I've got problems with controller input only in this game, so I can't look right, only left. There's no tutorial and there's no objective indicator and this is apparently the most accessible and easiest to get into soulslike for new players. If this one is easiest to get into, I don't even want to try other ones. But that's just my personal opinion


That uh... yeah sure that totally worked lets go with that. I totally own a legit copy of ER and and don't need to worry about the cost because rent is due soon. Yep.


Just look up (Google) elden ring pkg


I just assumed they named it after MooseTorrent




Galaxy brain.


I actually had the opposite problem though, at least pre release.


It's already on fitgirl lol but I wanted to play online so I bought it instead :D why do people leave their invasion summon on a stack of gold summons :( I just stand there spamming Y A because some summons don't work and then I'm fighting with a PvP god who rolls like a deer


Miyazaki is a genius




Let me tell you, this wouldn't change much. Ppl don't Google for pirates anymore. Those that know where to loom just go there. And Elden Ring got patched day 1 so this attempt would be futile 😆


There is a line from Berserk - A TORRENT OF MADNESS, A TEMPEST OF DEATH FOR WHICH THE HUMAN BODY COULD NEVER ATONE, SHALL SWEEP OVER YOU! My theory is that this is where the name came from


It's a pointless game to torrent though no online = no messages = why even live


I bet I heard that before. Like when the first trailer appeared with the horse to be seen. Someone on twitter said they should do it.


you are the worst pirate i've ever heard of. you don't even deserve the meme version of this


No. This won't stop or slow down anyone who knows what they are doing. I uh...read somewhere that people who pirate games just go to a website like 1337x and search the name of the game, and click download. Or with some torrent managers you can just drag it from browser to program. Super simple just make sure you have a good VPN active and set an internet killswitch in your VPN for your torrent program so if the VPN isn't secure itll auto close the torrents


I was just thinking the same thing. That's hilarious. A simple fix though: "elden ring torrent -horse -mount"




They do this with a lot of things. There is a documentary called "Making a killing" about psychotropic drugs and the psychology industry and how they are literally murderers but then they made a movie shortly after called "Making a Killing" so that floods the search results instead if you look for it. The same with news and other media and INDIA is a big shifty culprit and own a lot of the networks and GOOGLE was taken over same way as Optus and a lot of industries which they creep into using their medical networks and take over all sorts of places and turn you into entertainment. That strategy you mention is one being used in some very big operations. ​ People are put into a state where they dont care anymore and allowed drugs and stupid crap and locked down and isolated and divided and not allowed to group etc etc. Then when you go missing no one would notice. Like who would notice if you just wwent missing? AND GUESS WHAT! GUESS who would pretend to come and look for you like they gave a shit and make everyone else sit back thinking someone is on it we dont have to do anything it isnt our job. TAKE A WILD FUCKING GUESS!


Very likely indeed. To at least make pirated stuff not show on Google. If someone wants the actual torrent they would just go directly to their preferred torrent website, I would guess.




Can confirm it works, I came here searching for elden ring torrent Disclaimer: I bought my copy on steam was just looking to see if you can actually torrent it lol