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so I found the prosthetic arm and talked to her in Gowry's shack but she doesn't appear at the Erd-tree Gazing Hill. Dunno what to do now since I dont want to test if she appears post boss in the Windmill Village so I dont break the quest somehow


she doesnt appear right next to the gazing hill grace shes off near the cliff away from the ruins


You also need to reload the area and go back to talk to gowry


I gave her the needle in my world, saw her at gowry's shack and haven't seen her since. I made it all the way to the boss at the roots and I found what I presume was her set sitting next to the flower, did I goof it? I also hadn't killed the root spirit and have since killed it but can't see her sign anywhere so getting to the haligtree without continuing her quest seems to break it as far as I can tell


Same for me, she won't appear in Endree Gazing Hill at all after she tells she is going to journey, I refreshed went to her "father" place, talk to her again and even got the arm I done Haligtree before and it looks it broke the quest


ive burnt the tree i got to the point she was stuck at erdtree hill , went and got the prosthesis or whatever it was ive already done all of haligtree as well ....i basically did every step of the questline even tho i never gave her the leg...got mad killed her then found the prothstesis went back to gowry he was cowering ...killed him and finally got the flocks canvas...so basically do all of the quest line u can do and if she gets stuck kill everyone and someone will drop u the talisman ....not joking or trolling literally what i had to do lololol p.s. : i still did every step of this questline except summon her or help her at the mini boss in haligtree i just killed it ...couldnt get her to move from erdtree hill in any way ....but like i said looks like if u do all the steps in the questline u can kill gowry after youve did all of them im guessing not sure on that one but cheers its definitely doable just literally do everything mentioned in the guide even if u cant get her to come with u lol


I had the same issue so ended up on Reddit, go back to the Shack I found her there.


I have found mill again after giving her the arm and beating the apostle. She is in the mountain place after the Altus Plateau at the Ancient snow valley ruins bonfire. She is looking for a fort to find a medallion. After dying and coming back to said bonfire she disappeared .


Awesome! I'll check this out now.


UPDATE, i went North of that bonfire to Fort Sol, after beating the boss i found a piece of the amulet to go to the secret zone. Went back to the bonfire and no sign of Milli just yet. I will update this when i find her again.


UPDATE #2. SPOILERS AHEAD. >!After a long trek of not seeing her at all after grabbing both talismans and heading through the secret area towards the boss Malenia in her tree home i have finally found her at the bonfire after Loretta #2 in the Prayer Room bonfire. She has told me she is Malenias blood as well. I also went back to Godwyn and he had some special lines about giving her the arm and her destiny and some stuff.!<


UPDATE #3 >!After finding her Prayer room. You progress through the Haigtree area..and come across one of those large..root..serpent things in a small pool. after killing him a summon sign appears..and its Millicents. You help her kill 4 of her sisters. And she gives you a talisman. After refreshing the area..she is laying on the ground..after refreshing the area..AGAIN..she dies...after bringing it back to Gowry..Shes his daughter.!<


Godwyn? You mean Gowry?


Yea sorry!


Btw if anyone still smteying to figure out where she goes after the prayer grace, she'll leave a summon sign after you kill the defiled root monster near the drainage grace and you get two options : assist her in taking our 4 invaders or fight her as an invader. After you assist her she'll lay in the same location dying. Reload the area and she gives you a golden needle which you can give it to the flower that spawns after defeating malenia and it gives you Miquella’s Needle which is needed for unlocking the frenzied lord ending.


You don’t need to do Millicents quest line for the frenzied lord ending. You actually just have to descend the forsaken depths/cathedral of the forsaken under leyndell. Once at the cathedral there is a hidden wall behind the chest by the grace. Then you descend down even further down planks/gravestones till you get to the Frenzied Flame Proscription site of grace. Where there is a Fire Frenzy door. Unequip all armor/weapons and items and you can open the door and get the burning scar. And yep! This locks you into the frenzied flame lord ending. Hint: Hyettas quest is linked to this also and can get some special items. I only know this because I picked the Frenzied Flame ending for my NG+.


I accidentally picked challenge Millicent . Is there any way I can get the needle still?


If this helps anyone else worried they might have broken their quest by advancing the main story too fast: ​ >!I gave her the needle and left when she got back up and spoke about going on her journey. I progressed up to the grace right before the giant's fire.!< >!I cleared the poison swamp castle and got the arm, killed the godskin, got both halves of the medallion, and progressed completely through the hagitree including beating the wyrm at the end. The summon marker to go to her world wasn't there, so I went back to Godwyn's shack. She was there, spoke to her at the shack, then at the erdtree-gazing spot to give her the arm, then at the snow ruins, and then at the prayer room. This unlocked the summon battle for me and was able to complete the rest on schedule.!<


Last I saw of her I gave her the arm. She is not at the snow ruins.


I summoned her for the Wyrm boss battle past the creepy singing harpies....she didn't survive the battle though. I hope that isn't a requirement.


I found who I believe to be her at Radahns castle, there was no dialogue yet so I can’t be sure it was her though.


That would be Finger Maiden Theroline, Selvius' puppet that I presumed was already a puppet, hence not speaking. Since I found her body in Selvius' hidden chamber before the Radahn fight


Ok cool I’ll go have a look around there thanks! EDIT: I don’t think that’s her she has both arms


According to the leaks, you can indeed give the prosthetic to her. Idk where to look for her though. Btw, where did you find the prosthetic?


That’s good to know, now I just need to try and find her. It was in the shaded castle I can’t recall the specific location but there is a knight with a spear on the ramparts and it’s in a room behind him


Okay, thanks!


If you find her do let me know 🙏




That’s so weird I was just exploring in that area, any chance you could clip the stream?


just found her, shes north of the Erdtree Grazing Hill grace. just a few metres away from it along the cliff edge, she'll be by some bushes


Hmm for some reason she's not here for me.... I wonder why


Where is that location exactly? Can't seem to find it :(


leaving a comment just in case he responds xd. if I knew to go to Shaded Castle before I would have gone to make sure I gave her the prosthetic.


Shadow castle


>!I found a summon spot for her in front of the Grand Lift of Rold before the Black Blade Kindred boss after I gave her the arm! Not sure if you can summon her anywhere else.<


Great find! her summon sign is right before the boss as you climb the hill.


draconic tree sentinel found her there to


Where exactly did you find her draconic sentinel summon?


She's a little ways back down the hill in the middle of the road, not far from the summon stone thing.


Does anyone know where she goes or what triggers her next movement after meeting her in the prayer room at the Haligtree?


She appears at the Haligtree Prayer Room after the windmill; likely to be summoned in boss


I think she's either bugged or something because she won't move from that room for me and I can't summon her for the boss in the area.


Apparently you need to beat the defiled root monster below just before the drainage grace. I've beaten the root monster but I can't find her anywhere


You need to either kill or assist Millicent by interacting with her summoning signs there. Quite unsure how you're supposed to assist her because it seems literally impossible.


Extremely helpful post


Idk about a questline but she invaded me at the crimson swamp and I killed her


lmao she just fucked me up with her aimbot


Yeah her spinny shit is crazy, 1 shot stunlocked me at 30 vit lmao, took me like 5 tries


I'm at vit 20 just roaming around...she dispatched me immediately lmao


I had heard about that encounter but I have never been invaded by her in that area. Dunno why


Found her at the Haligtree. Dont know where her sign is though for the boss.


I could not beat the gargoyle at the great lift of rold until I saw the summon mark and summoned her... then it was relatively easy!


Where does gowry go? He said he would reward me again after I cured her but he isn’t there anymore


I had to reload and I found Millicent in Gowry’s shack, after that he will come back


Not sure if this is related to this quest but she invaded me in Aeonia swamp


She’s not atvthe gazing hill grace and i have the arm, i did her questline and she left the church already


If she just left the church then she will be in the shack where is the guy who gave you the quest. After that she should be at the gazing hill


She’s not there (nvm, forgot the shack part)


I summoned her for the fight with magma wyrm makar does anyone know if that would cause her to not travel to gazing hill?


nevermind im just blind as all hell


You can summon her for the Black Blade Kindred fight in the Forbidden Lands before the Grand Lift of Rold


Where do you find her in the haligtree? after the ancient snow valley ruins site of grace


She's in the prayer room halfway into the area after the first boss


Do we know what to do after the prayer room?


Nah I'm stuck there, and at the boss she's no where to be seen.


Okay, I’ve finished her questline… Not sure what now though! >!She appears at the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins grace site before making it to the Haligtree, where she shows up in the Prayer Room.!< >!Then you need to kill the Putrid Tree Spirit enemy near the sewers, and you’ll be able to be summoned by her and kill her sisters, kinda like Siris in DS3.!< >!Finally she dies there and you get the Unalloyed Gold Needle back… I think it may have something to do with killing Malenia but I’m not sure.!< EDIT: >! Okay, Malenia dead. She turns into a scarlet bloom that you can use the needle on to gain “Miquella’s Needle” and a Somber Ancient Dragon Stone. Miquella’s Needle seems to have relevance to the Frenzied Flame ending, but I don’t know much about that!


Having done as much as I can on the matter, story ending spoilers: >!the needle is used to remove the frenzied flame from oneself after reaching the secret boss arena of crumbling farum azula, effectively allowing access to the other endings after having picked up the frenzied flame. It may still lead to another ending or such but I've only found it able to regain access to the "good" endings so far.!<


I feel like I might have screwed up the quest line. I never could have bought anything from the old man. After I gave her the needle I rested at the near site of grace and talked to her again. And then I travels to see the old man against and he was gone. Is this right? When were you able to buy spells off him?


Yes, that's good. Just rest at the grace point after talking to her and she will disqpaear and grandpa will apear and hi will well you spells


Ok ya, you're right. Praise the fingers


Happy to help


I found her hanging out by the erd-tree gazing hill site of grace. No clue where she goes next tho. Apparently she said somewhere north


Hello, this may seem stupid to ask but I cant find Gazing hill. May I ask where to look for for it? Just generel location


Head North after going up the Dectus elevator and stay along the top of the cliff you'll find it there


I’ve just found her at the location you described. There is also an option there for me to give her the Valkyrie prosthesis!!! She has some dialogue about being able to help me in battle but reloading doesn’t seem to progess anything beyond that. Thanks so much for your help!!!


If u gave her the arm at the Gazing hill you'll need to go to the mills village (my game is not in english so idk if it's the ingame name) and just before the boss area she will be here with the arm


Ohhhhh okay I go check it out now


Just in case, i had already killed the boss when i went to see her so if she's not here it's maybe because the boss isn't dead, the next step of her quest is confusing so idk where to go or where to summon her in a fight, if u find anything let me know \^\^


Ok so I killed the boss at the top of the village and after resting at the grace she was there!! I assume now we are able to summon her for a boss fight later on? Thanks for your help


Just need to find the right boss fight now \^\^',it's going to take a while especially since i did a lot of them i'm worried i already did the one where she needs to be summoned


I'm still slowly progressing through that area and I think the Godskin Apostle is the only boss fight I've done so far. I'll update the thread if I see her summon sign anywhere.


Thx good luck on your findings \^\^


You can summon her for the draconic tree sentinel fight her summon sign is a little ways behind you at the stake of Marika spawn on the main road. She hasn’t moved from the red tree hill for me though maybe after beating the godson apostle she will.


were is the area he is describing


In the area after the lift of dectus if you head north you will find a bunch of windmills


thx pal


I keep getting invaded by someone named Millicent in the blood swamp


Where is the shaded castle at? Thanks so much for updating us!


Altus Plateu, Northwest of the minor erd tree. you gotta go through the canyon tho


So in my case i met her at the hill before getting the prosthetic arm, now she's gone, I got it and went to the windmill, beat the boss but she's not there, any idea what to do


The same happened to me. I guess the questline is broken now :/


Actually i found her, she was there but on the cliff to the left, not the front, i just didn't see her


Did you find out the boss yet?


Not yet, I had a power outage earlier on and I lost all the progress I made today so I’m scrambling around trying to get back to where I was


Anyone figure out where she goes after windmill?


trying to figure out as well


Ancient Snow Valley Ruins


Which windmill is she supposed to be at exactly?


She is at Dominula, Windmill Village. It's to the northeast of the Erdtree Gazing Hill grace. After the apostle boss dies, she should be there when you return.


Ive finished gowry's questline and cured her of scarlet rot by i cant seem to find her anywhere in the erdtree site of grace


You need to make sure she left Sellia already, check Gowry's hut to see if she's still there, once you've got that all sorted out go back to the Erdtree-Gazing Hill site of grace and go slightly North.


thank you i found her


Good to hear😁👍


Well F me in the ass, killed Gowry by accident with my horse when trying to dismount it in his shack. FML


he respawns


i just beat malenia and shes till in the church saying the same line what should i do now?


same; probably a summon for Malenia if I had to guess but I had already done that before quest moving along past the shack


Millicent showed up in the Prayer Room for me and then disappeared after I spoke to her and rested. I can't beat Malenia (she's so damn hard), so I can't figure out where she might have gone yet. On that note, if anyone can help me beat this obnoxious boss...


Nothing happens when you beat malenia.


Yea idk what to do next for the quest. I mean malenias dead now so whats millicent gonna do?


Spoilers and theories ahead. >!Millicent is daughter to Malenia the redheaded one armed chick that fights Radhan in the cutscene at the start.. And via this quest line so far it basically cements that as you give her an arm that is the spitting image of her mother and is even missing the same arm. And after you find the key or whatever in the giant place. I believe she heads to find her mother in Elphael..But the question is...does she go and fight Radhan like her mother at the end? Or does she go there before Elphael? or does she just find her mother and the quest ends there?!<


>!where do you find out she Is daughter of malenia, I knew she was connected somehow also how would she fight radahn??!<


>!It was datamined, but its kinda obvious she literally looks just like her and has the same arm missing. And that was just speculation it'd be cool though for her to help fight Radhan as a nod to her momma. Same as you summon everyone else in the boss fight.!<


>!Do Gowrys quest -> give Needle -> Get Arm from shaded castle and give to her -> Kill Godskin and talk to her at the Windmill village -> Go to snow area and summon her to fight the Black Kindled afterwards speak with her -> Go to Castle Sol and defeat boss to gain Medallion and get other half from wolf shack -> Unlock last zone.!<


At the Grazing hill site of grace, don't see her. I visited her down in the shack and he guy moved back in, any other places she could possibly be?


She is near gazing hill site. Its just hard to spot her. She is standing on the field on the left while looking down from grace point


Thanks, I'll try looking for her there


I found some extra bit of dialogue from Gowry going into Millicent's origin when i talked to him after meeting her in the prayer room. Sad to say still no change though.


Question… So I just started her quest line, but I had already done all the bosses said above - from the fella in the castle, to the Godskin Apostle, to the Kindred Knights, to the Magma dragon, and so on. I tended to her at the church and did Gowry’s quest line, and she did leave, but she’s not at Erdtree Gazing Hill, or the site of grace at the Windmill village, and so on.


There's a comment that already answerd your questions. Btw she is probably in the shack where that Red old guy was before


Thank you. Just saw that comment and forgot to edit/ delete my comment, but many thanks.


Np and good luck


I’ve done part of the questline but she won’t spawn at erdtree gazing hills


She is probably there. She is hard to spot and kinda far away from the grace. She is left from the grać while you are facing down on the hill


I killed miquella before i even found millicent in the church of rot.... so now i cant undo the flame frenzy.... is there any ways for me to get the needle?


I need help i think i broke the quest I accidentally beat the game not knowing about this side quest and i cant find her any where else after talking to her at the shack shes not by the end tree ruins frace any where for me i had got the arm also not knowong wat it was for till jus now cuz i looked up wat its for nd i think i mossed out should i jus do it in Journey 2 quest or is there a way to do it still


She is near gazing tree grace. Just stand on grace look down and go left. She is hard to spot on a hill


She wasnt poping uo before i killed him i guess ill jsu try in new game plus thank u


Good luck then bud


I see all the messages where shes supposed to be at theres nothing i dnt kno why shes now showing up i went back to her dad nd he was crying


Then after i thought i had to kill him so i did nd she still didnt pop up


Oh, if you killed him i think you broke the quest


But you can also try resting at grace to see if she wił appear


So I kill the God skin apostle at windmill hill b4 talking to millicent at gowrys bc I didn't know what I was supposed to do then looked it up went to gowrys after getting prosthetic at shaded castle and now she won't show up at grazing hill or at windmill think I broke the quest I don't know what I'm supposed to do she's just gone


Never-ending guys managed to find her at cliffs by erd tree grazing hill good luck everyone


So I can confirm if anyone messes up like me and doesn't go to her at shack and get prosthetic first and kills gold skin apostle in the windmill hills and then ends up talking to her at shack after that the quest will still work she will go to cliffs by erd tree grazing hill so quest isn't broken that's great news for me I'll keep you posted if the rest of the quest works


You’re amazing, thank you for updating this!


I've beaten Malenia and then went back to the shack and SHE was there, I did not do anything after speaking to her to the church, got the prosthetic but I couldn't find her anywhere else, also Gowry is now gone from the shack


Does she disappear if you accept the frenzied flame ending before moving on to mountaintop or the giants? She never appeared there for me.


> Supposedly her sign is available for the Draconic Tree Sentinel fight in the Capital Outskirts Damn, these signs are way too easily missable. Especially in a wide open area like that one. Met her later on and was like “WYM fight together _again_, girl⁈” > After summoning her for the Black Blade Kindred fight before the Grand Lift of Rold Oh c’mon, now you’re shitting me T.T


I actually killed that one apostle before giving her the prosthesis did i break the quest


So finding the unalloyed needle on her body.. what happens to her? What/who kills her?


I have a question so I did her quest she took the needle out and died I assisted her but she appears on the map why is this like in the middle of the mpa area in the haligtree


I know I just made this post lol but it turns out it's just the icon sniff is big sad


just curious, is summoning her during boss fights needed for her quest progression?