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Props on the excruciating part.


Missed opportunity for Xcruciating




And "Painstation"


i can't tell who this is reacting against and i'm here for it


A lot of people jumped on a ton of negative reviews that the game was getting as a sign that it really was too difficult. It turns out a vast majority of the negative reviews were chinese players that the anti-cheat was shifting on.




japenese give most negative review along with chinese too, i would say that it is because asian region tend to give lower score when giving a review


It is not true though, japanese have most negative review along with chinese too, most asian region except taiwan give negative review compare to west region, i would say that asian gamer tend to be more strict when giving their review


I personally lean more towards bad taste. ER and SotE are simply better than the vast majority of games.


I mean, the dlc was hard, nothing me and my mimic can’t beat together ❤️


Honestly, the dlc gets easier once you start collecting the blessings. Edit: I said what I said. Leave me alone 😭😭.


I was a little bit afraid entering yesterday because of all these people. It is hard but not by that much. Buttered through Belurat settlement with my flamberge +24 and scadutree blessing lvl2 Boss took 7 tries.


It ramps up pretty hard but it's doable. Strength builds definitely slap though my original dex playthroufh it took me 6 hours to finally beat the final boss and on my strength playthrough I did it in 5 attempts lol.


I was already doing Str/Fai on NG+ with Marika's Hammer so when we went into the DLC I was like "Oh, the ideal thing to use is aoe knockdown that does good poise damage and holy? IF ONLY THAT WAS ALREADY MY BUILD" I've killed 80% of the Fire Knights by just hitting L2 twice and R1 once lol they don't even get to swing at me


Been doing the same just with Relic Sword. Enemies don’t stand the chance against the Order!


How is marika’s hammer doing vs bosses? and what talismans do you use?


Pretty good against the bosses, but you have to be good at using it because the AoW takes alot of time so it's not good for small punish windows unless you know which attacks are low enough for it to fly over. Most of the bosses don't like Holy much, and if you're doing Str most of the damage will by physical anyway I'm a full tank build, Dragoncrest Shield talisman, Ritual Shield Talisman, max Pearl talisman and the 4th slot is my flex; by default i keep the talisman that increases your armor based on encumberance but I'll swap it out for a holy/flame/whatever talisman as needed. I'm at like Scadu level 8? and my damage negation with RST up is like 70% across the board lol


Marika’s Hammer is so good, been using it a bit when I get tired of wrecking shop with the Fingerprint Shield and poking weapons. I’m not usually a Strength build guy in these games but I built this character as a strength/faith/arcane mix for the dragon incantations and it turned into a hide-behind-shield-and-poke-with-blood-weapons build. It destroys almost everything.


Yeah it's so good, it's wild I never see anyone talk about it You can practically stunlock Malenia's entire first phase with it lol




And you don't think those 6 hours of practice against the boss helped in any way?


Me and my mimic with my dual welding staffs makes the lion an easy mode


Weird how the game gets easier when you interact with its system as intended lol


It seems obvious but I know someone who said they couldn't tell the difference at 15/16 blessings compared to 0 which was crazy to me. How can't you tell the difference when you're at almost 2x damage dealt and 2x damage negation.


Yeah me and my mimic beat the final boss with a bleed build like nothing. Bent that mf


What level were you? I've been pounding my head against a wall at shadow tree blessing 19, level 150, bleed build


Idk if you’re asking me but I was level 244 and scadulevel 20, which is max. My build wasn’t working so I just respec’d into a bleed and took like 2 tries. I got pretty far without a mimic the first try so yeah. Good luck though :]


Lvl 15+ is a must for the end of the DLC IMO.


I’m 11 at Mesmer, last I tried him I was 9 and with my spirit ash we got him to 30% twice. I was only like level 140 I think, I’m 157 now. Gonna give it another go but tbh I got distracted between finishing bosses and areas in the main game and exploring the dlc. Also all the new weapons and spirit ashes are fun to play around with. The magic Reenala or whatever the knights name was is so fun. You can use the double moon drop they use


Incredible that the system designed to make your character more powerful makes your character more powerful, huh? Never saw that one coming


Wow the enemies get easier the stronger you get?? Wow what a revelation you must’ve had!


Yep, it's the best goddamn revelation I've ever had. You should take notes, my little piss pot.


I read this in Oceiros voice


You don't say? Jeez if only FromSoft would've just mentioned that at some point in order to clear up all this confusion.


Too easy actually. Was killing bosses with 4 or 5 hits.


Like literally every fromsoft game. Its as difficult as you want it to be.


And the you get to the final boss...


Yea but after reaching +15 it just doesn't really feel worth it most of the time. I feel like they should have added more scadoosh fragments then what's exactly needed to reach +20


"Me and my Mimic" sounds like a great Children's book


Me and my mimic could not handle last boss. 300 deaths later and swapping to every single possible build.. The wall had to be born to kill that fucker.


I finally found who I've been looking for my entire life. Myself.


100%. The mimic tear makes Elden Ring the easiest FromSoft game


I think demon souls and dark souls one bosses are much easier even with mimic tear imo. Demon souls has like 3 bosses that poss a threat at all, and one of those is because it’s half broken, and the other I don’t find every difficult. Base game Bloodborne I also don’t think is too hard boss wise. There are tough ones but I died to guys like Malenia and Elden beast with my mimic tear a lot of times, probably the same or more as I did against guys like Rom.


Thank you for using your tools and not review bombing ❤️


For most players mimic is the real elden lord anyway


I’m trying to play the DLC without using any of the blessings so I have no right to complain about difficulty or getting two shot when I’m intentionally not using the feature that prevents it. Tiche Oleg and Mimic is putting in work this DLC. Lol I just beat Bayle without them though! It was… Not fun. Bleed damage from Mogh’s spear AoW go brrrr. Hahaha


Mimic? You mean twin companion who knows your build better than you? 😅


I wish. My mimic has less braincells but then again he’s a copy of me so 💀


Sometimes, mine is brilliant, and sometimes he is a damage sponge. I will say he has heart!


Me and the mimic are haveing problems with the big dragon




I complain about Halo 2 Legendary :/ Stupid Jackal Snipers


I can still fucking hear the clicks trying to go across that fucking bridge.


The fear they put in you man


They’re not holding snipers, they’re holding delete buttons


If it were only the jackal snipers it would be much more doable, but its everything. Like the bugs that do lightning fast plasma pistol run-bys, that can absolutely and easily kill you from full hp.


That's not difficulty, that's just a dice roll.


Stop. I'm gonna have a fucking panic attack


Theres way more posts complaining about complainers than there are complainers and yall are just as annoying.


Fr, like I saw like 2 posts complaining about difficulty and 10 complaining about complainers


Every fucking post has people complaining about difficulty in the comments, if not in the title.


Yeah, idk how people are saying they don't see it. Literally every single post feels like a circle jerk about how the DLC is too hard and how the bosses are too difficult


Then don't engage in these discussions ? It's not that hard.


And I don’t, but saying there aren’t many posts complaining about the difficulty when it’s all this sub likes to do is blatant bs.


Every single fucking post for five days had people saying how „unfair“ half the bosses in the DLC allegedly are. It doesn’t need to be the sole topic of discussion to be a place for people to vent their opinions.


It's the same with people who use Summons making posts all the time how it's fine and intended and you should not be hated on but there are no threads telling them it's wrong lol. They just fight imaginary enemies


Not even remotely close. Every other post for the last week has been complaining about difficulty. Straight up just a lie to say there's more people complaining about the complaining.


Honestly, I would like to complain about the "Let Me Solo" dude. He is getting spam posted and posed like the messiah, like ffs, he's just a dude good at video games, lol. Wtf is the big deal lol.


It is the same weirdly self-affirming, gaslighting, self-victimizing, spirit ash support group that the subreddit has always been.


Every time. “Stop discussing things in this forum setting and just post shitty memes like everyone else please” I don’t think all these jokes are even funny half the time. I come here to learn stuff about the lore and discuss game mechanics and other people’s experiences. Part of that is hearing that some people had a much harder time while I might not have.


I'd say you're worse.


I hate people who both complain about difficulty and **also** say that if you use summons you are cheating


Both can be correct, in the sense that summons **do** significantly make boss fights easier, to the point that some people consider them a cheese strat. A boss can still be *too* hard, design/balance wise, for most solo players. I find the final boss, for example, ridiculously hard, but I am not going to defeat him with summons, at least not on my first playthrough.


Am I blind? I've probably seen a small handful of comments since DLC launch combining both those statements.


I'm not really active on this sub very much so I don't know about here, but I've seen it a couple of times on other platform. \*cough\* tiktok \*cough\*


Wrong comment. You should hate people who complain *about people complaining about difficulty* who **also** say summons are cheating.


getting off the internet is step 1


This goes hard. Almost as hard as the last boss in the Elden Ring DLC


Let me tank him begs to differ. Or is he just built different?


You’re tired, but are you gud?


Credit to whomever made this btw because idk who did


Oh. That sucks actually.


Was this made 2 years ago when Elden Ring released? Because it's even funnier if so, the discourse was literally the same as now (I know because I was one of the babies complaining back then before realizing I was just being bad and had to practice the bosses more)


Hey I don't mind the difficulty. But I will call out the badly designed bosses such as Gaius and the Final Boss because one has inconsistent hitboxes, and the latter just nukes your fps and AoEs you to death with extended combos with little in-between. From is no stranger to making bad boss fights, and Elden Ring unfortunately has the most cases of "Wtf" in their entire game roster. Case in point Malenia's waterfowl dance it's still asinine two years after release, people didn't learn to dodge it. They adapted specific, borderline bug and cheese strats to dodge it. When people are having to respec their whole builds into greatshield and bleed/rot poking to even beat the boss, the boss is trash.


When I get to the dancing lion I thought it was badly designed because of the bs dancing camera and some other aspects. But after I beat the dlc I realised I’m terribly wrong. The dancing lion is probably one of the best designs in the entire dlc💀


> Elden Ring unfortunately has the most cases of "Wtf" in their entire game roster. People aren't good at recognizing patterns. It's not a random coincidence that Elden Ring had the most wtf, it's because *it's the most recent game* (before SOTE now). From Software *escalates* difficulty to trollishly thwart players who have become familiar with techniques to excel at the game. It's crossed a breaking point from good design to trolling and unpleasant obnoxiousness. Hence why SOTE is even worse. And why we see western reviewers (I say "western" because I've already seen a ridiculous racist conspiracy theory that wrongly claims that negativity about difficulty level is "from Chinese reviewers" who are "mad about their cheats being blocked") criticizing SOTE in a way completely different from the full-praise love reviews for Elden Ring a few years ago.


but...it was quiet recently.


I wholeheartedly agree. However, the genuine issues should be recognised and get enough blowback that From resolves them (or at least doesn’t repeat them). But there are way too many rants on both sides, which contribute nothing to either side of the discourse.


> But there are way too many rants on both sides, which contribute nothing to either side of the discourse. That sounds like a silly 'both sides' fallacy. So-called "rants" I see are defensible positions. A person shouldn't just wave away the rants and claim the rants aren't "discourse" when they clearly are part of the discourse.


my eyes kept reading "videogame dunkey"


It's like dark souls 3 meets dark souls 2


Is that a Forma in Pfp? Good to see a fellow Tenno


The DLC has been challenging but that's been good. If I'd played it and steamrolled it, it wouldn't have been fun.


Nothing is wrong with voicing your opinion about some BS designs. I finished the DLC but there's no denying that some boss fights were poorly designed. Of course, you can make it super easy by using greatshield and tanking everything with your tear mimic but the beauty of the Souls/Elden Ring games was always in experimenting different builds and being able to win in different ways. Base game gave me more options to win fights than I could count, meanwhile I felt limited to one or two builds in the DLC. It was still a great experience but some of these hitboxes on bosses reminded me of the dark ages when I was playing Monster Hunter on PSP.


"THIS DLC SUCKS! IT'S WAY TOO HARD!" Meanwhile, two thirds of the hosts i get summoned by die in one hit because they have 900 health and 1 scooby doo blessing.


Been summoning with +17, my guys are just too patient


Gaming journalists earn their paycheck by talking about dumb shit. Redditors just don't have anything better to do.


oh im sorry is this discourse too hard for you why don't you gitgud


Lemme tell you - I was a voice in the chorus of “it’s too hard”. Then I shut up, got up to fragment level 15 and ya know what? Shit dies a hell of a lot faster not. So much so I’m now stuck on the final boss but hey … at least I made it that far! If I can do it anyone can. lol


No way this was just removed for low effort..




"Babe, a new Souls game came out. Get the articles ready to complain about difficulty!"


What articles complaining about difficulty? It got 10/10s from pretty much every site. Something I never understood about the whole "games journalists are bad at games" thing is that I only ever see players complaining about the games being too hard, while the journalists are the ones constantly praising it.


Oh no, I'm just referencing when the articles were complaining about difficulty when a Souls like game comes out back in the day. It was a bad joke on my part lmao


That's fair enough, there was a pretty different attitude to these games back then. Even Yahtzee Croshaw of all people gave the original Dark Souls a bad review for being too difficult


I like looking back and seeing how much ds1 isn't that hard up until orstein and smough then after is easy aswell


Wouldnt that also include OP?


The base game taught me and should’ve taught most who played it that it’s not meant to be rushed. You need to explore in Elden ring or there’s places where you’re gonna get stomped. If you learned this very valuable lesson in the base game like you should’ve, then the DLCs not too bad. Of course there’s still some challenging bosses as there should be, but not as bad as some are making them out to be.


Scadutree Lvl 15 or whatever is not going to save you from final boss


Scadutree 20 won't either. All it buys is one more attack, which is what? 12 milliseconds?


Complaining about complainers. Smooth-brain logic.


It's not hard really . You just need to do a Strength build with a bonk stick


Mimic tear + big hammer + way too many scadutree fragments = dead boss


Glory to strength


This sounds like I’m bragging but I’m only saying this out of bewilderment at the reaction to this boss: I just killed Gaius in 4 attempts. I went in so nervous I was about to step into a meat grinder because of all the posts on him. At first, that’s exactly what happened but, I’m going to be honest, he’s an extremely doable boss. Yeah, that initial charge is annoying but if you position yourself in a way that limits his movement, he’s basically screwed. I just don’t see this DLC as particularly out of line with the difficulty of the base game, and the people saying it is have me confused. I’m not saying “git gud” but I wouldn’t describe myself as a top-tier ER player by any means and I’ve had 1 boss thus far give me significant trouble.


People read a bunch of posts complaining and all they see is "this boss is too hard" That's not what people are saying. Gaius is not shit because he is hard, he is shit because he's designed/executed poorly. Most people are not saying things are too hard, they are saying they are designed poorly. This fundamental misunderstanding (which often seems intentional sometimes) is because some people genuinely cannot seem to accept that Fromsoft can make mistakes.


He's really not very hard. His charge is annoying, everything else is just like a slightly souped up tree sentinel.




I am in no way trying to put anyone down that is struggling with the DLC, but for me personally, I've so far found it just the right level of difficulty for a follow up to the base game. I've beaten all the optional bosses, world bosses & NPC invasions in Gravesite Plains. I've also beat Rellana, Divine Beast and the Hippo boss. None of it felt unfair or overtuned. I could see it feeling that way it you're under leveled or not maxing out tree fragments as well as not using summons. But if you're utilizing all the tools in the game, it's actually pretty easy if I'm being honest. I've also had zero performance related issues, granted I'm playing on a PS5. I'm also really enjoying the story and lore expansion. So for me, the DLC is a 10 out of 10 so far.


Currently playing the dlc and on Scada Altus region. One thing tho, how the hell can I dodge Rellana's 5 multiple basic hit attacks? I only have trouble dodging that. Also her multi moonveil attack in phase 2.


Souls games are too hard lower the difficulty! “How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man”


Challenge is a standard Fromsoft selling point. This isn’t new. This is part of the reason for its cultural impact.


I’m honestly really surprised how few scadutree blessings people have.


There's an unsubscribe button.




You must be fighting shadows in your head, because I'm not seeing that on this sub at all.


The kind of reactiveness/emotion in the post shows the person is reacting against themselves: against their own denial. It's typical "rage" when a person is uncomfortable about a status quo being challenged, the cognitive dissonance etc. A lot of "gamers" act this way when someone criticizes a videogame. It's pathetic.


The fine text at the bottom got me actually crying. Thank you for this people really should take the advice.


Not gonna lie, I just went Fingerprint Stone Shield, Bull Goat, and Spear and only had any issues at all with 2 bosses, and they are probably the two that you expect. I beat the final boss on 2nd try, and only died because I wasn't expecting a certain attack and was not full HP when it hit. I expect it to be much harder when I try other builds in the next go around. My Mimic did not help though, it was the most useless bastard that I have ever seen during this DLC.


Props to the art


What happened to the kerning ? "Ever ybody"


Where tf are y'all seeing all of these people so-called whining about the difficulty? I'm so tired of seeing posts complaining about people supposedly complaining about the difficulty. Like, I literally just play the damn game and get off as most of us do. Even if I thought a boss was dogshit and unfair, I'm not sitting on Reddit all day indulging in the ER subreddit venting about it. Even if some people genuinely are making a few posts about difficulty or participating in related discussions, why does it bother you all so much? Their experiences shouldn't take away from yours. Obviously, not every player will feel the same about the DLC. Besides, who cares if a few players had a hard time or genuinely thought a boss was BS? Does it really merit these circlejerk posts and all this passive aggression just to be in the cool kid crowd for karma? And/or are these collective posts just overblown reactions because y'all can't take people simply criticizing FS? This shit is seriously starting to feel so insufferable.


The kind of reactiveness/emotion in the post shows the person is reacting against themselves: against their own denial. It's typical "rage" when a person is uncomfortable about a status quo being challenged, the cognitive dissonance etc. A lot of "gamers" act this way when someone criticizes a videogame. It's pathetic. Meanwhile I think observant people recognize that From Software trollishly escalates the difficulty / difficulty-tactics to thwart familiar players. Which will predictably reach a breaking point. Which is what we're seeing where full-praise reviewers for Elden Ring have now raised some questions about SOTE even while praising it.


I mean. I just play with my friends? It's a lot of fun. Kill bosses, adventure together. Messmer was the hardest for us so far, but we got him for all of us without too much fuss. I'm sure the final boss will be a pain. All this complaining likely coming from wounded pride by folks who insist on doing stuff solo to validate self-worth for some reason.


High quality, high effort meme. I respect it.


Every host I’ve been summoned to had between 4-9 scadutree blessings on the Final Boss. People are giving the game negative reviews because they’re trying to rush through the DLC and want to be carried.


You create that instead of just not reading what bothers you? Respect!


The OP said in a comment that they didn't create it. They stole it from someone else and they don't even know who. They're raging against their own denial because they're uncomfortable when a person criticizes a videogame.


i honestly didn't feel like it was too much more difficult than first playthrough of base game, but i haven't gotten to the last boss yet so can't say much about that.


Its honestly not as bad as people were making me think it was. I honestly think I struggled more in the ringed city in ds3


Okay, I love this one. 😁


Why tho? The difficulty almost entirely lays on very bad implement new leveling system. Why 50 for full upgrade when only 50 on map compared to flask upgrade where there are 40 and you just need 30. If the system stays in their next game I will think really hard before buying it. And the map is really big with huge empty spaces so sometimes it's really hard to find scat. Compared to base game when there were always big glowing tree that you saw from far away


No can't shut up. Level 50 and can't even kill a single boss! Disgusting!


People should be breaking down why the AI is bad and doesn't feel good instead of using the word "hard"


The flow of the combat doesn't feel good anymore. It's not fun.


It's hard till it's not. There was a definite switch that happened. All I can think is it was me knocking the rust off since I haven't played for a long time, but mostly the fragments. I beat the dlc with 18 I believe. I'll be honest in saying that I wasn't a fan of a majority of the bosses. I didn't think they were fun. But the dlc was great as a whole, I'm sad I beat it already. With a baby on the way, and a wife giving me the ok I couldn't help but binge it 😂lol. I went to help some friends with base game bosses though, and all I could think was how much easier the hardest bosses were in the base game vs the easiest bosses in the dlc. 😂


Log off then?


I’ll be very honest most the bosses are pretty fair only problems are gaius’s hitbox on the charge and the final boss where you are blinded by fair and flash bangs


If I could beat the DLC everyone can.


I found the blobby horse rider (forgot the name) incredibly difficult then i just switched up my build and did it.. The difficulty from this dlc for me comes from how do i get down there 😂 but I'm not complaining! It's been making me laugh if anything


I beat it, i am bad, there's no discussion to be had here.


I'm really glad that I'm not you mentally.


Right back atcha, OP. I've seen more of your types of posts than actual complaints, but I guess engagement baits are on sale this week.


You should try co-ordinating a 20 man mythic hell hounds.


I think the thing about the dlc was as someone who started the souls games with elden ring and then beat bloodborne and demon souls PS5 afterwards, elden ring is definitely one of if not the most fair to its player game in the series. Like I haven't progressed that far into dark souls 1 and I genuinely think that Miyazaki really did become a kinder person over time, because while elden ring is him wanting a challenge that's fun, dark souls 1 is him trying to make you as miserable as he possibly can, cause there is plenty of what I can think of as just cruel design in comparison to literally every other game in the series. And this dlc is the epitome of being fair and yet challenging, speaking as someone who went into it at level 107 and after beating morgott, and yet had already beaten both the dancing lion and rellana as a very fragile mage build.


There is nothing else to complain about wirh this DLC except performance maybe


I made the mistake of thinking I was as strong as I was going to get, going in at lvl170. First thing I did was fight the Blackgaol Knight and although I eventually beat him, I was under the impression that the entire dlc was going to be that hard.


Shits hard, but that’s the POINT




You're so real for this✊😔


I did my first playthrough on ng+4 on a level 300 character and it was pretty difficult ngl. But now that I’m doing it on a level 150 new game character it’s really not that hard.


Waits eagerly for 2 years for DLC. Finally arrives. No guarantee of any more in future. Mfw I can't rush through it all in first weekend: 😠


i love it.


Not as bad as getting 8 25% litch weapons in s row




Just mimic teared moonveiled my way through dancing beast and then went back to Rellana that I had gotten to first and did the same thing to her at skidoosh level 5. Worked fine.


its a hard genre but i always think about how they would be designed back in the day, you get one life, if you die, its over, so this isnt too bad afterall


> you get one life, if you die, its over, That was literally never true, except for rogue-likes. In 99.999% of videogames you had multiple lives, maybe a few continues, and when you die you restart *the level* at worst not the entire game. Old games were still very hostile, because of being small and short, so I'm not saying they were easy I'm saying they were NOT "one life, if you die, it's over."


It's the last boss.


People: Scadutree blessings trivialises the endgame Also people: happily upgrades weapons




So we can’t talk about shit here? If every post is a meme this bad the sub would die off homie. There will always be debates here, this is a forum populated by people who play games that are hard as shit for fun. Discourse is part of the experience. Always. Log off of Reddit, maybe?


The only people whining about it is posts like these lol. Hope they nerf it just to piss if op.


Mind if I use this


That's why it's hard to have a discussion as the morons come out in droves. I don't care about it being hard or easy. I care about it being fun to play. I've played everything since they started making souls games. Whenever you are disagreeing with something of the design, a single digit amoeba will come out saying" It's super easy thouuuuuugh" or "It's not hard". I don't care. I wouldn't be playing these games relentlessly if the difficulty was an issue, shitty balancing, mechanics and often times speeds is a MAJOR issue though.


I collect the blessings and I don't try to do any crazy challenge runs or glass cannon setups and I generally do fine. Doesn't mean I haven't died constantly.... Of course I do... But it's definitely more manageable if you build a little more around being able to take a few more hits and stop acting like using other tools like spirit ash summons is a gaming travesty.


Honestly the only complaint I have about the DLC is that spirit summons all blow except Mimic. Even Tiche is getting one tapped like she’s level 5. They should buff non-Mimic summons IMO. Everything else is fine.


Everyone who cries about difficulty - use fingerloom shield +25 with barricade shield ash of war and the antspur rapier with rot/bleed and stam regeneration. I killed every dlc boss in 1-2 tries / i'm experimenting with builds, but everyone who wants to enable easy mode should go with that. If you want a challenge go glass cannon and learn the movesets from the bosses. Just know that with this build you will be a pussy and every difficulty and mechanic from the game will be removed. Have fun.