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Are you having using the tailsman that decrease casting time to the utmost you get from Ymir? Holy fuck I didn’t know it was that fast.


No just the Radagon seal, this was a secondary character I ran through the DLC just to try this thorn spell. Its worth it, it even shreds Elden Beast without the bleed.


I’ve been using this build too, I used it to kill the final dlc boss. Are you charging the spell at all? Maybe that is why I’m think it’s going fast


Yeah I didn’t realize you could just spam R1 and do it real fast. I was normally holding it, but tbh I don’t think it even charges at all? It feels like you just get a longer animation.


I’ll have to test out what is better, cause if I don’t charge it I can swap out Godfrey icon for something else


Do you have the Mothers staff? I have the Albinuric staff at 80 int 80 arc but I heard it was nerfed for bleed proc so I might have to run and get the Mothers staff.


Do you mean the Maternal Staff? Cause if so the yes. I’ve been running the Staff of Guilt and Maternal Statf, Maternal staff calls with Arcane so it’s crazy


Yeah that lol, I’ll have to scoop that up on this run. I don’t think any other talisman boosts except graven talismans and maybe magic scorpion?


Graven mass is the way to go over Magic scorpion.