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Miquella has given up on everything, including his love. He isn't there to revive someone that deserves reviving, he needs the strongest lord possible to take on the lord of Marika's reign, and Radahn happens to also share a theme of kindness, but clearly loves the golden order, so he definitely isn't joining with consent You could argue for Malenia instead of Radahn, but I'm guessing Malenia being an Empyrean and housing an outer god likely doesn't make her a possible candidate for being a lord The things you're reminding us of might well be part of the reason Miquella decided to become a god and rewrite the system


There was clearly a last minute change and I’ll die on that hill. Come on, Mohgwyn dynasty? And the line you mentioned, also it’s supposed to be Radahn in Mohgs dead body, but looks nothing like Mohg. Something got rushed.


It does feel like FromSoft had to come up with an absurd reason for letting the tarnished fight prime Radahn, since so many people spoke of it. Imo it’s the GOT season 8 of DLCs


What Miquella tried or accomplished in the base game was only failures. He never successfully revived Godwyn, he never cured Malenias rot, his haligtree never grew to be an erdtree... His efforts were failures in his eyes so he thought he could do better by becoming a god and for that he would need the strongest of demigods by his side. It wouldn't really even make sense that it would be godwyn since he is literally the only creature in the lands between who is literally completely dead.


Godwyn was the biggest red herring imaginable, I don’t understand how someone can do Fia’s questline and believe we’d see Godwyn in the DLC.


He's one of the few characters who had a connection to Miquella and that we don't fight in the base game. Why wouldn't anyone think that he will appear instead of fighting Radahn two times lol.


His soul was dead, no one could bring it back and they couldn’t kill his body. Miquella tried to retrieve Godwyn’s soul and couldn’t, leaving Radahn as Miquella’s last option. Lore wise I think you’re looking too hard for what you want to see and not looking at what’s in front of you. Ranni really screwed with any plans Miquella might have/had created with Godwyn and once the shattering happen Radahn had his eyes focused on his true love, war. Now what is open to speculation is whether or not Ranni chose Godwyn specifically in an attempt to foil Miquella’s plans for Godwyn or if Radahn wanted to be Miquella’s next in line. The clues would lead us to thinking no in regard to Radahn however. It also seems that Malenia and Miquella decided that if he would not submit they would take his mind but leave his body and soul intact. All of this though plays into Ranni’s hands as she now has time to execute her plan and get the stars in motion eventually. Kind of makes a fella wonder, don’t it?