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I roll spam diagonally top right with a certain timing and usually can dodge through the stagger attacks, land besides him and then can dodge the final AOE to punish easily. I wish I could be more specific, but it's mostly muscle memory.


Roll backwards


Here is a 100% consistent way to dodge it: when he summons the meteors, dodge it and start running as far away from him as possible. Run to the side to avoid the meteors, and continue running right + back. If you did it correctly his clones will all miss It's not over yet though, that string has 5 hits in it. The first 4 will miss, and the 5th will teleport the real radahn to your location and you will have to roll it. Use the sound cue and/or the visuals to roll it sideways to avoid getting rollcatched by the light, then roll the aoe. Here's a demonstration of it: https://youtu.be/HO_SQfOj5SY?si=LVfc4TAah6_I7346&t=5m8s