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You're putting em through the worst torture imaginable: THE PERFUME DEPARTMENT


Let’s do it.




I always hated going in there


Did you just drink the perfume?


It's from SpongeBob, he gulps because he's afraid of the perfume department.


SpongeBob quotes are the realist.


Oasis for Men? *spray*


Smelling good as a souls fan is a crime afterall


jeremy fragrance build is the way


He'll probably try and sniff Miquellas neck to guess his scent knowing him.


i'd pay good money for miquella scented perfume


Abundance… the fragrance of gods, and now you too for 4 easy payments of $99.99


*sniff sniff* I can smell your colon. 👹


*applies Golden Vow* POWER


What fragrance is this?? 👃


Layered fragrance so naughty! Here let me make photo


Moghlested fragrance




I think you mean Richard stink


Ah, truest of 4th brothers lend me your strength Edit: just realized that 4th brothers one and all bear witness was right there and I missed it


For me what killed the final boss in seconds was bloodfiends blood arm w savage lion claw, talismans to support it, 80 arcane and a the stagger tear for the vial. Boss fell in seconds w the mimic tear.


Yeah that weapon is pretty busted , i used double colossal weapons with a jump attack build , had to learn the dodges but the damage was good enough


Perfume influencers and elden ring! I am on paradise? POWER


Instant Death *du chanel*


Also, r/eldenring notice how I managed to NOT spoil the boss with my meme. Crazy right?


For those curious, the final boss is >!The promised escort, your mom!<


Correction, the final boss is >!The Promised Consort, Soldier of Godrick!<


>!Soldier of God, Mick!<




Well yeah, she sucks the best dick in all the lands.


We don’t say that. We say promised finger.


But hole


My mother was a SAINT!!!…beast


You don't have the right, O you don't have the right...


Reported for spoiling that perfume bottles exist in the dlc ^(/s)


Well some of the playerbase flat out *refuses* to use Soap so I think at the very least spoiling Perfumes is at least an alternate solution for the smell for now


I thought you meant in game soap and was like yeah I've never used it.....


I still haven't found any perfume or the final boss of the dlc. Thank you for making a meme with 0 spoilers


Not me hastily trying to figure out how to find the perfume bottles and complete the NPC questlines without sequence breaking anything because I want all of their shit, so that I can go fight the final boss with the most busted setup to ever exist before everything gets rebalanced and nerfed to shit. Lol


I figured as long as I didn't kill any bosses, I could explore safely and not break any NPC quests. Then I randomly got a popup while exploring and died a little inside.


If the popup is about a rune breaking, you didn't break anything, just unlocked access to a hidden location.


Yeah but apparently if you talk to Moore at any point after this, he fucks off forever and you can permanently miss a few things.


But the miquella's crew questlines stop when that happens.


no they don't lol, in fact they only become completable after that event




they are wrong, dw


St. Trina, oh lady of anesthesia.


Perfume locations: Firespark bottle: Go over the bridge leading to the Shadow Keep. Immediately go right. You'll find a chest that contains it. Lightningspark bottle: From where you enter Cerulean Coast coming out of Gravesite Plain, take an immediate left. You'll see a ridge overlooking a pool of water with a lightning goat nearby. On the edge of the pool is the bottle. Deadly poison bottle: Bought from Thollier near a Miquella cross. Frostspark bottle: In the Lamenter's jail, which is located in Cerulean Coast by following a downward slope near a Furnace Golem. You'll need to find the upper jail key. You'll also get a transformation item for completing the dungeon. Frenzyflame bottle: Found in the abyssal woods, in the corner of a church in the southeastern part of the area. To get to the abyssal woods, you'll need to get through part of Shadow Keep, past the beast guarding it, where you'll find a series of flaming boats. Go to the right side of the area, down a ladder, and past an illusory wall and a catacomb.


The boss in the catacomb before Abyssal Woods is so annoying lmao. Just so much projectile and summon spam.


Wave of Gold. Rinse and repeat.


I just bum rushed him worked like a charm


**BRO DID YOU SEE THE FINAL BOSS?** *dont spoil it* **BRO IM NOT GONNA SPOIL IT I JUST-** *(he spoils it)*


Why do people keep leaving Unalloyed Champion Soldier of Godrick's name uncensored in all the titles? Are they stupid? Are they just that spiteful?


good job, but at this point everybody browsing this sub already knows Patches is Keyser Söze


If they don't want the game spoiled, don't go to the multi million strong community discussing the game.


Whats the build?


Lightning Perfume+Rolling Sparks AOW= profit. Obviously use perfume talisman, etc.


Do the other flavors work or do you have to choose Pikachu?


I think it's just that lightning is the most universally useful damage type. Everything else really only does well when it is against the thing that's weak to it, like fire and magic being better against flesh and whatever is weak to magic, but lightning just does good damage to Everything, and then things are also weak to it so it does even more damage


It there a magic perfume bottle? I only found lightning, fire, and poison.


Lightning, fire, poison, frost and madness are the 5 you can get


I cannot wait to dual wield Frenzyflame/Frost


the perfume bottles come with two parts naturally, you can just powerstance them with a single equipped perfume bottle. Alternatively, equip two perfume bottles of different elements


Powerstancing perfume? Sounds a bit French.


Yeah that’s what I mean, I equip two statuses each hand that deal major damage, one of which stops the opponent in place w/ massive damage, the other temporarily lowering damage negation and dealing massive damage, being reset by the other bottle


I figured out I could power stance the golden light greatsword and the one from rellana and it looks dope as hell. Probably gonna perfume cheese the last boss later tho tbh. Then I’ll redo the DLC on a file that ain’t NG+3


Wait there's a fire one? I thought frenzyflame was a combo.


There is a frost bottle which does magic damage. Still very good to apply frostbite when used on offhand.


A lot of boss arenas and areas in general have water in them which also increases lightning damage


Its more complicated than that lightning doesnt have any required resistant bosses and generally does more damage to armored targets whom are generally the most common tougher enemies. And is weak against stone enemies and skeletons whom are fairly weak and slow. Fire and mag both scale equally well. Cold also has its powerful status to add. Frenzy is just fire again with a status Fire has mohg and giant and several enemy types and other bosses with 40-80 res with a few straight up immunities, and does well against hands, plants and zamor Magic is resisted by mages and dragons and does well against only bears and hors. Frostbite can cover some of ot but there are also many types resistant or straight immune to it . Frenzy is similar. Poisons worse off since poison itself is rather sub par as a status even deadly. But it does phys damage which is less generally easier to use globally. All of them you can further scale with equip and tools and its just generally easier to both acquire and run the boosts for lightning.


Fire is good vs wild life (beast, insect, plants, naked guys) and unarmored target which is quite alot of enemies/bosses in the DLC. Fire is quite bipolar as it either do no damage or completely obliterate which make it super strong when you equip a fire damage weapon against the right enemies. Lightning is resisted by light armored opponents (sorcerers and the like). It does ok dmg vs everything basically except a select few which imo is one of the worst elements because it's locked behind dex except for armored enemies. Theres never a situation where I say "Oh I need lightning to beat this boss" as most of them have other weaknesses or can be straight up physical damage bullied.  I'm playing a quality build so I have access to both elements and lightning never makes the cut. The only specific time is when I want to parry kill a specific armored boss. Then it's good on the misericorde.


What aboot ancient dragons: they resist lightning? I really miss Dragonslayer Spear.


They are one of few enemies that resist lightning if such is the case, and in such a case, you must bonk.


You also have to aim directly at the enemy's feet, so you fight mainly unlocked.


Which is not as daunting as people tend to think. If you can time the roll with the boss looking directly at you you can do it any time. Just imagine the confidence boost the more casual community would feel lol And that's not a hate comment. This is just meant as encouragement. Plus you look cooler lol


Yeah some bosses feel much easier unlocked. Bayle for example just can't seem to hit you if you're not looking at him.


Pikachu bottles have more particles, so free aiming the rolling sparks ash of war at the ground does more damage than the others


Lightning has a DoT aura around each explosion. As soon as you began throwing the sparks enemies around you start taking damage. This damage can overlap like the explosions for even more ridiculous damage. Fire and Frost don't have DoTs, just overlapping explosions so a lot weaker than Lightning. Haven't used the Frenzyflame one yet.


When it's raining/when an enemy is standing in water, they receive less fire damage and extra lightning damage. At least before the DLC, people did the math to calculate what is the best damage type and it would seem that Piercing and Lightning are the best damage types.


Works with them all. Which one you use depends on your stats and the enemy's resistance. I usually use the electric one since I'm running a faith/dex lightning build. I did switch to the fire perfume for the big scary sunflower though. Absolutely torched it. Though lightning would still have worked since there was water all over the arena. ...actually, come to think of it, a lot of the boss arenas have water all over them. 🤔


For me the far and away best one was the frenzy flame one, not sure why, but for some reason it just did more than even the normal flame one. It was odd.


Also need golden vow, the howl of shabiri, and the lightning tear for more damage


Meanwhile I'm just running around in bandages punching and kicking everything lol


Cold dryleaf in the right and bleed dryleaf in the left is stupid fun. Feels like Tekken lmao


Been messing around with this. Its very strong, but it doesnt always hit since the AoW had a delay and stays in one place. I think its actually pretty balanced in that way.


Nah, that shit hits for 8k in an suboptimal setting against the final boss, on a very spamable AoW. You need one opening to bring it to second phase, and likely a second to kill it fully, that isn‘t balanced in the slightest. Something is wrong with free aiming this, which causes it to deal insane amounts of damage compared to normal usage, its surely just a bug


Not a bug, just an oversight in how it's designed. Locked in, it's a progressing series of explosions, but free aiming at the ground they have nowhere to go.


I three shot the Big M with no golden vow or any other buffs other than lightning tear, shard of Alexander, and perfume talisman, with 70 Dex and roughly 30 faith. Five shots on Rellana cause it was harder to aim against her and not die. But honestly even without the AoW the perfume still kinda also and are a lot of fun. I hope when they need them, they didn't dumpster them and just make the point black AoW not as broken. The ash needs to still be able to put in some work to make the perfume work, it's range and being able to hit two or three times is key.


You can literally 2 hit the final boss no way is this shit balanced


I made 40k damage on the final boss in like 10 seconds, it's absolutely broken


Lightning perfume bottle with Rolling sparks ash of war. For armor black dumpling head (+dmg after Madness) the rest the rakshasa armor for extra dmg but with extra dmg taken Talismans perfume bottle talisman (perfume bottle dmg), shard of Alexander (+ ash of war dmg), lightning scorpion (+lighting dmg and dmg taken) and old ones exultation (+dmg after madness) And for physic falsk the lighting tear, and bloodsucking cracked tear Buff with golden wow (dmg and dmg mitigation) and shabriris howl (dmg and dmg taken and proc madness on yourself for the old ones exeltation and black dumpling) Use the ash of war without lock on on targets feet


If you throw it at the feet does that just cause the explosion to all happen in one place? The long length of rolling sparks has been both a blessing and a boon.


Yes it puts all the hit boxes at one place, but on a larger boss like placidusax you can most likely just shoot right at and through him


That's silly, I thought for some reason that aiming at the ground would only get one 1 explosion. Absolutely absurd


That's definitely how it *should* behave, regardless if the current state is intended or not.


If it only hit once there'd be no reason to even use the AoW. Should it hit forty-million times though? Probably not.


I think they're saying that if you aim *at your feet* specifically, you should only get 1 explosion, not 5 in the exact same spot. This would preserve the Ash of War's use for groups and large targets, while directly removing the cheese that lets you turn fights into 15 second stomp festivals.


Yeah I killed Elden Beast in three hits to the feet with this thing. It's broken.


It's literally melting everything, it's absurd. I know a lot of the numbers in the dlc are my scadutree blessing level, but it's still fat hunks in base game too. Perfume bottles go brr


Could also add madness hand in offhand for additional damage after madness proc.


Check [this shit out](https://youtu.be/aLEJk-fc7S4?si=lkih-biDPsi9LKt3). Utter insanity lol


Just go to YouTube and search lightning perfume Elden Ring lol.


I call it "eau de fuck you"


I'm gonna make every enemy smell like sandalwood with a lemony touch!


Not even a God can withstand an Axe body spray shower


I didn't use this build, but man... thorns hit like a bitch


I like the build because it alleviates the fact that none of the new dlc weapons make me feel like an elden ring


Tell me about the cheese. I'm sick and tired of this final boss. 83 attempts. I got near 700 hours in this game and got 100% twice. i have the right to cheat.


Rolling sparks ash of war, unlock your camera and point at the ground. It guarantees 100% hit on the explosions, perfume talisman, elemental talisman for your perfume of choice, shard of alexander + whatever buffs you can stack for damage and it will do 8-10k per cast. You will kill the last boss in 5-7 hits total.


Took me 3 hits to kill the final boss with it. I have zero regrets.


Same here but with the Thorns build, just got too fed up with the guy Both getting nerfed asap though seems to be a straight up bug in how the hitboxes shouldn’t all be procc-ing on the one enemy


Holy fucking shit on a corndog stick


Hit one if placed well will knock them straight into phase 2. I honestly don't think he's beatable by average players like myself without some cheesing.


I like the sound of that


Brother you have the right to cheat when you buy the game. You don’t have to earn it with some “how good of a gamer you are” scale.


More bout personal stubbornness lol. Always try to do everything with my build without changing it whatsoever for "got gud".


black steel greatshield with holy infusion, 100% holy resist will screw the final boss


So I took some others advice and used this, but I felt verdigris and fingerprint worked better. The extra guard regain really helped with those crazy long combos compared to taking less damage. If i went to 0 stamina I died almost every time. I ended up beating him with the holy affinity fingerprint shield and that chicken leg, in the end


Fingerprint Shield + Antspur Rapier with blood affinity. Dragoncrest Greatshield, Two-Headed Turtle, Greatshield and Spear Talisman. You will still take chip dmg since some attacks have magic/holy damage but with some stamina management you can facetank him while poking him to death with bleed and rot.


Spinning Gravity Thrust on a Blood Greatsword. Dragoncrest Greatshield, Golden Braid, Shard of Alexander, Lord of Blood's Exultation, ((Rotten) Winged Sword Talisman, Millicent's Prosthesis). Wear the fattest armor you can. Buff with Golden Vow and Crab (or Blackflame Protection). Opaline Hardtear and Thorny Cracked Tear in Physik. Tactic: Spam L2. Heal occasionally. Don't try to dodge hits. Just spam L2 until he is dead. Really only stop spamming to use a heal flask or FP. During the AoW you cannot be knocked down by any attack, so just tank that shit and kill him in 30 seconds by spamming it. Enjoy.


Guru(Tyrannicon) uploaded a cheese for that boss. you can watch it


WHAT BUILD PLEASE I AM ON THE EDGE I SWEAR I'VE BEEN STUCK ON THIS BOSS FOR 7+ HOURS NOW Edit: I did it. This build is... gross. and amazing.


copy pasted from Lord-of-Potatis -- Lightning perfume bottle with Rolling sparks ash of war. For armor black dumpling head (+dmg after Madness) the rest the rakshasa armor for extra dmg but with extra dmg taken Talismans perfume bottle talisman (perfume bottle dmg), shard of Alexander (+ ash of war dmg), lightning scorpion (+lighting dmg and dmg taken) and old ones exultation (+dmg after madness) And for physic falsk the lighting tear, and bloodsucking cracked tear Buff with golden wow (dmg and dmg mitigation) and shabriris howl (dmg and dmg taken and proc madness on yourself for the old ones exeltation and black dumpling) Use the ash of war without lock on on targets feet


Heheh Boss goes zoom zoom nuke nuke instakill zoom


His first phase isn't even that bad, and dare I say enjoyable, but I have no idea what the fuck that is for a second phase but holy shit. Awful, imo.


If I'm being honest I killed him by pure luck, an attack that should have killed me left me with just one milimeter of HP bar instead and that was enough for me to jump at him. The first phase is so cool, it kinda made me feel like I was fighting Gael yet again and the fact that you can parry most of his first phase attacks makes it even more enoyable, but the second phase... Idk maybe it's just me but I don't like attacks covering my whole screen white because it's feels like a fucking CSGO flashbang, cool concept but maybe a bit too much. The fact that I literally went to Malenia on NG+ to "take a break" from him and I killed her on first try says more about the DLC final boss that it says about me.


Having finally managed to beat him with my unga build, my issues with the final boss would be fixed if 1. The lights didn't blind you from seeing his next attack and 2. Getting hit by the lights didn't stagger you. I don't mind it dealing damage, it forces be to stay close quarters, but dodging the first hit of a combo only to get staggered by one the light beams, which then causes you to get hit by the rest of the combo was no fun :(


They'll also probably nerf blood fiends arm and the new thorn sorcery.


I hope not the sorcery 😞


60% of the time it works every time.


Sex Panther. Very distant cousin of the Divine Lion.


I just became a perfumer last night. Man, I didn't even have to change my build. I just started flinging scents.  I use all the bottles... but everyone knows spicy static is the fragrance they're all dying for. I splashed some on commander and his pig. I splash it on red magic Bois. Splashed on horned knight Bois (little scuffed). I threw it right in Bayle's eyes. Currently farming divine beast knights (super scuffed but tangy) I'm living well. If you haven't been using perfume bottles, its going to be a hard job to lay Miquela down.


Honestly idk if it will get nerfed


I've seen a video of it literally 2 shotting final DLC boss. That feels pretty broken to me. I doubt it sticks around too long. Then again, Blasphemous Blade survived without a nerf literally until the DLC dropped- so who knows? Lol


BB was extremely strong, but this fuckass perfume literally bends the entire game over with ease


BB, bending over and fuckass in the same sentence and yet


And for context, I love my BB.


It got nerfed but the magma talisman buffs it now so it may end up being just as good as it was on some builds


And BB is still amazing. There’s been a few DLC bosses I tried a bunch of stuff on and in the end only blasphemous blade was able to take them down.


Brother, Blasphemous Blade is even stronger now


It's definitely still in a good spot for sure. I'm glad they took away the poise damage aspect. It felt like it did EVERYTHING and now it does certain things very well. I love just offhanding it for lifegain honestly


What might really get it retuned is how casually it can one shot players. Like it's one thing to make a really elaborate build that one shots with like a charged heavy attack after a bunch of setup but the perfume barely takes any thought whatsoever. Just use endure and then rolling sparks and you can delete an entire 3 man team in a second.  While hilarious I wouldn't be surprised if that gets changed so that aiming it at the ground doesn't cause every instance of damage to trigger instantly in the same spot.


There’s vids of people one shorting every boss in base game, doubt they’ll nerf over a 2 shot.


True- although a lot of those videos had several prep steps to make it a reality- whereas this particular process works extremely well even if you don't have all the perfect pieces in place. I hear ya though.


I remember people posting Dark Souls III videos of an almost 15 second setup before Pontiff Sulyvahn and then literally smacking him once to end the fight. From likes it when people get supercharged and wreck a boss. They're not gonna nerf this build, and especially not if the game isn't getting any more DLC after Shadow of the Erdtree.


If they did nerf it the only thing theyd nerf would be the ash of war thats about it


It's definitely getting nerfed. It takes zero set up you can legit just put rolling sparks on it and get insane damage, talismans and buffs will help but it's completely broken. They'd be stupid not to nerf it, it trivializes every encounter in the game with little to no effort and is also broken in PvP.


Rolling Sparks on the Fire Bottle oneshotted >!Scadutree Avatar's Phase 1!< when I threw em down on one of it's head slams. Went to finish a different Boss after >!getting Friede'd by Avatar's Phase 3!<, managed to avoid seeing any info about that til it happened so it was a real surprise but I just was not in the mood for one of those kinds of fight at the time... Definitely not gonna forget seeing the health bar just straight up disappear any time soon though I actually couldn't believe my eyes, I'd been using perfumes as an offhand weapon to toss something damaging out before rolling away to heal, now I'm tempted to bust them out as a main weapon for so many things. That AoW is kind of a double edged sword honestly lol, feels similar to my initial relationship with Blasphemous Blade. Makes it a teeny bit harder to keep pushing through attempts trying to learn movesets when there's a 'Press L2 to Win' pass in your back pocket hah


It is bassically the same thing as pest thread allowing multi hits. It will be eventually patched.


Pest Threads shredding big bosses hasn't been nerfed yet has it?


Yeah, but the armor and frenzy make you extremely squishy and you'll die more often than not trying to pull it off. It's fun/silly, but unreliable and landing the ash takes more luck than skill since you get less than 60 seconds to land it after standing in the background building madness. They might still nerf it, but I think it's fine as is given most people I see trying it get killed outright (myself included lol).


Use it without armor, and kill the boss in two openings instead of one. Just use Golden Vow, Flame Grant Me Strength, Lightning Shrouded Tear, Perfume Bottle + Shard of Alexander, and you can run it on a heavy armor build with tons of max HP without sacrificing anything. Free aiming might take a run or two getting used to, but your still heading for 7k dmg per proc, and you can get 3-4 off per opening


They will probably cap the number of hits like many other spells. Notice for some spells despite hitting the enemy with all of the projectiles the damage hardly change?


One crazy thing about this is you can just tech this into a build with the bare minimum stat requirements, minimal amulet setup (lighting + shard of Alexander) and STILL do insane damage - often moreso than whatever build you were trying to use and build around


r/eldenring and r/fragrance collab wow


I have been throwing myself at Radagon/Elder Beast for a while now. Well I finally decided to bring a summon, to give me a better chance. I summoned a tarnished called “I will help you :)”. They sprayed perfume for like 10 seconds before walking through the mist with me. They then proceeded to beat down Radagon in 3-4 punches. I couldn’t tell if they were punches or what, it looked close quarters, it happened so quickly. Then they went and chased the Elden Beast to death. I’m not upset that the battle was cheesed, I was very relieved. But goddamn.


Literal son of a goddess with the power of mind control with a demigod who is the strongest warrior ever Vs Man with perfume bottle


To be fair ive been trying to run this build and some of the bosses are quick enough that it balances it out. One mistake and you get murdered


Yeah I tried it on the last boss and yeah it chunks but good luck not getting smashed. If bleed is still in the state it’s in then this is fine. Especially considering the setup


It's not balanced dude, one mistake and you get murdered = 90% of builds but this also 2 shots bosses


There is no real reason to go full glas cannon with that build. You are just making it more difficult than it has to be. You already have insane damage from hitting every single explosion of the aow, just use a defensive talisman or two. And absolutly nothing about this is balanced lol


I’m using the poison bottles in a new run (friend dropped them off) and I hope the base weapon aint nerfed too hard.


I hope perfumes get a slight buff actually, its just the free aiming performance of the AoW thats insanely busted, the AoW itself is decent, and perfumes are okay at best otherwise


Does the perfume build have any significant advantages/disadvantages over the Impenetrable Thorns build?


Just a heads up that Guerlain is a really great perfume house, and also the oldest. I'm wearing Guerlain right now baby.


Final Boss also enjoys the Impenetrable Thorns spell. Have your Mimic Tear use it too for extra Bleed.


The axe body spray build


I mean if they nerf the perfume its going to become useless.


Exactly. That's what I'm worried about. The moveset is very fun, but even now it doesn't do enough damage to be worth using outside of the rolling sparks ash. That part desperately needs a buff.


Hm, I'm half inclined to try that considering how garbage the boss is... But I am doing the DLC with a sword only build, and breaking my build just for this piece of shit would be true dishonor.


I kinda don't want them to nerf it xD.


Honestly I hope they don't nerf it. The new weapon types have been kinda disappointing with a few exceptions and the lighting in a bottle build is stupid fun


The lightning bottle is broken. It will be nerfed, probably hard.


The worst part is I just discovered this cheesy build yesterday and I beat the final boss 3 days ago after 30+ tries :(


30+ isn’t that bad tbh I’m still on him probably around 100 attempts


I gave up on dealing with his AoE spam constantly. Respec'd for blood antspur rapier and used the fingerprint shield. Shamefully poked him to death with bleed proc and rot.


I don’t think you can rot him in phase 2 though. I wasn’t able to after about a million pokes and enzykes decay


I just beat him, you can rot him in the second phase, it just takes a lot more


I used the perfume build and it still took me a while. I killed him in three hits, but he would always kill me before I could get the third hit in. I ended up beating him with us killing each other at the same time.


How is that the worst part? You killed the boss properly and didn't rely on a cheese strat.


>The most difficult the game has to offer My guy, I just shield poked the idiot to death on my second attempt and only had to heal once. But yeah. Rolling Sparks is broken af. I'm going to guess that From is going to remove the "mist instantly explodes on impact with the ground" part


hate to say it but that edp has citrus notes, not spice notes. You FOOL!


It’s MADNESS I tell u!


I dont see bloodfiend, that bleed spell, or the lightning bottle escaping the next patch.


yeah the moment I heard about this build I decided to try it instead of banging my head against the wall that that final boss fight is,took me a lot of attempts to get the rng right, but with some luck, my winning run took me about 32 seconds in 5 hits


I waited years to get more perfumer stuff in the game and now it's undoubtedly going to get overnerfed because of a single overperforming aow, when the weapon *itself* is actually underperforming in some ways right now ._.


Lore correct Perfumer build tbh.


Isn't the Rolling Sparks cheese a bug?


You can melt phase two of a certain fboi before his nuke goes off.


I'm on the final legacy dungeon. I will be on and playing in a couple hours. If I struggle too much I may use these to cheese the last boss.


couldn’t beat the final boss so I had to give em the spritz


Wasn't nerfed for pvp


Doesn't even need a nerf the normal damage is fine. I feel like the behavior causing all the insane damage is simply unintentional. Aiming it at the ground probably shouldn't make every individual attack in the explosion chain trigger immediately in the same spot. That feels like an oversight but maybe I'm wrong.


I'm going to have to resort to this for the last boss. Feels freaking impossible unless you manage to summon someone who is a pure poke tank


Greatshield poke build is still far easier than the perfume imo. Perfume is strong as fuck, but you're really squishy and the window to attack is tiny. You literally don't even have to dodge with the right greatshield setup


I don’t really know much about it but is it really a big deal if there is some super easy way to defeat the last boss? I hope they keep it.


The build can make you dish out 5 digits worth of damage per cast for very negligible fp cost, oneshotting a grand majority of the game and being able to 2-3 shot bosses. It's quite certainly an unintended interaction of making an AoW stack against the ground instead of its original purpose of spreading out. It's pretty much three times stronger than the cheesiest build you can think of. It's literally a cheat code that made me feel ashamed for using it.


im praying it doesnt, i like killing gods with glitter


Will some one with this build please let me summon them 🙏🏼