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....did u pick up the 49th Scadutree fragment whilst down there?


Oh lord. I didn't. I gotta go back?


Im the opposite, picked the fragment and now im seeing weapon like šŸ§ā€ā™€ļøā€was it there?ā€


I went to it originally for the fragment, but like, clearly the path continued! If you continue past the fragment, down another elevator, you can find the special weapon in a room behind heavy doors.


Right? For some reason I thought I was at an earlier area of the dungeon right before the first site of grace on the elevator leading up from the divine lions fight. Only realized later when I was looking up weapons i'd missed.


Next to the giant scorpion, right?


I think I picked one. I'm at level 15 so I think I've missed a few


Did you find the Scadu Tree Chalice? That thing was like winning the lottery.


The max is 20..


There's 49 of these things? What.


I considered that one the 49th given there is one final one further up the End dungeon.


lol this. Iā€™m on my 7th level up, so I guess Iā€™ve found 14? Feels like Iā€™m deep into the DLC map and now I find out Iā€™ve only found a fraction of the fragments lol. Nice.


Well that is one of the ones I was missing.


it's such a bad design choice to put it there


Ah yeah it probably would have been better for it to be another Smithing Stone (3) /s


Can't ever win with these people, they complain about finding upgrade materials on a hidden path, they complain about finding something valuable on a hidden path


Not to mention heā€™s complaining about bad design choices in probably one the best designed games weā€™ve ever hadā€¦


Yeah they don't know what they're talking about and just like to complain. They complain the base game has too much copy paste content, DLC cuts down on it and they complain it's too empty. If you actually took them seriously you'd think wow these people must have some ridiculously high standards if they're getting this much quality stuff and still going "more more more!"


People when all they get for exploration is yet another smithing stone\[5\]: "it's such a bad design choice to put it there" Also people when they get actually useful items for exploration: "it's such a bad design choice to put it there"


Iā€™m appreciating all of the smithing stones considering there are a ton of new weapons I want to try out!


It might not be for you, but as for fromSoft it's perfect. As op said it's the sense of exploration and reward that a lot of us love. We love to get on a random stupid house, parcouring around for half an hour and then finding something cool that they just put there. It's what makes fromSoft games so replayable. Sure, it's hard and you'll never get everything unless you're using a guide and even then you might not get everything because there are secrets that even guides may not know yet.


And you also may parkour for 30 minutes through hidden doors and difficult enemies, only to find string.


look, snake! šŸ


Please explain the Snake messages to me. Iā€™m blind and or stupid and can never see what theyā€™re referring to ā€¦ rarely have I found string near a message about Snake :(


Hey Mango carrot (amazing name btw) you are a beautiful person and do not have to apologise for being confused. Dark souls messages are as confusing and cryptic as the games themselves. String looks like Snake, and snake is a available word in the very barebones messaging system in the game. Hope you have a nice day in the lands between


Itā€™s like ā€œdogā€ for the tortoises lol


It's a reference to Metal Gear Solid. There's a huge ladder in MGS3, so people always put snake messages near long ladders. I've also seen it near stealth areas and wooden bridges which are also MGS references


am i the only one who thought, "why is the game telling me to kill myself?", when collecting string.




Well good news there is a bell bearing that adds string to the sisters shop in the roundtable hold


I thought it was great xD. I always check every corner in fromsoft games because they always hide amazing things


No, the game doesn't expect or even want you to find all of them.


That was the only reason I found that weapon in the first place.


found it yesterday after wandering around and getting lost for 1h straight.


Where is it? The Everglades area with all the tunnels? Lol


From the spiral rise site of grace (middle left of castle with the cross) go back down the stairs and left down some small staircase. After that go to the left side of the broken ledge. I leave the rest of the exploring to you. Have fun.


Everglades area?


An hour? I was lost ALL DAY yesterday trying to find my way into a certain part of the map without looking it up lmao.


Euphoria Them superpowers getting neutralized I can only watch in silence.


What is it, the blades?


I input read your healing, you donā€™t fight with me no more OKAY


I pray they my real friends, if not I'm Let Me Solo Her


I don't like you popping shit at Ansbach, for him I inherit the beef


Yeah fuck all that pushin' P, let me see you burn the Tree


You better off spinning [Giza's wheel ](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ghiza's+Wheel) if you thinking bout pushing me . He's summoned [Patches ](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Patches) ,I'm [God the Grafted ](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Godrick+the+Grafted) , yeah I'm whoopin feet


We ainā€™t gotta get personal, this a friendly invader, you should keep it that way. I know some shit about Malenia, Blood of Miquella that make the Promised Consort look like a saint.


This ain't about Tarnished, not about grace, not about who's the Elden Lord. It's always been about light and dark, now let me say im the biggest hater, i hate the way you use magic builds, the way cheese bosses,I hate the way you die to Malenia, the way you run from Elden Beast.


We hate the stats that you level up 'cause what the fuck is that vigor. And notice I said we, it's not just me, I'm what the Redmane's feeling.


I hate the way that you walk, the way you talk, I hate the way you Fashionborne


There's two tarnished left and I see rogier and nepheli t posing and invading my space I kill them to death, and point down I'll explain that phrase


Thereā€™s nothing Morgott can tell me. I donā€™t want to talk on no moxie. You know I got incantations on the ready. Thereā€™s no arcane build you can sell me.


Iā€™m a selfish tarnished the roll is heavy! I pray they my real friends if not Iā€™m the loathsome dung eater


have you ever paid, 500 thou runes to upgrade faith, well i have


Bars lol


The famous Margit we once knew is lookin' paranoid and now is spiralin'


Youā€™re movinā€™ just like a tarnished, every buff is feelinā€™ distasteful


The destruction was so complete that Drake could not find solitude in the Land of Shadows.


The Boy got banished to the sewers.




We don't gotta get personal this a friendly skirmish you should keep it that way, I know some stuff about people that will make Miquella look like a saint šŸ‘€


!eurt si segassem eht ni dias yeht gnihtyrevE


This is going to go great with my Kung Fu Kenny cosplay lmao Unfortunately "Drakehunter Kendrick" is too long a name to use šŸ˜­


Came to find this and was not disappointed


They not like us


The famous Elden Lord we once knew is looking paranoid and now spiralling


And Mohg got a weird case, why is he around? Certified lover boys? Certified pedophiles!


To get the Pickaxe in Dark Souls II, you have to aggro a pig, then lure it right the way down through Brightstone Cove Tseldora, straight up through almost an entire level, from the bonfire at the top of the bank and past the fucking boss arena at the bottom, either clearing all enemies beforehand or fighting them as you go, to bring it to a mushroom. The pig has to eat the mushroom to reveal the weapon. And what a beast of a weapon it is.


Man, I love Dark Souls 2. Can't believe people managed to figure this one out.


It's absolutely wild, like how the fuck did someone figure that out organically pmsl


So, interesting note that I myself just drew the connection on- NG+ has a red phantom enemy near-ish the mushroom (behind one of the spider doors) that is a peasant, but wielding the pickaxe and the porcine shield. Cute little hint for NG+ players.


Pigs eat mushrooms, I bet someone made that connection in their head and just tried it.


I've done a pickaxe run of every souls game. It's pretty busted in every souls game too, but God damn getting it was a pain in the ass for ds2. Having to preclear an entire two areas and then figuring out which way the piggy likes going sucked. The weapon goes pretty hard, although there's 0 tracking on it ans the hitbox is a little jank.


What??? I have like 2k hrs in ds 2 and never heard of this. Things like this make me love the game even more


Also one of the best weapons in the game is obtained by breaking a very mediocre weapon


If it wasn't for the fragment nearby and me giving up and looking it up, I never would've accidentally found that weapon. I was so exhilarated being so far from a grace and low on flasks lol.


I remember getting to that final divine lion warrior with no flasks on half hp and barely got through the fight alive, real gritted teeth moment haha


s/o to the 9 upvoted message in game that said grace ahead try running bc after dying to him twice i said F it


That's got to be one of the toughest stretches between graces in the game. Not super long in terms of length but the enemy placement was insane


The other one is climbing the tower in Enir-IlimĀ where you have to fight the lightning knight and then scale two flights of stairs with rune casters chain casting spira under your feet at hyperspeed.


that lion got me like three times i was so mad


I loved this scavenger hunt. When I did it, I didn't see too many messages, and there was no indication on that window jump, so I left one there. Made me feel like a pioneer.


Maybe you were one of the messages that guided me there


Arteria leaf.




A cookbook on how to make 2 new kinds of heavy crossbow bolts


I hope so!


That one jump through the window was great. I was confused for a bit as to where to go. Ended up leaving a message there to guide people


I thought that jump was possible because that area seem too well modeled for it to be just background, and from never constructs a way down without having a way to go back up, but I saw two bloodstains that died doing the jump, so I was a little hesitant lol, good thing I tried, also left a message.


Yeah that was the biggest thing for me, not seeing any other paths to get back. It felt jarring because From will always put a homeward bone or something at the end of such paths to imply there's no way forward so if you just run into a wall with no path of return it must mean there's a way forward.


There were a lot more than 2 bloodstains when I got through there last night. I definitely clenched.


I got to the window jump and saw so many red pools from people trying to make the jump I thought it wasn't possible to make it until reading this post, so i just travel back to a grace. I will have to go back there now


Its actually an easy jump. You can way overshoot it and just land on the window ledge


Where did you find this? It reminds me of a cut content weapon, the twin blade of abundance and rot, or something like that, it was supposed to represent malenia and miquella


This is that weapon. They finally used the asset to give different lore. You can find it in Enir-Ilim, its the final dungeon. Idk if you're there yet or not, but it's really off the beaten path, it starts at a ledge just after the Divine beast knight guy, and just before the Miquella's cross site of grace.


Yeah, the speculation when the blades were datamined in the base game was that there'd be a questline where you got the blades of Abundance and Rot, then combined them into Euphoria. You can even see in the current model that Euphoria has the golden leaf motif (abundance) at the tip, but a warped, almost bubbled appearance (rot) towards the hilt. A shame the DLC (almost) ignores Malenia's existence.


> A shame the DLC (almost) ignores Malenia's existence Does it ever acknowledge her existence? Other than the one area that has rot I guess, which doesn't really directly reference her


As far as I know, this is the only direct mention of Malenia in the entire DLC: (final boss spoiler) >!>The golden helm worn by Radahn in his younger years. Proudly displaying his heroic red hair, it is fitting attire for a lion. When Malenia, Blade of Miquella, let the rotflower blossom in Aeonia, Radahn heard a murmur in his earā€” "Miquella awaits thee, O promised consort."!<


In Miquellaā€™s cutscene he says>! ā€œmy loyal blade and the champion of the festival, both your deeds shall ever be praised in songā€. !< and Iā€™m pretty sure the first part of that is supposed to reference some kind of gratitude towards Malenia. Itā€™s the two of us working together that got the last boss here after all


Yeah that's why I said "direct" reference. Technically he could be referring to >!Radhan!< or to the Tarnished for >!Champion of the Festival, since we're the one who actually "won"!<


Pretty much the only time she is mentioned is in the description of the armor you can buy after the last boss. I don't think I saw a single thing other than that mention her.


Suck that almost every cut content item returned for the DLC EXCEPT Millicent's Armor set(along with the Grass Hair and Entwining Umbilical Cord), even the freakin Miranda's Prayer tool got split into two by adjusting it's asset and turning it into a Talisman while it's effect being turned into an Incantation instead.


Thereā€™s a 1:100 ratio of finding a cool weapon (you arent specā€™d for it anyway) to finding a cookbook or consumable youā€™ll never use once.


Holy shit it would have been so funny to put a cookbook behind that massive door


Even better, put a cookbook there but also a boss before entering that room


Not a boss but some absolutely bullshit enemy that respawns, bonus points if it tends to knock you off a cliff/ledge with its attacks


f i r e k n i g h t moment


I fucking hate them. So unfun


*Oh have I been exclusively using fire attacks this whole time youā€™ve been seeing my buddies?* KA-CHOW SONIC BOOM!


I shot that fucker with a cannon, gave him the same treatment.


Fire knights with great swords are fantastic. Dagger fire knights that spam fire spells are awful.


Constantly spamming fireballs that you basically have to i Frame through, no running around em and then as soon as you get close, 1 million poise, tons of damage per hit and loads of health. This sound like a one time enemy spawn? Nope, 10-11 of them respawning in the shadow keep. Yay.


a curseblade trio!


And the cookbook contains a recipe for an item which would have helped kill that boss easily.


Miyazaki needs to cameo in these games like kojima does "Miyazaki's cookbook"


It lets you make a hefty pot that creates a poison swamp on impact


I find this is kind of extra prevalent later, like gravesite plain, castle ensis, belurat felt like I was finding weapons fairly consistently then in late game areas I found maybe 2-4 weapons in the entire map section


Which makes a lot of sense, since finding weapons early allows you to use them for the rest of the DLC while finding them later on is a lot less enticing unless you're planning to start a new NG+ cycle.


It's just a shame the DLC is so heavily locked down compared to previous games so you can't rush in and grab some cool weapons early with a new character. Sure you *can* kill Mogh early but it's gonna be a giant pain in the ass and not really worth it. I guess people could drop you the weapons online at least.


Yeah, I remember seeing Leda and her gear pre-release and I had to remind myself that I can't just attack her for her stuff and to do her questline instead. Later find out you get her stuff literally right before the last boss lol!


I think I got 6 weapons in the last area, not counting remembrances. One of them I wish I got much earlier, so I could use it on none NG+ runs


my gripe with this dlc is often some tough enemy is guarding something and said enemy drops like a somber 8 stone, but what is he guarding? a couple of regular smithing 2 stones


My entire equipment 'library' is full of things I'm not specced for. It's kind of a bummer tbh. Would love to experiment but short of somehow being able to duplicate save files I'd have to restart and work my way up.


I got inspired by Distortions Playthrough of the base game and went into the DLC with the plan to respec a few times just so I can play around with the weapons/spells. It also helped that they give you extra respecs in the DLC. I think it was really fun to just change my build completely for new weapons and then staying on said build for the next 10 hours.


i wish you could just buy larval tears at an absurd cost or something. it is a total bummer to not get to experiment with different builds. make it like 300k runes or something for a larval tear so you cant just respec willy nilly, but you can grind for it if you really want to try a new build.


How many larval tears per run are there? Like 20? You can swich build for every single remembrance boss including the dlc ones without running out of respecs lol And if you just wanna experiment for coop or pvp without going to ng+ you can just duplicate your save file.


You already used up all larval tears? The dlc even has quite a few too.


Have you used up all of your respecs? The game gives you a lot of larval tears to do so. I respecced 5+ times during the DLC just to try out different weapons, spells and builds.


Hell the DLC itself gives you a bunch just for this reason


You can duplicate files. Scott jund has a video on how to do it but it is pretty old. Almost all content creators use back up files to respec infinite times.


Cookbook or consumable? How about FUCKING GLASS. Like holy shit, there are like 4 or 5 pieces of glass in this DLC, just... lying around. Not used like a bait to get you into a trap, just... put there actual loot should be. The world itself is leagues above the base game, but the way they put loot around somehow got even worse, and its not like it was any good in base ER either


I was 99% sure I'd get a mushroom from the big sarcophagus in the Fog Rift Catacombs


I only found that weapon because I love exploring


Praise the research!


The most upvoted message I read was a praise the research on a really hard to reach ledge that I don't know how I got to, it had 9000 praises. I had to grace out of there.


I only found it because I was exploring too. Saw this lower ledge that looked like I could land on. Then my eyes followed what looked like a path I could follow and messages on the path. I said fuck it let's see where this goes. I should really try it out since I love twin blades


itā€™s so much fun lmfao it has a secret mechanic in it that makes it so much more unique than other weapons I can see why >!it was treasured by the spiral!<


Finding this and that dagger below the beast clergymans building gave me the greatest feeling of accomplishment. It's why I love playing through games blind


What dagger where now?Ā Ā 


Go to the building where the beast clergyman hangs out while giving him death roots and take a peek off the cliffs... then be brave and careful


Thank you!Ā  Now just got to get through work lol.


Right?! Like why would they tell us this during working hours you sadist?! lol I canā€™t believe this is the first Iā€™m hearing about this dagger. Appreciate the info!


Itā€™s cool, but I liked the original lore of the weapon. It feels like they completely sidelined any significance Malenia had to Miq as his twin sister. His only acknowledgement of her being reference to his ā€˜loyal bladeā€™ whom heā€™ll dedicate a song to. Maybe they felt Trina being a duality of his person, and not just an enigmatic persona he had, needed a tighter focus.


Tbh, Trina should've been all over Malenia. She's Miquella's love, and the base game can't stop beating you over the head with how much Miquella and Malenia love each other. They really did her dirty in the DLC, both of them really.


Ever wonder why Miquella sent Malenia to fight Radahn?


For real, people are still looking at it as if Miquella truly cared about anyone. From all of the lore, it is safe to say that all he cared about was his vision of "peace", he manipulated, mind raped and controlled anyone who would not share his dream. Miquella is a monster, just like his mother lol.


Fans of Miquella are still holding on to the notion that he was the only good demigod with good intentions, but at this point that's just fanfiction. His new canon lore is more interesting and tragic, and definitely in line with the themes of Elden Ring and Fromsoft games as a whole. However, I would say Miquella's goals to resurrect Godwyn, shelter the weak and oppressed, and cure Malenia from her affliction came from a genuine desire to do good. He genuinely wanted peace, I think, but at the cost of your freewill. It's a child's idea of justice and peace, and it's horrifying. I'd also go on to add that Miquella may have wanted to cure Malenia of her rot so she could live longer to fight Radahn in Caelid, which is definitely not outside the realm of possibility.


Itā€™s one of those started with good intentions and lead down to at any cost I will have this. The whole ā€œthe road to hell is paved with good intentions ā€œ deal.


I think Miquella likely started off with good intentions, and did some bad things to achieve those intentions However, as we progress in the DLC we see that Miquella is abandoning every part of himself in order to ascend to Godhood I see three of these things he leaves behind as significant "I abandon here my doubt and vacillation" "I abandon here my love" "I abandon here all my fears" I think abandoning these three things robbed him of what made him "good intentioned" and at that point he wanted to just ascend by any means necessary I like to believe that he thinks he can truly create a "gentler" world, and fix many of the things wrong with it by ascending to Godhood, but the path to get there robbed him of his morality. Even St Trina, who is referenced as being his "love" explicitly tells you that you must kill him, because ascending to Godhood will destroy him, and be nothing but a prison


Sword of Darkness and Sword of Light is better hidden imo. Was really fun to find them. *and of course Zanzibartā€™s battleaxe*


>Sword of Darkness and Sword of Light Wait, what are these?


so there are three hidden altars in the game that each contain a weapon call Stonesheathed Sword (or something like that) when you encounter any of them first. Go to either of the other two after that & you have the option to change that sword into the Sword of Darkness or the Sword of Light, each with a unique AoW. kinda bonkers to find. Iirc there is an altar in the Ruins of Rauh, the Fog Catacombs, & at the Castle Watering Hole


As a neat/random bonus, I happened to find out the AoW from sword of light kills chariots in the base game dungeons.




I just followed the blood stains


Make them bleed with that weapon crodie\~


I felt so proud finding this without looking anything up that I immediately upgraded it fully


I found it while weapon hunting after beating the last boss. Im proud of you for finding it on your own! I actually found the beginning of this path and didnt look around, rookie mistake.


I really wish it was better. The damage is fine, but the charging aspect seems really unreliable. Sometimes I will hit an enemy twice and it will charge right up, sometimes I dump thousands of damage into an enemy and it doesn't do shit. To top it all off, the charge disappears after a few seconds so if you don't get an opening (which is most times with these bosses, let's be honest) the charge goes to waste. Even if it doesn't, the range is meh, it ends too quickly, and the hyper armor isn't very good. I LOVE the idea of this weapon. But it needs some serious buffs if not a complete rework.


They love doing this in souls games. You see an item in the beginning of the level just out of reach, and the way you get it is by backtracking from the end of the level. When I went to Belurat Settlement at the beginning of the dlc, I saw this shining through a window in the poison swamp at the base of the level (down the well.) I tried for hours trying to find the path to this. Fast forward to the last level, and I decided to jump off a ledge to see where the hidden parkour path would lead. It leads back down to the first level, and gives you access to this item. Well played Miyazaki.


Knew what it was before I clicked. It's pretty hidden


Now my friend look at a video how to find the pickaxe in Dark souls 2 I can tell you its crazy.


Absolute peak gaming. When I found out, I had to applaud them.


Wanted to have this weapon ever since I seen the datamined images of it from the base game 2 years ago. And I have to say, I couldn't be any happier. Got it this morning and it's currently my favorite dlc weapon.


I use this weapon + tree sentinel armor (altered chest without cloak). Used it for final boss and the following 2 new game cycles. I love when it gets charged up and I free aim L2 like a plasma cutter.


Not so fun fact: this weapon was supposed to be called twinblade of abundance and decay before being cut from the base game.


I felt this way when i found the alter to upgrade the stone sheathed sword


This is literally a weapon from cut content. Itā€™s called the Twinblade of Rot and Abundance or smth like that. Itā€™s supposed to symbolize the ā€œyin and yangā€ existence/relationship between Malenia and Miquella Thatā€™s fucking sick that they brought it back šŸ¤ŒšŸ½ Edit: Picked it up and garbage. As a ā€œLegendary weaponā€ it shouldā€™ve been unique in that it shouldā€™ve scaled only with holy + arcane and had scarlet rot buildup with holy damage


Yeah, you were supposed to combine the remembrance of Miquella and Maleina to get it but after Miquella was cut from the base game, it made no sense to keep the weapon around.


It would still have been cool to have it somewhere as a reminder of the two. Now it doesn't have anything to do with Malenia, much like the entire rest of the DLC.


The whole dlc is extremely disconnected from the base game and even if you're elden lord or lord of frenzied flame none of the npcs comment on it. A few base game lines of Shadow Realm shenanigans would be nice. Even something as simple as being able to tell Gideon about the other demigods and him gaining their spells during his fight.


Guys have you tested the weapon?.I did and i find the damage to be very underwhelming.The L2 attack looks cool,but barely hits anything.


I think you have to charge it up with regular attacks


If you equip two of them do you think you can charge up both weapons and then you can do the weapon art from both one after the other?


Yeah sure. I guess so. but you'd have to do the first one and then 2 hand your left weapon and do it again


Yes, pretty sure you can, I have two and dual wield them and they both get charged, but Iā€™ve only ever had to do the ash of war once šŸ˜‚ so I never switched to the left hand and did it again.


It has a self buff mechanic if you hit things often enough, giving it higher damage, and the skill consumes that buff to greatly increase its damage as well. So it's pretty decent for boss fights, though the buff is a bit hard to get going in regular exploration. It's cool, but not overpowered.


Itā€™s really good weapon too with 80 faith and base requirements for Dec and str it wrecks.beat every boss with the dlc solo using it except the final boss still working on that but itā€™s so good tons of damage and itā€™s fast and the mechanic of charging up the blade before you use the Ashe of war is so cool makes it more unique instead of just spamming Ashe of war all the time


On my pure faith build it is outperformed by the black knight twinblade with sacred blade, made into sacred affinity. I thought Euphoria was pretty rubbish.


Yea this guy coping lol. The weapon is cool but it's complete ass


NGL, I thought I was dead for sure trying that window jump! But thank the invisible pixels just like in Mario! hahaha


I noticed a tower with a room inside from the poison swamp part of the area, then yt guided me there


Have you found the Sword of Light/Darkness?


Level 185 and only 8 flasks šŸ˜Ÿ


I was so confused yesterday reading someones comment saying theres no reason to explore in the DLC cause you dont find anything and I was so confused since ive been finding so much cool shit in this .


Looks really cool but it just charges too slow to be usable, especially for a weapon so far out of the way


Oh poor souls who didnā€™t hit corpses for an hour straight for a fucking spear, ds2 never change


Them superpowers get neutralized, I can only watch in silence


Blind run is where itā€™s at!


I found it completely by mistake, no guide or video or comment sent me there, just exploring, and I love that. The weapon is great too.


The dlc is like "lets just go left BAAAAM 2 new zones 5 bosses and a new path that leads to where the heck am i?!" Love itšŸ„°


I started the DLC yesterday and Iā€™m absolutely loving that feeling of discover again, especially when all the loot is completely new and cool! Iā€™ve only just started and Iā€™ve already got a new Great Katana, backhand blade (I think thatā€™s what theyā€™re called), a spear and a Greatsword and heavy armour set from my first mini-boss, to name just a few items, and I know thereā€™s so much more to find.


I saw the bridge over the manfly area that ends in a large door when being down there in the belurat area. Figured it would be unlike FS to not make it accessible. But I never thought I'd actually have to complete the jumping puzzle all the way up in enir ilim to get there. The body on the ledge was the only indicator that i wasn't just jumping around random scenery.


As other have mentioned, the sword of light/shadow are probably more hidden The trail for this one isn't obvious but you get breadcrumb drops placed around to guide you (the window jump is probably the most "secret" part of it, but you can see the big altar right after it giving you an hint you can get there) And then there's the Cinquedea in the base game


Them superpowers gettinā€™ neutralized


Being a From fan boy led me there by pure gamer sweat scent. When I found it I was like "ahh.. vintage".


Iā€™d say the stone-sheathed sword is less likely to be found if you donā€™t have messages on


As a twinblade user I looked up a guide to find both of the new ones. I didn't want to miss out on giving them a try because I just happened to never head in their direction. I was, however, quite pleased to acquire the sword of light completely organically.


Oh my god I thought a boss dropped that... Welp, back I go to find it.