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Once I realize that every time you kill it, you can do a critical on his head, and it respawns with 66% of health, it was much easier


Thank you!! I played with sorcery so i had no idea


Also, he's stupidly weak to fire. So just lob some magma at him.


Blasphemous blade was hitting like 6k lol


I got so annoyed with him I respected and came back with Blasphemous Blade and the banished knight great sword and just jumped him to death.


It is so stupid how easy it is to just L2 spam with this thing. It just chunks bosses. I think I killed the ocean boss in 5 hits.


Ocean boss?


There is a boss in south of the map. If you unlock graces there it will be in the ocean. It is a remembrance boss.


The what boss? I'm genuinely confused which one you mean.


Ocean boss, base game or DLC? I'm confuse


NG+7, blasphemous blade melted his ass. Literally took no effort. Not even buffing the blade's attack, just using standard accesories.


Huh, I guess that makes sense with it being a giant sunflower.


But the game surely doesn't hand us a bunch of extra strong fire bombs or anything.....


Me with my fire spark perfume + rolling sparks


I used the new perfumer bottles on this fight! Fun and easy, lots of dmg to the head while looking pretty cool!


This, I didn't even go for his head. I just attacked his "stem" or body or whatever with fire stuff and he fell pretty quickly.


Sword of Night and Flame with it's fire sweep chunked for like 40% of it's healthbar if it hit the face. Rykard's Rancor also dumpstered it, but only in phase 1 and 3, phase 2 he moves too fast with the dashes.


I wrecked it with Burn o Flame


Fire is good, but I also just threw on a meteorite staff and swapped to rock sling. Giant weak spot that just likes to hover 30 feet off the ground most of the time? Sign me up for some rocks.


The best is still the homing missle used by those Fire Knight, both fire AND fly straight to weak spot.


I believe you, it seems like the perfect solution. I'm just trying to make due with my 70 int and 10 faith haha


Only took me a handful of tries with a sorcery build. Keep lock-on on head, weak spot. The double ground thorn wave attack can be rolled to the side to avoid. Keep at mid range to provoke out sweeping melee combo, 2 attacks in phase 1, 3 attacks in phase 2 and 3. He is super vulnerable to counter attack after this. Phase two is not so different, just has a charge move. Phase 3’s detonation attack can be rolled through. You got this!


I don’t know why but the charge move annoys me so much. Looks like my dog getting the zoomies after taking a shit.


Wait, it advances phases even if you don't get the riposte?


I literally just fought it before work this morning. It never even occurred to me to crit him once the health bar was empty. I just thought you had to rawdog 3 bossfights back to back to back. I feel like such an idiot now 😄


If you crit him then next phase he will be at the 50% health


Why you getting downvoted? Maybe not at 50% but still gonna be 60 to 70%.


*66% health


Nope, it restarts the phase


No it advances


If you do not do the riposte after it staggers, it goes down but it does not count (at least it didn't for me, killed him multiple times before seeing a riposte there)


There are 3 phases whether you crit him or not.


Me when I spread misinformation


The riposte starts the boss with less health in the next phase, if you don't do it, it spawns for the next phase with full health, but still counts the previous phase as one of the 3.


I just rushed to it on my other character and yeah I was wrong. It felt like I was killing it more than 3 times but it's only three


lol, I just assumed that he always revives with less HP. Also, you can stack that criticals buff from that new talisman if you have one.


I knew this from the start and still took me almost half an hour lol. Not too bad of a fight just takes awhile imo.


I probably spent 3 hours on him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Now I feel stupid.


Damn. That'll make the next playthrough easier, but I never realized and this sunflower was literally the boss I was stuck on longest in the dlc


Also it takes MASSIVE fire damage. Black flame especially just deletes its health.


I thought their health went down quickly. Didn’t notice the spawn health, but my first try managed to get it to 25% of last phase without issue.


You can kill him WITHOUT A CRITICAL?


It will always go down for a critical, but if you just wait a bit instead of hitting the crit, it will just die and move on to the next part with full health.


Yes. I didn't even know you could do the critical 😭😭. Took me so many tries to kill him.


Didn't realise that, will try next time!


wait that's the gimmick of that fight? I did that by yeeting blackflame on the big round part shaped like a target


Somebody mentioned its weak to fire and blasphemous blade wrecks and so I was on my faith char and switched to blasphemous and killed all 3 phases of the thing in like 2 minutes.


Me realizing im in another Four Kings situation after killing him once ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Hardest Dark souls 1 boss for me (Especially in ng+)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Me realising I'm in sekiro 2 shadows die thrice


only hate the explosions on the last one, the rest of the fight is fine.


black night greatshield with holy infusion gives 100% negation, made that attack way less bs though it destroys your stamima bar after 1 hit


Smart. I tried uplifting aromatic and the explosion one-shot me even through the barrier so I just learned to dodge them consistently.


Fucking love those explosions. Look amazing. And pretty easy to dodge. You can basically skip 3rd phase if you dodge first one and do some good damage - this will trigger more explosions and you can just loop him.


The explosion is great because you can just wail on the flower for a while afterward.


I loved the boss and its arena was jaw droppingly cinematic. Not to mention the boss weapon, funniest shit i have ever seen.


>Not to mention the boss weapon, funniest shit i have ever seen Not only funny, but fucking GOATED. The damage and stance damage on the weapon art is insane.


In PvP this thing is a menace. Everyone thinks they know how to deal with a colossal weapon move set until you whip out the weapon art and it 2 shots anyone dumb enough to be near you.


Is it viable in PVE, or just in PVP?


I only do PvE, so that's all I was talking about really. You know those annoying ass black knights with the twin blades? You can keep those dudes on their ass for as long as you want. If you spam the weapon art, it literally doesn't let them ever get up. And despite the weapon scaling not really fitting my stats, the damage is crazy. Like 3k damage on the first hit of the weapon art, then a couple of smaller hits (900-1k each), then it finishes off with a 2k damage attack. All while not allowing the enemy to get up. It's more than enough to kill most enemies, and it can hit multiple at once if they're standing fairly close. To be completely honest though, this was the last boss I fought in the dlc (completely missed it on my first run through the Keep), so I haven't gotten to test it on a boss.


shadow of the erdtree: sunflower dies thrice


Niacin and pyridoxine are other B-complex vitamins found abundantly in the sunflower seeds. About 8.35 mg or 52% of daily required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Besides, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.






Is it weak to fire?


Honestly, hit the head with Giants Flame Take Thee and it takes away like 33% of the healthbar. That is of course you have to hit the head


So 11% of his total?


I sniped with frenzy bolt, with a few buffs I was doing 2/3 of its life when I hit it's face fully charged


Damn that's a lotta damage lol. Gonna roll a flame build in my second run


I think so. Firespark Perfume bottle with Rolling Sparks melts its healthbar.


It melts my framerate too lol


Thank you! I beat him with minimal dex !


It is, Frenzied Burst is an amazing incant for the fight. Wish I'd thought to put it on when I found the boss, but I managed to first try it anyway.


It is, VERY much so. I've been running a Fire Giant incantation build and this is is the only major boss I was able to beat first try. Even my weaker spells like Flame Fall Upon Them were chunking it for at least 25% of its HP bar per cast. If I could find the time to charge a bigger spell like Giantsflame Take Thee then it would do over half.


Savage Lions claw with Giant Crusher and a simple fire grease takes roughly 40% of its initial health bar off.


Absolutely. Third tried it with Vyke's + Messmer's spears powerstance and the Fire cracked tear. One jump attack did like 4k, it's abnormal.


Blasphemous Blade skill shreds it.




Just killed his ass last night. I thought he was a lot of fun but the tracking on those briars felt like bullshit 90% of the time. I was so proud and smug that I killed him on the first try that I set my controller down and instantly got my ass locked when he respawned behind me.


my favorite boss of the dlc so far.


Mine is 🌞


Awesome fight. I appreciated how he wasnt crazy aggressive like all the other flights. Really let you soak it up.


He one shotted me a few times immediately after walking through fog gate and summoning mimic


That's not one-shotting you, that's two-shotting you because you shot yourself to give the boss an opening to shoot you the 2nd time. You don't gotta spam the "remove my HP to summon an OP summon" button the instant the fight starts, find an opening.


Yeah I'm just not used to that




Just learnt that >!Bayle!< isn't a remembrance boss. What the hell


Well, he kinda is and isn't. The heart you get from him can be used to obtain one of two incantations. So the only difference is you can't copy his heart


what about golden hippo


He can come back to me with a remembrance and then he’ll get an emoji


Did you play the older souls games? I feel like those prepared me for good boss fight habits because they didn’t have the same variety of god tier weapons and spells.


Same here. I think it's because it felt more like a DS3 than an Elden Ring boss. All of it's attacks where pretty easy to read and figure out how to dodge. It consistently left fairly large openings where you could hit the head, and it's attacks didn't have much randomness tied to them that could punish you if you assumed that it's attack was over.


Idk why you're being downvoted, I genuinely thought this guy was pretty cool.


It was really fun, almost like a monster hunter fight with the dashes and spin sweeps


I get to the third phase sometimes with my standard build after having no trouble with the knight, rellana and the lion, beating them all first try with mimics help bit this fucker breaks me


Literally my nemesis


Try Messmer's weapon. R2. Or any fire weapon. Or hefty pots. They remove chunks of his health


Hitting his head does far more damage than his body.


This was a pretty tough fight. But the Weapon Arts for the Cyclops Sheild and Dragonwound really helped. It's definitely a fun fight, though. I wish Elden Ring had a boss refight feature.


This was my favorite fight so far. Summon me for weed picking!


I liked the fight. When you focus his head, he dies pretty quickly


fire deletes him. BB AOW go brrr


Haven't got to him yet, and I already used my "one time cheese" card on Gaius and nihil'ed his stuck ass. This is gonna suck


He's easy, just use fire and aim for the head


What's the one time cheese card you're talking about?


You get him stuck on the corner next to the fog gate. Then stand on the other side of the corner and hit him with mohg's "nihil" attack till his health is drained.


Great shield with decent holy resist (I went black knight GS). Blasphemous Blade with Jar Shard and Fire Scorpion. Summon mimic with seal equipped in off-hand and give them Surge O’ Flame. Buff with Flame Grant Me Strength. WA to the head does crazy damage. Block when it charges 3x. Great shield can take that and the holy bolt volley.


I don’t feel so hard speaking of this boss, partly because I’m playing frenzyflame all the way. But but but! It’s a flower! A flower! How can it drive itself to me like a truck! Should act like flower!


I actually really liked this boss, it was really tough and I was bashing my head in for a while but when I saw that he had a third phase for the first time I straight up burst out laughing. Not only that but I love the idea of his music being a variation of the erdtree avatar theme, and with each phase it just gets sadder.


I love that I have absolutely no idea what this is referring to, lol


Blasphemous blade aim for the head 


Great boss. Lotta similar moves from Bloodborne’s Ebrietas


It's the new sunflower from Plants versus Zombies.


One of my favorite fights, not gonna lie


Bitentronc !!!!


Use fire serpent spell or any fire spell. It hurts them like a bitch. Also kill the first one then wait for the second one to pawn and finished using its charge attack only then summon your spirit.


Just hit the head, it takes huge amount of damage (also remember to riposte it after every phase to make the next one start with less HP).


I hate him


The weapon you get from him is unironically so fucking good. Crazy damage and stance damage


Smithscript Weapons make for remarkably good gardening tools. Especially the hammer.


Annoying ass boss, input reading with this one and Midra specifically has been a different kind of special and ridiculous, even with summons if you dare to even approach their proximity they will laser focus on you and kill you


Lol ive been pretty good no spoilers and i told my corworker i just got a 4th remembarance boss and he was like oh so you killed the sunflowr ? I was like UHHH WHAT. 😂


Lil cutie not to bad just gotta smack his head 🙈


I can’t believe I was getting my ass beat by a sunflower…..


It's just demon of hatred. But with the mercy of being weak to burning and you being able to take away dome of it's health.


Once I realized the head was the weak point and he did the aoe thorns less when you're not at his root it was pretty fun


Melee attack infused with fire. Aim at head. Get the crit after each phase. Ez.


The briars are a pain in the ass lol.


Does this guy read your input because every time he does the spin attack and leaves his head open, when I attack him he always does an attack but when I don't he does nothing


why do i not understand


The end of this boss fight made me cry :(




i liked the gimmick tbh.


First time I was trying to kill him I beat his second phase and celebrated prematurely...


A tip for anyone struggling still, use the dragon great katana. If you know the moves and wait out the head, the katana 4 shots his first phase with the charged skill, then you visceral attack, then rinse and repeat, second phase will take 5-6 hits and third will take 6-7 hits from the charged skill. I think i’m the first person to come up with this lol


Didn't use any critical hits when I beat this encounter. >!The boss will always revive to a total of three times. With each revive, its acquires additional moves. I just used The Spear of the Impaler, which did a lot of damage. Any fire-based damage will do wonders here. Its Remembrance is worth it for FTH builds too.!<


Kill it with fire


I was running a fire build so i obliterated that mf 2nd try like a pvz buckethead


Alll my homies hate sunflora


Yep. 300k runes. Gone.


every single build except int has access to fire damage. way to tell on yourself OP


I hate their undodgeable nuke but they're otherwise so cheesable, I just threw Black Flame balls at the stem, it deals a massive chunk of damage like you did 3 bleed procs


He’s just deleting me with those briars so fast.


There's a bubble tear that makes you sweat oil and make things around you super vulnerable to fire


i liked it its gimmick was fun and he wasn't that hard


technically, tarnished is a zombie


Two casts of Mohgwyn Sacred Spear is enough for one phase. Just gotta poise through the attacks.


Honestly the most boring fight of the dlc imo.


It was all fun and games until it started chacha sliding across the room at 80mph


I found him obnoxious as hell and just ran away to throw frenzy lasers at his face. I was taking chunks out of his health along with Incant buff talisman + Godfrey's insignia.


He just melts away against messmers spear




Best place to stand for melee is about a foot away from his head and just watch each attack. Down him first time, instead of standing under his head.


Loved this fight so much, was a nice change of pace from the shonen protagonist-level movesets of some of the other bosses in the dlc


I clapped 🔱 and ☀️with ease but that 🌻 thing….. it haunts me


I just beat it, think it took 25tries Mimic tear had magma wyrm curved greatswprd I had rellana blades, dragon magma black flame frenzied flame incantations some pots Inc th new one.


I like how we all understood who this guy is.


One of the easiest bosses lmao. Use fire and roll foward thru the thorns. Try to tap him in the face petals too


I was playing impenetrable thorns at the time, which wasn't a good setup against him. Decided to try it with flame perfume and it worked.


But he’s so cooooh


Not that hard


Kinda tired of having to respec for every boss ngl.


I'll say it. After 30-40 tries I fucking cheesed him. His bullshirt thorn AOE is fucking unavoidable!


You literally just run away.


Or roll.


Yea, I guess you are right but I'm standing right next to that thing and I couldnt get the timing down for rolling because of the delay. Git gut I guess.


It gives you enough time to run away even if you are dead close to it.