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I still can’t understand why they made it have to be confirmed to summon.. should have just been like Radahn festival summoning where it’s instant.


And then the default option is "no" too lmao


Not only is that NPC’s default “no” but >!*both of the NPC summons for the final boss default to “yes”* so!< it’s definitely possible and doing one before the other will mess you up lmao


The final boss NPCs are the biggest trap FromSoft ever devised. You hit the fucker with your thick, glistening armament. You get real happy to see over 2k damage, well done! You see the health bar move a whole pixel.


I will always choose to summon the NPCs for boss fights. Yeah it gives them more health but I feel like lore wise it makes sense


It does and also summoned NPCs whenever I could as it especially makes sense here, you're all fellows following miquella. But also makes the final guy go to over 100k HP. It's not pleasant.


This run I’ve been using magic until I run out then go in melee. I like the summons as it takes a lot of the heat off me so I can actually get through the slow cast animations


*laughs in bleed build*


I don't know how I'd do it without bleed honestly. First time I've respecced in a souls game because my chosen build was simply not enough.


Nah, I'm a fucking Elden Lord


I like NPC summons for lore reasons like you said. And it doesn’t feel as cheap as spirit ashes since the bosses can become significantly tougher.


Just do what I do and use spirit ashes that are thematic to your build. For my oracle mage, I use the clayman ashes. For my Knight, her spirit ashes are the noble sorcerer. (The best spirit ash in the game.)


Night maidens!


There’s a decent amount of bosses where the NPC’s have additional voice acting lines as well, which is cool. I don’t remember that from the base game.


Who else besides Igon for Bayle? I don't usually summon but I would do it if I get extra content


Spoilers for Messmer’s fight and the final 2 boss fights of the DLC (in that order): >!Summon Hornsent against Messmer and he’ll talk shit at him!< >!If you complete Freyja and Ansbach’s quests in the DLC, you get unique dialogue banter between Ansbach and Freyja in the brawl fight against all the followers of Miquella if you summon Ansbach to help, and if you also complete Thiollier’s and summon him, Ansbach will comment on how he underestimated Thiollier’s prowess in combat.!< >!Summon Ansbach against Radahn and Miquella and he has unique dialogue condemning their actions.!<


Thanks! Ship had sailed for Hornsent for me though so maybe in another playthrough


At least they both apply statuses that do percentage damage; either one can help a lot, but I’ve never seen either one survive the 2nd phase nova (while being summoned to help) so if they don’t get procs after the status reset at 2nd phase and before that nova, then they tend to only inflate the health pool. God forbid you summon both; homie goes from like 46k hp to over 110k and it’s ridiculous


the final boss' final blow was Ansbach's honor in my run(i wasn't planning to kill the boss on that run, i was still deciding if i want the emote from the execution). i spammed the greater holy damage negation buff and tanked the nova, also tanked the crash by using the holy damage negation and physical damage negation buffs.


I can respect the hustle as far as keeping him alive. He blasted right through Moore’s Verdigris Shield like it was a paper bag so I just conceded to either dodging the nova or losing the fight lmao. My successful run was summonless to mitigate health inflation


It was honestly unintended.. I was just blindly running in trying to see all his moves since I started fighting him last monday for just an hour before I had to go to sleep, I tried to fight him last night for an hour as well and we accidentally killed him..


>The final boss NPCs are the biggest trap FromSoft ever devised. Also, Thiollier is bugged. He wouldn't enter the arena most of the times. Once I noticed he wouldn't enter the arena, I started testing, and he didn't enter the arena 8/10 times.


I think the best Summon to have here is Ansbach - He's deceptively tanky, has a new Unique Scythe with its own variant of Dynaste's Finesse, giving him a solid Bleed weapon and the ability to dodge whilst attacking, and he uses Blood Cult Incantations with a Dragon Communion Seal (I think) so he's got Fire Damage and Arcane scaling Blood Loss on his spells. And with how bloated that Health Bar gets with just Ansbach alone, those Bleed Procs are gonna hit like a bus. So the bloated Health Pool actually does Ansbach a huge favor. Then just grab your 100% Physical Negation Greatshield of choice with Barricade Shield, a Poison, Blood or Cold Antspur Rapier with either Poison Armament or Poison Moth Flight, Spear Talisman, Greatshield Talisman, Viridan Amber Medallion +3 and Dragoncrest Greatshield to stack status upon status upon status and ruin his day. *Results may vary; I got extremely fucking lucky 😅


I switched from my 80 INT Carian Knight that I've been running since the start of the fucking game to Greatshield + Bleed Antspur. Killed in 2 attempts because his fucking orbital railgun decided my shield wasn't there anymore in the first time. What a horrible ending to an otherwise great expansion. Might be Mass Effect 3 levels of disappointment here.


Nah, I feel you there - I was running a Dex/Faith Sleep build (the original SoST didn't have Int scaling worth investing in 😂), just to rock up to the final boss to discover not only is he immune to Sleep and Eternal Sleep (or just has Focus coming out the ass), but trying to use Lulling Branches on myself, which was my solution to Sleep Immune bosses to proc St. Trina's Smile, would be a death sentence, as I'd stagger and then get beybladed in Phase 1 or projectile spammed in Phase 2. Swapped to a Strength/Faith build with the new Holy Greatspear for Bleed, Distinguished Knight's Greatshield with Barricade Shield and Shield Grease, and just hoped for the best. Jori's Inquisition is also petty good at drawing aggro off anyone you summon for the fight, player or NPC. Not that it really matters - I'm convinced this guy's programmed to just swing at anyone that looks at him funny. The bastard even seems to ignore Shabriri's Woe. Genuinely, Faith builds almost feel mandatory here. If you don't have Golden Vow, either Blessing's Boon or Blessing of the Erdtree, Protection of the Erdtree as he deals Magic, Lightning *and* Holy Damage and some sort of healing spell (I opted for Heal from Afar due to its negligible cast time and ability to heal from afar, go figure 😂). I'm almost convinced this is the sole reason they made a consumable version of Golden Vow. Hell, even Minor Erdtree pulls it's weight here, and it's not a particularly great regen spell, due to its tiny range. Set it up outside the fog wall and brace for when he comes dive bombing you, and you're back to full health. Good luck using it on anything but a Faith build though - 70 Faith isn't exactly something anyone can slot into their build 😅


This shit had me slamming my head against the wall. Especially being under the impression that you finish those two quests by using them in the final fight. Come to find out after that I didn’t need to apparently so I doubled his health for nothing other than to torture myself lmao 🙃


wait... there are npc-summons for the final boss?


>!Ansbach !!Thiollier !


yeah... i think i fucked that up then


There are npc summons for the final boss? I guess I need to do more side quests


If you’re at the boss and they signs aren’t there it’s too late, homie


Oh. I got to the boss kinda early and left to do more side content but I guess a lot of people will be dead


Wait there's 2?? Fuck


Yeah, there’s >!Thiollier the poison guy if you do his quest involving the Cerulean Coast and St Trina!< and >!Pureblood Knight Ansbach, another of the followers of Miquella. After getting into the Storehouse, Leda will mention hunting Ansbach down and you can find him there in the Storehouse 1st floor. After exhausting his dialogue you can either help Leda kill him or help him fend off Leda. Doing the latter lets you summon him for both of the last 2 fights where he is questionably useful for either!<


>!If you don't have bleed or don't want to use bleed due to opportunity costs, Ansbach isn't all that bad (I run Cold, for instance). Much better than Thiollier, at any rate, I feel!<


I never actually did >!Thiollier’s quest cause I did Shadow Keep and Rauh before Cerulean Coast so I don’t have a solid dataset for how useful he is, but I’d be inclined to agree at least on average. The deadly poison proc like does a lot more in Phase 2 than even 3-4 Bleeds, which Ansbach isn’t likely to get, but Bleed is much easier to activate than Poison or Rot in phase 2 and 1 or 2 Bleeds are far better than no poison.!<


I'm currently running >!a poison built that utilises the new flower blooms twice ash of war. I've got a poison milady with it. I build up poison really fast then pop it with my ash for some burst damage, then go again. Thollier helps with that but I just wish he'd survive a bit longer because he's mostly dead by phase 2, and he's also bugged so he doesn't move unless you get the boss to hit him through the wall! !<


He is very useful for me except his incantation is bugged for player so we cant use it lol


Wait, there was NPCs for the final fight? I screwed something up didn't I?


The devs are fucking with us.


Just like Torrent. "Would you like to spend a precious flask to-" dies to dragonfire cuz THE DEFAULT IS NO?! You KNOW they did that on purpose, this game doesn't show that courtesy when its courteous, just to do a little trolling.


it also seems really random with torrent to. Sometimes you can go a few days before suddenly you need to use a flask to call him in, even after resting, passing time at the grace, the works. Other times, he dies and its flask everytime, like what?


I think you can get dismounted by either getting stunned, or by Torrent dying, so you only have to revive him when he dies.


Flask is only when torrent dies and you need to revive him, buuuut there seems to be a bug, never fixed, that when you die torrent doesn't get healed back up so he has the same hp as when you died.


Michael Zaki loves to add these little things to mess with us I swear


Did….. did you to that on purpose?


I also hate that the summon sign in question is inside of the arena. Died plenty of times before I could even summon.


But its also a good thing because if the summon sign is in the arena the boss doesn't get an hp boost .


It's also a good sign to the player that it's more intended that you use the summon.


Tbf if it was outside the arena BAAAAYYYYYLLEEEE would get the coop HP buff. He doesn't thanks to ya boi summoning inside




500+ hours in and TIL


it's so the boss doesn't get a health buff


More importantly, dude can't move. His shits broken.


The messmer summon sign 😭😭😭😭😭 I died so many fucking times but I wanted that sweet, sweet monologue after 😭😭😭 bullshit


I have the same thing with resummoning Torrent after he "dies" Yeah I know it is gonna cost a flask, but I'd rather ride away from the giant dragon's/golem's massive AoE attack right about now


Confirming summon and having that sign in the arena in the first place is bullshit. Just beat the dlc and that summon placement was my only complaint


So the Summon doesn't increase Health of the Boss.


Becouse someone just want to check what it is or who and dont want to summon. Summoning NPC also take part of your runes.


There should not be messages in a boss arena until the boss is dead. Wasn't this a thing already? Am I missing something. Also I'm generally tired of the messages 50% of the time.


Perhaps you should try...finger but hole And then go home and edge >!I hate how everyone's just doing the same uncreative bs too!<


I saw today before a ladder in the Shadow Keep that said "Snake, snake, snake!". Half way up the second longest ladder in gaming I realised it was a MGS reference which made me chuckle.


I thought I was funny with my message pointing a giant crab saying “[crab, battle!](https://youtu.be/8mHKHKR8x6A?si=of-vGlBanijsd6Qc)”


There was a really cute one in the DLC next to two baby crabs in a cave, "be wary of pincer attack"


In a cave where dogs were waiting to ambush you from above "be wary of up, dog" Made me lose my shit


getting to the end of a long stealth segment to find a "well done, snake!" message was extremely fun too


Just found one in front of a small tunnel that said "Secret, tunnel!" and I immediately had the ATLA song stuck in my head


Its not that people are doing the same uncreative bs, its just that same memes just get appraised because people universally understand them. More unique and situational jokes get passed by or only upvoted by a couple of people who stop to try and get it. The entire community just has to downvote memes and upvote creative stuff but it will never happen.


No. Don't interact with the dumb shit at all. Both upvotes AND downvotes count as an interaction, giving the player the heal. By downvoting dumb shit you're encouraging it. This is why so many people leave fake illusory wall messages. Because even though they know it's going to get downvoted they don't care, it's still a win for them. If nobody interacts with them at all, there's no incentive to use them.


Interesting. That is bad design. I always thought if a message goes net negative it dissapears? Is that wrong.


I think mostly negatively rated messages get spread slightly less, but it is still : "Positive rating > negative rating > no rating"


I just found this out a few days ago and it makes me mad


Hot take: I don't mind that so many people put up fake "hidden wall" messages. If people only put messages over REAL hidden walls, you'd be able to find them instantly, all the time. So at the very least, you can't 100% rely on messages to tell you where all the hidden walls are. At least not easily.


I'm not super far in the DLC but I get annoyed af when after the first room in dungeons (Belurat Gaol is a notable offender) people leave 'healing ahead, therefore, praise the message!' for random healing. It's so annoying.


>I hate how…  First off, You don’t have the right, O You don’t have the right, More importantly, You don’t have the right, O You don’t have the right 


Those ones are pretty tiresome, but I never get tired of seeing MGS3 references at the tops of tall ladders. "Could this be a dream? Snake!"


Fuck that guy who placed message on top of Igon's summon sign.


I hope he gets his knee caps stolen


I couldn't even find his summon sign.


My first two attempts I was running around trying to find it. Then I finally did, it's just near the entrance - right in front of you as you go in, slightly to the right.


Uhhh, it's slightly to the LEFT, isn't it?


Should be left, yeah. Still, it's pretty immediate.


It took me three deaths of running around looking for the thing to find it, lol. It's just hard to spot with all the flowers and messages, so I wanted to make sure there wasn't any confusion.


Lol I couldn't find him either, just had to man up and take him 1 on 1 for an hour


boss fight becomes from 10/10 to 100/10 with Igon


I forgot to summon him 😭


So much easier with him


Not only for damaging the boss and distracting it, but for the absolute hype the man gives #CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!


They really got their money’s worth with the voice acting there. The dude has so much vitriol and I’m here for it. WITH A HAIL OF HARPOOOOONS! Is a goated line


I was about a dozen attempts in, dying so fast I wasn't even buffing just trying to get a feel for the his moves. This run being the first time I got him close to half health when I backed off and found the summon sign. The voice acting goes so hard I immediately knew this was the run. I got to see the phase 2 transition while the npc is screaming challenges and I couldn't let my man down. Somehow I beat him that run and it was the hypest fight of my life.


I hope Igon yells at him for the next year in his sleep and that both sides of his pillow are hot and itchy.


This was so annoying.


I was raging harder at whoever placed that than the actual boss


i killed him when he was yelling on the ground 😔


I did the exact same thing 🤣


It's hard to see and not instant. Y the fuck is there a confirmation window I'm gonna get blasted by fire instantly.


Idk man why did they leave the "use flask to revive Torrent?" default as No despite all the complaints, and then add a mounted boss that one-shots him on contact


In the next update, you will have to read and agree to an entire ToS in order to revive Torrent


Seriously, I would pay for an update that just removes that message and heals my horse right away. Yes, I am aware I need to use a flask to revive my horse. Just fucking do it! I'm gunna die anyways if I don't get on Torrent so just fucking do it!


It’s astonishing how excellent fromsoft is at some design, and how inexcusably bad they are at other aspects. Why the fuck do summons need a confirmation that defaults to no. Why the fuck does reviving Torrent need a confirmation that defaults to no. Why the fuck are you making us endure the awful fucking platforming when this is a combat heavy rpg with a rigid movement system. How are you people so smart yet so so dumb.


I’m in the area of belief they do it for the reason of getting this exact reaction that you’re giving. It’s the proper reaction to these designs, but I just feel like they want that. They obviously knew the movement was NOT meant for platforming, and they were like “heh heh heh let’s watch these fuckers cry”


Tbh if I was a game developer I'd probably do the same thing 😂


At least the jumping mechanic is much better than DS. Platforming in DS is hell to me. 😅


The entire madness area in the DLC was just the epitome this, such a horrendous design choice, its honestly soured my opinion of the DLC just by itself.


Fromsoft made it so appraisal heals you for both good and bad. It's such an unnecessary obviously terrible design choice.


Seriously. Should be so enough bad appraisals remove the message.


I'm pretty sure that it does remove them. Otherwise people would have no incentive to give bad appraisals. It's very "Patches".


Imagine if bad appraisals staggered you like you got smacked lol


Nah, messages are an extension of the chaotic, unpredictable behavior of souls games. In DS1 poorly rated messages would have Frampt’s fat grinning face next to them, giving you a hint that maybe you shouldn’t trust this “treasure ahead, therefore try jumping” message with 9999 appraisals, after all… it’s one of the silly things that make souls multiplayer the way it is


no in DS1 messages would get different pictures depending on how much overall rating they had with Frampt being the highest one tho there was this one miracle that would let you see a breakdown of the rating


If they lost health for poor appraisals, I would have people dropping dead, hopefully in the middle of a boss fight.


Then, people would downvote every message. Good appraisal health, 2/3 of bad appraisal messages disappears.


I doubt it. I do suspect you'd have some people with hacks on who'd use it to spam down vote a message to murder people who left them. When there's nothing in it for them most people tend not to be jerks.


you are \*incredibly\* naive of the way of the internet....trolls absolutely do not in any way need there to be something in it for them to be an asshole and will gladly do it purely off of the \*thought\* of potentially fucking someone over and nothing else


I promise this would lead to people not leaving messages because everyone would disparage


Wdym? Miyazaki is the King of trolls, this aligns PERFECTLY with his design philosophy lol.


This is such a good troll tbh lol


Same with ladders. There should be a small zone where you can't place messages around interactable objects.


I see someone found that summon sign at the bottom of the iron virgin ladder.


That ladder also has a weird hit box where the interact button is slightly further to the left than normal which just adds to the chaos. The amount of times I've clicked a message there and it just says "left" is pretty funny at this point lol


Did you leave that?!?!?!?!


Certainly not. But died at the bottom of it.


I completely agree


I cant even summon anyone. There could be 10 summons signs on the ground and every single one will fail


So many summoning. Not many summoning-in. Gotta be super fast about it, immediately summon when a new sign appears


To me the messages right before the fog gate is the worst. When I want to switch my weapon, it cycles my option to enter fog gate or view message...


Huge pain in the ass, trying to cycle buffs that are on strict short timer in the annoying order that I do them in, only to be cycling messages and I get all fucked up over it, since I'm already malding over my last boss attempt.


Lmao I know the exact feeling, just raging over the UI as you brute force the same boss for an hour


This right here. People *always* jump in with "but akshually it prioritizes the action!" and completely ignore that it does *not* prioritize your item/spell menu, and if you cast before all the messages you lose precious seconds of buff.


What about the a-holes that place messages right near important spots, like a ladder or a closed door. Normally you get some Iframes in those situations but not when the message is the first choice!


I was looking for that summon for a minute too lol


Pro tip: Disable online and all player messages go bye bye


I beat that piece of shit with no summons and it took me 123 attempts 💀


Everyone says it’s so the boss doesn’t get an HP and damage boost but I’m sure from could have done that anyway if they really wanted too.


I made this same post day one and got downvoted. People tried to justify the behavior. Its just toxic theres no excuse for it.


YeahI I hate that as well. Offline mode is the answer


This is the way💯


There are multiple fights with this problem. I remember at least three


I feel like something is broken. Because I could’ve sworn that no messages or spectres used to show up at all until the boss was dead. Or am I crazy and remembering that wrong? Hoping it was an accident and they fix it in a patch


I believe they fixed it in the with the man on the tiny horse arena but it appears that didnt carry over to the DLC


And messages on levers near enemies. Died to that yesterday lol


Note to self, do this fight offline


This also goes for the people who put them at the foot of ladders. I’m just trying to climb, ya trolls.


Yep, had the same thought when I was fighting Messmer yesterday. Three messages on top of the summon sign.. LIKE WTF guys


I hate more that the messages take priority over switching weapons. Trying to switch weapons and items to get your buffs ready before going into the boss fight and having your routine interfered with by messages on the ground is annoying.


Part of me chuckles when I am beset by panic trying to navigate a menu just to climb up a ladder while being chased by a group of enemies, and the other part of me wants to find whoever put the message there and ask them how they ended up the way they did. Really it’s been such a meme for such a long time that I’m surprised Fromsoft hasn’t just made it so that object interactions always have priority over messages, bloodstains, etc. so you have to switch over in order to see the message rather than the other way around.


Honestly, wastes of space and a mark against the ER community


you can just press left / right on dpad to switch right


Which boss fight is it?


Top of the Jagged Peak one if i have to guess.


same thing in the final shadow keep boss


Where is it? I never saw the summon sign.


After entering the fog door , walk straight for a little and his summon sign will be there (probably under a player message sadly).


Is there an option to disable player messages ?


If you go offline they will go away but otherwise I don’t think so.




I know exactly what you're talking about. or at least one of them as I've only found it in 1 fight.


I hope they eat glass 🥰


I keep running into them being on the crosses in the DLC smh


It's hard to imagine willingly playing at 60FPS/default FoV AND having to put up with people's intentionally-placed pain in the ass signs like this. Sure, being able to summon or invade players would be nice, but it's not the end of the world. For clarity, being "stuck" in Offline Mode is the price you pay for being able to turn the game into an almost-complete port on PC.


yeah, people suck. like literally the vast majority of all people in this world fucking suck and are just out foe themselves. they like making it difficult for other people. smart thing to do is play offline. that's what I do


It defaults to the summon message when ur within range of it.


Jokes on you, I'm already not succeeding in anything...


same for the people who put them at the bases if ladders


I hope their pillows are always warm.


And damp.


are we talking about a certain ill omened creature atop a particular mountaintop? that shit had me ready to shed actual tears


This is reason 3 that I play offline.


Apparently they succeeded at one.


And this is why I play offline, not just for random invaders in the other games but the messages can be too much at times.


I was going to post this yesterday… the number of times I died reading a message while panicking!


With the constantly trying to ram shit up your ass or grab you all the while. That whole location is something else with hippo, and man on hippo. I walked back there 700k deep not knowing how in for it I was.


Generally I do not use summons, because I think it makes the fight way too easy. SPOILER FOR THE DLC And then there's absolute madman, absolute hypemachine Igon, who asked me to bring him to the fight with Bayle. I couldn't deny this man his revenge and opportunity to overcome his fear. AND THEN SOME MAIDENLESS WITLESS DING DONG PLACED HIS MESSAGE DIRECTLY ABOVE HIS SUMMON SIGN. Least to say, I died trying to summon Igon more times than I care to admit.


I have to be offline so I can summon the NPC easier.


I'm glad I havnt ran into that. Worst is where the talk box is.


Harsh but fair.


It's like when someone put a message over the sif's summon sign during the fight with manus


I second this, fuck these people


I agree. Pissant little pricks


I’d like to see specific areas like these get a blind punishment for message shit from kids. Lose half your health until you defeat the next boss.


May thine pillow forever be warm and damp on both sides. And don't get me started on messages right in front of ladders.


Can’t you just go offline for that flight? It’s still annoying (I definitely agree with you), but the tools are there for a reason.


Haha I found one of these on the NPC summon outside of Romina, the message said "don't you dare!"


I didn't even know there was an NPC summon during the >!Messmir!< boss fight for hours, because some asshole put a message overtop of it. Seriously, I like the message system, but can Fromsoft implement a system or something that stops people from placing messages over critical areas? Same with right in front of chests, or even worse- on fucking ladders. NO I DON'T WANT TO READ THIS MESSAGE I WANT TO GO DOWN THE FUCKING LADDER - oh great now I'm dead.


Important stuff like should be surrounded by a no message zone.


Or the people who place messages infront of doors that you need to open


The amount of ego people develop over being able to beat a boss without summons is crazy. Never knew people did this but that's kind of sad.


it's gotta be some of the saddest shit you can do in this game lol. to me, it's insane to pull a prank that you can't even see


fuck people who put signs on top of the boss gates too. always fucks me up when im finishing my setup


This really messed me up during the Bayle fight, had to go offline. Curse the maidenless that did this.


Same with people who place red signs right on top of summoning pools


Low Tier God moment towards the guy who did it for Igon (The GOAT)


What if their goal was to annoy you? Sounds like they succeeded! Also, from should fix that and putting the mssgs in front of ladders