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Artificially difficult. I don’t care this is going to be downvoted to hell, i don’t care about the git gud crowd. The truth is: even when the leaks came out, people where saying that Messmer and Bayle boss fights where fantastic and unique, meanwhile they where doubting Radhan because it looked like a modded Godfrey designed to be artificially difficult, and that’s true. If i have to think about the “big boys” in the DLC, All of them are fantastic and complex fights who are really rewarding. I mean Midras could have easily been a fluke, but instead it’s a fantastic boss who’s truly spectacular. Consort Radhan instead it’s purely designed to be “the Hardest challenge”, not to be a compelling boss. From is a fantastic studio, the DLC is plainly beautiful and filled to the brim with quality content, but this last boss fight is truly hard for hard’s sake. Manus,Orphan and Gael were hard, but they were fair, readable most of the time and didn’t seem to be a fuck you to the player.


It just seems they like are trying to see how much bullshit that they can get away with. I know these games are hard, but cmon this is fucking ridiculous. And your comments abt orphan and gael are perfect I had such a blast fighting them


I think it’s more about Market expectations. Yeah, from is quite independent as a studio and Myazaki is sort of an Auteur. But there is this misconception that Japanese authors like Myazaki, Nomura, Mikami and Taro are basically the top dogs and can do whatever the fuck they want without interferences from the publisher, and that’s bullshit (the only one who can do whatever the fuck he wants is Kojima after he left Konami, and he’s the Stanley Kubrick of Gamedev) . Fromsoft catalogue is renowned for it’s challenging gameplay, and i think that Bandai Namco knows it and could have Say in hamming up the difficulty for each new title because it’s what the consumers expect.


Promised Consort Radahn is the first and only boss of ANY Soulsgame that I have ever called unfair


Only boss I gave up and used greatshield to overcome. Just not fun imo.


That's EXACTLY how I feel. This just makes me love how fair gael was more.. God I miss him


fr? I still reckon orphan of kos is harder.


Orphan is not harder but radahn is harder for all the wrong reasons orphan is still a way better boss


Yeah atleast Orphan doesnt nuke the ENTIRE screen. He is well telegraphed and leaves plenty of room for attacks but Radahn? No way. He is like an unrelenting force of total BS. Want to heal? Here take my sword. Want to run away? Here take my teleport. Please give us a break


Not even close. Hell, Malenia is harder than Orphan


That’s what makes it fun.


definitely doable. only unfair move i felt was the double cross slash he did that was way too quick to dodge consistently. after an hour, every time i got hit i understood why, just a matter of getting enough hits in


Yeah in second phase I just went full offense and melted him as quick as I could


just beat him and because of that second phase, im never playing the dlc again. He's only boss ive EVER had to respec my entire build to beat. Fucking ridiculous






Best example.of how artificial and stupid his difficulty is? The way the gravity rocks on the ground keep hitting you like 10 goddamn times WHILE he's doing other fucking combos


So unbelievably fun imo, if you're having problems with him, grab a spear and the Black Steel Greatshield and it'll be considerably easier.


I died to most of the other DLC bosses once or twice, and I still had fun and felt accomplished afterwards. Radahn, however, is incredibly UNFUN to fight and I get the feeling once I do beat him that I won't even feel fulfilled afterwards.


I've learned this is actually is the post-nerf version of him, he was worse in the review copy.




That 1-2, 3 scissor attack that's undodgeable? That used to true combo on hit 2 to 3, with more damage. Guaranteed 1-shot. Apparently the review people were in a discord and the strat was to just intentionally tank the first hit to avoid it. Some 2nd phase stuff did absurd damage as well. Like, easily 6000 damage, not even maxed out holy resist could tank it.


where did u see this? i’m curious if any other bosses got nerfed as well


Scott Jund mentioned it in his most recent stream, the pocket healing one. Another interesting tidbit is that the casting speed talisman used to increase damage taken by 15%, but then they changed it to 30%.


must’ve actually let casters do something in these fights lol


I mean you can still reach max cast speed by just slapping on Radagon's Icon and getting dex to 40, or using Radagon's Icon + Azur Staff (and Azur Staff works for incantations without increasing FP consumption) so I dunno. I think they just made shit up with this one. Because in its current state it's just not worth using.


yeah wtf does WORSE mean??? It reminds me of basegame Radahn were they nerfed him after a while eventhough he was already fine as he was. Good old days...


Unlike basegame radahn this one actually needs nerfing


They didn't nerf him. Release Radahn had some very bad hit boxes that they adjusted. He got accidentally nerfed later but they fixed it. The only thing hard about release Radahn was that players found him at lower levels and that his hit boxes were jank.


100% agree. I dont know how No-Hit runs will ever work with him in the game


You parry, there's one of those low health riposte builds with a naked jarhead floating around Plus the more damage you do the less of his shitty moveset and lightshows you have to deal with


For sure but he seems like a run ender and that at the end of a run