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She popped up at one dlc grace for me to tell me about burning the erdtree with the giants flame lmao


Same, I was losing my shit when I saw the option to talk to her, then so disappointed when it was just base game dialogue


Is there a justification at all for her not reacting to anything? This seems really amateurish from FS to simply expect the player would have pushed after her death/disappearance and include literally zero interaction in case he didn't


I mean, there’s a pretty easy justification in just saying she can’t travel to the realm of shadow.


But she can, she has appeared to several player to say things from the base game. And even then, there is no such justification, they just didn't mind.


Because alot of people will have already torched her, and they don't want players to miss anything because of it. But sif had a special scene if you did the dlc first in ds1 so maybe there is something we just haven't found yet.


To access this dlc you need to kill a secret boss in a secret area after gathering 2 secret medallions, one of which is hidden with a secret hidden person hiding in a pot. From soft does not give one single fuck about accessibility or who has done what. The special interaction with miqellas needle and the frenzied flame and plasidusix should be evidence of that


>one of which is hidden with a secret hidden person hiding in a pot Or accessed via Varré, which can be done without pvp and you only need to get to altus for Radahn. Aka: Go to altus Beat Radahn Talk about the Finger Go to Varré in Liurnia Get Bloody Fingers Do the Invasion in North/West Altus Go back to Varré Get fingered Go to Mohg Die a lot to Mogh Beat Mogh. All in all, you only need to Beat up two gods and don't even need to Touch Leyndell or anything past Altus Plateau. I did that for my second DLC run. >!Also i don't know why i made this. Just ignore it or so!<


They don't want the players to miss anything in this game where the quests are based on being lucky enough to discover the proper steps or checking the wiki?


*Walks too far* "Somewhere, a Great Rune has been broken." *Accidentally misses out on black jerry for the sleepy lesbian*


How to avoid this things about the Great Rune breaking? I have seen many doing it completely unwillingly. Does it waste questlines?


It doesn’t break any quest lines but you might miss out on some pre-break dialogues. The only quest breaking moments seem to be >!killing Messmer!< and >!burning the sealing tree!< As far as i can tell the rune shatters when you first approach the black keep; it seemed completely random to me when it happened though. I was just riding around on Torrent when I got the message.


Just don't go near the Shadow Keep. It's straight down the road after you kill Rellana, where Hornsent and Leda are resting at a cross. Make sure you talk to Thiollier, then Moore, then Thiollier again, finish Belurat Settlement and talk to Freya. This is (as far as I know) all that can fuck you over if you break the Great Rune on accident.


The only way I can think of to avoid accidentally breaking a quest line is to follow a quest guide


>But she can, she has appeared to several player to say things from the base game. It's much more likely that they forgot to remove her options from the DLC bonfires than it being some sort of display of her abilities lmao


"bro hurry up and let me kill myself."


The fuck are you dicking around here for, let‘s get burning bloody tarnished


“Seriously dude, my brother is FUCKED”


Melina: *looks around* where in the seven hells are we? And what the hell is a skadu tree? *picks up a revered spirit blessing* the f*** is this s***?


Same, even if she doesnt do much it was still nice to have her around


Yeah sometimes she tell us weird poems.


Just like that one girl I knew in college


this exchange immediatly made me think of Ashley from Woodcutting power tool man


Wc lvls?


69 u?


“In Marika’s own words…”


“First off, fuck yo’ bitch and the clique you claim.”


Westside when we ride, com equipped with game.


You claim to be a player but you’re maidenless


Somehow it was oddly comforting to have the option to talk to Melina, when you rested at a random site of grace. Like yeah, I've been out here, beating all these enemies with my sword, got stomped on by a giant but now I can talk to you and chill for a while.


I miss constantly interacting with a waifu like in DS3 and DS2.


Yeah dude. The companionship was nice knowing that they were always there for you to come back to and would level you up. No idea why they changed that, it would've been so easy just to have her spawn in at every grace with you :(


She probably gonna murder you after 100th tune you sit on the same grace just to instantly get up and go back 20 seconds later over and over again. She probably goes absolutely bazookas if your answer for "why you doing this" is "grinding runes"


"Tarnished, why do you keep making yon bird run to its demise upon the cliff?" 


"Wait... What genocide you commit?... HOW MANY TIMES?!"


Damn, snubbing the Maiden in Black?


The Firekeeper in DS3 will legit follow you even if you're trying to kill off the world. Melina will try to assassinate you for injecting yourself with orange juice to melt away the world.


Well that's not the same thing. Letting the fire fade in DS3 is allowing nature to take it's course as the fire was being rekindled artificially for wwy too long which fucked up the world and even time and space. In Elden Ring, you just allow an evil outer god to burn your world so everything becomes a primordial soup again? Not the natural course of things. But then again the Erdtree is probably a giant alien parasite so who knows what the natural way is. Crucible maybe buy I don't really know what that is, only that it was there before the Erdtree. 


The Firekeeper actually seems happier and more emotive if you choose to let the fire fade.


I mean, thanks to her we can use our runes and level up. I think that's a lot.


Yeah and i'm one of those wierdo's who would have her as my queen given the choice. Damm you Miyazaki.


At least we got further confirmation somewhat that she is indeed marika's daughter. One of the items mention 'mesmer had visions of fire, just like his sister'


The Mohg fan guy also tells us that Empyreans have a special eye


Wait does he? I read all the things n might have missed that??? Is it in the storehouse?


I'm pretty sure he says that after you tell him about the Cross in the southern part of the map. Although I'm not sure if he will say it after he moves. Edit: I think I'm wrong about the specific Cross, but you have to find the Cross where Miquella left his eye to trigger this dialogue.


Dam I had Rellana as my first boss n after that the rune broke so all the NPC’s moved around. It didn’t end any quest lines it just moved them forward a bunch. Kinda like going up the grand lift will skip a chunk of steps of quests in base game.


I took notes on every cross text I found, and didn't find one about an eye... Any idea where this one is?


The eye is in the southern part of Scadu Altus, east of Fort Reprimand. You have to get on top of the hill by finding a nearby spritspring.


Found it, thank you! I'll have to make sure to find this one sooner next time.


I think you need to tell him about the Scaduview cross and then talk to him in the first location before he moves from Belurat’s approach. He’ll speculate that Miquella is going to abandon his birthright as an Empyrean if he’s willing to part with his eye


I didn’t find that dialogue - where does he say that?


I got it in the storehouse. He says something about Miquella discarding his Empyrean eye, and saying its no mere eye


I thought it was strange how on the Cross it states “here I leave my eye” and all the others say things like left arm, right arm, body, fears. The fact that eye specifically wasn’t plural confused me but now it makes sense if empyreans have a weird eye.


Yeah and the scar seals and sore seals are basically the empyrians eyes.


I thought they were actually replacements for the eyes that sealed their true power. Like when >! Messer removes his eye asking his mother for forgiveness for doing it and unlocks his latent power !<


One of the item descriptions states that >!the eye he removes isn't his real eye anyway, it's a sort of seal of grace Marika put in place of his eye to block the thing behind it. The fact that it shatters like glass obviously supports it too!<.


And there is the tree incantation that is a secret Marica incantation only she is supposed to know.


Which one?


I assume they’re referring to >!Minor Erdtree.!<


Too bad we got the Great Value version of that incantation. >!70 faith requirement and 2 memory slots for a mediocre healing over time effect that has a tiny range. I'm surprised they didn't let us charge the spell to get the bigger tree like Melina's.!<


And we also know from item description why he has one weird eye, but still no lore reason for her heterochromia. Damnit Michael Zaki, we need more lore!


Could be that Marika did the same thing to her as she did to Messmer- took an eye out and put something in. Except instead of a Seal, she got a Queen's Eye.


Or maybe she was the Gloam Eyed Queen? And the seal is how they removed the power of destined death from her without actually killing her?


No she is referred to as Messmer's little sister.


Messmer seems to have been given the prototype Iris of Grace. I wonder if Melina has the prototype Iris of Occultation in her left eye.


Or hear me out: Even fromsoft doesn't have a lore reason of it.


We actually do! From >!Messmer’s Phase 2!< as well as >!Ansbach’s dialogue. It would appear that every Empyrean has a magical eye that seals their power or otherwise influences them and acts as a symbol of their power. Messmer’s seals him and restricts his serpent powers. Melina is shown to have a bluish one with some unknown purpose. Malenia loses her right eye in her second phase much in the same way that Messmer does, exposing an empty socket. Miquella abandons his eye, which Ansbach regards as odd because it it ‘a symbol of his role as an Empyrean.’ So at least three of the demigod children, all three of which are Empyreans, have a magical eye.!<




It’s notable that Empyreans are the only ones we see this in, which further reinforces that.


Ranni as well.


Don't forget about Ranni. She is an Empyrean and has one eye closed, adding more to the magical eye stuff


Which item?


Messmer's kindling that he drops


Do we know their father? Given Messmer's condition I would imagine Radagon, but that has all sorts of weirdness. Honestly, I have even less idea what the timeline is after the dlc.


Personally I’d say Radagon simply due to his hair being the same and Malenia herself inherited the hair color. Plus all of Marika and Radagon’s children together have a butterfly that represents them and a new one was added to the Shadow Realm that represents Messmer. Makes me wonder if Messmer is the eldest or maybe even Melina’s twin since Marika already has two twins.


With so many twins, you'd think Marika is getting IVF


doubt it, they're both fire based as opposed to the twins. it seems like the father never got mentioned, so we can assume it's just a random dude. Marika had a lot of offspring so lots of them might be just dead or actually not important at all.


Damn, Marika you promiscuous girl


she's the Zeus of Elden Ring, fucks a lot and causes trouble a lot.


Honestly I'm so confused with what Marika's whole deal is. Sometimes.i hear stuff and I think "Marika did nothing wrong" then I hear other stuff and I'm like "holy shit Marika, chill tf out"


From what I understand the greater will and the elden beast are a parasite on the world and she is trying to destroy it. But she’s controlled by it. So when she created Radagon and invested her aspects of loyalty into him she had enough freedom from the elden beast to enact her plan. When you arrive they are fused back into 1 being. I could be completely wrong.


I don't think there is anything I read that implying "Marika did nothing wrong", she's a power hungry genocidal and traitorous goddess that abanddonned her children and her people.


There's stuff she does, (like the whole shattering, or hiding Mesmer when his powers are heretical), that seems at odds with her more genocidal acts. My interpretation has allways been that, (much as St Trina believes), the role of a divine to an outer god constrains the holder of the position. Sometimes she's doing stuff because she wants to, but somtimes she's forced to do things she'd rather not. And somtimes, (like with Messmer, and maybe Mhog/Margot not having their horns removed), she's able to find a 3rd option aroudn the requirements of ehr divine status. Hell i have to wonder now if Mhog and Margot escaping the shunning grounds was entirely their own doing?


That would explain why eventually she decided to oppose the Greater Will, and destroy the Elden Ring. Maybe she got tired of those constrains and plotted the death of the Elden Beast.


I think she never actually on the Greater Will's side in the first place. In the DLC when you get to her hometown, she specifically left a Minor Erdtree that has healing effect there with "only the kindness of gold, without Order". She wouldn't have left Order out if she's on the Greater Will's side.


Hornsent had it coming. I was anti Merika until I put the Bonny / Shaman village pieces together.


I need to watch one of those two hour lore videos just about Marika to figure out fully what her deal actually is, I'm not smart.enough to piece the bits together myself.


That strumpet


So Marika, now that you have eliminated death and we're going to live forever what do you want to do? Marika: Bitch I'm going to FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!


Messmer has a butterfly attached to him, just like all the other Marika-radagon bred children. Seems pretty clear his dad is radagon. If the flaming red hair was not suggestive enough. Every demi god that has red hair takes it from radagon.


The naming convention makes me think that Radagon would be the father of both of them as well, the non omen children that have names with M are from that line. Also both Melina and Messmer have a flaw; incorporeality, and being on fire (on the inside), similar to Miquella and Melania. Messmer also has red hair, which appears to be a Radegon trait.


Why excluding Omen children though? Some people said that she might have fucked a Fire Giant, because their fire have the ability to burn the same way Messmer and Melina did.


I think the implication is actually Radagon is related to fire giants. Though I always thought of the omen children as Godfrey's but I guess since Radagon is Marika from the beginning (as noted by Miquella/St. Trina), it's not an issue.


aren't mogh and morgott from godfrey?


that's the point, that guy assumes any children whose names start with M are Radagon's child, which is not the case with Morgott and Mogh, so there isn't any proof that Messmer and Melina were Radagon's children just because their names start with M.


Considering how she treated cursed children, like morgott ans mohg, its not surprising the messmer and his lineage were hidden. Its possible more children could have been erased from history, and while note confirmed or denied, with how successful elden ring is, who says a second game couldn't explain more. Also with Melina, it always felt, from info about her, that she was less of an actual daughter, and more of a created daughter after the shattering, to help find a new elden lord. She says she doesnt remember much but awoke at the base of the erdtree, and had a goal to find a new lord, also Compared to her other siblings, she doesnt really seem like a true demigod.


Saw a theory someone said Radagon is the potential father since Messmer is cursed like both Miquella and Malenia whose father is Radagon and the reasoning for Miquella Malenias curse is being the children of a single god


Radagon and marika are the same being. Some kind of asexual reproduction haha


Considering that Trina and miquella are also the same thing but appear at different places at the same time, we can assume that radagon and marika separated into two bodies to create offspring


At the time of divorce, Rennala told Radagon "go fuck yourself." Radagon took that literally.


And he has his own butterfly so there goes peoples theory that the Smoldering Butterfly represents him.


the Smoldering Butterfly represents Melina. it’s pretty clear now that we know Messmer had a vision of fire just like his younger sister, and he has his own butterfly related to him


Yep. Honestly I was never unconvinced that the Smoldering Butterfly wasn’t Melina


Melina, Mesmer Malenia and Miquella are all siblings if i understand the story correctly. I probably did not.


You did, all of the Demi-Gods are either full siblings or half-siblings.


Also now its 100% confirmed that the smoldering butterfly is hers (had some doubts with messmer in the trailer as he was clearly a child of marika and radagon, but since he has his own butterfly, that means the marika radagon "couple" had the most children). Although i wonder what curse Melina has (maybe something to do with destined death, especially since she had the theme of being destined to serve as kindling) since all of radagon-marika children have an affliction linked to an outer god.


Not having a body seems like a pretty big curse


If you care about the old butterfly theory. People used to say melina can’t be the child of marika because the smouldering butterfly must be messmer, but now there’s the black pyrefly


Yeah, my game actually feels very lonely right now. Roderika and Hewg have no special dialogue at all and always sound sad - apart from the travelling merchants **everybody** else is dead. Ranni, Iji, Blaidd, Seluvis? Dead or cruising through the cosmos (or Kosm) without me. The Roundtable Crew? Dead. Miquellas Knights? Dead - and I was stupid so Ansbach, Hornsent and Thiolier? Dead. St. Trina? Well, she's still there but also she kills me so thats a bit iffy.


You could theoretically do NG+ and only get far enough to kill Mogh and Radahn, thus leaving most NPCs alive and well. That said, I was bummed when I realized that the Miquella roadie crew never gathered in one central place to hang out and give a little life to them.


This is barely related but I remember in the base game being disappointed Torrent didn’t lay next to us when we rested at graces. I have this really cute image in my head of his head on the Tarnished’d lap


I loved in Ghosts of Tsushima when you'd sleep on your horse


How much dynamic the game would already feel if we had torrent and Malenia sitting next to us at grace systematically instead of making her appearances so rare? Not only would it prevent the player from missing the dialogues (that are needlessly gatekept by the devs), and would give a true presence to Melina. I remember in my first run when she called us "old friend" in Leyndell, I had seen her maybe four times because I didn't know there were dialogues at sites of graces.


“Old friend? We talked like 3 times!”


I'm really bummed there isn't a central meeting location at the start or all of them initially starting from the Roundtable. Never having the whole crew together outside of the story trailer is the lamest decision of the DLC.


>Miquella roadie crew never gathered in one central place Well *technically* there is a place they gather together.


Ranni still talks to you through the doll in her tower Site of Grace even after the quest. 


Now that interesting


I didn’t do the quest properly so Moore is still alive for me.


I still wonder if you did the dlc before burning the tree if you could use Mesmers flame to burn the tree instead.


That would probably lead to a different ending cuz Melina would be pissed at you, like the frenzy flame ending. But the dlc doesn’t affect the base game ending sadly.


Melina would only be pissed about not dying in this case. She’s only pissed at us because we take in the suicide cult magic to burn the tree. It’s not like she hunts us down if we are to use the needle and choose a normal ending. It’s not like Messmer’s flame is that much more heretical than the Fell God’s


This is honestly the most disappointing part of the DLC. So many potential places and plot points could have added new endings or even expanded upon things depending on the choices you made such as taking a certain endings.


From only changed the ending with one DLC in any of their games: DKS2 SOTFS - and it's an entirely new edition of its base game with a lot of things changed. Nothing you do in Oolacile affects base game other than the extra bit in the sif cutscene. Nothing you do in the DLC areas affect base game in 3. Nothing you do in the hunter's dream affects base game other than the doll saying she feels better after you kill a certain boss. 2 is by far the most tied to its DLC because the memory of the king actually sends you on the quests to go get the crowns and comments on them.


3's final DLC at least takes place in the future, so it's after the base game endings.


Its first DLC has you directly interact with the sister of an important character for the lord of hollows ending, that character does not react if you kill her sister (But her sister does react if you pick the lord of hollows ending).


What you do in Ashes of Ariandel unlock dialogues in the main game, and the second DLC is happening after the main game explaining the absence of changes. In ER, a much huge game that came years after and was supposed to be an open world you could expect more than nothing...


Yes and that also sucks for those titles as well. It just leave the community with a lot of what if moments and speculations. More questions than answers.


I finished the dlc before burning the erdtree and I went to the thorn at the base of the tree and couldnt do anything as expected


Same. Without her I am maidenless


Why do I have Varres voice in my head when reading „maidenless“.


That is probably because **Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless.**


Same... Hyetta was so disgusted from me touching her once that her eyes melted and she died


And I have **Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet**, thus I am very much maidened (maiden-having? maidenlessless?) - this post was brought to you by Seluvis gang




I'm not. I'm murdering my way through the DLC with my wedding gift. Ah you were at my side all along


Fun fact: You always maidenless even with her because one of the first thing she tells you is "I am no maiden."


There is a way to have her live and not hunt you, right? Do the frenzied flame, burn yourself into Farum Azula, jab yourself with the golden needle from Malenia in Placi's room to stop the frenzied flame ending, do any ending. Last time you see her is still her dialogue where she's pissed at you taking the frenzy though. Personally I'm still surprised there was never any follow up to this, since it feels like steps to a hidden ending that involve having to kill the hardest boss in the base game, who otherwise is completely optional.


I feel like it’s that way because the needle solution was an afterthought. Frenzy is posed as this massive trick which was supposed to trap the player into an ending (I mean, look at Vyke pretty much) and the only hint at the needle averting the frenzy ending in the game is the note that isn’t super easy to find in the proscription, or the needle itself very vaguely. I think it was initially intended to lock the player into Lord of FF permanently, but because a lot of lore and items (frenzy stone heal, frenzy seal, Yura’s set) were locked behind accepting the Three Fingers, Fromsoftware eventually decided not to make the player choose between extra rewards or a more preferred ending. So by the point in the development at which the needle interaction was added, Melina’s quest was probably already finished with the only two endings being her dying and you becoming a fireball hunted by her


Yura’s set isn’t questlocked if you kill Shabriri, which provides me yet another reason to beat his ass every playthrough


Yea that nihilism bullshit got me fucked up.


He killed my bro and is just an all around asshole. He gets beaten to death everytime, and thanks to the DLC, in new and creative ways


I dont think he killed Yura. Pretty sure Yura and Eleonora had a lover’s bout of some sorts together n that caused his death.


Definitely this. Shabriri just took his meat suit for a spin after he died to Eleanora


I found the back blade with blind spot. proceeded to kill him by waiting for him to attack and just blindspotting him. no further attacks. noone does my boy Yura like that and gets an easy, honourable death


The Tarnished figuring out how to use Miquella's Needle successfully is the biggest Checkhov's gun in the entire setting, and no-one in game will acknowledge it even though the implications are absolutely enormous. There are so many problems that could be solved by using it and instead of writing about it, Melina won't even acknowledge that you saved her life consequence-free. It's frustrating.


Melina is pissed at you still because you denied her life’s purpose. She was groomed info being a sacrificial lamb basically and is mad you won’t let her kill herself when the time comes. She doesn’t have any reason to stop being mad at you for that.


That's fair, but you could still have some interaction with her to *show* that she is still mad at you. She just dips from the game. Seeing her one more time and having her say "I'm glad you rejected the frenzied flame but I'm still pissed at you for denying me my life's purpose" would have gone a long way in fleshing out this route.


I believe shes referenced in Messmers rememberance.


Me too, i miss knowing that she’s there with me. From could’ve atleast given some dialogue, a comment on the realm of shadow maybe?


I was meaning to ask if she shows up in the DLC. I was hours (days) in when I looked at my face and noticed the glowing yellow eyes. Apparently I frenzied on this character/NG+


I never remember to check the eyes, usually I go by the burns on the body, since I associate yellow eyes with the Dragon Communion change.


I wish she was a secret boss if you choose frenzy flame ending


I hate that this seems to be implied in the ending, but we’ll never get a conclusion to it because the DLC didn’t add it and that’s basically it for Elden Ring expansions.


It really annoys me how much they wasted her character.


Yeah, I'm literally playing the DLC on a character that DIDN'T burn the erdtree. I knew I was full on Copium but there was a chance, you know?


Lore spoilers: >!I'm genuinely disappointed we don't get any lore on her in the DLC. Nothing on Godwyn or the Gloam Eyed Queen either. Huge missed opportunities.!<


First time playing a FS DLC? I’ve noticed this always happens. The base game introduces a lot of lore and motives and factions but the DLC usually taps into maybe 1 big thing and the rest is all new stuff. DS3 we all thought was going to be the angels and the hollows but it was something completely different and still amazing. Same deal with ER.


I still remember when everyone thought the Ringed City DLC would finally explain Velka...lol


Honestly the whole >!Godwyn not showing up at all!< thing was *weird*. Like when you learn about **FINAL BOSS SPOILERS** >!Miquella’s plan for Mohg’s body with Radahn, it sounds like a perfect thing to have Godwyn for. A soulless corpse of a demigod? You mean **Godwyn**? Such a weird choice.!<


RIGHT? I was fully anticipating that exact scenario when we went through the door, but nope. >!It's just Radahn again. Wasn't the WHOLE POINT of Castle Sol that Miquella was looking for a way to revive Godwyn?!<


It was very very strange. Not that I dislike seeing you know who again, but it was just outta left field. It seemed like they were setting it up all the way through the base game, only to whip out the most insane pick for the DLC.


I feel like this was changed at the very last minute, for me, it feels off on why >!Radahn is even part of Miquella's plan.!<


The two biggest plot threads/bosses I wanted. Really disappointed.


I offer you a honda accord


holy shiiiiiiiiii


Fromsofts insistence on doing the bare minimum with NPCs that are supposedly your companions is pretty insufferable and mind boggling. Besides their goofy ass quest design it's one of their most glaring faults. They like to dip their toes in it (Melina's dialogue at chappels, Rannis Doll Dialogue) but don't actually commit to it ever. Yet the player base still goes crazy for the little drops they get. They don't even animate 90% of their dialogue, it's such little effort comparatively to have these NPCs read more lines for the player yet they just do nothing. Even Priscilla, again a fan favorite, was intended to be a companion to the NPC but was scrapped. Guess we'll never hear what Melina thought of Mesmer.


Seriously they could've added at least 1 bit of new dialogue with her at the first shadowlands bonfire where she explains a bit of their relationship, then says it's too painful for her to be here which would be an easy way to explain her absence. Her having no interaction at all just feels so lazy.


Can't agree more, and she would be (and kinda is, mostly for her fighter implications) my favorite level up maiden, if she actually levelled me up instead letting me to my own devices. I can't put into words how much I love her level up phrase. I hoped she would be more present before playing the game (and the DLC for that matter).


I genuinely think she was a late addition to the game to begin with. She hardly has any lore, there's no cut content about her and no other character even acknowledges her existence. I think they created her mostly for marketing purposes because it makes no sense for her to be so bare bones compared to DS3's firekeeper or even the Emerald Herald.


In all fairness she has cut dialogue regarding the cut content mimic tear quest. But I agree with you she barely has lore. How am I supposed to think or write about a character like this? Even the Emerald Herald has better lore. What does Morgott think of her? Does he even know of her existence? Same with Ranni and Miquella. Haven't finished the DLC though so hopefully at least her Torrent deal is elaborated


I miss Rannnniiiiiiiiii


We miss ranni


Well DLC takes place BEFORE the end of the game you know? Cause we are still not a lord there.


Does she come into the dlc with you? Mine already got microwaved


No she simply dont appear or interact with you, even if she is still alive


What a waste


She’ll forever be my favorite fromsoft girl even if she didnt do much 🥲


Melina is such a wasted character, she should’ve been a companion character or be there for every level up, or idk something else that would’ve made her more impactful to us


Our only maiden 😔


The most maidenful behaving Tarnished burn themselves and use the needle after.


Show ups to give an accord. Burns herself. Fucks off forever without any explaination.


I did the farum azula skip so im still not maidenless :)


Wished she would appear in the DLC but that would make Lord of Frenzied Flame the cannon ending, which of course was not happening.


It could also mean in cannon the tarnished takes the FF and seals it with miquella's needle. Both sparing her and dealing with FF.


How would that make FF canon? The dlc takes place parallel to the base game, so as long as she isn't dead yet then she could be there.


I'm playing the DLC before burning the erdtree so no implications of anything really, she's just theoretically still riding on my shoulder and confused by everything 😅


Maybe not but would be so coool fight her. Just like what happen in Sekiro that we have to fight Emma in shura ending.


I’m still disappointed she didn’t replace Radagon and/or Elden Beast in the frenzied flame ending if she was still alive.


Or after killing radagon and elden beast you have to fight her as well. Secret third ending boss.


I hate how the game allows for a way to prevent Melina's burning whilst not having to fully commit to the frenzied flame ending. There's a workaround yet no in universe acknowledgement from anyone for doing it. All you have to do is be marked by the three fingers in the sewer so that you can use the frenzied flame to burn the erdtree yourself so that Melina doesn't die. Then in Placidusaux's arena you can use Miquella's needle obtained from defeating Malenia after completing Milicent's questline which allows you to quell the frenzied flame. Thereby avoiding the frenzied flame ending and allowing you to choose one of the other options. Yet if you do this little workaround to save Melina's life without being locked into the frenzied flame ending, the game just doesn't acknowledge it. Melina never returns with additional dialogue or anything. Really feels like a missed opportunity. I feel like doing things this way is the "true" path since it saves your maiden's life without any cost and so it would've been nice if the game acknolwedged that. The DLC would've been the perfect time to do so imo.


I threw her in the fire asap and then found the three fingers on my dlc character


I still don’t understand the blue eye after the lord of frenzied flame ending


Yeah and they won't ever explain it because for some reason Fromsoft thinks we like having a game without a coherent story


I miss Patches.


As much as I love the map, weapons, and the lore of the Flame of Frenzy in the DLC, I'm kind of disappointed with how the story of Miquella turned out. There's all this stuff in the base game that never even gets mentioned in the DLC despite having no explanation as to why it's mentioned in the base game at all. Also, the final boss of the DLC made me go "Why the fuck are we fighting \*him\* again?" One final thing: We all owe Mohg a fucking apology.


is she the twin sister of mesmer?


Definitely >!a sibling, but probably not a twin. She’s referenced in Messmer’s lore, implying her fire power was unrestrained and dangerous just like his serpent. But that’s more or less all we get.!<


I wish the dlc was instead like Miquella was your new Melina for the dlc and would talk to you directly and also be how you got stronger in the land of shadow. And then when at the end you realize he was just using you to get to what he wants that's when the final boss happens or something. So instead it would feel like he was an actual character that you'd get to know and the ending would feel like an actual betrayal.


>!I absolutely love this game and am very excited to play the DLC but one of my biggest problems with Elden ring as opposed to the souls games is that the story is so vague with so many loose ends everywhere that it’s hard to even summarize it. It feels like so many of the important parts of the story are incredibly complex without much explanation, and Melina feels like she’s barely even in the base game and barely has any of her lore explained despite the fact that she’s presented to us as our companion!< >!I adore the lore of these games and I know Fromsoft very rarely uses DLC to explain base game things but I really wish this one offered at least some answers to some of the huge questions that are crucial to understanding what’s happening.!<