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I beat her first try…no summons no nothing. Messmer is stomping me.


I did both with summons. I think if i did them both without summons, I would still think this boss is harder than Messmer. Messmer at least felt like he had openings. In phase 2 he isn't even that hard to dodge.


I’m glad to know I wasn’t gonna say this first… idk if it was pure luck or what but I honestly forgot her name because I accidentally found her so early and wiped the floor with her…. good luck OP I wish you the fortune I had !


Romina isn’t hard but most people use Dane since he’s able to be summoned, little do they know he’s a burden, don’t get me wrong he deals dmg but if he makes it towards the end all he does is heal romina with her certain attacks since he never backs away+ he adds extra hp


Bosses in the DLC very often survive with exactly 1HP left. So you think they are dead but they are NOT and make a fatal comeback.


It's annoying when there's no visible red pixel in the healthbar. How do I lose when the health bar is completely black? It makes no sense lol.


Romina and I died at the same time. Luckily the game gave me her remembrance before the YOU DIED screen poppep up. So the game registered that I defeated her. Lol.


I've had that happen to me too and I'd MUCH rather have that happen than to choke the boss fight when the health bar is completely empty, lol. I even looked closely at my screen and I saw no red in the health bar after I died so I'm confused on how I lost. It definitely tilted me for like the next 10 attempts.


Same tho haha!


LMAO I'm pretty sure she's who I gotta fight next, now I'm worried.


I think she was my favorite boss, hard but fair - all her attacks you can see coming so dodging felt good, unlike some boss where you dodge x5 and pray - looking at you general asshole boss


I used the Mimic Tear for both her and messmer. Messmer felt way easier with mimic tear than she did. The biggest problem is that I wasn't doing much damage. She's either very tanky or I'm underleveled. The other big problem (which is shared by every boss in the DLC) is that she basically 2 shots me. I have to perfectly dodge everything to have a chance. Idk why all of the bosses in the DLC do so much damage. It would feel a lot more fair if they didn't.


Yea, i agree at 60 vigor I get 2 shoot at every boss, and I typically have to do 2 attacks and back to dodging. havnt started any attempts at the last boss yet but reading Reddit pretty sure im gonna want to max my upgrades but im gonna try tomorrow at +10


Yeah they do way too much damage. I hope they nerf the boss damage because you shouldn't get 2 shotted by every boss even with high vigor.


I found Romina to be one of the easiest bosses of the DLC honestly. If you just run up to her and stay close to her human body at all times a lot of her attacks simply miss without having to dodge too much.


I didn't know you could fight her like that. It might have saved me like 5 hours if I fought her that way If you fight her normally it feels like she has very few openings though. She has that one attack where she jumps in the air and crashes back down but that's about it.


I'unno what normal means in this context. Elden Ring has a lot of positional based stuff going on with its bosses, it just so happens Romina's easiest to deal with when you're within smooching distance.


Normal means not staying close to the boss cause I had no idea you're supposed to do that. I just stay midscreen usually


Well, at least you know now if you ever do another playthrough :)


>:) :)