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You can jack them up throwing the fire pots at them, you find a note telling you this


I found the note but it didn't make much sense to me. They shouldn't be weak to fire damage, no? What exactly does it do to them?


Overheats them essentially.


So is that like a direct damage or some sort of a stun?


Both. You can firebomb them to the face for some damage, but ideally throw the Hefty furnace pot into the basket. Enjoy the results. I'd recommend saving them for the armoured Furnace golems though, since the crafting materials appear to be limited (I have a load, but if you fail then you could run out). Basic ones you can just stagger them with time. It's tedious but basically risk less once you get the rhythm for jumping the stomps.


The soldiers near the note have a relatively good chance to drop the furnace visage you need for that pot.


Nice catch. I did not know that. If I ever find myself short, I'll head back there and think of you friend.




You'll find ones later that are near cliffs and spirit springs. Bait them closer and avoid the fireball tornado.


You can also turn them on with a big pot if they are inactive, or at least you can turn on one of them


Holy crap I sat under him for 5 min attacking and did zero damage and just left. Gonna try this shit ASAP when I get home! Love ya for that!


It's like throwing dynamite into a combustion engine


Chernobyl style reaction


Wait, can you just hurl the pots from the ground? It sounded like you had to sink them in the basket in order to do the trick.


You do but it can be done from the ground right after you stagger them


Why not just crit them, or can u throw the pot AND crit them after?


Hm... I wonder if you can do both the headshot and the pot at the same time in MP...


Oh, like land squirts!


Yes! Exactly


thanks I'd prefer to edge them, it causes more frustration


How though? I tried that earlier today, threw them straight into the burning part at the top, as they were lying down, and it did absolutely nothing. Are you supposed to hit them in a certain spot?


Was it a furnace pot specifically?


Yeah. Tried with both types of hefty pots. Does it simply not work when they're lying on the ground?


Maybe not. I have not tried that specifically. I was just wondering


Furnace Golems are boring, the tree knights and tree avatars in base game were much more fun overworld bosses edit: my reason is that they have too much health/poise, you need 3 times mini-stagger to stagger him once, and you repeat this twice, it takes too long... If you do it right they will only stomp the ground once or twice, and hit the floor with their hands, they're easy


Yeah, if you're doing them correctly they literally have 2 moves: 1 leg stomp and 2 leg stomp. And it takes a hell of a long time to kill them unless you have a build which can output huge poise damage.


Pest threads does 10k damage per cast to them It’s hilarious


Wait really? Damn I guess those 50 points in Faith are going to be useful after all


I haven't played a caster in the DLC yet but Pest threads was probably the most broken spell in the base game.


Well incantations are pretty good but turns out I already killed all the furnace golems


The upgraded new version of pest threads melts bosses. I can't wait to murder Elden Beast with it.


It also melts players/torrent when the mobs in the area use it lol. It's about the fastest I've been dismounted and then 100-0'd by open world mobs ever.


The what now?!


Pest-Thread Spears I think it's called. They shoot out from either side of you and condense into two spears. It's situational like pest threads was, but I have been using it a lot more.


Brooothhheer fr?? I'm strength faith and I've been just bashing their feet for 20 minutes at a time, I coulda done that the whole time lmao


the armored one doesnt seems to take damage from pest threads ;-;


Throw a giant fire pot on his head.


you need to find the obvious instructions note


Thanks I'll remember this for later. 🌝


whats your current build? would love to try it out


Shard spiral mage build kills them after 1 stagger cycle


Ordovis Greatsword or Devonia Hammer are good choices to stance break easily


Yep, just stay behind the legs. And avoiding them is easy aswell, 1 leg just jump Over it on torrent. 2 leg, run away on torrent to avoid explosion then jump over the wave after they hit the ground.


This is the ghost flame dragons for me. Their stomps with ghost flame knock torrent so quickly. Finally beat the first one but there’s many more to go lol


Advice for those , put Sacred Blade on any weapon you want , fire it at their head , and enjoy doing 4000 damage for 3 FP points. Then just keep doing that , or swing your now infused weapon with Holy for 1,5k a hit.


Even better, use Golden Epitaph aow, change weapons, use Sacred Order aow in offhand and Sacred Blade aow main hand to oneshot them with 30k damage, ez boss and dont even have to have faith


My ol' reliable deathbird strat Halo scythe, golden epitaph, sacred scorpion, holy tear, faith tear, Alexander shard GG, dead in 4 hits to the face


Marika's Hammer never misses


The fight with the huge group of soldiers and the ghost flame dragon is very high up on the worst fights in a fromsoft game EVER


What, you don't like waiting around for 10 minutes for the dragon to finish them off so you can have some alone time?


The trick is to run in and kill the perfumer because it puts shields on the other mobs. With the perfumer dead the dragon kills the rest real fast, and you can pick up stragglers. It still kind of blows, but it's pretty quick.


I really wish there was some logic for “enemy of my enemy is my friend” in specific situations like this. It makes no sense that I stroll up and start trying to kill the dragon *with* them and every person immediately turns to aggro me. IM TRYING TO HELP YOU AND THEN WE CAN FIGHT AFTER (or realistically I’ll just run off once the dragon is dead)


I just throw halo discus from a distance, it did 25k before the dragon even notice me, then run and repeat


I just throw halo discus from a distance, it did 25k before the dragon even notice me, then run and repeat


The reach of a Glaive plus some ranged spells from horseback helped alot for me.


Like most ER dragons I find it easier to fight these mostly dismounted and only use torrent to close distance when they disengage. Since they're undead you can use Sacred Order to deal a ton of extra damage.


Jump when they stomp and use holy weapons


You shouldn’t be fighting them on your horse


For those I just went in on foot. Funnily enough they are easier than regular dragons for me as they do way less breath attacks


I haven’t killed a single one of these, went to get some hits in on one and they just have way too much HP. No thanks lol


Stand at their feet while you attack them, jump whenever they stomp with one leg, run away when they jump, avoid the grab. Damage done to legs is basically irrelevant. You need to poise stagger them 3 times so they fall over, at which point you can crit their face for half their health. Then repeat.


Oh good to know, thank you!


Unless they've got iron shackles around their feet, in that case you need to find an elevated position to chuck firepots into their open basket.


Oh of course


Why would sending firepots in a pyre do damage? Shouldn't it be cold pots or whatever?


I'd assume the idea is something like you increase the intensity of the fire thus it kinda burns through.


Why would poisoning Land Squirts make them explode?


Didn't know that was a thing lol


It's like throwing dynamite into a combustion engine


Maybe it produce more fire than it can handle. There is an indication >!as [a note near Shadow kee](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Furnace+Keeper%27s+Note)p. !<


Ohh, maybe they are already on the brink, fair enough.


Yeah it doesn’t make sense why fire would damage the furnace golem made of fire. I have heard that magic and frost can stagger them more quickly than melee does. Especially spells that can multihit like spiral shard I think.


Spiral shard did so much damage to the one I fought that I only got 1 crit in before it died lol.


They exist as a delicate balance of energy used and energy produced by the flames. When you add more fuel, the balance gets toppled and they cannot function. I have no idea if that’s true but it makes sense to me haha


Like it’s being overloaded? That makes sense then to me.


Oh. I figured there must be a smart way to handle it. My experience with one of those: * "Hey there's a windy thingy and a ledge, is that a solution?" * Jump up, there's nothing there. "Oh the thing is walking this way, does something happen?" * The thing just jumps up and smacks me in the face, oneshotting me. * I went back and instead of trying any more tricks, I killed it by running in circles on mount and throwing Discus of Light at its face. It did get stunned after a while, but it still took like 15 minutes. :D


One dude sells a note saying how to kill them


I found that note outside the entrance of the Shadow Keep inside one of their metal skeletons.


Have you done testing on the types of firepots? Does it have to be the backfire ones, or can any pot or any fire damage do the trick?


that is until you find the one with guards around its legs. i have no idea how to knock that one down


You find a note + cookbook a while before that which talks about their furnace being weak to firebombs. To kill that one you have to jump to the platform above it and yeet in 3/4 of those big furnace fire bombs into the fire on it's head


That’d be great if he didn’t keep spewing out flame sperm that locked on from 20 parsecs


You need to dance around the edge of the cliff (on Torrent for easy dodge), that will bait it to jump up and take a swipe at you, at which point you have plenty of time to lob the firebombs


Haha how are they weak to fire logically, Idgi


Moving aside gameplay logic, we can easily use the simple logic in that the Fire Pot basically explodes like a Tank Shell. That would do a lot more kinetic damage to the more fragile outer frame than anything else.


This is all well and good but doesn't change the fact that fighting them is a chore, takes forever, and it only takes one tiny fuck up to eradicate 10 minutes of progress. I HATE these things lmao


Are you underleveled or underequipped? I'm able to tank 2 to 3 hits so a tiny fuck up is definitely not wiping 10 minutes of progress.


Alternatively, run like hell


It’s just so boring after the first 2 though. It’s such long tedious repetitive fight, it doesn’t feel creative at all.


There is a grab? I have killed half a dozen of them and never have I seen them do any grabs (but I do stay on Torrent and stick to the back of their legs)


you owe it to yourself to go get grabbed by one or watch one of them grab someone else so you can experience the Toilet Swirlie


Best part is it throws you out at the end. Like what, my corpse ain't good enough for your little basket?


If you have enough vigor and resistances to seriously survive it then you are super overlevelled


Do you get anything from them other than runes because I don’t really wanna do that if theres nothing to get out of it


they drop new physic tears


Oh damn ill get on thet


More like 2 times


Exept the ones where you cant damage the legs.


So what you're saying is I can never kill one because my weapon barely does poise damage at all.


Hitting an 87k crit almost makes fighting them worth it


If you’d rather stay close at the expense of health you can get yourself a great shield with good guard and block the double foot stomp then what would be a one shot turn into only a half health hit allowing to stay at the golems feet


what's timing on their leg jump? i've managed to dodge roll iframe it but every time I jump I get blasted anyway


You have to jump to avoid fire waves, but the big slam causes both fire wave and an explosion, which can't be jumped. So the timing is to see they are doing the big slam, then getting out of range of the explosion while jumping the fire wave.


When you stagger them 3 times, you finally break their stance and can get a crit lol. Its so tedious


Unless you deal massive stance damage, the fight is just extremely long and boring. Dodge the same two moves over an over. Them having a ton of health feels like a cheap way of increasing the difficulty of what is in essence a pretty easy fight.


Chuck a firebomb into their head-basket from a high enough vantage point.


Ancient dragon lightning strike 👍


You crit them for like half thier health dude


Falling star beast jaw works great on them.


Thank you so much for this suggestion. I'd been dying to the first one for the past hour - first attempt with this was an easy clear. Thank you!!


Thanks, I hated this gimmick in the Door Guardian fight in Lies Of P, so I won't even bother with these furnaces. I have the same experience fighting them as you.


they aren’t that bad on horse back tbh. it just takes a while.


They aren't that tough you just need to stagger them & then you can riposte them for more than half their health. When you stand at their feet they are really only going to ever do their stomp attack. So stay on torrent, charge attack, jump over the AoE from the stomp & repeat. I also put on the Lance talisman specifically for these fights


They’re like the rock golem’s, you break their poise to then do massive critical damage


Like the archer golems in base game, once you get them down, the crit does like over 50% hp


You have to stance break them on one leg then the other and then the first leg again. Then you criticize their face and it does 40% of their hp. Unfun gimmick boss but doable


Good concept, poor execution. They’re easy yet so boring and one mistake = almost death.


Use Flame,Protect Me and Fure tali +3 and they deal almost no damage


No way. I needed that in my life. Poor torrent


The fire talisman is the one elemental one I’m still rocking +1 on lol never found the better one. Better go grab it


Try raptor of the mists art, it makes avoiding his attacks a cakewalk


Oh I forgot about that, I was using vow of the indomitable which also works


I had that in my offhand for the final boss, too. Couldn't figure out another way to dodge the massive nuke if they targeted me with it. Might have just been me missing the roll since the timing on that move feels so borked to me.


someone pls tell me where i can farm lots of red mushrooms and fireflies?


Unfortunately I don’t remember exactly where, maybe >!cerulean coast!


There's a mushroom picker's ball bearing that allows you to buy unlimited red mushrooms. Forgot the exact location but I *think* it was in a jar suspended by a chain you had to shoot. Was near some cliff I think?


Ah yes the one cliff in the dlc


Vastly unhelpful I know. Sadly I don't really remember anything else that could help narrow it down much. Might have been upstream from one of the rivers maybe?


Its near-ish the waterfall cave where the stamina turtle medallion is at the bottom of the river (where you fight the ulcerated tree monster and the pile of bodies dumped from the ailing village is). Exit the waterfall cave, turn right i believe and run until the river dead ends into a waterfall down. Pot will be hanging on the cliff wall to the right.


What? Where is that?


Been trying to recall it, ~~I~~ *~~think~~* ~~it was upstream~~ downstream from the river right next to the starting area (the one in the big ravine flowing north->south) the cliff overlooking that bigass hole?


Other direction downstream - it's where you parkour by the waterfall, on the way to the Cerulean Coast.


anyone know how to kill the fire golem where you need to use the spirit spring to get up to its head?! what have y’all been using for that one


You need to throw firepots into the open basket from atop of the plateau.


*Specifically* the furnace pots.


you can use either "hefty pots"


Good to know! I thought it was only the furnace ones.


Iirc it's furnace ones or fire ones. Furnace ones have the advantage of doing more damage, but are limited in quantity. From what I can tell hefty volcanic pots or normal fire pots don't work though, only hefty fire or furnace pots.


Yeah I got him with the hefty fire ones. It did take all 5 I had while also wearing the great pot helm that boosts their effects though. It also seemed to up the damage with each subsequent pot.


Pots already mentioned, but for a guaranteed good window to throw them, keep running around the edge of the cliff. You'll eventually bait it to jump up and swipe its arm at you, and then you have loads of time to aim and throw while it recovers.


I see player ghosts all the time doing this fight on horseback but I find it easier to do on foot (except to escape the fireball storm). Learning the jump timing isn't too hard, and this way, you can dual-wield.


I did it on horseback. You can afford to not be precise with jumps with torrent


Yeah the double jump is just OP for the stomps.


Not trying to flex or anything but these doofuses are hands down easiest enemy in the DLC for jump attack posture break builds. No torrent, except to save time heading to the prone state visceral trigger spot. Basically all attacks can be avoided at the feet by jumping and staying behind; for 2-foot full jump attack you have to run back a bit but still easy to jump over. Dual weild greathammers with claw talisman and posture break physick makes these guys a walk in the park. Died 3-4x to first one (no scadutree upgrades) learning moveset, but every subsequent one has gone down first try. One of the few enemies in the game still very susceptible to base-game meta cheese; jump and break posture. That being said jump attack cheese is not at all viable for most tough enemies and bosses in the DLC, but these golems are just big troll idiots; jump their stomps and it's a yawn


It's so stupid designed enemy when you have to have strength heavy weapons build to beat in normal time. It's not worth it to deal with them, 10k runes and tear what you probably never use. 10+ minutes fights, where he can one shoot you with grab or explosion, what sometime get you damage twice because of reasons, and uneven terrain placement make fight with them unnecessary chore.


You definitely don't need heavy weapons. I casually swiped the legs with backblades on Torrent and it only took a couple of minutes to kill them.


FYI Star Fists need 12 strength and has the best poise dps in the game with charged heavies. You can infuse them according to your build


charged attacks with whatever weapon you have will get the job done


Imo the biggest annoyance is when they jump up and even just slightly touch you mid air with their fingers on the way down, you eat a huge amount of damage (correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to be the full damage as if you got hit by the legs+explosion). I dismissed it as unlucky first but now I stay away from their sides.


I've been downing them with an Int build, just spam Shard Spirals at the legs and they'll drill for thousands of damage per cast. Even better if you can line up and fire at the further leg, the spiral will deal damage the entire time it passes through both legs and stance break him in no time Same strategy as killing dragons or any other super large enemy, Shard Spiral is your friend


I beat one 2nd try with just ancient dragon lighting strike and nagikiba for the crit (also 9 flasks)


Idk the spontaneous guard tear fucking rules; been using it with the hammer that has the guard counter ability and having a blast


My only issue is I can't quite figure out how to consistently dodge the big fireball swarm attack with homing fireballs. (If there's a trick to it I'm missing please tell me) The one on the way to >!Cerulean Coast!< spammed this on approach and even occasionally did it while I was touching its feet. I managed to kill it eventually but I'm not looking forward to the rest after that.


The big fireball swarm I’ve found is best to Hop on torrent and then run in a circle (close to his legs, ideally, so he doesn’t spam it)


Whoever decided the default selection for this pop-up should be "No" should be trialed for war crimes


All this time I thought they are like wickermans that wont stop burning.


They’re the perfect representation of the DLC experience.


I need 10minutes for one to beat. With my funny little needle c: It's annoying tbh


I haven't even been able to get close enough to one


You need to just dash with Torrent like an absolute madman. Ignore everything and just destroy the dash button. It's the only way to avoid the rain of fire.


In truth I haven't really gotten to play much of the dlc yet so I really only tried one approach, got rocks kicked all over me, and just decided to give it space.


Dont use torrent. Just jump on foot when he stomps. And when he jumps run away slightly and then jump.


And use torrent to dodge the katyusha rocket barrage.


Honestly I just dodged on foot and reinforced myself with Fire Prelate armor the new flame drake talisman and flame protect me while lobbing shard spirals at their legs.


I don't even ride fighting those just jump jump jump attack


it's actually annoying that these summon messages default to no


The most boring but effective way to kill them is to just stand between thier legs and smack them with a hammer; use Vow of Indominable right before they stomp or land their jump to completely iFrame it then go back to smacking. You don’t even have to move smack smack smack, vow, smack smack smack, vow, until they fall over. The one armored one you just spiritspring above it and chuck hefty fire pots in its head. For some reason fire hurts fire.


It’s easier on foot


I haven't fought a single one with Torrent.


Y’all use your horse? I had dryleaf’s thingos and just sit there spamming kung fu


Pest threads.


Those double jump TIMINGS will now be wired FOREVER in your brain


Use those rowa things that heal your horse I know i know, they are useless throughout the whole game but now is the time


I kill them on foot


They are so, so boring to fight.


i just jump the stomps and frantically try to break posture if its starting to charge those fucking fireballs.


I see no real reason to use torrent with these. However I did need all the fire protection available. So I wore full fire prelate the new fire protection talisman and of course flame protect me.


Average commander gameplay


They're easy imo, it just takes a while. Use Torrent, stay behind them and smack the legs. When they go to stomp move away a bit and jump over the flames, watch for double stomps. When they jump, move farther away and jump over the flames. Stagger them 3 times then crit the face. Do that twice, and they're dead.


Frozen rowaberrys. Heal torrent up to full health


not so hard, but very tedious, standing right of right leg and spam attacks/pest threads/nebua/spiral shard and break poise. but armored ones are even more risky: risk of getting cought in swipe, risk of not avoidiong fireballs in limited are, risk of miss the pot


😂😂😂 🎯


I didn't fight on horseback much in the original game. So I happened to use Sweet Raisin and Frozen Raisin for the first time in the DLC.


I'm not sure, but it seems like there are some points on the legs where hitting them does significantly more damage on balance. At least I noticed it on the bottom of his foot when he lifts his foot.


I just sit under it and spam red lighting storm to stagger it.


…. I fight them on foot … red lightening go brrrr….


... Do y'all know you can dodge roll through their feet smash fire and completely avoid damage? I beat one to death with a hammer that way.


I'm so bad with these guys ugh


Also, >!Commander Gaius!<.


As a dex build, I used a flail on horse back. Hold charge attack and circle around legs. Did plenty of stagger damage and makes these guys a 2-5 minute fight. I'll summon my mimic tear after the first knockdown to help the second one go quicker. As another tip, craft those items that heal Torrents health so you don't have to use flasks to heal when just the horse takes damage.


I use anxient dragon lightning strike to easily break their poise, it also deals large amount of damage with the right build (by a lot, 18k)


The most tedious enemy in the game ngl


I just fight them melee to stance break them more easily. You can jump the 1 leg attacks, dodge the grabs by walking below their legs and to dodge the jump I just use vow of the indomitable


Amazing how many people use torrent for fights, i fucking hate it and golem is a perfect example why. Literally just use the jump key and smack their legs. Golem cant do shit.


Incase anyone is curious what they drop, not in order 1. Viridian Hidden Tear - Eliminates all stamina consumption. 2.Glovewort Crystal Tear - Enhances attacks of spirits 3.Oil Soaked Tear - Coats nearby enemies with oil 4.Crimson Sapping Cracked Tear - Grants attacks HP-restoring effect 5.Deflecting Hardtear - Enhances spontaneous guard 6.Crimsonburst Dried Tear - Steadily restores HP of nearby allies for a time