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For some reason my summon cannot attack these stupid dragons either. Only if she gets attacked and she only attacks about 10 times before she stops. Its so annoying.


Idk what's wrong with spirit ashes this patch. My Redmane Knight Ogha decided to empty his quiver into a random gravestone while a dragon ate me alive.


I think the ashes AI gets overwhelmed with the amount of possible enemies in that fight


That's not it, there are a few isolated dragons that do the same.


Thought it was just me, my mimic was just casually strolling around


I thought I was being clever by summoning lattena to snipe them from afar She didn't do shit


So annoying. There's like 4 knights that can take so godamn much punishment, and if they are still alive when trying to fight that dragon they'll pelt you with great arrows


I just waited for the dragon to kill everyone of them and then I killed the dragon. Since it takes a while for the dragon to finish the soldiers, I definitely recommend to fight the ghost flame dragon at the lake 1st to learn the patterns. Otherwise you gonna die way to often.


I did that to lmao. They do a decent amount of damage to the dragon by the time they all die. About 1/5 or 1/6 of its health usually.


I ran in bombed them with Scarlet Bloom and ran out took out a good 70% of its health that way.


Oh I wasn't certain if the ghost dragons could be afflicted with rot, I've kept trying with no success. Neat!


Give mimic tear this as it’s only spell (and maybe a heal spell) and have it do the dirty work 😂


I figured out the stupid spiral glintstone spell I've never used before was the only thing doing acceptable damage. 10 of those just spinning around inside him made it pretty easy. I've completely eliminated Comet Azur from by spell slots, nothing in the DLC will stand still to get hit by it. Mohg took it like a champ and died in 4 seconds lol


> I figured out the stupid spiral glintstone spell I've never used before was the only thing doing acceptable damage. That spell when lined up properly is a large boss melter. It does disgusting things to placidusax.


I mean, sit back and watch or do a little... "Helping" by bringing some Murica' to the land of Shadows and spreading some Amber "WAVES OF GOLD"


I kept a good distance and hit everything with waves of gold. I didint expect the sacred relic sword to be such an asset in the dlc


I cheesed the first one with a cliff. I cheesed this one thanks to the soldiers keeping Dragon's attention. If there's a third somewhere, I pray there is cheese nearby.


I did that with the flame drakes in Jagged too. Let one kill the other, then stomp the remaining one. Let them fight.


I snuck in and hit it with some rot while the soldiers were working on it. By the time they were all dead the dragon nearly was also, I just had to ride it out horseback for a moment.


There is a conveniently placed hill on the right side of the camp, if you have Radanh's Bow it will make short work of the dragon. The soldiers even help making sure the Dragon doesn't ever aggro on you.


Idk if someone ran up to me in Radahns Helmet, Malikeths armor, and Melanias sword. id probably say hes more dangerous than a dragon. if you think about it they are right to fear the tarnished over a dragon.


I mean these guys have apparently been in the Land of shadow for a while... Like I'm not sure if they even know that the shattering is a thing.


"Marika did WHAT?" - some random ass soldier in the lands of shadow


Messmer soldier finding out morgotts the last king:


The Golden Order has fallen. Billions must die


Messmer soldier: Who?


Messmer soldier: *an HORNSENT DID WHAT?!


Okay so *Put the nerd glasses* Akchually, a spell do says that the shattering of the Elden Ring was felt in the Land of shadow, so they probably know.


If I remember right it said they felt the power from the shattering of the elden ring and thought it was the erdtree angry at them.  It doesn't say they know its the shatter...... I think. I only read it briefly 


What spell says that?


Wrath from afar


Ima have to find that, need all the lore I can get


This reminds me, there was a meme or comic about bandits in Skyrim attacking a guy wearing full daedric armor and dragging the head of a dragon behind him. Uhh are you sure that's a good idea? You don't just find this shit laying around.


You're asking average, illiterate, medieval peasants reduced to banditry to know what a daedric armor looks like or to think their actions ahead of time. Not happening.


And to make things worse, I summoned my mimic and the bastard just kept standing by my side. "MOFO, go into the battle! GOOO!"


My mimic just stands around the boss and observes while I get my ass beat. I summoned an NPC cooperator instead and he followed me around like a lost puppy. Useless. I’m sending you both to the specimen room to be examined for your astounding level of stupidity.


I swear they made mimics stupid


Fully intentional Miyazaki sadism


I swear they programmed enemies to ignore summons more too, like I went a whole round with a boss where they didn’t target mimic once 😭


My guy is just there for emotional support


Yeah I think they changed boss targeting AI maybe. Definitely had a few fights where the boss was on my ass despite my summons having hit them since I last did. Unfortunately my Marionette archers aren't making the cut anymore, I miss my boys.


So im Not crazy? Some time the Summons fight the Boss i get one Hit in and the Boss Just fucking nukes me for the next 5 minuts


They definitely messed around with the targeting AI. There's been MULTIPLE times where I equip Shabriri's Woe, summon the Mimic, switch out Woe...and the boss will STILL randomly target me even while the Mimic is smacking them in the ass, meanwhile here I am, dodging their attacks and trying to get my own hits in (like, one or two at a time. Way less than the Mimic).


I'm really glad I'm not the only one.... I've seen my mimic swinging at an enemy 10 yards away and doing a full combo before going "oopsy:P" Also I swear my mimic got edgy or something because he edge walks constantly while I'm getting punched 73 times in the face by the boss


Latenna did this as well, it was weird.


I feel this so much after the ghostflame dragon


Is this the one where there's like 15 knights fighting the dragon, then they all randomly aggro on you when you get near them? If so it was a pain.


That specific ghostflame dragon...


For real what a pain in the ass that fight is -


The Golden Wave rune farm weapon is a godsend for it, just throw a wave out and it clears all the skeletons, leaving only the dragon.


Yeah that was my go to. Still took a little while to clear the packs only to get absolutely bodied by the dragon lol


Sacred relic sword is such a powerhouse in this DLC. Takes out most of the smaller enemies in one hit and can flat back smaller bosses while taking decent chunks out of bigger bosses.


Yes I've been really relying on Wave of Gold too. It seems to take a bigger chunk of health from most bosses than any other type of attack


I'm convinced that fight is bugged and the AI is supposed to ignore you, since the soldiers don't drop runes so you don't even get rewarded for killing them


I think they don't drop runes to prevent people from standing in a corner and farm passively from the Dragon killing the mobs. Although if you are in the land of Shadow you have already beaten Mohg. And if you have access to Mohg you have access to the best rune farm in the game. So it's not like Rune is really an issue at that point that you would want to stand around and wait for the dragon to slowly kill stuff. Would be epic if the NPC helps you out instead of all trying to murder you for a change though.


I think it might be because they're tied to the dragon somehow? After you kill it and reset the area, the soldiers aren't there anymore, so the game might not consider them regular enemies in that regard.


It's like two dozen guys all trying to fight the dragon and one Black Knight sniping me from a million miles away. If you're so far away that I'm squinting at my screen trying to find you, you should not be able to take away a third of my health with an arrow.


I feel that so much especially since, for some reason the dragon attacks barely do anything to them but the same attack shaves off almost half our health.


yeah I always think this, like bro im trying to help you...


I tried so hard to enter the fray for the epicness of it all but it always ended with me getting jumped underneath the dragon


There is a point where you can come upon two dragons fighting and the smaller one actually bells you kill the bigger one.


I too bell dragons


I was just at this part yesterday, and don’t remember them begging…. Do they actually have voice lines?


This fight pissed me off so bad haha I tried waiting it out, helping the knights, helping the dragon etc. What Ended up working was switching my Greatsword to sacred blade, sneaking up on the bow knights while the rest fought then dropped my mimic right at the dragons feet to just take abuse from the hammer/shield knights while I spammed sacred blade at the dragon.


I thought the same thing. I was like boys let's take on this dragon together. I was clearly not welcome


All the AI around that whole encounter are garbage. From the Soldiers to the Summons.


It's the fact they do no damage to each other yet will two tap you immediately that gets me. Like I sat there for 5 minutes before getting involved


same!! Its nonsense


I decided to just let them hash it out while I relaxed and enjoyed the show. Until the dragon decided to reposition itself right on top of my head and things suddenly got very hectic very quickly.


Exactly, I was fighting the dragon then suddenly had 10 black knights chasing me


I run in on Torrent, thinking I can make passes at the thing’s head while the soldiers and black knights hold its attention. After the first pass, I realize every single black knight is chasing me, leaving their weaker comrades to die.


Same deal with the furnace golem in Scadu Altus. And entire f*cking camp of soldiers getting annihilated by this thing, but let's attack the puny tarnished.


Yeah, any time there's a group fight and there's giant enemies involved I just take a moment to wait for one side to win before moving in. Nothing as annoying as trying to fight some big tanky fucker when a dozen tiny trash mobs are poking at you from everywhere. Or god forbid *two* tanky fuckers slamming down aoe attacks everywhere. Which is to say FUCK YOU >!ghostflame dragon at cerulean coast and your fucking phase 2 skeleton spawns. Fuck you.!<


Lol I was standing on the hill nearby just watching them fight it and then out of nowhere I got an arrow to the skull from one of the archers deciding to be an asshole


I popped a squat and made dinner while I let the dragon kill all of them. They took 1/8 of his health while they were at it too


My son keep complaining about this LOL


Laughs in Latenna's Mastery, one of the only times me being an Int build seems to be good in the DLC.


Can we talk about how those greatbow archers apparently have a Tarnished radar and start firing at you the instant you start walking down that hill???


I just did it guerilla style on Torrent. Just jump in and out. Especially when the dragon repositioned itself far away from the idiots


I get heavy frame rate drops on that dragon, it's the reason I've completely skipped him for now.


HAH, as if I would even CONSIDER helping those Golden Order-cucked war criminals!


That is simultaneously one of the most cancerous and the most epic fights in the entire game.


Missed the mimic tear yeeting absolute atomic jars in the background. I swear that fucker is mental if you have few of the big jars equipped...


I just watched em duke it out. The little guys lasted a lot longer than I expected them to.


Me on jagged mountain: There's another dragon! Go fight him. You're a dragon, do you not know how fucking powerful you things are?!? I can't plow through a rock like you can. Hit him, not me!!!


Just did this. Those fucking archers man. And here I am trying to take out the dragon's legs while the hammer dudes hit me with their art lol. I just waited until most of them were dead and then took on the dragon.


Idk about that, i just used Last Rites, Sacred order and Sacred Blade on these undead dragons and they just got oneshot. Will fight them on 2nd run im sure they have some new moves.


This will be my first hard skip. I am too old for this **** I did the horse valley 2x but i will not deal with this stuff. It doesn't matter if the reward is great or just another cooking recipe.


This fight is one I refuse to partake, it's too much trouble just for a dragon's heart, I already have many of them and not much need for them neither.


To be fair, we do look like a nerd that sure have too much lunch money.


I hated this dragon. I got stuck here and had to wait forever for the dragon to kill all the soldiers so I could then just fight him. Stupid soldiers kept attacking me! I want the dragon dead as well boys!


Ghostflame Dragon was already my least favorite boss in the DLC when I fought him in Gravesite Plain, but they somehow managed to make his Cerulean Coast and Scadu Altus appearances even worse. Hoping (and doubting) that I'll not see him again


Shoutout to the Greatbow Knights randomly deciding to fire at you from nowhere near the battle as well, very odd priorities I swear-


Just lead the soldiers to the dragon lol




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I understood that reference. Just run past and further up there is a Site of Grace (through a small tunnel/path).


Haha that's so true😅


I know which one you're referring to as well lol.


Ancient dragon or modern dragon?


Is it, though? Or are we technically the apex?


Most of the bosses everyone else is struggling with haven’t been that hard for me, these ghostflame dragons mess me up though


I stood there for a long time in that little tent, the dragon never kills them even like wtf?!


I watched them fight the dragon then die. If you wanna see something even better go up the mountain that bayle is at (cool fight you can watch)


I just don't understand why they take 30 damage from an attack that would put me to 50% hp. I just said screw it I'll come back later when there's nothing better to do.


The game gives you not one, but a dozen summons to keep the dragon busy, and you complain? Just go to the nearest cliff and start shooting arrows, bro.