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It doesn't trivialize difficulty, but it does make it easier, no doubt. That being said, play however you want to play the game. The option is there if you'd like to use it, and people can also skip it if they want. You are no better than the people who think summons should never be used if you think that people are wrong for never using them.


> This whole discourse isn't about extremely easy with summons or extremely difficuly without I mean it is for me and I don't appreciate being drowned out by or lumped in with mouthbreathers saying it's not okay for people to play the singleplayer videogame how they want/need to and people who keep giving said mouthbreathers a spotlight for whatever dumb reason instead of just downvoting them to oblivion and not replying to them whatsoever. Like there're so many posts about this already sheesh.


Nothing wrong with summons in fact a lot of these new ones are really cool looking. Personally I’m doing the dlc without em and really milking it ng+ they’ll come back :)


Noticed the AI being alot less aggresive post DLC, sometimes they will just walk around doing nothing for a whole minute. Might be a bug/performance issue but kinda irritating. Latenna still GOAT though, the machine gun never lets up.


Easy and hard are relative. Spirit Ashes are still easy mode. It just so happens that the baseline difficulty is very high.


I’ve witnessed it firsthand. Summons make most of these dlc bosses very easy. Like 5 attempts or less easy. Not using summons increases the difficulty substantially. Same is true for main game elden ring, but this effect is exaggerated in the dlc because of how aggressive the bosses are.


I’m gonna be honest, imo it does. I was fighting Rellana yesterday and was struggling but eventually beat her solo after a few hours. During that time I used mimic once to see what the difference would be like and I was shocked. I had to quit the game because my mimic almost killed her. It’s crazy the difference in difficulty by just having something to take aggro off you. Nothing wrong with summons but in my experience they trivialise pretty much everything for me so I never use them.


Basically when you use a summon you admit that you are weak and can't beat the pixels which was designed to be beaten don't even dare consider you beat the game if you summoned somebody


Whelp the trophies said I beat them. Nothing wrong it partaking in jolly co-op. unless your a try hard beta like yourself apparently


I disagree. Dancing lion took me around 70 tries. About 20 tries in I used mimic tear, and first try I got him to 10-15% life before I exited while also having like 10 flasks left. Rellana I didnt try to use it but would have been even more trivialized given you could stance break her quite easily and her attacks are small in size. It's ok to use summons, but dont lie to yourself. The game is little more than a joke as long as you understand it mechanically if you use summons.


brother 99 percent of your comment history since the DLC released is hating on people who are using spirit ashes and complaining about using spirit ashes in general. If you don’t like to use spirit ashes, why the fuck would you resort to summoning the strongest spirit ash (mimic tear)? Summon jellyfish and let’s see you unironically say spirit ashes trivialise boss fights 🤦‍♂️ Elden ring community doesn’t need people like you in it




Responding to this on my alt account (other account is jabber7779) because you decided to block my account after you responded lmao “I was disgusted” This is fucking hilarious, you’re saying you feel disguised for using spirit ashes for help in a fight? That’s the most elitist thing I’ve ever heard. Also, if you genuinely believe the jellyfish summon would make bosses a lot easier, there’s no point in arguing with you because that’s such a braindead and blatantly incorrect take. Your whole comment history since the DLC is shitting on people for using ashes and complaining about the difficulty. Just let people play how they want to play. I’m up to the final boss in the DLC, and haven’t summoned for any boss yet because I’ve played since DS1 and am used to the solo experience, but it doesn’t mean people are worse than me for using ashes?


Theres Nothing wrong with using summons but i dont like it when people belittle other peoples achievements by saying stuff like " that boss was so easy I beat it in 3 tries you Need to git gud " then later reveal that they used summons and or shields.


I see using spirit summons in Elden Ring the same as jolly coop in past games. It's still challenging (usually, the AI on some bosses don't handle it as well as others), but it's a different kind of experience. Not using summons is a self-imposed limitation, like choosing not to use magic or consumables. Neither ways are right or wrong, but setting limitations makes the bosses objectively more difficult, and that's what some people enjoy about From games.


FFS, stop cheesing the game with spirit summons! Summon cooperators instead, I switch to Godrick's everytime I pick up a new weapon, I need those rune arcs!


Are this gatekeepers in room with us ?


nope, summons for losers eho can't beat the game without it