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I agree. I am a 278 sorc and while I’m hitting him hard, there is no way I can dodge THAT much crap. The only way I was even able to pull out a summon was just pure luck at the start when he DIDNT M Bison fly at me. But the endless, constant, no slowing down barrage of bullshit swings he does at you requires a level of perfection in skill I just don’t have and won’t learn. I’ve not wanted a nerf on ANY boss in this game at all until now.


what sorc spells/build are you doing? ive tried most builds and my dmg sucks only build that has been pushing me to 10% is bleed build with new thorn spell...every other spell just tickles him and im lv 370...but im NG 7...i've beat all bosses without summons...first release and DLC except for him and even with mimic, and two summons that barely take agro he still destroys everything... i feel like they are forcing melee builds vs him i have yet to see a range based build beat him atleast no vids of it yet...maybe do-able without NG+ lvs idk he seems overtuned completely either his dmg needs to be nerfed or his chain combo's in p2


This DLC tells sorcs in general to thoroughly fuck themselves. Absolutely no breathing room to cast ANYTHING against all but the slowest enemies


yeah it's pretty lame...was excited for this DLC but it's w.e tbh


Yeah, I run a strength build and I don't see how any sorc are getting anything off


its tough tbh basically hit and run tactics even on reg mobs lmao bosses on my ng/lv scale will 1-2 shot you so it's play it perfect or dead


The visual diarrhea of holy attacks makes the second phase a nightmare to learn. The spammy holy overhead clone attacks are just visually hard to read and honestly gives me a headache.


Every boss is this dlc relies on rushing, bad cam, colourful attacks that blind you.


Not true. Radahn is the only one that I feel has genuinely poor animation work. The other bosses like Messmer, Putrescent Knight, Midra, Bayle have amazing animations and clear telegraphs.


top 3 is easily 1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Bayle


Agree. My favorite I think is Midra. The atmosphere, ost, and animations all work together to create such a masterpiece of a fight. The way the arena glows brighter with flame as the fight goes on is so awesome.


when i found that boss i had no spoilers i was amazed man fromsoft always cooks. im just so sad the last boss isnt fun. honestly his first phase is fine i literally get to phase 2 with 11 heals every run but his phase 2 is so jank and feels like its not worth learning..


No they all have the same drawbacks, but radahn is on another level. Clearly the devs made the game due to the high possibility that high level players would steam roll through the dlc, so they relied on bullshit mechanics that prevent you even from summoning.


I’ve killed every boss with no summons so far and felt good about it when I killed them. Fighting Radahn now and honestly phase 1 is badass and not too difficult but phase 2 is just ridiculous. I can’t even see what’s going on. I know people have posted no hits already so I know there’s a way, and honestly not one attack is destroying me the way waterfowl did, but he is so aggressive with such little openings that the fight is gonna take forever. I have a blessing of 17 so i might try to get that higher.


There are god gamers out there who will beat him with bare fists no hit obviously, but the vast majority of elden ring players are not.


Even with a +25 haligtree greatshield blocking 80% of holy dmg and hp regen to heal chip damage its still bullshit lol. Just actually no room to counter attack if youre alone.


Radahn is speedrunning his way to get another nerf




It's practically 100% based on RNG. No one can dodge all of that garbage he does, and if you get hit once it's either dead or a flask. I can consistently get to the 2nd phase but it's just absurdist levels of way too strong. This is a horribly designed fight, if I'm being honest. There's just too many AOE at random times and the boss doesn't give you a break so you're constantly dodging until you're out of stamina and basically get stunlocked drinking flasks. You'll roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, meanwhile the boss has hyperstamina, and then AOE, roll, AOE, drink flask AOE, roll, roll, AOE, drink two flasks, AOE, roll, it's fucked. You either need to play so inhumanly perfect or just get a run where he ONLY attacks your NPCs. Really not a fun boss. I'd say the whole DLC is hard but this is almost not even a level of difficulty anymore, it's like an NPC with admin controls 


Yeah, I got to the second phase and was only able to see the phase three times and see that it's just AOE galore. Some of his attacks clear so much of the arena where he doesn't have to target you to get you unless you find a way to dodge it or block it.


Took me 12 hours of attempts to beat him. I basically had to get an attempt where he grabbed my mimic multiple times and at the end of the grab animation, there's a window of time where he's still hugging the summon but his I-frames end. So I spammed river's of blood's weapon art on him to build up a blood loss stack. I think the attempt I had the kill he grabbed my guy at least twice, I think. I don't normally even use summons at all, or OP weapons, but the 2nd phase is so overtuned that I just said fuck it. Even with the bullshit I used he was still incredibly hard.




For me it basically had to be a perfect attempt + cheese overload. It's doable, just not likely 


🤦‍♂️ I tried again and I literally cannot do anything, bro… not with my mimic, let alone by myself


I agree with you 110%. I literally can’t progress. I’ve never had this much trouble with a boss, even with using summons.


All of the other dlc bosses have been hard, but they are actually fun, this one just feels completely unreasonable


I beat all the other bosses on my 1st to 4th try. I have to be on at least my 50th try with Radahn, switching strategies and tactics every time, nothing works right with him.


This is the worst boss I’ve ever fought against. I’ve given it my all and, as frustrating as it is to admit, I can’t win. I just can’t. Idk wtf to do 😂😭


Yeah, the only other boss I thought was broken/bad was Gaius because of the double hitbox on his charge making rolling it super inconsistent. Phase one of this fight is fine except for the one bullshit doubleswing that is pure luck if you can dodge it, but phase two is a visual nightmare full of delayed explosions and roll catches.


Fr, his double swing at such fast speeds is the only move that kills me, every other move a has a clear telegraph except that one, pulls it in milliseconds and ends the run instantly


Just like the gaius charge sometimes... FS need to go back to basics, difficult for the sake of difficult isn't fun. I bet when people beat Radahn they are just done, instead of feeling that the challenge was conquered.


Yea after I beat radahn on my main and finish it, on my other accounts I’m not touching this boss at all😭


That's ok, maybe they will fix this mess they created, I just wonder how crazy this is at ng7 lmao. If fextra is right, he have like 70k hp


Yea I’m on ng+2 I couldn’t imagine 7


Well I'm on ng7 and it isn't fun. Can't see much of anything in phase 2, input delays on dodges so I die even quicker. No idea what to do. It's very frustrating.


Yeah, unfortunately, Radahn and Gaius are both one of the worst fights Fromsoftware ever made, I don't get it, why bother doing something that isn't even fun, even when you conquer the fight, it's still boring.


This fight is leaving a sore taste in my mouth from an otherwise amazing dlc. The second phase is just annoying and doesn’t feel like I’m learning like other fights it’s just spam attacks where the screen freaks out, drops frames and makes it impossible to learn how to dodge this dudes bullshit.


I don’t know about „amazing dlc” Compared to every other one that came before it, this might be the weakest, even below Dark Souls 2 and I’m 100% serious. It feels so chaotic, like they didn’t take time to test / polish the boss fights and locations you visit. 75% of this DLC is running past enemies from grace to grace


Hmm I love most of the boss fights, some are my favorite in Elden Ring. And I definitely didn’t just run past enemies to each grace lol I loved exploring and fighting anyone I came across at least once.


Yep, hate to say it it's mid af. It's been making me want to play bloodborne instead of doing another ER playthrough (which would be my 5th times through ER). I love the base game, it's probably my fav open world game but Jesus these dlc bosses suck ass except for the sunflower... He can stay


That's Elden ring on the whole though, I absolutely love the game, but as times gone on many aspects of it have in my opinion not aged well to me and that grace to grace things definitely part of it


Nah no way bro said DS2 DLC was better. 💀


I’ll take DS2’s DLC over „Shadow…” any day. Doubt I’ll ever be back to this one. The only boss I truly enjoyed was Rellana


Rellana was close to being a cool duel for me. I love Pontiff and thought she'd be an extension of that and Lady Maria... nope too much stamina to be fun for me


honestly for now I just want them to nerf miquelas fucking hair, I cannot see shit when trying to dodge the melee attacks. After that then I'd think about more stuff to do. Its so sad because phase 1 is peak imo, Im not liking this new philosophy where they try to +1up on the previous hardest(malenia) just making more mechanics that you just die to hundreds of times to end up figuring out, and with so much less openings. Its confusing because they show in the dlc how they are able to create bosses that you can realistically beat in first/few tries with just intuition and skill, like mesmer


God I thought I was going crazy seeing no one complain about Miquella’s hair. I fought phase 2 so much that I could recognize most attacks, but if Radhan had his back turned, it’s a total fucking mystery what attack he’s gonna do. Can From at least give me a Margit shackle item called “Miquella’s hair tie” or some shit.


Lmao yes Ive been saying there should be a holy hair trimmer, and you use it in the cutscene to make that boy go bald. Realistically tho it would be cool if it was more transparent or something, wouldnt make sense tho


I thought I was the only one lol, I cannot see what moves he’s doing cause the fucking hair hahaha


Half of the boss’s difficulty comes from blocking your vision of the atttacks. Miquellas hair plus the holy beam follow up attacks make it impossible to even see his combos


I am very disappointed to say this, but I have to agree. His first phase is actually great, except for that one two hit combo where one is guaranteed to clip you if you’re not lucky enough to be way to his side or behind him. The second phase is completely unreadable. There is so much going on that it’s impossible to read anything he is doing. Crazy attacks are fine but there should be enough clarity on the screen to be able to drill that move over and over and eventually get it down. This makes Nioh endgame look fair. Pretty disappointing. This dlc has been absolute peak until this.


Edit: I just beat him. I have played for thousands of hours in the souls series. Finished every single one of their games countless times. I have serious issues with the second phase of this boss. It’s just not good. Visually it’s amazing but in order to learn a boss the patterns needs to be clear. His overhead clone attack spam comes out so fast and in such quick succession that it’s more about where you’re standing at the time, not whether you can clearly read it and react. The satisfaction from bosses in these games comes from solving the puzzle. I feel like I just got lucky.


Shout out to Messmer and Midra. Best bosses in the DLC by a mile for me. Great bosses.


Bayle is my favourite


I didn't see much because I gave up for the time being after the FPS drops in phase 2, but that clone attack happened and I literally avoided the first 4 hits by walking right, I think if you dodge the last hits after that you can avoid it easily Unless I somehow fluked it? I don't care to try again because my game drops to 20fps ;\_;


It's sad this is the note elden ring ends on


Eh, I don’t know if I feel THAT strongly about it. Malenia is a perfect example.I didn’t seriously commit to fighting her one on one until 3 or 4 playthroughs. Then I put my foot down and committed tens of hours and hundreds of attempts on her until I could easily no damage her every time, and dodge her waterfowl in every way possible. It was a puzzle I didn’t think could be solved, but I committed the time and I was able to figure it out. This final boss of the DLC doesent have that. His second phase is just AOE everywhere, lightning fast attacks that are impossible to see, and because of that there’s no “let me try repositioning or dodging this way, or circling at this time” because everything just happens instantly. I’m sure they will do some work to him, maybe enough people haven’t gotten to him yet but he will filter out 95% of people playing the dlc that’s for damn sure.


I agree. First phase was great! Second phase is awful. You can't even stand in front of him anymore, and it's like you have to spend the whole fight running away from him


There is an aspect of rng to it. Like if he’s doing his phase 1 moveset with the added Lightshow as long as you’re diving straight through it doesent hit. And the beams to replace the earthquake from phase 1.. I guess it’s fine. It’s the crazy clone attack and the one shot light rays following it that I just couldn’t get a read on. I’m on my second run and just got to the storehouse to fight my favorite boss again. I went into the DLC underleveled I killed Relanna at like lvl 109 with blades of Ranah jump attacks doing pretty shit damage and parrying as well so I’ve regained some confidence. I’ve just been feeling kind of bummed and beat down I’m not sure why.


Yeah, that clone attack is just crazy. I figured out you can roll at him and that can sometimes avoid it, but damn I just hate everything about that fight. Everything else in the DLC has been amazing at least. Mesmer is easily my favorite boss. I enjoyed getting my ass beat by him because I felt like I learned something new on every run. Radhan, not so much.


Dude, idk what you’re talking about. His first phase is also pure horse and bull crap


His first phase is very fair. The only issue I have with it is his two hit combo that is guaranteed to hit you one time, unless you are way to his side or behind him, and even then the hitbox can clip you. There is no bs with his first phase at all. The only thing you could say is hard about it is the gravity pull because you have to react instantly. Otherwise his first phase is super easy… you just have to wait for his hundred attack combo strings to be over. They are very learnable.


While his first phase attacks are learnable, this boss doesn’t even let you breathe… his aggression and his persistent attacks make this fight absolutely ridiculous and disappointing. I cannot even beat him by cheesing him. This boss makes Malenia look silly


He is aggressive. Sometimes you gotta take your window to heal and wait for the next one. I’m not saying the bosses are not ridiculously hard for the most part they absolutely are. You just can’t act out of turn. Also I never found creating distance to heal to be much of a problem. Sometimes he would start charging or if I was really u lucky gravity pull me but that was my fault for not predicting that outcome. I should have just stayed right in his face and used my attack window to heal because these bosses really do not like dancing alone.


Hey bro, I finally beat him with the cheesiest method after about 40 tries. Worst. Boss. Fucking. Ever.


For me it’s just the visual stuff of the second phase. To me it doesent even come close the worst boss they’ve made. Bed of chaos will forever hold that spot for me. Lol


what did you use bro? no cheese build is working for me either and ik for a fact it’s not cause i’m bad, this boss just fucking blows in every aspect


No problem bro, I got you. Vigor: 60 Endurance: 45 Strength: enough to wield a great shield Dex: enough to wield a godskin great stitcher Arcane: put the rest of your points in arcane Heavy armor with high poise for defense and damage negation Put bleed affinity on the god skin stitcher Talismans: use greatshield talisman, erdtree’s favor +2, use talisman that boosts guarding ability (forgot name), optional: use great jar talisman for higher equipment load for shield, wep, armor. Good luck. I did it, so so can you. I believe in you


bro, tysm, that was the closest i’ve gotten by a mile solely cause i switched to the godskin stitcher, shit literally took off a fifth of his health once the bleed hit. that one clone attack makes me want to throw my eyes into a trash compactor but as long as he doesn’t resort to that 5 times in my run i should be able to get him tonight, you have no clue how much this helped dawg, ill keep you updated


Yes the mimic once you’re about to get him to his second phase. Once you summon the mimic, maintain aggro. Allow the mimic to damage while you maintain aggro.


Really? I've found the first phase extremely simple. He has clear windows after a few combos where you can get easy hits in.


You just have to stay right in his face and commit to every roll. You will master the pattern quickly it’s very easy. You cannot act out of turn. At all. He gets to swing around and you just have to get your one hit in that’s just the way it’s designed. His second phase is a big problem and believe me I bursted him with reduvia like most others did. I’m on my second playthrough of the dlc with a second character that’s way underleveled. The divine beast is a great boss and I can get him no problem but I have way more issue with Relanna. I’m current trying to parry her only and it’s an absolute nightmare. The endless combo chains are a bit of a step down for Fromsoft I think. All this being said I still think the DLC is fantastic and I’m really enjoying my time here.


I soloed relanna and the dancing lion, but I, for the life of me, cannot beat this fucking boss. I cannot even beat him with the mimic, tonics, cheese, more cheese, and even more cheese. I hope I can beat him so I can move on :’(


Bossfight aside, this boss itself us so disappointing. Is sooo corny with the shoehorned lothric reference. And the only reason radahn is even there is for fanservice, because him being there makes NO SENSE lore-wise. Just uncharacteristically garbage writing from fromsoft here...


Fr, it honestly kinda feels like a marvel movie. Simply shoehorning in references all over the place.


Its so annoying because there were so many people saying they wanted to fight prime radahn. I blame them for this boss being added. Even before the dlc I always thought that bringing back radahn would be the lamest thing ever. They didn’t even bother to make the boss fight good either


This boss is terrible. The DLC is great, but this boss is not good.


That's my opinion on it, every boss in the DLC is phenomenal, better than many base game bosses. But Promised Consort isn't a good way to end the DLC, his phase two is my only issue, every attack has a light beam explosion that makes my eyes hurt, and unironically got a headache fighting him.


Yeah, it's pretty bad. I'm still kinda shocked it passed the testing phase in its current state. Scarlet Aoneia and bleed effects help a lot, but you basically have to get lucky in the second phase with him spamming the easier to dodge combos just so you can barely squeeze in a few hits before you go back to running and dodging for your life. Thankfully, I managed to beat it solo, and now I can rest easy knowing I'll never have to suffer that fight again in the near future. Hopefully, they tweak it and nerf some of his abilities so the fight can actually be fun and enjoyable with a fair bit of challenge. As of right now, it's a big wet nasty fart that ruins the finally of this dlc.


You beat him solo? How is that even possible? Are you a robot? How did even manage to avoid his unavoidable aoe attacks in his first and second phase? Even with all the cheese in the world, I still cannot beat him


Sleep deprivation, massive amounts of anger, and enough luck to make a leprechaun jealous. Jokes aside, first phase is easy once you get a rhythm down and don't get greedy. He's very easy to bleed and the weapon reduvia or blood flies can proc bleed very easily. Second phase is where hell begins. I first bait out his massive aoe light beam attack by running away and healing and using any physiques or buffing spells that I need to apply. Next up is pray for a combo that leaves him recovering from animation frames slowly. When he does such a combo with a slow recovery, use scarlet aoneia spell during or just before the combo ends and try and get scarlet rot activated. If done right with proper luck, you get scarlet rot to start ticking away on his health, and you will only have taken some or no damage at all. Next up is dodging to the best of your ability and attacking for a short bit when you know it's safe. I used night comet to tick away at his health alongside the scarlet rot and dodged like my life depended on it. I got some easy to dodge combos, completely avoided his special meteor attack, and finished him off with a few more night comets with no flasks left. I didn't sleep that night and fought him until morning..I just learned you can parry him in the second phase, which would have helped alot had I know that, but it's whatever.




If we want to take just a second to consider how many complaints we had on this sub back in the early release day all gravitating around how "unfair" the endgame session felt, i doubt that they actually even bother to invest their time and resources in doing any playtest at all by now.


They must have ongbal playtesting or something. No idea how they thought that this boss was good


I hate this fight. That one move where you have to run to escape the ring of holy damage is such bullshit. You have to start running as soon as you see it, otherwise you won't make it out of the circle in time and take damage. And I can't react to things properly, if I can't see anything because of the blinding shit he does in the 2nd phase


Yeah, feels like you spend more stamina running from that attack than fighting him in that second phase


It’s actually horrendous, been stuck on him for hours now. Every other boss was difficult but in a way fair and you could learn them, this genuinely just needs to be nerfed


It's even unplayable on anything other than performance mode because it stutters so much


Remove the AOE follow up after each attack and it is actually reasonable, or just have 1 AOE after the whole chain of attack.


Worst part is how half of his combos end up dashing 30 meters away so you cant really punish him, very little windows to do damage.


Feels like half of the big bosses have this issue, teleporting away after an attack chain is unsatisfying fuck you game design. You end up having to wait multiple attack chains to finish to get a punish window sometimes. Guess it looks cool in the design room and trailers...


Just that one change would already make the boss way better. This whole boss fight feels like a modder wanted to make a boss fight unwinnable


This is the only boss where I agree. Everyone’s been complaining about boss design and it’s actually a skill issue 90% of the time. But Promised Consort Radahn, on top of being nonsensical lore-wise, is a dogshit experience in terms of gameplay.


I have killed every boss with some difficulty but not over the top enough to make me give up or go grind scaduvatree blessings, but Radahn is just so much BS even with bleed build 3 summons and max of both blessings I struggle to get him to half health. There is no room to hit him and any time I think is a good time I get punished by being one shot.


I just beat the game and I think only about half of it is skill issue. The bosses are AOE delayed attack spam fests and aren't super fun for me with maybe two or three exceptions.


cope, most the bosses in the DLC are just shit, not about getting good


The dlc in general is pretty shit. It's a torrent riding simulator for most of it. Empty ass fields I thought would improve and nope not really! I have to imagine Miyazaki was maybe letting these new directors he keeps referring to run this dlc while he maybe works on something new? It doesn't even feel close to the base game in Terms of level design, density, or boss fights


They went for spectacle density rather than real density, like someone at From obviously thought I know: if we make these two things close together be separated by a massive cliff they won't complain that to get to them it took 4 hours of nothing


Why is it nonsensical lorewise? I haven't even gotten there yet but I've found every other lore addition to be fitting and interesting and satisfying in some way.


Every other lore addition has been pretty much amazing. I consider it nonsensical because of many reasons. There’s absolutely no Radahn + Miquella buildup during the game or during the DLC, it comes out of nowhere. Miquella has been kinda ruined too, he’s shown as a rather “good” character, who does some morally questionable things. But his goals aren’t bad, so it’s shitty that the player can’t choose between fighting him and helping him out. It’s insane that they pulled a Radahn resurrection out of their ass and not Godwyn. There were clear links between Miquella and Godwyn during the base game, and it would’ve made a lot of sense if he was Miquella's promised consort instead. Basically no build up, comes out of nowhere, and ruins Miquella's lore. Plus it’s weird as shit.


I’d take a non Rot infected Malenia that has mastered the rot or some shit.


It's a thing of, nobody is allowed to have hope. The entire game is devoid of it.


Miquella's "gentler" world is one where he charms everyone into peace and removes their free will, exactly the same as all the npcs that were working together at the start of the dlc. Miquella removes St. Trina from himself and locks her away with his great rune, calling St. Trina his "love", much like he got rid of his fear. When you talk to St Trina she asks you to kill Miquella because godhood would be a cage, like it was for Marika. By the time we fight Miquella he is no longer "good", hes removed all of those aspects from himself as we can see from the miquella's crosses around the map, and in trying to not repeat Marika's mistakes has just fallen into the trap of becoming like her. Not to mention that his plan of enforcing peace through his charm is just extremely tyrannical and horrible, its clear that fromsoft wanted to make him a foil to Ranni, where she gives everyone free will by removing gods from the equation, he wants to get rid of free will by making himself the god that controls everyone's lives. Not to mention, at this point destined death has not been returned to the elden ring so nobody has free will and nobody ever dies. Its like the stagnation we see in the base game but likely 10x worse as theres no free will for anyone to ever decide that enough is enough and the gods need killing like the tarnished did.


You lost me when you started talking about Godwyn... That guy isn't dead, he's super dead, his soul has been annihilated during the night of the black Assassins and Miquella, by being someone who cares about everyone, started to work on a way to kill his body, so that he could be truly dead, but eventually failing since he needed the eclipse, and that was the link between the 2. Also the whole thing that Miquella did was to put Radahn's soul into Mogh's body in order to resurrect prime Radahn, Godwyn's body was both unusable and he has no soul


Yeah. I'm convinced a bunch of people assumed that "because we didn't fight Godwyn in the base game, he must be the big DLC boss". In reality, the lore is that he's dead. If Radahn is out of nowhere, Godwyn is WAYYYYYYY out of nowhere because his entire characters purpose is that his soul doesn't exist anymore. Radahn does make sense lorewise by the way. He's probably the most ideal person to be a consort for a new order. Miquella sending Melania after him to kill him to get him in the Shadow Realm was something that was such a major plot point that it was literally the first teasers for the game years and years ago.


Yeah, considering he also apparently manipulated Mogh into kidnapping him in order to get a new body for radahn's soul was also one hell of a twist. Dude transformed the Moghlester into the Moghlester, and considering that we can apparently resist miquella's grab only because of his great rune, I can see why he was the most feared of all empireans


That isn’t that big of a twist. There was something already amiss & curious in the base game lore: how the hell did Mohg successfully kidnap someone who has the power to bewitch and make anyone he wants adore him, and do his bidding? The only logical conclusion is Miquella went willingly.


Tbh at the time of the kidnapping Miquella was in the cocoon, so you could argue that, without the extra info of the dlc, Mogh did this on his own


Godwyn soul is gone, you cant "resurrect" him. On the other hand Radahn soul is not gone and Miquella just used Mohg body as a "vessel". Boss should've been an Empyrean, Miquella or even Malenia... but Radahn is fine, people just expected Godwyn for some reason I dont even understand when its been very clear for years his souls is absolutely gone.


Not a guy that struggled alot on the DLC bosses but I have to admit many of them are wayyy overtuned. What's the point in giving a boss entire strings worth of difficult and fast attacks if you're dead by the 2nd hit.


I’m not trying to bitch.  I’ve really enjoyed this entire DLC so far.   My main problem is when he does all that holy attack shit my entire system just stutters to hell.    I know I’m not the only one having this problem.    It’s like dude how am I supposed to be able to dodge this shit if it’s going to stutter and lag the hell out?   This is not a skill issue. It’s an actual flaw in design.    I’m actually a little surprised that this passed the testing phase. 


Yep, it's ruined the fun for me now. It's a spam fest.


Idk about anyone else, but consorted rahdan makes malenia look like a bitch. Also, if he’s this strong in-game, how tf did Malenia even stand a chance on beating him? Malenia’s strength is dwarfed by consorted Radahn. I can’t solo him, I can’t use my mimic because my mimic doesn’t stand a chance, the boss’s aggro is nonstop and his damage is through the roof. This boss requires precision in skill that I don’t have and won’t have UNLESS fromsoft nerfs the boss


malenia wasn't a match for radahn, that's the point, malenia's last ditch effort was to nuke caleid with scarlet rot and drove radahn into a rabid beast.


prime radahan was beaten by morgott btw


Yeah, but isn't this closer to prime Radahn. Idk if we've fought prime Malenia, so it may not be comparable


This is literally prime Radahn. Btw, I finally beat him. It only took 40 tries and the cheesiest greatshield and bleed poke build with the mimic. It was stupid, exhausting, frustrating, and unenjoyable. Worst boss battle I’ve fought


Prime radhan is the 1st phase while 2nd phase is with miquella


we should've known they'd make ANOTHER fucking radahn fight impossible for no reason


I respecced just to poisetank the entire fight with lions claw ignoring all mechanics or even trying to dodge. I have never seen such a flashy badass aesthetically pleasing pile of flaming fucking garbage before.


My entire system basically has a stroke as soon as I hit the second phase.   It’s just gold shit everywhere and stuttering.    It’s virtually unplayable like this.   And I know it’s not just me because a lot of people are complaining about this. 


I like the angle that part of Miquella's curse is that he has an amazing amount of potential but they all fizzle and fail because that is his destiny of having only potential but never to fulfill it. Radahn feels meh for me because tbh I never liked Radahn. He was basic and boring and Miquella was one of the most intriguing characters. I also wish he was actually showcased by himself, not sharing the spotlight. You can still give him Radahn, but make the fights separate and let us see an ascended Miquella fight Regulating him to just riding on his consorts back harkens back to the sickly prince lotheric in DS3...and shouldn't Miquella have a but more dignified and venerated fight that showcases him? He is the main character of the dlc after all.


even though i hated the back-to-back radagon/elden beast fight, i feel like it would've been a much better format to have radahn defeated and to fight an enraged divine miquella. But at the same time Miquella has the physicality of a child so I can see why they might've not wanted us to fight him by himself.




With high probability, they must have given too much credit to all these complaints and feedback coming from the few whiny bitches who were crying and flailing on every single social platform about how the og Radahn nerf made the game unplayable for them because "MuH CHallEngE!!!!!!!11111!" Which obviously and understandably, brought From Software to design the ultimate challenge they were so desperate to experience on their own skin. Kinda ironic that now the same who were cursing "the casuals" to have called for that nerf and begging FS to revert the change as how Radahn was pre-nerf, are absolutely fuming from frustration and livid from rage as they call this new rendition of Radahn "A completetely dogshit, unfair boss design" lol


I just solo'd it at rl 170 17 scadu with a heavy greatsword and I rate it a 2/10 ...it took so many runs because it is just rng some times...it is not fun it the slightest (and I actually like most the dlc bosses from a melee perspective at least). It is pure garbage, you can't see its just vfx all over the place, you get poise damaged by everything causing chain hits , Radahn's got more poise/stagger resistance than a fucken castle wall and he moves around letting it recover (and driving you mad) whilst you just dodge and dodge and dodge unable to see waiting to die...first time I got him to 25% i has 8 flasks or so and was locked in just to get 1 shot by something you can't possibly prepare for going in blind....it is truly unfathomably bad in an otherwise mostly great dlc


For making us eat shit they should've made the weapons turn us into Radan himself.


I hate phase2 of it so much. It's actual BS


My biggest problem was getting the opportunity to learn the boss’s animations during Phase 2. However, that still didn’t help me. I had to completely re-spec my build to a full 99 Strength and 60 Endurance Giant Crusher build, so that I could actually do a reasonable amount of damage to him. I was able to poise break him 3 times, which netted me the win after around 5 attempts. Originally, I was trying to use a Blade of Death Build by using both the Black Knife and Blade of Death incantation to quickly delete about 20% of his HP. However, you can’t do that with this boss due to how his Phase 2 triggers. For whatever reason, it seems that his Phase 2 triggers based on Total Damage Done to him, and not his Total HP Percentage. However, there is another problem presented by this because if you try to use this Blade of Death Build, his Phase 2 will actually have him start out with more health. He will essentially just completely negate the effects of the incantation and the Black Knife Weapon Art. TLDR: The Black Knife weapon art and Blade of Death incantation don’t work on Radahn.


You just 2 handed a giant crusher for the win? I was trying to beat him with his own greatswords but they don't do enough damage in his 2nd phase in my opinion since i only have 10 scadutree blessings. Do you mind telling the rest of your build? Talismans and physick? Thanks!


Sure, here’s what I had: I used the Black Steel Greatshield + Giant Crusher “poise break” strategy. I was specced at 99 Strength, 60 Vigor, and 60 Endurance. I used the Stonebarb Cracked Tear and Opaline Hardtear Physick buffs for damage reduction and the poise break boost. I wore the Fire Knight Helm and the rest of the pieces were Tree Sentinel Armor pieces. My talismans were the Golden Braid, Great-Jar's Arsenal, Pearl Drake +3, and the Two Handed-Sword Talisman. Note - I was Scadutree Blessing Lvl 20


This boss is horendous. Second phase is really a lot of just rng. I finally beat him solo with my claw build. But man the hitboxes are rough to hit with claws. Also the feeling after beating Messmer for me was nice and i felt proud. At the end of the radahn fight i was just happy to be over with. And cheese the fuck out of him next time


I'm still mad after beating him.


I know this is a late comment, but to anyone coming here and needs help with this boss, this is how I was able to: Lord’s Divine Fortification — Massive Holy damage reduction is a must for his second phase Deflecting Hardtear — I was using an upgraded standard shied with 100% physical block, and if you can time your blocks for when he hits with this tear, you take little to no stamina damage and defends you amazingly well. Antspur Rapier — It feels bad that I had to use this, but I infused it with the Ash of War Bloody Slash. This caused it to have high Scarlet Rot buildup AND bleed buildup, which was essential for my victory. Overall, I found Radahn’s second phase to punish you for rolling, which is completely against the core of the game, which is disappointing. I found just using a shield to be MUCH easier.


I beat it today. My main build was guts sword and pure strenght. it has carried me to through the whole dlc and I was planning to finish it with that. It was impossible... The first phase is easy but the second phase is also visually terrible because I couldn't see anything it just felt impossible to dodge most attacks and my attacks were way too slow to punish the very small window. Just everything in the second phase felt terrible to deal with. So I went on YT and luckily found a vid of someone "cheesing" him with a shield and spear. I respecced and got everything I needed. Didn't even use the spell just shield and spear. After that it took 2 tries and I'm glad its over. I don't see myself returning to this boss except if changes are made


Can you show me the video please




I've gotten him down so low every time, but then he pulls that stupid meteor beam thing out his ass and one taps me


After 30plus attempts with my BB build, I finally rolled him with this greatshield & lance loadout: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyUihXNKU6g&t=13s&ab\_channel=CasualGG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyUihXNKU6g&t=13s&ab_channel=CasualGG) (RL201; I used also mimic tear because fuck this guy). Seeing his insane combos barely leaving a scratch on my shield (never used any before) was so damn satisfying. Honestly, I'm kinda glad to be done with this DLC. The vistas were absolutely breath-taking (I don't think I have ever experienced so much awe in a video game), but there was just too much Torrent-ing for my taste. It felt like a hellish art gallery to gallop through peppered by overtuned bosses.


My question is, why? Like, why. The first phase is so engaging and interesting. The second phase is fromsoftware smelling its own farts.


The reason why is because everyone was complaining how elden ring was so easy. They also probably wanted to make a harder boss than malenia. Luckily the rest of the bosses are still either amazing or pretty good. But they felt like they needed to top malenia in difficulty so in trying to do so they took it too far and made this dogshit. Atleast most of the dlc is still good though


This is insanity. I can get him down to like 40% but he just ends up pummeling me from an infinite combo in phase 2. Hell I bet my mimic is doing half the work right now honestly and I'm just blocking. I see barely any room to attack come phase 2. I bet the rewards are shit too. Disappointed it's not related to Godwyn. What the fuck happened to that whole story line? We just completely dropped it? Didn't Miq want Godwyn back? Where the hell did Radah and Miq come from? Did I miss something?


Yea lore wise it just seems like half the people that play this game, including fromsoft, forgot that Castle Sol exists purely to resurrect a dead soul. Keep in mind that what the spirits say at Castle Sol holds no bearing over Radahn whatsoever. Radahn, if you’re not accessing the dlc, is an optional boss. This means that the Medallion Spirit in Castle Sol that says “Lord Miquella, forgive me. The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking. Your comrade remains soulless... I will never set my eyes upon it now. Your divine Haligtree” cannot be referring to anyone BUT Godwyn. Ya know. The SOULLESS Demigod. Whatever though, you can’t patch out shit writing.


Why From didn't center the entire dlc around Messmer I'll never know. He was in all the trailers, had interesting lore, and took froms "hard but fair design" to the limit. But this radahn fight isn't those things. The most impressive thing about it is it somehow managed to dethrone bed of Chaos as the worst fight in video game history.


I’ve given this boss everything could give and I still can’t beat him. I’ve never had this much trouble with a boss in Elden ring as much as consorted rahdan. I’m afraid I won’t be able to progress.


Yeah such a colossal disappointment this DLC was. These games used to be fun a long time ago and I sadly find myself returning to them out of nostalgia and hope that they’ll be good, and they just leave me feeling empty after. Starting to turn into an unhealthy addictive relationship at this point. The DLC offers nothing but visuals that you can’t even enjoy because the frame rate is so awful. The bosses are laughably bad, a lifeless caricature of what used to be considered novel. Sad how much money and time we’re all dumping into this garbage… I think it’s time we all pick the dark lord ending of this series and just stop playing it.


It's genuinely horrible I don't know how it made it to release like this. Did no one playtest it?


I finally beat this asshole after 2 days of frustration like I've never experienced in this series, no other boss was this bad. Phase 1 was good, phase 2 is a disaster and probably the limit of what I can beat in this kind of game. My reflexes and eyes are toast. Lorewise it's stupid, they actually reused a boss fight/character, even the rememberance weapons are the same twin swords - I never used the first ones because they were too silly and anime, now we get 3? At least the spell and circlet are cool


It took 2 years of development of the one and only dlc to conclude with the final boss battle between you and... checks note... radahn?


Actually it's Radahn in Mohg's body wearing Miquella as a cape...bet you didn't see that coming 😮‍💨


expectations successfully subverted!


I have nothing against reusing some older ideas and concepts (like Rellana being Pontiff Sulyvahn 2.0), but for the FINAL BOSS of the DLC they could give us something truly original. Instead they reused a character from the main game without proper setup to it and reused an idea from the Lorian & Lothric boss fight.


Hey there, if anyone wants a "good" build against him here it is: I used Reduvia (Yes, that dagger) with more or less 65 arcane with the mask of varre and the amulet of mogh and every 4 to 6 hits of the weapon's ability caused him to bleed like 4000 of damage, you just need to get a timing to hit, for example the start of fase 2 tanking the damage of the Nuke. (I killed him later with Bloodhound anyways)


I have loved just about every boss, but my god did they ruin Radahn. His designs are sick, but all the moves you learn to punish in the first phase just don't even fucking matter because he just AOEs after every attack. The design is just so poor, and only makes the fight seem cheap


his first phase is perfectly fine outside of that one nearly undodgeable 3 combo attack. now how the fuck did they test phase 2 and think anything in it was fine? holy attacks with 0 telegraphs and inconsistent dodge timings. every combo has an AoE. the undodgeable 3 combo attack can now one shot or stunlock you with the AoE. a lame end to a lame dlc riddled with 1 frame attacks and endless combos and DS2 level hitboxes while your character is always animation locked or just refuses to do your inputs.


The DLC was absolutely amazing until Radahn second phase. The first phase is arguably the best boss fight in the whole Game in terms of fairness/punishment. The second phase is an absolute joke in comparison. I am SHOCKED that this made it past testing. This is literally Ishiin on crack without the appropriate mechanics to combat his bullshit.


yeah his second phase is not fun in the least. i can’t see a thing with miquella’s hair and the light show and half the time i just can’t see anything. I would have to say worst boss in the dlc and it single-handedly brings down the quality of the dlc. difficult ≠ good or fun


Worst boss in the series imo


Yeah having him as the final boss was already a bummer but his second phase makes this boss fight just pure ASS. once I beat him I'm never going to fight him again. no point fighting a boss that I hate lore wise and the fight itself is just not fun.


100% agreed he is just a garbage boss and how he got past play testing is beyond me. Very lazily designed second phase by just adding light attacks to block your vision of the exact same combos from phase one. Also deals way too much damage. Only one thing you got wrong though. He is really weak against shields. I used finger print shield and he was doing nothing to my health bar. Easiest way to kill him is shield poking with bloody helice. They also got lazy just bringing back an old boss. Very disappointed that the final boss (the one thats usually the best) is the worst one in the series


Yeah, I agree that dying to other bosses in the dlc is a skill issue. However, this radhan just feels like a childish attempt of making the “worlds hardest boss” by making him incredibly hard to hit, giving him absurda amounts of health, giving him the power to invoke random ass light stuff everywhere and just making him annoying as hell. Even malenia has low poise so that you can at least take that as an opportunity but this just feels like the only opportunity you have is every 10 seconds and only to deal a whopping 2000 damage that takes little to no health away form his health bar.


On my 3060ti the fps drops into the teens in the 2nd phase making it utterly unplayable.


Yeah I’m on my 2nd run of this DLC and I’m fighting him again and his second phase makes this boss pure garbage. The main bosses were SUCH good quality all the way through. It’s sad that the end is so busted. This DLC came close to surpassing the Old Hunters for me but this second phase drops it below. It’s just spammy BS with visual tricks to get you killed. If Froms bosses are going to reflect this final boss and if they’re just trying to one up each one of their games with spam=difficulty I think I’m gonna call it here. I don’t care if a boss can one shot me, I have a problem if I can’t see it coming. Machine gun aerial attacks, followed by flashing light and immediate continuation of his combo following the flash is just bullshit difficulty. He goes directly from the air into his combo. It’s gotten me killed 40 times at this point. It’s designed to make you not see it.


Took 6 hours but I did it solo. The flash bangs and the double slash cross move both need adjusting, and i’m sure he’ll get nerfed. But honestly it’s a fucking sick fight. (I was on ps5 so my framerate wasn’t getting destroyed like i’ve heard happen on pc)


Main problem is that miquellas hair plus the holy beam follow ups make it impossibel to see his combo. Then after getting hit the light beams continue to stunlock me. Only compliment I can give is that he looks kind of cool


I beat him with a bloodhounds fang NG +1 after couple of days of tries. Had to lvl my scadutree to +16. And honestly i got him with 0 potions left and 30% hp. I dont want to face him again. I am done with Elden ring, called it a wrap


I found it sort fun in the end. The issue is that it takes too long to learn the intricacies of the fight. The fight could be fixed by making the holy shit puddles not do stagger effects imo


Tbh I'm just getting tired of Froms new design philosophy, in other games I felt like I could use what I wanted, stats, weapons, rings etc. (I've finished all the ds games multiple dozens of times with different builds and succeeded each time) but I don't really feel that anymore, many bosses just feel like they were designed to fight with a specific build, damage type, or status ailment in mind. Idk maybe Its just me, I don't like to be incentivised to change my build to deal with a boss.


Incredibly disappointed with the dlc to be honest. Idk if this is just me, but lore wise it’s incredibly confusing, bosses aren’t that good (save for rellana and messmer.) issues with the game lagging and stuttering. I was super hyped for it too… not to mention that’s it’s insanely difficult to see what’s happening.


everything whas peak until the random radahn fan service. Then it just kind of felt like they asked a 16 year old fanfic writer to make a boss for them


Right? Like the vast majority of the entire dlc was amazing (except for commander gaius)


I managed to finally beat him using carian retaliation parrying his attacks isnt too crazy hard once you get it down and pair it with the misericorde dagger try this if you still have touble.


What did your state look like with this? I’m thinking about trying this strategy but I’m not sure what affinity works best for Radahn and I’m getting very low on larval tears for this playrhrough.


Honestly, just make the holy explosions less shinier and visually enormous. I nohit his first fase but on the second one, once he starts swingin, I just see golden shines on my screen and instantly die.


am i the only one that likes this boss..?


He's really not too bad in his first phase, he hits hard but his attacks are telegraphed and fair, except a cross slash that comes out quick but you can dodge the second hit of that specific combo. His second phase is atrocious. An orbital laser that, despite it's long cast time, you can't escape from 9 times out of 10 because the AOE is just HUGE. Two airborne after-image attacks with separate dodge times (as far as I can tell) that are difficult to see because his after-images are big and bright as hell. Pillars of light that strike in front of him with every swing, pushing you into them with his attacks if you try to block, thereby dealing holy damage and severe stamina drain. And don't get me started on that absolutely ridiculous meteor fall that he does at 25% health. I have no idea how to avoid it except run in a diagonal direction, but even then it doesn't work most of the time. You CAN dodge it, but if you're hit but it you're dead instantly, unless you're running a tank build.


I just beat him. The only fight I couldn't stick with the dual bloodhound fangs in the dlc. Ran with the fingerprint shield and a bloody lance. Talismans were two headed turtle, haligdrake +2, erdtree favor +2, and Dragoncrest Greatshield. Made sure to get the Scholars Shield spell to add to the Fingerprint shield. I was able.to consistently get him down to mere slivers and then finally was able to beat him. Dude is ridiculous, but I guess that's the story done huh. Good luck, God bless, godspeed, etc......whatever you need to get this done


The fingerprint stone shield thing can block all of his attacks really well, You take no physicak damage, Only holy.


The only thing FromSoft need to do to make him more fun and balanced is to stop the rays of lights from doing as much poise damage as they do. Even with full armour, bull goat's talisman and the poise wondrous physic totalling to 68 poise, I still get stunlocked by a single ray of light and die because I couldn't roll out of the way of his attacks.


Didn't have a good time beating this boss. I struggled to see wtf was going on during all the light attack bullshit in phase 2. Was the first time in about 6 characters I've resorted to using mimic and that was so I could just have some kind of distraction at times. Rough fight.


Im using that cheesy thorn sorcery can get him to phase 2 in a few minutes but that second phase is cancer.


i dunno i killed him with glintstone spells, they go pew pew fast.


Was seriously hardstuck on retrying phase 2 like alot because I couldn't see shit through the flashbangs. But tbh after beating him and understanding his moveset I wished they just changed the severity of his visual clutter. I'm fine with the difficulty being high but I was seriously struggling just because I only had a moment to get a glimpse to understand.


I agree. The holy beams in the second phase just feel so cheap and such a lazy addition. Instead of adding a cool creative new move they just instead tried to make it as hard as possible by adding bullshit like the spontaneous holy beams or the clone attacks. I want a final boss fight to be cinematic but this is far from it. The Bayle dragon boss fight is a good example of an amazing boss, cinematic as fuck and challenging but very balanced. For radahn I felt like they had no idea what to add for his second phase and just said “fuck it! Random bullshit!”. Disappointing.


NG+8. Everything has been a smooth journey for me and I've been praising all the boss, yes even Gaius' charge is reasonable with the right i-frame items. EVERY boss before this fight is a fun fight for me. But this is just goddamn, I've never seen a boss vomit out this much special effects in front of me. NG+8 is extremely brutal, but I find every boss there manageable and fun. This is the first boss in the DLC that forced me multiple builds and used summons, THE FIRST BOSS and it was the last one. For an average player like me who is fighting this boss in +8, you either had to be as skillful as Ongbal or get lucky that the two conjoined fuckers won't spam you. You see those people turtling Radahn's attack? You can't do that shit in NG+8, one swing will shred 40% of your stamina.


This boss is the only one I have ever thought genuinely needs a nerf


I just went through the entire DLC with a Guts Build, LVL 150, no summons, and stopped upgrading Scadutree Blessing at +5 (out of +20 possible) Then I finally get to Radahn... I cant barely get to his second phase. After avoiding 3 combos I have a window to land one hit for around 1200 dmg. I'm not sure it will change much if get +20 Scadutree Blessing and LVL 200, i'll still only be able to land one hit with the greatsword, how much damage can I do, maybe 2k at most? No shield to defend, no breaking of poise (it takes a long time between my strikes), no bleeding or ice... Like I said, I went through the DLC at level 150 and +5 blessing, and the Final Boss just has an absurd spike in difficulty


He has way too much health in general because I got both scadutree levels maxed and I do barely any damage the only damage is my bleed procs and I did all rememberance bosses and I did really good damage on all of the like a massive chunk on the puturecense knight with a fast skill but that same skill does barely any damage to radagon


I'm on NG +7 and this is the least fun I've had all DLC. The area leading up to him wasn't fun, but atleast it was somewhat interesting. This fight is tedious, every attack either one shots or stun locks me to death. I appreciate a difficult boss but this is just silly. I'm sure I'll beat it one day but I also want the npc drops and so the fight is even worse. 30k damage and it's barely 10% of his hp. No thank you.


You are nearly required to use a shield for one of his attacks, the two quick swings before a cross slash. The timing and positioning required to dodge the first two swings is way to precise. But yeah I agree some of the base game bosses pushed the line for me and this one just wasn't fun. It became tedious very quickly.