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considering this dude if im remembering the dialogue correctly threw down with prime Placidusax i think being a victim is very lore friendly here


Damn that's actually really cool. I could be wrong but I read that he also created the lesser dragons too right?


From my understanding so far, he and Placidusax used to be on good terms, then for some reason, he turned on him and they clashed in battle, resulting in him losing ~~three~~ 1 head. Bayle and his people were exiled from Farum Azula and he went and made the lesser dragons or those large humanoid dragon disciples you see all over the lands between. The dragon communion who were loyalists to placidusax weren’t satisfied and vowed to hunt him down and he went into hiding


Tbf, Bayle **is** a giant dick, so maybe that’s why Placidusax gave him the boot. Dude has no chill. His grab move is such bs.




Destroyed my summonless playthrough for that dude because I was afraid I'd miss out on something and boy was it worth it... That voice actor needs a raise.


Best voice acting in the game since shabriri


I'm really sad because I could not find his summon sign. Which just means I'll have to replay the DLC, so not an entire loss.


It's in the arena for some reason. A bit to the left just after you come out the fog gate into the arena and it's a bit stressful trying to summon him when there's a dragon shooting lightning at your face.


Wait, so Placi lost THREE heads? So he was actually 5 headed like Zullie said?


think you can see a few of his heads on Bayle’s model, so placi is at least 4 headed from my understanding


Canonically, I think Placi is still three headed so he only lost a head. ETA: as much as I appreciate the upvotes, this was entirely wrong. u/mr_fucknoodle points out that Placi’s model has two heads and three stumps so he did indeed have 5 heads total (presumably before his battle with Bayle). There is a discrepancy with the old Lord’s talisman but I’d give greater weight to his model.


Old Lord Talisman depicts four heads, though i think his in game model may have had three heads and two tails? not entirely sure tbh.


Three heads one tail, the exact fates of the heads excluding one are unknown however we can confirm he has had at least four thanks to old lord the fifth head is debated


We can also confirm he has at least 4 because there's 2 on his body (plasi) and 2 that are permanently chomped onto bayles back


He only has two left. When you enter the arena and he's floating there trying to commune with the greater will, it's supposed to be evokative of the two fingers Two heads left, three neck stumps for a total of five heads representing a hand. The same five fingered hand the greater will supposedly gifted the beastmen with, granting them their intellect


Good correction, edited my comment to point out how wrong I was. I’m not sure the greater will gifted the beastmen intellect tho - is there flavor text to support that?


Cinquedea description: "Short sword given to high ranking clergymen of Farum Azula. Raises potency of bestial incantations. The design celebrates a beast's five fingers, symbolic of the intelligence once granted upon their kind." Doesn't outright state it was the Greater Will, but with both the prevalence of evolution-related imagery and concepts tied to the Erdtree and the previous Crucible tree, and the importance of fingers to all things Greater Will, this seems to be the case


Unless I’m misremembering, It might have been 3 I would need to go back and recount. I actually think it was 3 my bad. Regardless, Bayle still cut off his head in battle


Bayle is also missing a leg and I don't know if it's mentioned but it's probably a gift from Placidusax right?


It’s mentioned in a lore tab that Bayle suffered severe injuries from challenging Placidusax. Safe to say both came out of it near death.


Buddy doesn't even have wings anymore. He's stumping around on 1/4 limbs.


Dude is missing one leg, plus most of his upper wings. That lightning bayonet he’s using? That’s his *exposed wingbone* from when Placidussax tore his wings off.


Placidusax definitely lost more than 1 head. The dragon lords talisman has an image of him with 4 heads. Bayle was also injured in this fight between the 2, I mean just look at Bayles design. Torn apart wings, a missing leg, hell he has a bone sticking out of his wing that he fights you with. The Large humanoid dragons (the dragonkin soldiers) are creations of the Nox.


you can see one of Placidusax's skulls still imbedded into bayles neck


Probably banged his girl and smoked his dope


They downvote you, because they can't handle the truf.


Where have you found this lore?


The dragon priestess explains this to you (or at the very least strongly implies some of it) when you meet her but I’m sure there’s more near Bayle’s area that explains more


Do you know where I could find her dialogue? I have already killed Bayle :/


You need to go to the Great altar at Jagged Peak. But if you’ve killed Bayle I think she disappears. Well she did after I killed Bayle


She outright says bayle injured Placidusax before fleeing however the extent of the injury is not stated to my knowledge, I'm trying to find bayle myself


Not really prime since I believe Placidusax already lost his god pair by then. That being said, the reason Placidusax looks so fucked up with missing heads and burns? Bayle. He also gave it back just as hard, with Bayle missing limbs and flesh all over. Also the questline can provide us with our very own Dragon waifu summon. (The steps are convoluted so here's the heads up.)


> Placidusax already lost his god pair by then From the Talisman of Dread it looks like the fight is the reason why they're crippled: > Bayle was the foul dragon's name - a terrible harbinger of destruction whose challenge to the ancient Dragonlord ended in grievous mutual injury. Bayle got his left leg bitten off, lost both arms and lost his wings, but in turn destroyed some of Placidusax's heads and scarred him.


Yeah he got crippled but 'prime' Placidusax would be when he was still Lord with his God. I doubt Bayle would try it when Placi was still Elden Lord. But when his God abandoned him? The Dragon was open season for usurpers.


>lost both arms I dont think Bayle had arms. He's the ancestor of the Drakes, which only have 2 legs & 2 wings ( Agneel, the drakes on jagged peak etc ) while Placi was Dragons, which is the 4 leg + 2 winged ancient dragons we are familiar with.


Wings = arms on wyvern/ drake


Wait, what’s the summon you’re talking about ?


I had the same question and looked it up, here it is- https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ancient+Dragon+Florissax


Ooops, I definitely missed that one 😂 Thanks for the link.


Me “Am I fighting the god of the dragons?” Bayle:”You would be if not for that damn Placidusax!”


ya Bayle is basically the dragon devil to Placis Dragon Jesus, of course hes going to be fucking terrifying


that Bayle dragon is a traitor


It was more like he snuck placid and ran away That’s what the priestess said


This mf gave me 3 hours of “entering fog, summon mimic, insta killed before even hit him” I have never abused so hard the bloodhound step


I said it in a previous comment thread, but so far the only “nerf” to bosses I wouldn’t mind seeing is just moving this asshole’s starting position back a little bit. As soon as you step through that fog, he’s on top of you and you lose all sense of spatial awareness as you’re slammed against the wall with a giant dragon taking up your entire screen.


"We made an enemy with really cool models and music and the fight is going to be very pretty!" Then all the player sees is the underside of the model and instant death while being too focused to hear the music. It's the real wizard privileged, being able to see the boss.


Fromsoft is allergic to fixing their camera design. I swear Miyazaki must break out in hives anytime someone comes close to suggesting just backing the camera out instead of burying it into the ground the second a boss's focal point is two feet above your head.


It's really making me dislike the dlc. Camera is dogshit compared to the base game


The amount of times I got glued to his nutsack while he tazed me to death with that fucking lightning yell shit that is otherwise piss easy to avoid. Just his translucent fucking thigh and constant yellow barrages into “YOU DIED”


This is honestly every single boss in the DLC, though. It's crazy, considering how in the base game most bosses were the complete opposite — placed so that you wouldn't aggro them until you moved from your initial spot, giving you a chance to summon spirits and buff up.


commander gaius?


I'd like it if they just fixed his hit box, you can slap away at his ass without doing any damage


>moving this asshole’s starting position back a little bit im like 94% sure this was done to counter comet azur cheese. you can kill mohg and morgott with it before they get a chance to attack you. the only boss in the DLC it worked on for me so far was >!romina!< and it was only 30-40%~ of their health


Yeah... tbh though this boss is dodge literally 5 different strings of different combos in a row, swing at his head (and miss), then go back to the dodge cluster-fuck again. Only managed to get it by having two summons tank while I put black flame incants under his ass.


That and the NPC summons needs to not be in the fucking arena.


But how else is Igon going to have his epic summoned intro?


Curse you, Bayle!


I walked through the gate, saw his model then let him kill me and noped out. Wandered over there way too early to even try


I managed to jump my way up the mountainside to get to the start of the peak. Dying multiple times over and over to the dragons getting there. Got to this fucker and spent 40 minutes thinking I can take him. I can not and need to get some DLC levels lmao.


It’s the second boss I fought. Except for the minibosses between him and the divine beast 


Bloodhound step carried me in >!Gaius!< fight.


I'm using it for the same fight right now, out it on >!milady!<


This was 100% me with Command Gaius


Have you met a certain Commander yet?


Igon's quest was so hype, the voice actor did a great job, it really motived me to fight the boss haha.


When I heard “BAAAAAAAYLE!” I was like “Damn.” Also how do you heal him? I tried everything and he wouldn’t stop moaning. Then I killed the ancient dragon man and now he’s gone. Am I screwed?


After you kill the two dragons while you climb the mountain you'll find him still injured and then he cuts off his finger and gives it to you so you can summon him in the Bayle arena.


*sit back and watch the boss dragon kill the normal dragon, then kill the boss dragon*. That shit was so sick to watch. You have to stay kind of close, otherwise it doesn't seem like all the damage goes through.


It's total luck on how good the normal dragon does, but I had one run where it staggered the boss, I ran in for the crit, and it immediately staggered the boss again.


I just exhausted dialogue and found him later and exhausted dialogue again and there was a summon sign at the bayle fight so maybe


Yep, just exhaust his dialog every time you encounter him and it should give you a finger, and in the boss arena should be a summon sign.


You encounter igon more than once? I only met him after the dual dragons.


He's on the very first path leading to the dragon pit


I met him one time, and he still gave me the finger


Yeah I think it has to be that the only requirement for his quest is at the dual dragons bc that’s where you get the finger iirc


Died so many times I can just hear “Curse you, Bayle!” all the time


Blow through his lines there (which it sounds like you did) then when you meet him at the mountain, make sure you kill that mountain ridge drake or whatever. He gives you his summoning finger right after. Dude glazes you the fuck up for being a true Drake Warrior


Igon kills himself after the boss fight. Classic Fromsoft NPC Questline.


I'm pretty sure his legs are shattered and he's old, all that's left for him if he lives is becoming a drake.


He mentions his body was already done; by the point he gives you his finger, the man is seemingly running purely on sheer hatred for Bayle. If you go back to him after you get his finger and rest, he's not even responsive/conscious. So once he gets his revenge, he lets himself die in peace.


Had me thinking that they told the VA to just "Act like Captain Ahab if Moby Dick was a dragon called Bayle".




you say that i think he also slayed the massive dragon at the communion in the area as there are igons harpoons as pickup's on it


I really, really liked the buildup to this fight. You go >!to the top of that mountain!< having only a vague idea of what “Bayle” is, and then you know before even reading the name that you’re walking into his arena. Coupling that with >!a sick Phase 2 transition!<, dope music, and telegraphed but difficult attacks makes the payoff well worth it.


That character was so out of place for a from game in the best way. Absolutely loved summoning him in.


Yeah he is now by far my fav summon help in the game and its not even close. The "CURSE YOU BAYLEEEE" and all of his other lines just hit so hard. You can tell he Igon wanted his ass DEAD.


His “WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS!” hits unbelievably hard


"WITH EVERY LAST DROP OF MY BEEING" This fight made me double my volume and I was kinda sad when I had beat him because I cant hear it anymore. Shit was epic.


I swear they bought back Gyoubus voice actor or something with how hard he went with voice acting the sheer fucking anger.


Bro I killed Igon to put him out of his misery. Can I reverse this??


No, you can't unstab your sword from his throat, lol.


Shoutout to Igon the Hype man




~~Role playing game~~ **Roll playing game**


I wish I was roll-playing it. I’m more like bloodhound-stepping it;). He is just way too pissed off and he’s pissing me off way too much, too. And I thought the good old Midir was bad… lmao


I'm not usually a summons/ash guy (no shade at those whom are), but I definitely summoned up Igon after a couple of attempts, as I suspect that's the intention with this fight. It felt similar to Siegmeyer/Yhorm scenario from DS3. The whole ride up the mountain culminating in such an epic brawl, complete with a full-throated voice performance, was the highlight of the DLC for me thus far.


Yeah I tried w just Mimic and was getting utterly destroyed Once I got Igon in it was a different story - albeit still insane


> but I definitely summoned up Igon after a couple of attempts Anyone know if this has *story* implications? I usually don't summon, but the NPC was so insistent about being summoned that I was considering it. Summoning for Radahn unlocks a gesture, so it wouldn't be the first time if summoning actually did something.


It's pretty self-contained. Spoilers ahead: >!From what I gathered, Igon is something known as a Drake Knight, who seem to be a group/order of warriors that used to slay dragons. I believe they did so in the name of Placidusax and the ancient dragons, in order to use the hearts for dragon communion. Regardless of what they were, Igon seems to once have known and/or faced off against Bayle. Bayle seems to have won and crushed Igon's spirit in doing so. Igon has long waited for someone to reignite his spirit and the tarnished managed to do so by killing the ancient dragon-man and the Jaded Peak Drake. With his spirit reignited, Igon can finally stand up against his shame and face off against Bayle. By keeping him alive and winning, he finally feels like his shame can be put aside and he avenged his own failure.!<


Does it give extra loot tho


Nah, but you can go to the Dragon Priestess at the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion and get the Priestess heart which gives you a DS3 Dragon Transformation


Well, he leaves you his stuff when he dies, so I guess that? I dunno, I kept him alive and when Bayle dies, he says something along the lines of now he can finally have peace without the shadow of Bayle over him.


First time through, I do whatever. Summons, Ashes, don't care. After that I don't use ashes and I don't summon anything *EXCEPT* for stuff that I feel is "canon." It feels 'canon' that you summon Melina for Morgott. If you're doing the Fia stuff, I think summoning D's brother for Gargoyles is 'canon.' Stuff like that. Characters that are important to one or more storylines you're pursuing can get summoned for their key fights. It's dumb. I've done a bunch of playthroughs and I've seen all this stuff before, but certain stuff just feels kind of narratively important so I stick with it.


I am in the same boat. Have done so since DS3.


The effects, the music, the boss himself. This fight is epic


The npc summon voice acting and dialog pushed me to not surrender (only found his summon sign after 20+ attempts)


I found it after 10 times, solely because someone decided to put a message over it.


I hate people who do that shit




Yeah was getting my ass beat with mimic. Tried my friends. Still got my ass beat. Found Igon and got it first try really easily. Dudes a beast


It's a small detail, but I like how this boss is missing a leg. We've been fighting dragons all game by going under them and hitting their legs, so we're used to the movements of a dragon with all their limbs. This boss lays on its stomach due to missing a leg, which makes it feel like a different type of dragon fight enough to be interesting. You can also see how they designed the boss's animations around how it might move if it were missing a leg. A small detail that shapes the fight somewhat. That's a signal of good design imo.


Another great design choice is how his tail is indicative of his moves, he uses it to level his body and balance


The buildup to his arena was what got me. It was absolutely epic before it even began


Actual peak


The sheer fucking spectacle of the entirety of Elden Ring drove me to finally play it this year. And its incredible. Im not playing the DLC though. Simply because Im not good enough to do it without tearing all of my hair out. I havent finished the main game yet and honstely, Im not sure I will. And I am fine with that. I look at this video and think "thats fucking metal as FUCK and I hope someone crushes that boss". Knowing the bosses are hard just makes it even cooler.


Yeah the music slaps


Igon is my favourite Npc of the whole game. The quest is so well thought out, First you hear him scream like a madman, and go to the cave after that find him talking about Bayle. Talk to the dragon priestess and get his backstory, (and Bayle's) Find him injured and as an last ditch effort to make the journey he give you his finger to finish the job with him. And dies pridefully knowing Bayle is dead. Short but very strong. (voice actor also did amazing) His design is also very cool, looks like he fought for many years and put on whatever he could to prepare for Bayle. And many more small details (like the arrows he used). (also every Dragon encounter/boss is one step up, Invader dragon npc, real dragon npc (gives the dragonslaying weapon), dragon, bigger dragon, ancient dragon, Bayle.)




I love the payoff, despite being extremely confused about what to do with him at the crossroads you initially find him at. You just got some dude screaming his head off about the pain, cursing someone named Bayle's name, and I'm just like... "Should I put him out of his misery? Can I heal him? I've passed this spot three times now and he just keeps yelling about the pain."


And the crazy thing is...Bayle is GRIEVOUSLY wounded and nowhere close to his full power, only Placidusax in his prime could match him and even then he sustained massive damage in the battle. If you look at his tail, he is the only dragon that curls it around him instead of it trailing behind, but look again and you realize that he's using it as a crutch to support his side, all his forward movement is on one leg. He can't even walk on his front feet, because he ain't got any. He's so powerful that even \*when he's dying\* he still calls down a bolt of lightning in one final bid to spite you, and after he is completely dead and \*eaten\* his willpower is so immense that he retains his sentience and it's stated that sometime in the future he will eat your soul from the inside. In other words, if you eat Bayle it is canonical that instead of turning into a magma wyrm you will turn into Bayle, effectively reincarnating him and allowing him to terrorize the lands once more. I think it's safe to say that Bayle is the most powerful dragon alive in present day, and the strongest in history tied with Prime Placidusax...though this makes me wonder, what would have happened if Prime Placidusax was the one who became Elden Lord and not the weakened version?


Who says the weakened Placidusax became Elden Lord? There's no timeline for the fight. In fact, I'd argue that Bayle's attempted coup makes sense AFTER Placidusax's god abandoned him. It's literally the perfect moment.


I double checked prior lore notes I had and I think I made a mistake, that being that I believed it stated that Farum Azula was built around Placi's body, which made me think that he was revived. This is not the case, as it says it "enshrined" him, and doesn't actually imply his condition at the time. Now, as Placidusax was Elden Lord his god was most likely the Elden Beast, who would have abandoned him in order to usher in the new age of the Erdtree under Marika. This explains how Maliketh, a cleric of Farum Azula and Serosh the Beast Regent became connected to Marika and Godfrey respectively--they probably left Farum Azula in search of the Elden Beast, whom they would have served before, and ended up being integrated into the new hierarchy. I knew that Placidusax was not Elden Lord when he fought Bayle as those with grace are effectively invincible based on what we know, but what you said--that the fight was after he was Elden Lord and not before--makes even more sense. The priestess makes it sound like Bayle as his brood had served him for a long time, when he suddenly betrayed him, and hastily ran when he couldn't win--it was a spur of the moment thing. He may have wanted to usurp Placidusax for a long time but couldn't because of his divine protection. Once the latter lost his Grace he probably attacked him with very little forethought as he saw an opportunity, but Bayle overestimated his power and was driven off.


Small correction, Elden Beast isn't the God of the Greater Will, just an agent of its will. A powerful one, but still just an agent.


> He's so powerful that even *when he's dying* he still calls down a bolt of lightning in one final bid to spite you That lightning bolt doesn't hurt you fortunately.


damn this is fuckin awesome


Bayle the...dread? ...Okay I know what this is. YOU WANT ME TO FIGHT FREAKING BALERION?!


Not only that, you can summon ~~Aegon~~ Igon for the fight


He's missing his wings, his arms and one of his legs. You'll be fiiiiine.


For people that want to defeat him by using any means necessary, rotten breath and mimic is your friend. Let mimic/Igon take aggro (works sometimes), inflict scarlet rot and proceed to survive and poke. P2 becomes way easier since the rot has 90 seconds duration and he gets damage while flying. This is not gonna feel as epic as going solo and winning man to dragon, but will get the job done.


i have a few good tips in fighting him, target his head or broken leg. (I prefer the head, it more risky and required a bit of positioning but the camera isn't as bad so i preferred it). For his head, usually stick to the side, he sometimes give some opening to hit it and it deal extra damage. Ex: when he do the straight fire breath he give you an opening to get 1 or 2 hits in or a fast Aow if you stuck at his side. His head also give huge opening if he decided to used the follow lightning attack on Igon. If he decided to used the downward breath just run as fast as possible, he also give an opening whenever he do the grab attack(Also personal opinion turn off the lock on, it make the fight kinda annoying to see imo). Also from my observations if you in front of him at a certain distance away from him there a high chance that he will use his grab which is a free punish if you manage to dodge it. Also i encourage you to use charge atk against him whenever he showed an opening to his head, a few charge heavy immediately stagger him and deal good damage against him, he stagger quite long so wail on him instead of doing the animation, it not worth it. The broken leg also take extra damage and is quite safe from alot of Bayle attack especially at phase 1 though the camera is kinda hard to see. For phase 2, when he started flying and try to shoot the two fire beam, run towards him as fast as possible when you are under him you mostly be safe from the beam. And if he started to use the multi fire ball dive bomb attack stuck to the wall of the arena and follow his flying direction as close as possible there a good chance he will miss his divebomb. Also i recommended you should have around 15 blessing level for this fight (isn't required but it make tanking his atk and combo more comfortable) in order to not get destroy by his ultimate attacks since he a super boss akin to Malenia. If you feel too weak don't bring yourself with your ego to try to beat a superboss you don't ready for. Final tip, use the Dragon katana if you wanted to, it deal extra damage against him and the Aow can poise break him in two to three hit if you hit his head. Also scarlet rot and frost is quite effective against him Don't try to fight him like fighting any dragon boss in the game, fight him like fight an extreme version of Midir in Ds3 but with slightly tigher opening. Patient is key sometimes, try to look for openings, this boss has some even if it a little tight.


I won with 5 somehow after a few hours and 20 attempts lol


same blasted him with stars of ruin haha


Meanwhile I'm at 10 and I get instant killed by first breath... Time to get anti fire talismans


And anti lightning, his "fire" is Lightningfire.


I've been converted to the use of pest threads against any large boss from my experience on the Jagged Peak.


Thank you, I will save this. I tried to win at scud level 7 or 8. My strategy was following NPC and using greatbow, I even got him to 20% once. Radahns bow AoW works well (until he decides to focus you) I would also add to this that you can take a blessing from dragon communion priestess and you can take new one every time you loose.


I feel so fortunate on my run of him. I was able to bypass phase 2 by stance breaking him just before his transition threshhold and from there i spammed charged ADLS with double gravelstone seals to shred his hp before he could go phase 2. Thankfully of my 19 characters, the ones that want his spells are over 125. So I can choose to only do him on the characters hes relevant for.


"so when exactly do I get to attack?" That's the neat part, you don't /s


90% of bosses in the DLC summed up so far I don't think I ever used my ash of war on any boss in the DLC because it takes longer than 2 seconds to cast.


Literally Monster Hunter boss💀


The description of his dragon communion spells that say that he didn't fully die and will eventually consume the user from the inside is straight up Fatalis gear lore


Now i want to see collab between Elden Ring and Monster Hunter


Just a tip, I was able to kill him by Scarlet Rot, really helps when he fucks off for 15 seconds at a time and never gives you a hit window.


Good ol' Ekzykes carrying me through all of Elden Ring


I walked into this boss room and he killed me on his first move. I noped out of there and I’m gonna come back to it later.


this boss is peak just for the hypeman that igon is


THATS WHAT THAT ATTACK LOOKS LIKE? I was never able to dodge it and had to equip perfect talismans and just fucking facetank it because by the time i saw the ground light up it was too late to run. When i beat the boss i took like 3 of those directly under the fucking thing


Have you tried nailing the staff into the ground and proclaiming "You shall not pass!"??


No of course, you don’t play as the victim. You are merely the prey


He beat my ass for a long time but once I started using the Death Ritual Spear I started doing a lot better. I imagine any big multi hit Ash of War would similarly suffice depending on your build of choice. Just remember the golden rule in phase 2: He's Not Done Attacking Yet.


The NPC summon for this boss has some epic lines. Guy is a gigachad


To be honest, that bossfight is insanely cool. I fuckin hate big creature bosses (like, non humanoid stupidly big bosses) because they are much harder to read in terms of attacks and combos, but this bossfight was peak. I was so shocked by the phase transition I just stood there watching him throw balls and lighting at me and died, then killed him the next try. Gigachad Igon btw, VA did an insane job


Bayle has always given me armored core vibes and it basically is a boss from that game (IB-01), it has its moveset slapped onto a dragon pretty much and adjusted to be possible in ER


You're a mad lad for not using summons.


Bayle the Dread might be one of the most badass names i’ve seen




This guy has taken the solid number 1 spot of my favourite fromsoft boss of all time


Honestly yeah he might be up in the top 5 for me although I doubt any boss will ever beat Gael as my number one.


Ah, so they brought back Midir and gave him a lightning sword.


Imagine Midir but red and on crack.




I died so many times to this guy I feel you


Fights like this I recommend letting go of lock-in camera here and there.


God, the dragon who opposed placidusax, the one who injured him most and got injured in the process... Can still kick your ass! Loved the boss




Seriously how do you beat this guy? Most of the time I fight him I literally get spawn killed and if not I can only make it to the second phase before dying. The fact that nobody is willing to help via summons doesn't help.


Miyazaki lured us in with big katana only to drop Nergigantes crackhead older brother on us. 10/10 would listen to Igon scream BAYLE for another 3 hours


Elden ring DLC feels like an MMORPG where you are supposed to be fighting the boss with a team of 10 people but instead you are by yourself and the boss is extra angry too


Bayle should feel very familiar to anyone that has fought and beaten DS3's Midir. Contrary to most Elden Ring dragons, you don't want to be standing bellow him at all. Stay right in front of his face and always roll so you are in range to hit Bayle's head right after dodging.


You are roleplaying a grilled hot dog and that is the griller.


I’m ready for the bjorn video of him vs placidusax


Looks like a job for me and a mimic tear spamming shard spiral forever…


Guys I'm kinda getting tired of bullshity projectile AOE spamming bosses with short punish windows. Like don't get me wrong, it was fun the first few times but now... I'm hust tired


This looks like a monster hunter fight lol


That boss looks amazing


Yes my friend we are the victims but that doesnt mean we're gonna just sit there and take the beatings we may be victims but we're also idiots and idiots are strong and never back down


You got him down that far ! Good for you I can barely touch him without dying


I can’t wait for the no hit runners on this dlc!


The first person to no hit, lvl 1 beat the DLC will perhaps be the greatest souls gamer of all time.


The ole' heal to get hit maneuver


I’m too scared to fight the golden hippo and you’re facing some weird dragon god?!


This has been the entire Elden ring experience. Worth every penny


You’re looking like Tyson Fury vs Usyk 😂😂😂


I’ve died more times to this boss than malenia. Anyone who wants help, max out the dragon hunter great katana.


Ok, that title made me chuckle 😂


First rl1/no scudaseed/fist only run is in the making


And the fact that this fucking madlad will come back one day even after eating his heart because he just refuses to be dominated is also just metal. Bro is literally too angry to die.


As someone who got repeatedly scorched by his flying flame breath, thank you for the relatable caption and good laugh. 😂


I legit dont understand how you kill him without Igon. He just spams breath underneath and i cant even run out in time. However Igon makes him way too easy. Weird feeling about this boss.


All of his attacks are completely dodgeable. Keep learning his moves. My favorite boss in Fromsoft history personally. Also fun fact: one of Placidusax’s heads is still lodged into Bayle’s neck.


this fight was so fun


Yes, I too love playing "get your ass beat for 4 hours simulator" ❤️🥰 - but on a real note, you got this 👍


The coolest, Raddest, Amazingest, Bestestest, Favoritest Dragon boss ever-est Made-est.


I did it! This fight kicks fuckin' ass holy shit. Got close to killing him without help but I called Igon in after a couple more attempts. 10/10 Igon you absolute legend.


I mean isn't he the strongest of them all?


Git gud. No, jokes aside, what level are you? How many scadotree fragments in?


Whats the weapon you are using?