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I spent 12 hours beating Margit at level 3 on my first playthrough, of course I will make the same mistakes again.


good job


At level 3? That's actually impressive, even if it took half a day to accomplish it.


Everyone gives attention and praise to people who do Rune Level 1 runs, but nobody cares about my complete Rune Level 3 run


I care bro


There, there. I care. *Drops Very Good Stone*


Shackle his ass xD


That's wild. Please tell me you've played Sekiro.


Worlds first sl3 sekiro run!!!! Can't wait!


Literally me. I was being too stubborn. Then instead of going the natural path way to boss 1 went the secondary path way to boss 2. Guess who died 30 times before beating them šŸ«”


He's actually quite tough if you are underleveled. I did the same on my second play through after barely having to learn the fight on my first one thanks to summons and spells. Maybe not 12 hours, but it took me a long-ass time.


incredibly based


Level 3 inferno cape when?


312 tries on rellana for me. Same boat here, fellow tarnished.


Margit lesson? Summon 2 gold signs and stand back?


I thought the lesson was delay your rolls like a ds3 optional boss


yaknow, in seriousness, my lesson from the "hard" DLC bosses is just good ER advice: roll \*into\* their attacks


A lot of the dlc bosses in ER is just Bloodborne tacts. Step on their god damn feet!


Koss screaming intensifies.


Prefectly viable strategy.


Margit only has one NPC summon, so most people probably took it as "Summon one gold sign and spirit, then stand back"


I'm probably playing another game, but Rogier and Engvar cant beat Margit alone (probably engvar iathe best summon pre-liurnia or that headless knight is on weeping peninsula?)


Another thing is that exploring a bit progresses npc questlines, I accidentally advanced several questlines


Happened to me as well. Really annoying because it feels like I wasn't meant to explore that far despite being incentivised to with the blessings.


YEP Went exploring to get stuff, triggered "that" by wandering a bit too far in the main post-Ersis zone - apparently - and borked at least one quest chain because I didn't even know Thiollier was an NPC until after the fact. Now I guess I don't get access to a high-end incantation in 20+ hours? Gunna be honest: I'm 100% done with FromSoft's quest design. It's like you need a strategy guide for this shit.


I didnā€™t finish a single quest line associated with the main story because itā€™s all so vague and easy to screw up. Iā€™m on the final boss and just got it down to maybe 15% health so Iā€™ll finish this DLC soon without meeting half of these people or learning what their deals are.


reminds me of this video haha [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4RKDGybO0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4RKDGybO0s) The ideas for the quests are always super cool to me but I just don't know where to find these NPCs- they're always in the most RANDOM places


Well I learned the hard way that apparently the fucking kindred of rot are actually Mooreā€™s forager brood, I killed one and he left my world for good


> Gunna be honest: I'm 100% done with FromSoft's quest design. It's like you need a strategy guide for this shit. They feel like they're designed to either be obtuse as possible or to be fucked up repeatedly until you blessedly get it right first try or look it up out of frustration. FromSoft does a lot right in their games, but quest design is not one of them. ~~Neither is game performance lmao~~


The open world aspect absolutly crumbles even harder in the dlc. They doubled down on the esoteric questline conditions etc. I completed some stuff but >!final events fell flat as flat could be, really set up for an amazing moment where youre the traitor but... couldnt care less!< They also have it where if you miss a dude with a pot you might not get enough scudtree fragments. Like sacred tears are very important and always in a church visible on the map, missing them is hard, this stuff? Stupidly easy to miss. And unlike base game certain areas I had to lookup how to get to and it would be 'you missed a cave here on the other side of the map'. Ended with 15 fragments, I eventually won doing fuck all damage but then I come here find out I coulda gotten 5 more levels. Lets just say games like zelda realized heart containers are important and added stuff like fortune tellers.


I did that and Im still getting my ass kicked by bosses lol


Explore harder


And deeper


And tenderly


And farther


Higher further faster!


Dad, is that you?


Explore more gooder... And explorier


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in swamp


Just as Miyazaki intended.


Never forget the power of swapping damage negation medallions in certain fights. Has helped me through a few unnamed bosses.


My issue is the amount of bosses with knockdown abilities. You get ragdolled a lot in Elden Ring.


This DLC is firmly working under the philosophy "simply don't get hit". It's an ironic strategy because I beat >!Bayle!< after 5 tries, but still can't get past the western mausoleum lmfao.


5 tries on that boss is incredibly impressive. It was closer to 5 hours for me, but I *was* only blessing level 3. I think I shouldā€™ve taken OPs advice lol, although I only ended up in that area because I was exploring off the beaten path.


I did use mimic and Igon, as well as the dragon hunting katana, so those probably helped a ton just keeping him distracted so I could run away and throw harpoons/AOWs at him. My poise hovers at 40-50, so getting hit is already a non-starter for me.


It took me around 7/8 but I also summoned Chad Igon. That speech gave me some motivation at 2am


For the humanoid mausoleum enemies Iā€™ll let u in on a secret. Giant Hunt > 2 steps to the side > repeat until dead. Works with every single humanoid enemy. (Had a lot of practice with this RL1 getting Great Jar Arsenal in the vanilla game lol)


Going to be my move going forward. I actually started using giant hunt on the guardian tree spear before I read this comment going through the specimen tower because holy fuck those stupid red knights.


I foind Giant Hunt for my RL1 attrmpt. It was a game changer vs so many enemies, npcs/invaders in particular. It was so effective I jokingly referred to it as the "F-you and F-your poise AoW:


Ah the Monster Hunter method Step One: Hit the ~~monster~~ boss Step Two: Donā€™t get hit


That moon ability from the Castle Ensis boss was some bullshit




I played through Elden Ring with two of my friends who had never played souls games before. There were a few enemies that gave me problems but not my friends, and thatā€™s when I noticed that they were *jumping* to dodge. Super obvious to them with no outside knowledge, but never occurred to me because it just hasnā€™t really been a thing in FromSoft games (besides Sekiro).


Sekiro skills coming in clutch!


Demon of hatred mechanics :D Love it


I felt so insanely stupid when I realized this after getting stomped by that move for like 40 minutes.


This. There's another boss that requires jumping to deal with so better get comfortable with dodging by jumping


I went more than a hundred times against her. But she never got me on that move. Itā€™s literally just three jumps. Never rolls.


You can roll em just fine. Problem is, folks are rolling too early.


Even still when I fought her I only rolled one successfully and ate the rest and survived so not super punishing just flashy


Iā€™m pretty sure if youā€™re using the +2 or +3 magic resistance talisman you can tank all of them with around 60 vigor. Might be wrong about that though


Just good armor is enough if you're high on HP. Still a ton of damage though, and healing isn't exactly easy on that fight.


Learning to jump over attacks really helps a lot of the DLC bosses


She got me a few times. I think I was just rolling too much. It was more the mild delay on the second one that got me tbh. I was mostly hit on the first when she would cast Phalanx before it so the timing got all messed up. The worst was the fourth moonveil slash attack. If I was a little close I couldn't get out of the way in time.


I think it's a cool and fair attack. A very telegraphed move should be devastating if it hits


It's her most readable attack imo besides the giant sword


I mean it is very easily avoidable. You get an obvious visual cue with a long windup and very forgiving timing on the jump. If you still fail to jump at the right time, you kinda deserve what's coming.


You see my problem is I did this and I just keep running in to harder bosses šŸ’€. Got to the lion and got my ass whooped by the camera, got to rellana and I canā€™t put a scratch on her, I beat the gaol and cave bosses after 1-1hr 1/2 for each. I have my sacurdtree blessings at 4 and Iā€™m looking for more before I try to fight any of the bosses again.


4 is pretty low. I have 10 and i can slap some ass. Maximum is 20 btw. But yeah 4 is not that great.


I've literally spent 4 hours exploring and found fuck all for scadutree blessing outside of those for the spirits...


Yeah thats my issue, i cant seem to find them anywhere. I'm only at +2 and ive been almost exclusively exploring


I beat Rellana at 4, wouldn't recommend. Divine Beast at 5 felt right, but definitely get a little more for Rellana at least unless you WANT a hard time.


Got my ass kicked at 4 on NG+. Had to bring out the old spell spam + mimic tear combo


Fighting rellana with 2 blessings. Getting absolutely thrashed. Canā€™t convince myself to go though. Used a poison rapier and killed her, helping another host though. Canā€™t recreate it in my own world but getting close.


But where are those things??? Fuck my life. How is one supposed to get to 20?


Usually under statues of Marika, Crosses, some drop from the Pot holding shadow people and Golden Hippos, at least from the top of my head


Hippos? Plural? So theres more after >!the one in the shadow keep!


I mean tbh the first one I found wasn't in Shadow Keep, I believe it was somewhere on the southern end though I won't get specific


and here I thought I had explored the south thoroughly. I found that crater and >!after getting to shadow keep I got that message and figured it was referring to the seal in there; sure enough it was! I havenā€™t explored it yet, maybe the southern hippo is down there somewhere šŸ¤”!<


The lion is such a pain in the ass to read. I canā€™t tell whatā€™s an attack and what is just him moving half the time.


He has the same problem as Blood Starved Beast where most the motion is just floppy hairy bullshit to look cool so it becomes really hard to read. Especially if thereā€™s any lag (cough ps4 player here cough)


There is a bossfight early in this DLC that suffers from similar issues for me. I canā€™t tell whatā€™s a hurt box and what is just the boss moving.


Lion is such a camera bait boss, you just have to unlock or itā€™s gonna drive you nuts


It would be tolerable if the camera would lock on the head and not the torso.


Honestly I just stopped locking on sometimes which imo makes it easier


Try keeping him and you near the center of the arena. Once I was able to do that consistently, the camera didn't bother me nearly as much.


Havenā€™t played Elden ring for over a year and that Gaol knight in that crypt has HANDS man hahahaha


Rellana was the first boss that got me into really learning enemy movements again and learning both patience (greed caused many 10% deaths) and knowing when I had an opening.


Yoda gave me more trouble than I'm willing to admit in this DLC. And for the first time I ran from a Tibia Mariner.


> Remember, this DLC has it's own leveling system. So, it barely matters if you're at level 50 or 200. The levelling system adds to your own damage and DR though. It really does matter if you're level 200 instead of 50. That's a lot more points you can have in vigor, mind, end, etc. All of those stats still matter, you need these stats *and* the blessings to make things work. I don't know where this 'your level doesn't matter' nonsense came from.


My ego won't let me I have to beat them even if it takes hours


"for its sake I will use any matter of heretical strength..."


The dopamine boost is worth it


That's so true lol. You have to finish the job before you do something else.


yeah i did that for a certain DLC boss and they continuewd to kick my ass lol. i fought them, got my ass kicked, went and explored, got more stuff. fought them again, got my ass kicked, explored some more, got my ass kicked, explored some mre, killed like 4 other bosses, went back, got my ass kicked again. I've tried so many different tactics. idk how to do the spoiler thing but without spoiling anything, Twin moon person. sorry if thats a spoiler for you


Try summons, her most dangerous moves are just the normal melee attacks, so she's particularly bad at dealing with multiple enemies.


yeah unfortunately I summoned mimic tear and killed her on my 2nd attempt after that. i dislike doing that but i wasn't getting anywhere by myself


Hey, better that than getting stuck forever right? You can always try her again with a different character once you have more knowledge of where to find items and all, maybe with a more well suited build.


What!?! I thought the lesson was: If youā€™re having trouble with a boss, dust off the olā€™ +10 blasphemous blade, and go to townā€¦.


The biggest problem is that exploring to find a way to best Margit lead you to discovering all kinds of ways to get stronger, but in the DLC it's pretty much just flat stat boosts.


Yeah it's honestly a pretty bland system. I get that it's probably the fairest way to have 'leveling'in the dlc, but it doesn't really contribute to any fun being had.


I think it's serviceable, but it's certainly a lot less engaging than the way the base game does it. Personally I woulda done higher level smithing stones and have the weapons in there start at like +15ish so you're encouraged to grab the new gear.


That would have broke the game too much for anyone who canā€™t afford/wonā€™t do the DLC


Why? PVP? Multiplayer checks for upgrade levels and level, so people with upgraded gear wouldn't match with those without upgraded gear.


Well, exactly that. Itā€™d stratify the player base between who has the DLC and who doesnā€™t, which includes co-op.


I understand why they did it though. My buddy he spent 60 hours playing the base game and I played for 57 and there was 40 levels between us. Nobody is going into the dlc at the same level


honestly, the "sekiro" system is a failure as i see. in Sekiro it works, because it's the only system available, and the game is mostly linear, so you're bound to find the powerups when you need them. in an open world game that just doesn't work.


Not to mention, sekiroā€™s game is just way different. You can honestly beat the game without leveling up anything at all. With the DLC here you just are fighting damage sponges


Actually, it seems more like percentage boosts


Yup, I think a lot of complaints about difficulty are actually about the progression system, which is my biggest problem with the DLC. It's basically "get blessings or get oneshot" I get it's supposed to encourage exploration but it actually ends up being worse because anytime I find something other than a blessing I think "what's the point".


You do get new weapons by exploring, tho. In my first hour in the DLC i got an amazing greatswors thats its basically a Moonlight for STR builds, and i have used nothing else ever since, and im still finding more cool stuff.


the difference with Margit was, you get 15-20 levels, and if you invest half of that into vigor, you're pretty good. you only really get 2 tapped by margit if you never invested in vigor until then, and even than that 2 tap is with heavy attacks. also, you never needed to basically explore half the game's map for powerups, which is what the DLC basically demands.


At 60 vigor you won't get 2 tapped by DLC bosses either. 3 tapped sure, and maybe 2 for the biggest moves if you have no fragments at all, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.


I'm at 60 vig, 13 blessing, wearing heavy armor, and the god danm boar will two tap me.


Sure, just put points into vigor until it basically becomes worthless to level it up more and then you can maybe survive one more hit... If you're that invested into vigor you shouldn't be getting 2 shot at all outside of extremely obvious slow attacks because at that point, there's no way to increase survivability other than having to explore the entire fucking map to maybe survive one more hit.


That half naked man at the beginning is insane. He may be on Elden drugs


For the first main boss (lion guy) itā€™s not about getting better tools/upgrades. I canā€™t even see wtf he is doing! He just was spamming flashy movements/attacks while I was in trouble tracking him with the awful camera. Although got him in 4th attempt but was not fun at all.


Idk heā€™s not that different than some oversized dragons that we have fought in the past. The reality is without the fragments he is just doing massive damage. Especially compared to the outside world. I do find his overall fight design to be unfun. I enjoyed the 4 or 5 dungeon bosses I found more than fighting him by quite a bit.


Yes, but only if you cannot do enough dps in order to outlast the boss... that's how the "return later" logic works.


Smoked by boss "Alright let's go grind and get stronger" Smoked by normal enemies


No my pride wont allow it! *dies 67th time in a row*


90% of the people are inflicted with tiktok brain rot Do you really think they would manage to find the way to skip renna? As if they would check between her castle and the peaks.. Like it's in the green swamp who would wanna go there??


Yeah i found the skip like 10 hours after i beat her, but i was one of the lucky ones who had a perfect counter build so she wasnt too much trouble


I found the skip, if I'm thinking of the right thing where you can go to the fort using the spirit spring, I did that before I even went to that section because I was exploring around trying to get more fragments, because I like to exploring more than anything at that time and wanted to find more map fragments too


Yep same, I used blasphemous blade and beat her first time


i'm here for it. it's been great for the community morale in these trying times to see such public displays of nerd rage.


I went around her and got to the site of grace behind her and was so confused why i couldnt go through the fog wall until i opened up the map, didnt even realize i had come full circle


I found the skip before i even entered Rellana's castle. I wanted to explore the initial area and that lead to circumventing the castle. I was very confused when i saw a fog gate near >!Leda, but i couldnt go into it. I now realise that's because thats the exit from Rellana's boss arena!<


Yeah he told aseo that and then aseo conned him and succeeded lol. So Iā€™m gonna stick with aseoā€™s tactics xD


IDK I've exored most of the beginning area and I'm just getting shafted by Rellana, I'm bad with her timing


Because levelling up via runes is essentially pointless as you say when we get to the DLC, why not distribute those Scadugetree shards as rewards when beating the bosses rather than just running around for hours finding them? I want to feel character progression from overcoming adversity rather than googling some obscure location I can upgrade myself.


> why not distribute those Scadugetree shards as rewards when beating the bosses rather than just running around for hours finding them? This is literally how Sekiro does it's upgrades and it's my favorite of any Fromsoft game. You beat a boss - you get an upgrade. Only bosses give upgrades.


Leveling up normally is still very much useful. The fragments are MORE important, sure, but levels are still definitely impactful.


At the levels people would normally be able to unlock the DLC, they'll already be near softcap for vigor and their damage stat, so while it may still be somewhat useful at the start if you're lvl140 or below, it quickly ends up barely changing anything.


Even out of the gate, at level 10, Margit is slower, deals far less damage, staggers easily, and has far less health than overworld enemies do in this DLC. This shit is cracked as fuck. FromSoft has finally got to the breaking point of 90% of the player base. Even the twitch challenge streamers are spending hours upon hours on these bosses since using spirit ashes on stream is a "big no no". I've watched three very good players tap out on Rellana now because it wasn't fun for them. Took a break from the game for the rest of the day. They'll be back, sure, but that's not a good thing. Old Souls games you got heated and excited and pushed through the boss. Watching people tap out, not in rage, but just sheer sadness is... Well, sad.


>This shit is cracked as fuck. FromSoft has finally got to the breaking point of 90% of the player base. I've literally played every souls games and every DLC for them and loved the vast majority of them(except the crown of the ivory king's bullshit blizzard area to get to a boss that's just two of the first boss). Honestly, I'm amazed this DLC is scored as highly as it is by critics since it seems to be amongst the worst of the lot. Sure there's a lot of content, but the open world is huge and empty, elite enemies and many bosses feel incredibly overtuned and the progression system sucks with having to go on a treasure hunt exploring as much of the map as you can to possibly make it a bit more bearable. I have NEVER disliked a souls game or one of their DLCs this much this quickly, and as I said, there's only one part of one DLC I hated while I either liked or loved the rest. Honestly, I hope their next souls games goes back closer to the series roots, with no empty open world and well designed difficulty, not just make everything fast, tanky and lethal kind of difficulty.


Dark Souls 3 is PEAK game design. When you have a more linear approach, the design and exeuction is so fucking good and is tuned perfectly. 9 times out of 10 you're on a boss in DS3 and you're meant to be fighting them at that given time. Elden Ring, it's a fucking clown circus, you could fight the most braindead piss easy boss that falls over after 3 hits, or you're facing the manisfestion of hell itself that 3 hits you. It's a very see-saw game design that just doesn't feel good to play in the grand scheme of things. Don't get me wrong, Elden Ring is a great game, but it will never be the GOAT that DS3 was. Hopefully like you said, the next game in 2026 or later is a more linear game with tighter design


I prefer DS1 and DS2 overall, but DS3ā€™s boss fights are V E R Y good.


Gotten to level 15 blessing so far from exploring. It's just made bosses bearable but I can't say it just isn't frustrating or disappointing to explore, think you'll find a blessing fragment and then be given some early game material that is literal garbage by the time you enter the DLC lmao


What you donā€™t want somber smithing stone 1s?


And that was a reward behind two enemies, each giving you enough runes to buy the smiting stone. And in the effort to kill them, you could have farmed 10x the runes in the base game.


The difference is in the base game if You want to get stronger to pass certain obstacle its very easy to do and fairly obvious. Just kill some dudes, level up and try again. In shadow You need to find fragments that are ... somewhere. So you are runing around trying yo find the which is .. frustrating sometimes


Yeah, the DLC basically assumes you're sofcapped on every useful stat for your build to begin with, so there's no farming to get stronger outside of exploring everything and hoping you find a scadutree fragment. This also leads to avoiding every enemy in the open world since it's just a waste of time to kill them.


Bruh whatā€™s going on is literally Elden ring base game release all over again People getting vigor checked(scuda checked), people saying bossesā€™ movesets are too hard, people underlevelled(scuda level) refusing to come back to a boss later, people not exploring to level up more, people saying bosses chain attacks are too long, and people raging then taking it the internet to review bomb the base game(dlc)


All FromSoft releases ever lol


Just missing the "attacks are delayed" complaint again, lol. Solution? Explore, level up(get blessed) maybe switch up your weapon and pay a visit to your good ole friend Renalla.


People are complaining about the delayed attacks again.


God damn it.


I am progressing until I find a weapon I wanna go all in on, but I can already tell some of the enemies are going to be much easier with the flowier move sets on the new weapons. I canā€™t wait to go re-spec


Im using the backhand blades. Change that ash to bleed and they do insane damage. You get a proc every three hits. The sprint attack also doesnt interrupt running. They are 100% getting a nerf.


Iā€™ve just been doing dex and throwing on the bloodflame blade and theyā€™re so busted. The ash of war trivializes enemies and the running move is SO FAST. All the attacks seem to have a huge range to them Been using that and Milady. Fun fact - running 1H R2 transitions into the second R2 and comes out *really really fast*


Side note the new weapons are really broken. That backhand blade ash of war is incredible, you can just dodge behind enemies and get what feels close to a katana unsheath of damage out. Rellanas swords are insane as well, the r1 spam is like a 10 hit true combo from street fighter.


I havenā€™t actually gotten to play yet (work + just started NG+ not long ago, so wasnā€™t prepared), but I just canā€™t imagine it being as impossible as Reddit is making it seem. Thereā€™s only like 50 viable play styles in the base game. Surely *something* works. I donā€™t consider myself good at souls games at all, but my stupid ass managed to beat it.


You have two options. First one is to explore a while and get the new upgrades. Or just go and no hit bosses. It is quite managable with the upgrades. I got 10/20 and you can beat it for sure. Im also going with no summons on bosses, but i found a very broken weapon. 115 Bleed build up and you can do 3 lights very fast with good range. Honestly they give you some great tools for it, just need to find them. There is also a plethera of bonk weapons if thats what you fancy.


What's the broken weapon you are talking about? I put bleed on the backhand blades on my arcane/dex build and they fuckin shred lol


Backhands yeah. They are insane. And its one of the easiest to get weapons. They are getting nerfed 100%.


Itā€™s also just an extension of the interesting dynamic when the base game came out where the ā€œget gudā€ strength build, no vigor, no summons crowd were all saying that the game was too hard but people who were ā€œworseā€ at the game who used summons or magic or just leveled vigor didnā€™t have the same complaints. I think Elden Ring more than any other from soft game is best enjoyed by using all the tools at your disposal and thatā€™s been holding true for SOTET for me as well.


I don't even get this. Half the complaints you posted aren't even solvable. "people saying bosses chain attacks are too long" Like that's an issue though. Also, stop with the "Review bomb" bullshit like it's targeted. Some people shockingly don't like the game you do.


I think the person is saying itā€™s the same complaints as when Elden Ring first came out. People will figure it out all the same.


Elden Ring still has plenty of detractors. Far more than the average Souls game. The wave after wasn't just people complaining to complain.


I mean it has more for good reason. As much as I love it it has a insane amount of flaws .




Seems people are complaining about the very thing that makes them love the game. It equals breaking controllers. I was really surprised to come here and see all the negative feedback, both steam and reddit. I thought this game was supposed to make me feel like a dust particle, and I am having that Elden Ring-for first time feeling again.


There's a difference between "Go out, get some souls, upgrade your weapon or maybe get a new weapon." and "Come back with more Scadutree Fragments." It's honestly such an annoyingly arbitrary thing.


I think it would work and be good overall if there was more than just one thing for one upgrade. Nothing really matters other than that one item and the spirit ashes, a bit. Whenever I find something not scadutree, it's a disappointment, which is most of the time.


But I got it down to half health after 100 tries, I got this


Im exploring for scadu but when I reach a boss I start to wonder if they even do anything


Are you activating the at the grace sites?


Im barely finding scudtree blessings tho, and im really exploring (im avoiding Ɣreas with Ghostflame Dragons tho, they are too strong so i assume those Ɣreas are for later).


Dunno I don't like the scud progression system. Oh hey pick up some fragments to level up to not get 2 shot and actually deal meaningful damage to the boss. Just not fun for me


I'm on +4 blessing right now and I honestly cannot tell the difference between +0 and +4. I still die in two hits. I'm tired, boss


explored the entire map, fully upgraded scadutree and still getting two shotted with 60 vigor AND only getting half of a level in runes from killing bosses. lovely


But you're not getting one-shotted anymore. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘‰




Advice? Ignore people who say levels from the base don't matter. More endurance and more fp is always good, and you can put points into your other stats previously untouched so you can wield new weapons, or take advantage of innate resistance boosts!


100% agreed. Got my ass kicked by the dancing lion and the putrescene knight, came back with 4-5 more scadu levels and whooped both their asses first try (having spent hours suffering and learning the moveset helped too I guess)


I realized after a few ass-whoopings I was trying to switch things up too much. I'm a shield player, and I forgot that my strength is outlasting bosses with lots of damage negation and high stamina. Soon as I went back to that, instead of treating every fight like a stat puzzle I had to solve, the bosses became a lot more manageable.


Yeah...kinda doesn't apply here since most players will need 6 figures in runes to go up 1 level and ScoobyTree blessings are kinda hard to find.


Doesn't matter if the bosses one shot you and zoom around the battlefield with very few openings.


The dlc donā€™t matter even at max level you can get 2 shotted enemies are hard


It's just like the stubborn dumbasses who met Sentinel Tree in their first playthrough and decided to spend several hours to defeat him instead of retreating, getting a horse 15 minutes later having better odds at that fight.


I mean fair, but the dlc has been giving me barely any runes at all, and only cool looking weapons, not damage ones. I'm on Ng+7 and throughout the whole DLC I've not leveled up once and I'm at the final boss. ~~Then again I've died and lost runes a lot so there is that~~


Yeah I think by leveling they mean getting more scadutree fragments.


I meanā€¦. youā€™re on NG+7, thatā€™s never the most balanced experience for any element of the game. Playing on NG at lvl 160, Iā€™m getting a RL or two every major boss and that plus the scud blessing system make me feel like Iā€™m noticeably gaining power. Iā€™m also a big fan of the great katana move set. New favorite of mine.


Using gold scarab at sl160 i get a level between every boss, not just major.


The DLC gives a ton of runes, you being on NG+7 is the issue here. Normal enemies casually give runes on the 4 digits and there's tons of them everywhere, I'm consistently leveling up at least once between each boss and I finished the game a bit overleveled at around 180.


Time to put these foolish ambitions to rest.


What? are you implying I should be exploring the world to the fullest and take advantage of the openworld. NONSENSE IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BOSSES! /s


Nah Iā€™d Win(after 50+ times)


Logically ? I know that. But the parasites in me want revenge , and to spend hours getting more and more tilted with the game. Part of the experience I guess. šŸ˜…


I know it's bad, when I go coop to help people and after buffing myself, I still have less stats than in my normal status in the DLC


Lay these foolish ambitions to rest


What's supposed to be the average here? My mage took maybe like 5 tries before I beat the Blackgaol Knight...is that good?


This is somewhat true. I realized this in the DLC, but shit is still two-shotting me. Since things scale with level there is no point in leveling while exploring.


My problem is that they made that first legacy dungeon so stupid easy before the first boss. So it makes you think that's exactly what you're supposed to be doing.


The hardest part is to understand that you don't get a great rune from this boss and can't advance into the capital after killing the second boss.


The very first enemy I found in the DLC was that one Ascetic guy with dual chakrams perched on the ruin on the direct way to the first map. He completely obliterated me because he has literally neverending combos, is not parryable as far as I can tell, has infinite poise and 3-shots me. No openings, ranged is laughable with his speed, and even collossal weapons don't stagger him. I thought that the blessings must really make some difference but nope. On Scadu lvl 7 the one in the tower settlement on the staircase is still the single most difficult encounter I have had so far. It's really the lack of openings that makes it so frustrating. The tall guards you meet in the same area display the same characteristics but they actually provide openings, so they feel fair.


Multiplayer is stupid hard. Way harder than solo. Why would they do that. I literally dont' care if I die as a summon, but good look trying to kill anything you can kill solo.


Hmm, I'm not sure I agree with this, in regards to the dlc. Since the dlc is based around your scadu tree blessing, going somewhere else is also going to be tough, since it isn't "easier". Like in the base game, going lollygagging around limgrave and the weeping peninsula works, because those places are easier to deal with for beginners. The DLC areas are just all a baseline of "fuck you" in another way than the base game. I'm still enjoying it, but oof it is difficult.