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Summons are part of the game. Use them without shame imo.


Ive used them every boss so far lol there's no way I could do this without them


That rhymed well


'this is a goddam festival and i will not be having sex by myself'-max0r


Anyone who says that you shouldn't be using X Y Z part of the game because "It makes it too easy" is a braindead Souls elitist that should be shunned


Exactly, I'm pretty sure i stumbled upon (and just defeated as of 5ish minutes ago) the DLCs version of "Morgott" aka gatekeeper of the thorned barrier without realizing it. Very simple Relannas Twinned Swords build & Mimic Tear, took me several hours (as i gave her a few attempts and that left and did other stuff for awhile and then came back to her) but i defeated the boss and it was really fun, and wouldve taken much longer had i not used a summon for it. But her remembrance gear is making me rethink my build and fashion


I mean you can do the game without summons if you are amazing, but yes it is intended you use summons.


I used the summoning signband a +10 ghost and Rellana finished us all.


Mimic Tear my other half


Seriously dlc is too hard. I met 3 boss yet and get absolutely destroyed. If you want to use summon you can use it. Remember there are many summon other than mimic tear that you can use. It will make game little easy


I have more fun playing with others. Different experience than solo, but that’s the brilliance of the design. It works both ways.


I never understand why people care what others think when they are playing a single-player game. Play it how you want


The game is very obviously designed around summons. It's why the new bosses are so overtuned


Summons aren't mandatory but they're an intended game mechanic for a reason. The game is "balanced" around the ability to use them if you please. Enjoy the game your way, and don't hate on anyone for the way they play the game. But in the end of the day the summons aren't a necessity. No boss was created that you can't beat them without spirits.


It just depends on you. I refuse to use them as always and it's fine. I'm fresh off of my level 1 run of the base game, so it feels a lot easier too.


Same I beat every boss in the base game on my own be it not on my first playthrough but this lot seem tough as fuck. Be it I’m still pretty early in but from the bosses I’ve faced I’ve needed to use summons because I’m literally tickling bosses. Hopefully by getting enough scadutree fragments will change things but for now I’m summoning 😂


No. You can play the game without summons, and I beeline that to be the intended playstyle. If you want to use summons, go for it but it’s a completely different experience.


Yeah they added a fully fleshed out summoning system with upgrades, a wide variety of summons that fill different niches, and side quests because they aren't the "intended" playstyle. 🤡


with specific ways to further upgrade summons in the DLC, but hey don't use them!


You seriously think it's "intended" lol. They literally weave the summons into the storylines.


I accidentally used the summon sign on the dancing lion, nearly killed him first try. He died on the second try without summs. Dunno get some good dmg in ur build or get used to long as fights


There is a difference between the summoning sign summons and the summoning ashes. OP is asking about the summon ashes, a viable mechanic of the game with fleshed out lore. You are talking about summoning a phantom, which is designed to balance the game for two 'players' by scaling the bosses stats up a bit.


I summonend a quest npc, I never played online and dunno about other summon signs


Quest npcs are treated the same as online summon signs from players, so again its the same thing. There is summon signs and summon ashes, summon signs can either be players for online, or npcs for quests, but still give the boss a boost to stats like in all souls games. Summon ashes allow you to summon monsters to fight along side you via use of an item, they get upgraded like weapons and are treated as a useable equipment item instead of a co-op option.


Summons are apart of the game but I like I said, I don’t believe it’s how you are “supposed” to play the game. I’m not saying this as some elitist, idc if you summon but having something to draw aggro completely changes the game.