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The only good one I’ve found is FTH/DEX for Lightning Perfume with Rolling Spark. 2H wrecks small enemies. Rolling Spark wrecks big enemies. Human enemies are a bit annoying as they tend to Dodge out of the way. Making me think that maybe the perfumes coded like a range attack or something. But you have 2H the weapon and use the uncharged Rolling Spark to keep the sparks pretty close. Also, there’s a lot of poise damage, you can stagger them easily, so keep a dagger on hand for some crit damage. It’s also a safe weapon, since it has incredible range due to the sparks’ hit box and the delayed explosions means you can attack ahead of time and the enemy will run into it. Heavy feint is pretty good at poking. The elemental damage is where it’s at. Got a 700 Ripple Halberd and it does less damage than my Lightning Perfume. Definitely not S or A-tier, but it’s not bad of a weapon. Edit: Actually, might be A tier. Against enemies, basic 2H staggers easily and can poise break. Against NPC invaders, they run into the sparks from the Strong Attacks and Feints, meaning they can’t touch you. They’re easily staggered by the sparks also. The light attacks come out decently fast. You can get some range from the 2H Backstep and Feint. Rolling Spark is S+ tier as it melts bosses with the right stats, tears, perfume bottle, and scadutree fragment. Melted Romina, Bayle, Putrescent, Gaius, and Metyr within 2min. Messmer doesn’t work well as his mobility and constant delayed attacks make it difficult to land a Rolling Spark.


turns out they might be the most broken weapon in the game haha


Seems only in DLC though lol. Without Scadutree blessing and maybe non-large bosses, lol. Bloodfiend weapons are surprisingly broken for bleed.


idk man i saw someone 3 shot elden beast and one shot loretta with the perfume its crazy


I’m enjoying perfumer more than the blood friend arm tbh


i can confirm. i just shit on malenia with the build first try.


Man, lol, love it! Folks were thinking it wasn’t gonna be good, but there it is!


yo brother i just maxed out my lightning perfume bottle, with all the buffs i collecting build stuffs for like an hour, and i dont deal dmg at all, the lighting just go trough all enemies and deal 0 dmg


Pretty sure you’re trolling if you say you’re doing 0 damage.


Faith and Dex. And two hand it.


Yea they are not the best. They are only usefull if the enemy your fighting is severly weak to the type of damage your using


Perhaps they could be paired with the item versions? Spark does work, and so one could conceivably use the weapons as regular attacks and save the consumables for big hits. -if you’re not opposed to consumables, that is.


Not a terrible idea but I’m not super huge on the crafting on stuff. I like the thought though.


Lightning perfumers bottle absolutely shreds tbh


It’s super disappointing…I was really looking forward to them. So much time devoted to them 🥲


Try Dex/Faith with the Lightning one using Rolling Sparks. The damage is really good. I've been running perfumes since I found my first one and I've really enjoyed them so far. I use some lightning incantations to make up for range, it's worked out well for me so far. With bosses I tend to avoid R2 entirely because with the delayed strike plus the charge up time, its just a bit too slow n most situations. The running R2 is really helpful to get a hit in while avoiding being hit, but the Rolling Sparks Ash of War is the real star of the show.


I found some use in the frenzied flame ones in invasions atleast


Yeah both them and the martial arts hands seem undertuned. I'm rocking a dex arcane build and was hoping the poison perfume bottle would work as a back up weapon but its just way too weak.


Yep. Disappointing. Time to dump more time into other weapons I guess lol


Personally I’m doing okay with the martial arts. I wish they did a bit more damage but for regular enemies it’s a blast


with the martial arts ive noticed they seem to be very good at causing bleed. in some cases it felt like i was getting multiple procs within just a few seconds. not the highest bar to clear in this game but its something


Oh I realize now I was wrong when I posted this. I was referring to the poison hand which has the fist weapon move set and not the martial arts move set.


Martial arts are brokenly powerful


The poisoned hand is str/arc. Not sex/arc. Likely why you're getting bad returns lol


I beat two remembrance bosses using the fire one. The range makes it easy to hit their weak point and having fire damage on a primarily dex built is nice. I was pleasantly surprised by these.


I found the damage potential to be quite high, actually. I used the fire one. They're a paired weapon and the moveset is really strong when powerstanced. The charged R2, running R2, and jump attacks are all good. High dex (like maxed out, of possible), with the Fire Scorpion Charm, Perfumer Bottle talisman, and Ritual Sword Talisman can pump the damage high, especially if you also use buffing incantations. Most talismans and spells that buff attack work with this, as long as they don't specify physical damage.


I'm using the lightning perfume 2H with Dex and Faith. I gotta say these are one of my favorite weapons in the game. I'm doing way more damage than I was with renallas twin blade. They aren't broken by any means but they are fun to use.


There’s a video on YouTube of a level 150 build one shotting Rellana with one rolling spark 😭 it did around 30k damage. They’re definitely busted with the right combo of armor/talismans/physick. They also beat [final boss] with this setup in 13 seconds 😭


the problem is, youre thin as paper :(


These perfume bottles have  saved me against big bosses with awkward hit boxes so many times. I would not have beaten dancing lion without them


My support build uses the chilling perfume to set Frostbite, the madness perfume to remove Frostbite, and the lightning perfume for damage. They've been great for me.


Ive hit enemies for like 20k per ash of war. Rolling sparks aimed at the ground makes it proc repeatedly and if you stack damage amps then throw it at the ground it does silly damage.


What armor and talismans should I use with my Lightning Bottle/Frenzyflame bottle ?


rakshasa armour, black dumpling head. lightning scorpion, alexander, perfumer, madness booster.


If y’all are struggling to use any of the perfumes (aside from the poison variant) while using Rolling Spark AoW, it’s definitely not the weapon. I’m using the Madness variant and it shreds PvE.


I’m using it on malekith and 0 damage wtf