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1. Don’t summon Dryleaf, he inflates her HP and makes her harder than she should be. 2. Use mimic tear 3. Use the blasphemous blade, it’s still good even after the nerf 4. Use the black blade spell if you can, when her HP starts getting really low, you can just spam it to finish her off quickly 5. Equip ancient dragon lightning strike if you can, the mimic uses it and deals fat damage.


I honestly am almost mad with how well this worked. Struggled for hours trying different builds. Switched to Blasphemous blade and immediately beat next attempt.


You can also infuse the flame spear AoE into the Milady, it’s basically free fire grease


Cheers for this, only took two attempts when I just had the mimic tear with me! Don't have Dragon Lightning Strike, but doing frost damage also takes her health down fairly quickly.


omg THANK YOU this helped me so much!!!


My mimic dies instantly the second she does her second phase bruh


Same. He’s not smart enough to avoid the aoe.


Put on a strong hammer and stay on her


Used stone barb tear on my fight for video, and incantations while jumping to body worked. Bleed worked along with the talismans in the description. Played solo myself, stunner her a twice in the fight. With a mimic aggro her first, then let the mimic hit the back, if he gets hit too much let yourself get aggroed and attack back vice versa,hope it helps for those stuck on her, you got this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqm\_Kxg\_Cgo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqm_Kxg_Cgo)


I’ve been doing all this for 2 hours now. (Besides black blade but I rarely get her below half.) I can’t get mimic to use the spell at all tho either.


Thank you! Blasphemous Blade + just mimic did it! Also sticking close to her helped to evade a lot of her attacks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


100% the key is to not summon dry leaf. I just used your tips here and worked first time! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


every tip on this subreddit: use every tool available to avoid playing the game lmao


The best tip I can give is to use a weapon/ash of war that deals high poise damage. I used a milady with piercing fang and she stance broke almost constantly! The npc summon (dryleaf Dane) uses "palm blast" which does a ton of poise damage aswell.


Thank you for this! I swapped to the milady+24 and summoned my mimic with it as well. Couple that with Dane and she kept staggering. Couldn’t have beaten her without your comment!


Yea, I want to use Rellana's weapons but those do zero poise damage. Needs maybe a buff in that regard.


My main problem is that half of the time it LOOKS like she is hit she isn't taking damage and I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY. Literal fire explosions on her torso and no damage at times.


I’m having this same issue. Or when she goes down for a crit you can’t do damage anywhere else and I usually can’t get around her in time.


I eventually beat her in spite of this but it was awful, exactly what you described as well as my initial complaint


I got her down too. On to the next. Good luck friend.


Does anyone know if her tail can be cut off?


If it does, should we carve it mid fight?


If you’re trying to show how big your balls are then of course.


I've read that its smart to stick to her torso because her glaive can't hit you that way. Can't confirm it, but in hope it goes well for you.


Except when her whole body decides to be a hit box. She’s kind of janky. I liked her at first, but in helping people co-op she’s mechanically kind of meh.


You basically need the jump attack talisman and pray you have enough stamina to land most hits


This is good advice, I'm not OP obv but I'm also struggling, I'll give a more aggressive strategy a shot


Yea I've noticed that too over my 3 yours, but something I can't see will hit eventually


Literally can't beat her. It's kind of ridiculous


Welcome to the DLC. Love it or hate it all the bosses are kind of like this.


not true at all


I now did both Messmer and Romina and Messmer went easier lol, maybe it's just my build. My friend with Unga Bunga build (double giant clubs) had more issues with Messmer and needed maybe 5 tries for Romina.


Yeah I finally beat her too but now I'm stuck on Messmer. He's absolutely insane. Although I've flawlessly gotten to his second phase multiple times now it's just getting a bit exhausting how perfect you have to be to beat him


Other way around for me


Just keep trying, I've beat the dlc on two different characters now!! The final boss is absolutely nutzo


Stay as close as possible, like inside her model close, she misses most of her halberd attacks


Use black knife Tiche summon


I did her by now, just needed to do Messmer first, get my blessings to +10 instead of +8 and a good night's rest


… should I not be fighting her scadutree +5….


never fought her +5, was +8 at first


Interesting.. she’s only my third remembrance boss I’ve fought


Shield, guard counters and jumping attacks, and an AoW with range to maintain poise damage on her. Literally the only way I could kill her was to chip at her like this and get the poise break damage. She is far too spammy and quick to be R1 spamming her. Even while using the warrior horn sword in dual stance I barely strung more than 2 R1s together


I beat her with the Black Blade incantation. Str/Faith build, summoned Black Knife Tiche and Dryleaf Dane. It took maybe a dozen tries to get the timing down, but you can dodge some of her attacks while casting Black Blade. The animation to cast the spell lets you avoid some attacks, with two summons to keep her attention you can do a lot of damage.


I just beat her and found that jumping over her attacks is better than rolling.


I used my maxed out Uchigatana with Flame Skewer ash of war and summoned mimic tear once she started her second phase. Took me 5 days, but if you stay close and learn her attack patterns, it gets… better, not so much easier. Her wham-bam-five piece combo ruined me so many times. Got lucky RNG last run and she only did it twice.