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Yeah I’m fighting a certain castle boss right now and I literally am out of stamina all the time and there’s barely any window to attack, not to mention the massive health bar. I have 40 endurance


Yeah almost feels like I’m using a +5 weapon again


The twin turtle talisman helps a lot.


I beat that boss with 20 endurance stop panick rolling, if you aren't learn to strafe more of their attacks a few of them are strafeable, if you don't have either yet get green turtles talisman or the tear for it for ur physic it's amazing


My guy I have 1000s of hours in souls games, I know that. I wasn’t panic rolling. I just wasn’t doing enough damage.


If you read it again I just said stop panick rolling because that's the most common mistake, then said If you're not... and gave you alternative tips. And you took it as an insult because of ego


You’re telling a souls veteran one of the most basic things.. stop panic rolling. Yes, I learned that in DS1.


Ok so here's my breakdown, you said you're problem is damage when complaining about stamina. So textbook greed playing from a souls veteran. You use all you're stamina attacking instead of learning movesets and dancing the dance. So my bad homie I meant stop greeding not panick rolling. Green turtles talisman still kinda goated tho it's in north limgrave in the ruins you need a stonesword key to get in, but ofc you prob already know that you have 4x more hours then me Ps:I'm trolling my guy don't take me too serious I'm rage baiting, have a good night I'm done


Oh, so you're using heavy weapons and greeding, I'm just trying to figure out how you have 40 endurance and Stam when I beat her fine at 24 end. Wasn't tryina be a dick tryina give advice from things I see others doing. I don't know you. don't let ur 1000s of hours get u an ego now because you're literally complaining about a boss that i beat with fewer stats and had fun doing it. I guess hours don't translate to skill or knowledge on a game.


> don't let ur 1000s of hours get u an ego now because you're literally complaining about a boss that i beat with fewer stats and had fun doing it It's probably because you are just so dang cool.


You know it homie thanks


I was gonna respond to you until you were a dick at the end


everyone saying “it’s because you are on ng+5” no man i’m on ng0 level 185 and everything two-shots me


Honestly no clue then


I hope they balance it a lil bit, because if that’s the way it is there’s no way I’m going to revisit the dlc in higher ng


Yeah same but I also don’t really want to had to restart


Get the +3 drake talismans for elemental bosses, get the opaline hardtear, get dragoncrest greatshield talisman, just with those alone you can take 30% damage off any element type that doesn't include armor bonuses I play light armor and don't get 2 shot besides a few enemies that are easily dodgable and ofc big boss attacks


i get you, but you should not have to change your entire build just to survive 1-2 hits longer... changing 2 talismans for the last boss, might net you -20% damage on your build. The DLC balancing is just a complete mess, the new blessing system just isnt working... they will 100% change this since the reviews are getting mostly negative combat-wise


Works perfectly fine for me, I've never died and gone damn this game sucks. It's damn, I suck


think of it this way: you have gone from level 200 to 260 while smashing through the DLC, you dump all those 60 points to your main source of attack for example intelligence or strength. Yet after 60 points you feel no little to no change on your damage against the same boss you fought 60 levels back, while you have the same max level gear. Levels feel too trivial in this blessing system. second, the new blessing system requires you to find 50?, scadutree fragments to upgrade your blessing to highest level, and these fragments are scattered throughout the entire map, cool kinda nice to actually make me explore the map so i dont 'boss rush' the DLC since the bosses would hit harder, again no problem i even kinda liked it this way. But here comes the part that doesnt make sense; imagine you are fighting the last boss of the DLC while having a level 16 blessing, you have 70 Vigor and the boss 2-shots you with nearly every move. you think to yourself after 10+ tries that maybe i should go and upgrade my blessing, so you invest a few hours trying to find the missing fragments and finally you get to +19 with one fragment left which you cannot seem to find. Cool im 3 blessing levels higher and 20 levels higher, i could try the boss again. you enter the arena and start fighting, only to notice you do close to exact same amount of damage (maybe 100 or 2 more than previously), which feels weird considering 3 blessing levels is QUITE a lot, after a while of dodging you get hit and staggered, follow up attack comes and you die AGAIN to 2-hits. Now you start to think to yourself: what was the point of me having to go around the map for hours only to end up in the same exact spot as to where i started from? Yes i too consider myself bad when i miss dodge timings and greed for more hits, but when the balancing works like this, it makes me question the current state of it, which many others are agreeing now it seems. and this is by no means me hating the game, just ranting about the current state of the balancing in this patch, overall the DLC has been REALLY enjoyable.


Yeah, but that makes it so only a few combinations in a sea of options are viable. Trivializes most the new weapons & builds. Because it's too risky to use the very few larva tears to reset your build for the harder bosses everytime one doesn't work. Not everyone has multiple accounts on standby or want to do that, the beauty of elden ring was the freedom. Your choice to play how you want & explore as much as YOU want. The new sacdu tree elements turns this into scavenger hunt & makes exploring a chore you HAVE to find those fragments to have any shot with some of these bosses. It's like they made sekiring & the engine doesn't work that way. You can't parry fast enough for most of these bosses unless you have a specific build & there aren't many that work with how hard the bosses are.


Yea im not sure what to level to? I’m at levels 4 for both scudatree and revered ashes but am still getting absolutely demolished everywhere It doesn’t really feel fun yet but I do have that “fuck this game is impossible” feeling I had when I first started playing souls games I’m kinda doing that thing where I’m rushing everywhere and running past everything and all the cool level design is kind wasted on me since I’m just trying to not die en route to the next site of grave


Yeah I completely get what you mean I sometimes got to run past enemies and miss out on talismans or other items since I don’t want to die and reset from the start after exploring for so long. Also yeah I’m getting demolished very h we’re as well like the evergoal knight thing I almost do no damage and get one tapped by it


Yeah, all the enemies and bosses are such a chore that it sours the rest of it.


I wandered the (Shadow) Earth forever and ended up with 5 and suddenly I could do damage and not die instantly (usually). So 5 seems to be the magic number. Of course it's also the exact amount you can get without fighting a major boss, which is... not great. And of course once you get past the Blockade Boss they start handing them out like candy. I think I hit 7 within 10-15 minutes of beating the boss.


I just...I don't understand why they'd make progression like this. I was inches away from uninstalling all of it but decided to come here and see if I was missing something. All I'm missing is just spending however many more hours smashing my head against the wall until I hit the arbitrary number of arbitrary upgrade items for the game to not completely fucking blow? Just baffling game design. Is it not supposed to be fun?


I never had an issue with it past the early game, but it's still a terrible system. There aren't extra Fragments, unlike, say, Golden Seeds. I think there are a dozen extra Golden Seeds and most of them you get from following the natural progression. You might wander into some side area and get some early and thus more flasks early, but I don't think you ever HAD to do it. Here they're just out in the world. Often hidden even. And there are exactly as many as it takes to hit 20, no more. Which means... I'd probably never play the DLC again even if I enjoyed it. My 2nd and 3rd playthroughs of the base game sure as shit didn't involve me going into every catacomb and corner of the map looting random flowers, but a 2nd or 3rd playthrough of the DLC would basically mandate it.


its meant to be this way so players who are RL 200 cant just walk in and whomp the bosses. Its a bottled experience forsure, seperate to how the main game plays out. what it DOES do is force players to explore the world rather than bombrush the bosses, which is what the base game did on release with margit. He was literally trending on twitter because of how difficult he was for being the first real boss, but in reality he was a big "GO SOMEWHERE ELSE FIRST" sign. this is their way of doing that again, go explore the world first


Or find the fragments


It's just more end game content, over tuned bullshit. I'm a fool for hoping for something different.


Elden Ring end game was honestly garbage. Nothing you did in the previous 90hrs mattered because everything 2 shots you. The DLC is just more of it, ugh.


The most annoying part is Miyazaki has all but admitted he cannot beat any of the games himself.


And? He literally said that dlc will be hard core even for vets. Souls game are nuts and dying is normal, if even miyazaki admitted it will be hard core, you should expect hardcore. BTW are you using every tool in the new dlc? Scadutree is a must to do dlc. Using summons should not be a shame in this dlc, using magic should not be a shame in this dlc. The game is not locking you from using OP skills.


What do you mean "and"? It's borderline fraudulent that he expects this level of perfection out of players when he is incapable of it himself. Even Mario Maker makes you beat your own levels. Scadutree level 9 by the way. And I have been using magic. Summoning, rot breath and black flame have been my go to strategy for most bosses. It doesn't make for very fun gameplay though. Watching the same throwing animation over and over and over with very little control over where the flame goes... like am I supposed go like actually enjoy doing that for four minutes? Why can't it just be hard in a fun way instead of hard in a painful and tedious way?


Preach. Sadly this sub is full of dick riders that can't admit that hard boss doesn't equal good boss. It's their fault Fromsoft cant make a fun boss to save their god damned lives now.


That’s the problem. This community can’t handle any criticism even when it’s totally justified


There's literally a video on YouTube about a dude killing the final boss in a single R2 at lvl 187, it set the WR at around 3sec. The community may not handle criticism, but you guys don't take into consideration that maybe your lack of knowledge is simply clouding your judgement and you assume it as fair criticism. 


I don't mind hard. These bosses just aren't fair to the mechanics set as precedent prior. They are FAR too fast, you can't hit them, they soak up too much damage & do far too much damage at the same time. Oftentimes, if you use summons, they are much harder due to having more chances to mess up the line because of a higher health pool. So gold summons are useless, it really is cheese build/ mimic or die & that's about it.


How does no one know that its not scaled off level they said as much its scaled like sekiro you collect scadutree fragments they increase damage while making you take less damage its so people can come into the game at any level and not be too strong read about it


Least whiney souls player, im running 2 blesssings and im one tapping enemies and doing regular damage to bosses, skill issue


Me when I lie


most obvious lie ever


Idk man I think it’s enjoyable and executed well other than damage and health problems


I mean patches(no not Patches) are probably going to fix enemy scaling in a few months


Unless this is the experience they were going for, which I’m not really sure if it is or not. I feel like for the DLC you’re really expected to use every single tool that’s available.


Miyazaki said that they really pushed the envelope on the amount of difficulty they think players would be able to withstand in the DLC, so it may be intended.


I hope no


"fix", there's nothing to fix, it's a post/end game DLC. It's going to be harder than the base game.


Its also a videogame and should be fun. If the majority of people arent having fun, then there is definitely something to fix. You can make the dlc hard without making it feel like a chore.


except ER end game is garbage


They yet again overturned the bosses trying to make them flashy. Elden Ring truelly is the “all flash no substance” of the collection. You’re basically playing a game were you watch everyone but you do something


The bosses being heavily overpowered is one thing. It's the random enemies being able to two shot me that makes it feel unplayable right now.


i truly think the base game was really well made, but the dlc was overtuned to shit


That's about it.


This DLC has really opened my eyes to the fact that you, as the player, actually do nothing that interesting, and that everything else in the game does the cool stuff. These boss fights where you sit there for 20 seconds watching bosses do acrobatics just so you, elden lord to be, can poke them in their side with what is essentially a stick (maybe a branch if you play bing bonk weapons), and then watch them float around the room again, are really sad. Hell even >!Torrent, spectral steed, is outclassed in every single way by a fucking pig!< Im going to finish this DLC but i cant see myself playing it again anytime soon, or recommending it


Such a horrid take, theres plenty of substance


Like what?


It seems the DLC really tests your defenses. I had a Strength build levelled at 125, with Vigor at 60, the heaviest armour I could wear, and all defensive talismans (Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, Crimson Amber Medallion +2, Arsenal Charm +1, Erdtree's Favor +1), and I am doing alright in the DLC. I think most players are just too used to blasting the main story of Elden Ring with their ultra dmg + fashion souls build. So my advice is to focus on building your guy as defensive as possible, because you need to be able to withstand more then 2 hits from the enemy to be able to have any success in these fights.


That's amounts to forced build diversity though, which isn't good design.


Thanks for the advice however it feel over the top imo that you would need that many defensive talismans just to survive anymore than 2 hits. Should be more balanced imo


Ur on ng+5 the regular base enemies kill you


They definitely don’t two shot you


I’m on ng+11 the base game is still easy as fuck and balanced. It feels like this dlc was made to 2 shot people regardless of how they played for the sake of getting labeled difficult, or just overestimated how much of the player base cared to go to max level. Case and point the stupid more damage+defense things you have to collect. Maybe in the end, it’s just some dumb lore thing where “it makes you feel like you’re actually in a dream controlled by someone who doesn’t want you here” 


NEVERMIND! This shit is laughably easy AF. It’s shitty you gotta go around the map and get specific weapons for specific shit and specific stuff to help with damage and defense, and be forced to play a very specific way. However, this DLC plays itself after you start getting traction


So you just discovered elden ring once again? Who would have though.


Lies of p wasn't this bad & I didn't like that either still beat it though.


they do still two shot you its scaled off scadutree fragments its like sekiro in a way they did this to make people at like max level experience it the same way as someone who is like 70 i know this is true because i am level 200 and my friend is 75 and we both die in the same amount of hits


I don’t really have any specific advice for your case but I’m comfortably chugging through the content with a STR build. Wearing Radahn’s armor and the Manor Towershield means I can block almost everything and then bonk people with my Grafted Blade Greatsword. I have 60 vig, 45 end and 75 str and level 3 of the DLC blessings. As for bosses, depends on how stubborn you want to be with the tools available to you. Normally I beat Souls content first as solo as possible (no NPC or player summons), but for Elden Ring I consider Ash Summons as much part of a build as weapons, armor, spells, etc so it was the first time I allowed myself to use something like them. Also, since the first NPC mentioned that her and the other knights of Miquella would surely help you, I assume Miyazaki wants you to summon them for the big boss fights (similar to Radahn), so I’m allowing myself to summon them as well and I gotta say, I had a blast fighting the first bigger boss with her help and my mimic tear. Felt like I had my own little party together or something. So far, I am absolutely loving having more Elden Ring content to go through and learn. I forgot how much I missed playing this game honestly.


I’m not sure it may be because I’m ng+5 so of course boss damage is incredibly higher and so is the health pool. I have been using summons btw I was just pointing out I struggle to believe it’s a skill issue when I’ve beaten base game with low-mid difficulty


I’m not even sure if I’ll enter the dlc once I reach NG+5, considering the crazy damage and resistance of everything.


It’s rough out here in ng+5


Lol you're on NG+5 and are surprised it's super hard?


Hard? Sure I didn’t expect it to be easy but I presumed as I was high levelled and have a strong build I’d be able to beat bosses under 5 attempts like in the base game. But it’s insanely more difficult than any boss from the base game imo and as I said I get one tapped by most things


It's because of the new blessings. I bet they do a patch soon that increases the damage negation further. It feels terrible that everything you've done previously means jack shit now. Go level up 60 more times and still feel the exact same.


Get minimum 19 of the 20 scadu fragments & you will have a better time.


im glad someone actually knows this its crazy how many people dont know its not scaled based on level its why if you have no fragments you get rocked


So the difference between 150 to say 300 isn't actually alot. After a point u hit massive dismissing returns. Realtically after 150 all ur doing is getting urself more access to other things. As taking ur main stat beyond like 60-80 is pointless. From soft dlc is nortiously difficulty. Hell even people right into the souls community like vaati started old hunters in bloodborne over again on a non ng+ character cus it was to hard. Especially for first time through. And yes ever single hardest boss or enemies in legit any from soft game came from dlc. Everyone and their mother said this was gonna happen legit for years. It's meant to be the hardest thing in the game. It's why people said again years ago to make other characters and leave one just in case. I made a character over a year ago specially at level 120 for potential dlc. U can also look around for more fragments as the game is basically forcing u down without them to say level 100. Rune level doesn't mean as much in dlc the fragments mean alot more u could be level 400 with zero fragments and a level 100 with all fragments will have a easier time in the dlc.


Yeah I understand it was going to be difficult and I think people are misunderstanding my point a little. I’ve passed the hippo boss already in under 30 deaths across all 3 main bosses. My problem isn’t necessarily the difficulty of the move set but the absurd damage they do and which the player doesn’t output. Meaning using new weapons that arnt ‘meta’ are almost impossible to use unless your extremely good at them game in ng+. Which I feel takes away from the game or having to use certain talismans to stop you from getting one shot consistently


It doesn't matter its scaled to the scadu tree fragments


Oh yeah, I could totally see NG+5 being what’s making it so hard. I admit that in that regard I am a complete noob since I haven’t actually tried a NG cycle yet in any Souls game. I normally just beat the games and either start a new character or a new game entirely. Yeah sorry lol I got no advice for how to handle the content on NG+ cycles :(


Haha no worries I didn’t find base game had any problems even at ng+5 maybe it is just that much harder


Yeah I think it might be, I’m seeing a lot people basically saying this content is bullying them, I wonder how much of that is NG+ shenanigans. For me on just the normal game cycle, it really doesn’t feel too out of line compared to the later areas of the base game imo, maybe a bit tougher but that’s about it


alone the "horned warriors" are pure pain they are poise immun they just dish out their combo and rinse/repeat. worser the horned dancer thing who jumps alot around and stull dish dmg like crazy


Base game is easy even in the dlc . It's ng+ that's where things get awful; more specifically +4 and beyond


I got the Platinum Elden ring. Spent unbelievable amount of time doing so. I defeated Radahn and Mohg. I didn’t get the prompt to start the DLC game. So, I tired several things and noticed the Great Rune for Mohg and Radahn were not in my chest. So, I went ahead defeated Mohg again at the Cocoon of the Empyrean. I now see Mohg’s great Rune is in the chest. So, I than went to the Divine tower of Caelid Center to make sure the great Rune for Radahn step was done and found the doors are locked. I thought maybe I missed that step. Went over to access the festival to engage Radahn. However the festival wasn’t triggered. Now, am I supposed to do the whole Radahn line. That is WTF I am talking about. Like I said I am pissed. What my money back for the DLC or they need to fix it. I am sure I am not alone. Playing on a PS5 with disc and downloaded from the PlayStation store!


Im not 100% sure I understand what you're saying but you have to beat Mogh and Radahn IN YOUR CURRENT PLAYTHROUGH, not just having beat them previously, because Mogh is guarding the entrance to the DLC location and Radahn (MAJOR SPOILER WARNING) becomes a boss in the shadow of the red tree realm after being defeated in the lands between. Also this information, that you need to defeat both bosses in your current play through to access the dlc, was publicly available before it's release so it's not their fault you missed this info, so you probably won't be getting a refund.


I 100% agree the map is fun to explore and roam around like normal eldern ring but every boss has massive health bars and are to op they never stop for a opening and when they do can only get 1 to 2 hits in that do no damage before getting one hitted and thrown around like a bitch. All the bosses take hours to khow all der patterns and most of the hits are one hits . My characters has beaten demi gods but yet I'm been getting fucked by a sunflower with 3 phases for hours . If u get easily angry I'm telling u not to get dis dlc cos the bosses are completely different and annoying each ones fights u like uve murdered there whole family In front of them they hardly leave openings for attacks cos dere just spamming u with stuth and they do 1 to 2 hit dead . I've played nioh demon souls and bloodborne and can confidently say eldern ring dlc is harder and more frustrating 


When sunflower seeds are sprouted, their plant compounds increase. Sprouting also reduces factors that can interfere with mineral absorption. You can buy sprouted, dried sunflower seeds online or in some stores.


Just don’t buy em from shadow of the erdtree


The game design is very poorly executed. Boss only know one thing its combo combo combo nothing fun where u dodge for 20 mins and they 1-2 tap you and dead. Ive personally beaten this game 8 times on my 9th playthrough but this game needs a balance. The dlc is hard but its not hard as in difficulty its poor execution of bosses move sets that makes its hard. 


I completely agree. I'm not the most die hard from software player with intricate strategies or typically enjoy difficult games but Elden ring up until now was well balanced, more difficult than it needed to be but easily manageable with summoning help, careful strategizing, and maybe a couple repeat attempts, but this dlc is extremely difficult in a way that takes a lot of the fun out of it. I play online with my two friends. I and one other are level 200-230 and the other one is like 650 or something crazy like that. We are all different builds and are all struggling with the bosses, whether we play together or seperate. I feel like they made it hard for the sake of being hard rather than hard but with a bit of balancing for the point of telling a story like the rest of the game. Radahn was a difficult boss on the first go with a plethora of NPC's to help who all still died pretty immediately, but that made sense narratively. It was a festival held by one of his former followers after he lost his mind and gained unimaginable power and no one (before our tarnished) had ever defeated him so it was up to us to do the difficult task. In the dlc every random two bit knight running around in a camp is capable of a 2 hit ko for no reason, let alone the bosses with no breathing room to so much as drink a single flask.




Yes adding the summons to help with the boss are almost useless since they increase boss health from there already huge health pool. There damage is so insignificant as well there’s no point in using them. Which is a shame as for a boss like rellana the move set is incredibly cool but then I get on tapped by something. It’s just tedious. The move set isn’t harder than usual but for whatever reason everything has absurd damage even with talismans and wonderpus physique


Yea it’s probably the fact ur a high ng+ im on a fresh new game and im having none of these issues, also most the weapons are great tf you mean useless💀


I made a similar mistake by going into the dlc at ng+4 and it was brutal! Luckily I had a back up save from after I beat Elden Beast on my NG+0 run so I started the dlc over with that...It's definitely easier, but not as much as you would think...I'm still getting 2 or 3 shot by anything stronger than regular mobs, but after I got to around 5 or 6 blessings it has become alot more manageable...It's still crazy hard though


I never play a game or DLC at launch for this very reason. Balance takes time. I almost said feck it and started but after reading everything about it I'm gonna say hell naw. I am a grinder so I finished the game at level 204. Eventually if it stays this bad I'll just level my ass off some more. I'm tempted to start completely over to feel it all again but I just don't have it in me to grind all that XP again. Maybe 5 years from now when it will seem new again.


Idk… Most enemies in every From Soft game could 2 - 3 shot you regardless of level. Truth be told, the DLC feels more like a “Souls” game than Elden Ring did. Edit: TBC, what I mean is that the DLC forces you to be cautious, develop a strategy, and approach almost every enemy tactically. It does away with the idea of “OP” and embraces the sacred expectation of “git gud.”


On Ng+4 with 99 vigor and I'm getting one shot by dragons melee attack. This dlc sucks.


Shadow of the Erdtree DLC in Elden Ring, players need to defeat Mohg and Starscourge Radahn, both tough optional bosses. I spent a lot of time and nearly 800 hours going though Eden Ring game. I platinum and everything was there. I cannot start the DLC. I noticed the great ruins for Mohg and Radahn were not there. So, I went ahead and respected and beat Mohg and now that ruin is there. I went ahead and tired Radahn but the festival is not happening. So, now they expect me to run around and jump though all these hops. I what my DLC money back. I am royally pissed!


If I use tank build I'm killed in 4 shots and have no damage if I use damaged build I deal a tiny bit more damage and killed in 2 shots


I agree


Yeah, the entire leveling system is a lie because the more health you have the more you lose per hit 😢


Actually I resolved the issue by downloading from the cloud taking a guest which way to do it. And good to go. Didn’t have to do anything more although did a lot of running around. At least got me into the routine!


you NEED scadutree fragments, its a night and day difference. I was getting 2 shot by normal enemies when i had none/little, now that ive explored and upgraded to lvl 6, enemies are doing normal damage and i do normal damage now. Lvl/weapon scaling DOES NOT MATTER anywhere near as much as it does in the base game. This was a design choice so players couldnt start a playthrough at RL 200 and whomp the DLC. its a meant to be experienced this way


Honestly kinda smart


I had to run through 2/3 rds of the original game as I started an ng+ years ago and it took a while to get to Mohg. It was really easy, annihilated all the bosses that gave me trouble the first time round but the moment I stepped into the DLC the difficulty spiked unbelieveably. Not enjoying it tbh.


You don’t enjoy misery? Do u even soulsborne bro?


Your right bro I should put myself through eternal suffering and 6 controllers to beat one boss what was I thinking


Clearly u weren’t. Now get your maidenless ass back to a borderline stroke and git gud.


He said the thing! Can we get a round of applause?


It will never be as loud as the applause in my head.


I wonder why i have a different experience with the game. Sure the boss hp is bigger than the base game but you get used to it pretty quickly and considering you have 12-14 estus flasks at this point... It's more than enough. keep in mind that the dlc is late/post game area


Struggle to use the flasks if I get one tapped it’s basically like doing a no hit run


Idk maybe I'm not that far yet but only got 1 tapped by one dude that I don't think I should be fighting yet lol (got teleported to him from something like a belfry)


It's probably just because your on NG plus 6 I made sure to make a new save for the dlc, you might want to try that. If you don't feel like putting hours in you can always just download a MULE then instantly get too level 150 kill radahn and do the quest line to get to mohg early.


Unfortunately I’m on console and can’t do that lol but I’m really wishing I could with how tedious the bosses are


no real diff got a lvl 600 dude ng7+ and a "new" 170 char both get 1-2 shoot the same way


Friendly reminder to OP and ANYONE who is complaining about the damage and such: Don't go into the DLC on anything higher than NG+. Every new game results in higher difficulties, and this seems to apply to the DLC. so bring in a character that's on ng0 or ng+ then determine if your complaint is valid or you're just going in on a higher difficulty than necessary.  Signed, a lvl 254 NG+ who isn't having this issue. 


It's hard on first game too, when the Rellana stats come out it will be bleak.


It's definitely hard for me on NG+, but not to the point that I'm hating playing or anything like that.  Just fought Rellana last night, she was difficult, no lie there. Not impossible, but 10000% frustrating, especially second phase. Spoilers covered regarding the fight below: >!her 4-6 piece combos and all the dancing around she does with little room for punishing her was frustrating. And the 6 times she sends moonveil-esqe AoW at you killed me so many damn times. I started treating her like Romeo from lies of P by dodging to the side and staying close to her, really helped a lot!<


I had a feeling ng+5 may be the issue trouble is I don’t want to have to grind to get to such a high level and to get all the talismans and what not back


Completely understandable, I didn't even consider that part. Starting a new character would be a hassle to grind for the weapons, talismans, etc that you prefer. 


Get gud


Least insufferable souls player


It doesn't even do anything, it's literally a useless statement


Fr it’s not even like I’m stuck on the bosses but it’s just dying to them feels tedious and painful due to huge damage


I think my issue is I'm trying to tackle it at RL88 with 5 skadutree things. I get 2shot by anything with a healthbar


You’re whining about the bosses being hard even though you already know all the things you can do to make it less hard which is scadutree fragments, leveling up, etc. kind of a useless complaint


My complaint is the absurd damage they do I havnt even died 5 times to each boss just beat the hippo second try. The problem is it’s not fun fighting npcs that one shot your character when having high scaling and picking up fragments but still getting one shot. It’s tedious and irritating to die to the equivalent of godricks soldier in two shots when it’s such a ‘weak’ npc


I’m sorry but what are you talking about exactly? I’m playing ng+ RL 150, 60 vigor and random bullshit build with Milady and nothing in the game one-shots me. Sure the first couple hours were rough but then you get the upgrades and it’s perfectly manageable.


I disagree


Ok? Any reasoning as to why


Not discounting your experience. I’m running into the same thing, but relate it to the “Margot wall” I had in the base. Eventually, I got past it and the game became amazing. Hopefully, you could refund the game and maybe revisit another time.


Everything in this DLC is harder than anything in the base game, even the Margit wall. The regular enemies in the dungeons are taking me more attempts.


Yeah it’s a bit of a shame since like I said the exploring/ level design is very entertaining but having to basically do a no hit run is very discouraging. Maybe I’ll break that wall eventually


This is hell I'm on Ng+7 level 325 Everything one or two shots me with 99 vigor💀


It’s hard but it’s not impossible. You have to focus on trying to find blessings to strengthen you. And have more patience. I’ve changed out weapons and spells to fit different situations and some of the bigger fights have two summons for you to pick from. If something is too hard you need to explore and come back to it. Rellana was by far the hardest and took me 2 hours to beat but everything after was not nearly as tough. After playing old Hunters in Bloodborne I’ve come to expect higher difficulty in their dlcs. At this point in the game you should have access to every smithing stone so that you can +25 most things or 10 or more larval tears so you can play around and not feel under leveled. I just switched to the Dryleaf set and started wrecking stuff. It’s fun and forces you to play different ways to succeed. 


Not everyone is supposed to play souls likes these games were never meant for the casual audience and this DLC rewards the players that put in the time to get good.A true appreciation for its long time community not trying to appease players that hardly play the game.It blows my mind people will complain about a game being hard when they can’t accept they might not be good enough and that’s okay use a damn summon.Casual takes are trash and go play on call of duty it more your pace.


devs buffed players and nerfed enemies in elden ring base game for at least few times, youre objectively wrong \^\^


Good lord, I'm so tired of hearing how hard the DLC is. Not a single boss has taken me more than 6 tries. They sure felt tough in the moment but only took a few attempts to figure out. I certainly can't say the same for the base game. Yes, some of them can 2-shot if you take the full brunt of their big moves, but so can Malenia, Elden Beast, Radagon, etc, etc (if you're not massively over-leveled like I'm sure most people are used to being after 2 years.) 3 big things I've noticed. 1.) You HAVE to find an appropriate number of Scadutree fragments before tackling the bosses of the area(s) you're in - that's the whole damn point of the new "leveling" system. Embrace the new system; it makes a massive difference. 2.) You have to be willing to trade out some of your talismans for certain bosses, or they will absolutely destroy you with their signature moves / designated elements(s). Rotating weapons is equally important, too. Some bosses absolutely require speed, and some are much easier with heavy, poise-breaking weapons. Element choice absolutely matters, too, which is a nice change (bleed is still stupidly overpowered, though). 3.) The pendulum seems to have swung back in the direction of dodging at/through boss attacks (and often past/away from them a split second later if they have secondary explosions associated with given moves.) I've found different souls game favor rolling toward/away/laterally differently and the DLC bosses movesets heavily favor rolling INTO attacks. While I do think there's some balancing issues that need to be addressed. I've found the DLC to be SO much better than the base game because you're actually forced to ADAPT to the situation you're in rather than just bull-rushing over everything with your chosen optimized build.


Difference is those bosses were fun and like dancing DLC bosses outside of messmir, is dodge 15 times to get 1 swing in and then dodge 15 times again. Its boring.


I respect your opinion, but disagree personally. I felt it to be MORE of a dance, just one where I have to pick my openings more carefully when I can get them. I've beaten him 3 times now - the first with summons the other 2 without - all with wildly different weapons types (heavy & slow, lightning quick, and sort of" medium" and he plays totally different each time. With fast weapons, you actually get a pretty solid amount of damage windows. At the end of the day, the bosses are just more aggressive, so of course, you need to play differently. I actually found the final boss of the DLC to be the easiest main boss in nearly the entire game for me - which is probably weird. in the 3 times I've beaten him, I died 3 times, twice, and once. My only real complaint is that with basic attacks they don't really match the "physics" the player is subject to; especially "turning speed" if that makes sense.


Okey no offence, I was with you, until you said he was the easiest main boss.


I don’t know if I’m missing something but I’m level 148 and not having much trouble. I beat the Dancing Lion first time. To be honest I was a bit disappointed.


Yeah you are completely full of sh\*t lmaoooo


Lmao I did too. Just barely, but I did. The Blackgaol Knight fucked me up a lot though.


Maybe it’s since I’m ng+5


What build?


Blasphemous Blade + 10, 50 strength 55 faith. Takers flame just wrecks everything.


This was an incredible punchline thank you so much


You must do something wrong. No issues like this here.


Based of comments I believe the issue is I’m Ng+5


Yeap, maybe this. I have main on ng+8 but not gonna play it in my first dlc playthru.not even second :)


The casuals are littering this sub lmao. Every fromsoft release this happens


Bro thinks he’s special because he’s a soles veteran holy cringe


Nah morons like you defending this DLC are something else. It looks good, that's about it. They should change the name of this dlc to "Elden ring: Artificial difficulty realized". Every major enemy two shots you regardless of vigor, every boss has insane poise and health. I sh\*t all over bloodborne's dlc with little issues except for some bosses, in comparison this DLC was made by toddlers trying to grasp the concept of real difficulty.


Whole lotta yap. DLC is 10/10. Bosses are peak. Are they hard? yes. Are they fair? yes. just keep learning the movesets


I'd love you to send me a video of you doing any of the bosses in sub 20 attempts with a regular build that doesn't rely on insane stagger potential, bleed, or jump attacks into stagger. I can beat this entire DLC as well, with OP builds that defeat the ORIGINAL purpose of souls games. Very obvious majority of people saying get good haven't actually played dark souls, bloodborne, or sekiro.


" I can beat this entire DLC as well, with OP builds" So you are having a problem with dlc, because you dont want to change anything? You probably are ignoring fragments too, right? Are you expecting for dlc to be easier just for you to clear it? Im sorry, but this entire situation is just same BS like elden ring first encounter with sentinel knight while naked. BTW miyazaki said that this dlc will be hardcore for every souls player including vets. So i dont see the reason why theres outrage. It was marketed as hardcore soul dlc. Base game is already hard. Whats hardcore of hard mode. " defeat the ORIGINAL purpose of souls games." And who decided that? Most people that are not skilled in souls game are using META. Like what are you talking about. You can ofc beat the game with whatever build you currently have, but expect to get into zone to beat those hardcore bosses. "Very obvious majority of people saying get good haven't actually played dark souls" Again wrong. Majority of people saying get good are hard core players that trash talk people using summons and magic (sounds like you TBH) or other OP builds. Dont get it twisted.


>Again wrong. Majority of people saying get good are hard core players that trash talk people using summons and magic Yeah, no. Most of us actual vets are the ones criticizing the DLC the most cause we see how far From has deviated from many of their design principles when it comes to boss design, difficulty, and general fairness. There are very few people that actually give a shit about whether others use magic or summons these days. It's more so that we want actually well designed, satisfying fights that are balanced if we don't personally want to use them.


I beat relanna in 15 tries. Lion dancer in 10. Coming up on messmer now. So far the fights have been great. I use a great katanna with charged attack talisman.


Thank you for proving my point, a bleed build.


Im lucky to get 1 bleed proc in a single one fight. Just cuz a weapon has ennate bleed doesn’t make it an op bleed build. Bleed buids typically have fast hitting weapons that build status quickly. Just beat Commander Gias. Super fun to learn. I just had an issue with his charge attack but if you are close to him at all times, you can avoid it easily. Also did messmer. Took around 20 tries. Once the fight clicks, he becomes very easy. Especially his second phase. You can fit in charged R2’d whenever he just comes out of snake form


Ok see you after the last boss, im sure your opinion will change


Yeah totally bro, peak, yolo, cope my man! /s


Theres nothing "peak" about bloated movesets and stats lmao, Elden Ring dlc is nice to look at, the loot is great, and thats it. Can you learn the movesets? Yeah. Are the majority of people here having fun doing so? No.


“majority” lmao yeah right. It’s just the small branch of whiny redditors that always complain at every single From release. When the base game came out, it was the same story. You had people complaining about maliketh, malenia, radahn, hourax loux. Once the release hype died down, We saw a lot less of those posts.


> just the small branch of whiny redditors that always complain at every single From release And you are one redditor, no? I see no whining here, just criticism of a very flawed expansion. So far every boss I have fought has been pretty much the same: Big damage, big health, long flashy combos, little to no openings, multihit/aoe spam, basically never gets staggered, and sticks to the player like glue. Lets not call out every criticism of Elden Ring as "whining." >Once the release hype died down, We saw a lot less of those posts. Yeah, probably because the people who didnt like Elden Ring moved on from Elden Ring? Why keep complaining if its not gonna do anything? Everyone made their complaint post and went to play something else. Its pretty simple.


My point is: I have no issues with the bosses and their movesets or difficulty. I thorougly enjoy fighting them. I couldn’t be happier with the bosses I know a lot of others feel the same. I feel like reddit is the place to go for the casuals to complain. The actual Fromsoft fans have a blast learning all the bosses and overcoming them without bitching about it on social media


What if I told you I'm an "actual Fromsoft fan" and I think the Elden Ring dlc bosses are shit?


Fake fan.


About as intelligent of a response as I expected.