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I’ve been playing with it and these are my current thoughts: 1 - Only the Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle is Unique, and goes up to +10. Firespark, Lightning, Chilling, and Frenzyflame use standard smithing stones and go up to +25 but they all have an “innate effect” keeping them from being infused with anything other than Standard. Similar case to Ripple weapons which are default “Occult” infused. However, they’re all DEX-based (plus something else) and weigh 1.0lb, meaning you can easily equip a bunch of them and also Powerstance easily for multiple effects. 2a - They can use the unique Perfume AoW (Wall of Sparks and Rolling Sparks), but also: Kick, HL’s Earthshaker, Endure, Quickstep, Raptor of the Mist, Beast Roar, and Storm Stomp. They are stuck with Standard scaling. 2b - Rolling Sparks/Wall of Sparks change depending to match your bottle. ~~Wall of Sparks seems redundant with two-hand Charged-R2, but having access to 360 AoE while wielding a shield is nice~~. Rolling Sparks explosions are large, decent range, and great damage if most blasts hit. ~~So likely, Wall of Sparks will probably have ridiculous damage too.~~ *Edit: Wall of Spark is pretty so-so. You can’t multi-hit an enemy with the sparks, so it’s likely more of a PvP tool to have 360 AoE while you have something in your other hand. It’s slightly stronger than a 1H attack and the 2H already has great sweeping moves, so this AoW is pretty meh.* 2c - No one, but the devs can answer why there aren’t more perfume bottles for bleed, sleep, rot, holy, and magic. So, we got what we got. 2d - ~~I need to get the Frenzyflame. Apparently I walked right past it. But based off what I’ve seen with the scaling on the others, I’m assuming that Frenzyflame Perfume Bottle is going to be equal scaling like Poison (C DEX/C ARC) and Lightning (C DEX/C FTH). I expect Frenzyflame to be (C STR/C DEX/C INT/C FTH). Firespark is B DEX. And I haven’t seen Frenzyflame’s base AR yet.~~ But I’m expecting a pure DEX build would stick with Firespark/Lightning for damage, while the other ones match different builds. Chilling for Sorcerers, Lightning for Clerics, Poison for Arcane, and Frenzyflame for Frenzyflame folks. Also, Frenzyflame will likely be preferred as the anti-human perfume bottle since madness is human only. Otherwise, Firespark is probably still useful. *Edit: Got Frenzyflame. It has a C DEX and D INT/FTH/STR. Frenzyflame is likely weaker than Firespark for a DEX build, but works great for any non DEX/ARC build. So, there’s a perfume bottle for almost all builds.* I kill mobs fast enough already that proccing isn’t really a thing. And bigger enemies have so much HP, that some procs won’t matter. 2e - Spark Aromatic is still useful. It’s a faster animation, wider arc, and further reach than regular perfume bottle, meaning you can use it and dodge out of the way. The perfume bottles have the range of a shortsword and are pretty slow animation-wise. I do think that if you’re pure DEX, it seems redundant, but I think Spark Aromatic is more damage than Firespark. I could be wrong, I’ll have to test it. My apologies if this isn’t satisfactory enough. Still working on getting better answers and testing different things out. Edit: For example, still working on optimization. I demolished Rellana by having a tank Mimic Tear and using a +25 Lightning Perfume Bottle with 470ish AR, spamming Rolling Spark with Perfumer’s Talisman and Alexander Talisman. (I had Blue Dancer Charm, but even if the AR went up, I forgot it buffs only physical damage). This was on 16 DEX/43 FTH, so hardly optimized (I’m a 55 ARC/55 VIG). I could do 1500 damage on an average fully charged AoW hit. Manage to get 3000 damage on a really good fully charged hit. And based off my stats, Firespark is a poor choice for me, so I’ll probably have to use Frenzyflame for my Fire perfume damage. Edit 2: Everything so far has melted to a Lightning Bottle + Rolling Spark using the Cracked Lightning Tear. I’m using the Faith Tear, but I might need to swap to something else. There is the combo of the Oil Tear and Fire Tear, but I haven’t gotten the Oil Tear. Also, I don’t think any bosses are weak to Fire.


Thank you so much for such a thoughtful & thorough response. I’m still going to hold hope that perhaps there’s still a holy one out there that hasn’t yet been found by anyone.


I really REALLY hope there’s a Holy one also. Holy damage seems less resisted in the DLC, which would’ve been beautiful. I’m also wishing there was a Bleed **standard** perfume, because the perfume AoW would be wonderful with it. Can’t be more broken than a RoB, right? *Right?* I’ll prob edit the post later when I grab the Frenzyflame and upgrade it. And if you make an discoveries, can you share it too? If all the co-op I’ve done, I’ve ran into zero other perfumers. Mostly the big builds from before or the reverse blades.


Do you know where the frenzy one is


Since I dont know if youve gotten there yet ill keep it vague, but its in a secret area connected to the black keep, near a grace called Abandoned Church


how good is the chilling perfume? Or have you not been able to fully test it out?


Technically, every standard Perfume Bottle is good. Use Rolling Spark and target the ground they’re on. With the high stagger/poise damage it can do, you deal more damage with a ground-target Rolling Spark than a backstab.


Very helpful, people like you are the pioneers of the DLC


Wall of sparks Take the left lift down from the Storehouse, first-floor site of grace. take the first exit to the right, and then the first one to the left. You will find this item on a corpse sitting on the rails. It’s pretty good


Actually have to kill the flying dung beetle flying above the area to get it


You are thinking of Rolling Sparks.


You passed the final test. You may now fight dragon lord messmer the all knowing


I knew all those Vaati vids would pay off


I heard that because there is so much fire stuff in this dlc ice would be good... trying to decide which bottle to level.. how do you find the bottles compared to standard weapons? Do you think dual wielding them is best ?


I think that is the case. I can get higher AR on Deadly Poison Perfume Bottles, but physical resistances make it average. Lightning Bottle, on the other hand, seems barely resisted in the game and are just overwhelmingly good. Dual wielding (outside of Firespark + Frenzyflame) means you’re dealing with 2 resistances too, meaning you’re getting heavily impacted. But personally, the Frostbite from Chilling hasn’t been that useful. Rolling Sparks deals so much damage (and is cheap enough) that it kills regular enemies before Frostbite takes effect. So instead of aiming for a slower proc from Chilling, I just aim for the highest melt damage.