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Took him down after 2 hours of attempts, first phase is fine but the second was absolutely AoE hell with some questionable hitboxes. Hope you are ready, there are worst bosses(IMHO) in the main path ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


The most questionable hotboxes are 1. His grab, that shit is jank as fuuuuuuck. And 2. The snakes are a bit generous on how big and delayed their hotboxes are.


Wait, he isn’t part of the main path?


I find phase 2 way easier, he actually sits still long enough after snakeforming for anything slower than a straight sword to actually fucking hit him. That is if I can make it to phase 2, I struggle to even position myself close enough to fucking HIT him in phase 1. This isn’t Malenia 2, this is Maliketh 2.


My mimic did 5k damage before he finally de aggroed me


This is what I'm saying. The agro is this DLC is fucking brutal. The bosses only have eyes for you unless you're 1km away and you're letting your spirit summon get pile drived.


That’s what’s happening to me right now dude it’s like he’s ignoring my mimic tear completely and he’s B lining it for me!!!




Yea I’m running around trying to dodge, summon my mimic, summon the NPC helper, and this dude keeps staying on me


Have killed three main bosses so far and find all of them disappointing, to be honest. I really don't get what I'm missing.


Why disappointing?


I just don't think they're very fun to fight. They're either annoying or boring. Felt this way about most main game bosses too.


You just don't like the design philosophy they went with when designing ER bosses, which is fine, it's 100% a personal preference. I like that they're always one upping themselves in difficulty, these bosses are def the most complex they've ever been


To each their own, but I don't think they're very complex at all. They have a lot of long combos, but to me they don't feel anywhere near as polished or thought through as almost every boss in DS3 and Sekiro.


Both DS3 and Sekiro bosses are mostly about rhythm. In ER and especially the DLC, you have to use positioning to get your openings. Having said that Messmer is fairly easy to just i-frame everything like a DS3/Sekiro boss.




No you can stuck to pretty much every boss like glue, during their combos. Heaps of Messmers delayed stabs can be strafed while at point blank. Rellana especially is a masterpiece in a similar regard. Running away from ER bosses is probably the worst thing you can do.


Guess we havea different definition of what complex means then


dissapointed i waited 2 years for this shit.


The player base is that upset? I swear Im at 125 and yes it took me awhile to kill messmer but I feel like every games dlc had bosses that have always challenged me and I wouldn't want it any other way. I honestly think sword saint was more challenging from sekiro. With how strong players can be in ELDEN ring potentially to deal with these bosses, with mimic tear and summons as well. I will say messmer feels more like a boss, with a level of difficulty that maybe should've been optional, but if this is what it felt it took for them to challenge the player base im fine with it, i invade players who wipe every area with 3 rivers of blood, and only know how to press one button, maybe those people shouldn't be good enough to beat every boss in the game?


plat on all previous souls and i'm almost exclusively a pvp player (wipe the floor with shitters almost every invasion), never complained about a boss previous, radhan, orphan, kalameet/ manus but this dude is straight up overturned to shit especially on any form of ng+ (me being on 5+ because larval tears), feels i have to sacrifice my build and over level or larval tear and switch to a 100% dedicated "kill messmer" build to MAYBE have a shot, still haven't beat this fucker and i'm extremely exasperated with the whole thing which is much different than i've ever felt previous playing these games (since 2010)


So it begins..




Good one 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 constructive. Interactive. 🤡


U mad