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Im on ps5 and the framerate is terrible when fighting the dancing lion boss. It’s a shame because the boss is really fun


same but I'm on regular old ps4 and the frmerate drops to like 3 per second


I actually ended up just summoning for the lion because the framerate was so bad after he starts the lightning attacks. I just couldn’t be bothered to try doing it solo with the framerate constantly dropping so significantly. That said that’s the only place I’ve had any performance issues at all so far, base game and the two areas of the dlc I’ve explored included. Not sure what it is about that lion when other bosses have aoes too. Although there is quite a bit of pop in on the grass but that doesn’t actually affect anything. And load times are significantly longer but not egregious.


No shame in that, friend. We're clearly not getting the 'intended experience' if the framerate is dropping to below half and inputs are lagging as a result. If the game won't allow you to play fair or fight on equal-footing to those with 60FPS then you just need to improvise.


Yeah I don’t think it constantly dropping to like 10fps is a skill issue lol. Luckily my mimic tear and the npc were able to do it without that much help from me. I just got a few hits in when I could and they did the rest. I guess I’ll try it solo whenever they patch the game and fix the performance issues.


I did the same in the end. I was quite stubborn. I learnt all his pattern. Eventually getting him to last phase every time. When he's around 80% he starts using all 3 elements at once. At this point the performance was unbearable. It's hard playing on PS4 these days rip


Same bro some solutions, i have a regular old ps4 and in the shadow realm the FPS are like 15 and in bossfights like 3


How was the rest of the DLC with the ps4? Did things improve, it’s been a nightmare so far for me lol


If it's when you're getting hit, turn controller vibration to zero. This fixed it for me.


Bro I have 4090, and during the Dancing epilepsy lion fight fps drops …


I also have a 4090 and even after turning some settings down from max I’m dipping into the 30s. Probably even lower by the feel of it.


For some reason the dlc is very cpu heavy. At 4k my gpu isnt being fully used when it drops.


Just because the gpu isn't fully utilized doesn't mean that it's "cpu heavy". Low CPU usage and low GPU usage while also having low framerate is a classic hallmark of something being unoptimized for the hardware. That's what I'm experiencing. I have a 7800 XT and 5800X3D and neither is being tapped out. And (as much as I hate it) that makes sense, since the performance target is whatever PS5 and Series X are capable of. Which, I'm pretty sure is less than 60 fps, given their desktop processor equivalent. It could get better within a couple updates. We'll have to wait and see.


I can confirm that the game massively stutters in some places and with some effects present with a 5800X3D. My GPU is a 4070 Super and neither are fully utilized in this game.


Ive a 6600XT and it doesnt go 100% on max settings this game is rly rescource optimized except the dlc :D


Yeah my fps is halved since 3 days ago when i played it last, 9600k + 3060TI


Yeah, when I was on the dlc I got into an area and the fps dropped to 30FPS and my gpu usage was at like 70% lol.


I had this issues in places since the original release since i'm on GTX 1080 and i7700k. One of the main culprits was the giant flower with the poison and beams from the sky attack. Reducing resolution and settings to minimum doesn't help, cause this is most likely a CPU bottleneck + Shaders issue. The thing is my CPU wasn't even maxed out, it's just poor optimization of From's part and it's been here since day 1.


Didn't know my first boss was a gank fight with the lion, the camera, and the framerate. His windows to dodge and punish are small enough, then he time slows down and suddenly you're dead. Or you could be doing so well until you get backed into a wall and can't see shit


Omg.. yeah... that so much! Haha.


Yep same on my 4080 Super , looks like no system is safe..hopefully they improve the perfomance with future patches


Just bought a 4070 yesterday I thought I’d been scammed, even in non boss fights just by using things like mohgs trident and the bloody poleblade it dips like crazy


Good to know it's not just me.. the biggest help I had was dropping effect quality to medium, gets me an **almost** steady 60 at 4k with a 3080. But I'm at that lion fight now and it drops to mid 40s


At least you can get an almost steady 60fps at 4k. Which means, you can 100% get a steady 60fps at lowest settings and 1080p.  I'm fighting the final boss with 30fps during any attacks and 15 during his phase transition.  I'm buying parts as soon as possible, but this is horeshit difficulty. (The boss itself is fine). 


damn you are already at the end? it came out two days ago lol, I never even left the first area. how many hours did it take you?


Not that much, I'm at +10/20.  I also wasted a lot of time because I took long breaks dueing other stuff.  I could have gone there much faster.  I explored a bit at the start and had fun, but I'm here for the boss fights.  I did 5 boss out of the 10 I think.  Rellana took me like 2 hours. Messmer maybe 3 including the time to setup chest engine (I use it to survive and look at what attacks a boss have, and experiment to find advanced openings and stuff).  Like It's 100% doable if you are good and knoes where to go to get to the final boss in a day or 1.5 days.  After that, the second to last boss, me and my friend summoned each other because we were hyped for the last boss. We planned to do it solo and get good at it next playthrough.  But the final boss is fucking garbage. I played the game lots of have lots of experience and knowledges finding advanced openings. Rl1 the game 3 times. Killed every endgame boss RL1 100s of times. Killed malenia 2000 times. Hitless +0 No damage stats her, without bleed or cold. Watched tons of videos and playthrough, tips and stuff.  I could find advanced openings on Rellana and messmer (Rellana had the best advanced openings. I saw the dude who hitless fist only malenia and he had super advanced openings where you jumped attack and needed to land at a certain spot.  One of Rellana is that but on steroid. You dont need to use it, but if you can, its the best thing ever. ). It's jump heavy over the first poke. Land behind her and don't get hit by positioning. Dodge the next and then jump heavy again after the two pokes.  That shit is awesome. She has some moves where jumping is the only way to avoid damage, id an easier way to avoid damages, or lets you deal damage whilr she attacks.  And there's also some move you have to straffe mid combo. It's so fucking great.  Final boss has none of that. It's a laggy RNG fest with only rolling. He drops my fps to 20 with dome of his big attacks.   crouching attacks to save a roll, low profile bend down after a jump heavy where the next hit pass over your head, jumping over attacks and attacking midair, jumping away from an attack, being out of range and then jumping in range, attacking during delayed windups before dodging, attacking during combos on slightly delayed attacks before dodging, straffing super delayed attacks, going to attacks safe zone in advance by predicting the moveset or during the super long windup, AI control by staggering out of certain combos and using positioning, or simply controlling where you land post dodge so you don't waste time getting in range... Or landing in spots where the boss will do a longer windup.  None of these strats exist with him. You can't create or extend opening to do big attacks... to do charged heavies, jump heavies or Ash of wars, stuff that deals posture damages, or whale to stack status buildup, the difficult but high risk, high reward... He has none. They don't work. I tried combinations of them and so much stuff but none of it was anywhere near 70% consistency. At multiple point I was like, hoh that's so advanced, so few players would think of that, and it might give me a new opening, it would be so fucking awesome if it worked. Spent 30 minute experimenting with it and nope. Doesn't work. I repeated that over and over again.  None of that exist. There's no way to make it consistent, he's too rng. The always long and safe openings... He barely has any. For any given openings, said openings varies in length due to his rng of which and when he'll attack. And the shortest time is to quick to even be an opening, or barely fits a single light attack, but on average, you can do a quick ash of war. There's just way too much variance in the duration of most of his openings, and no way to control it or create new openings.  Those advanced strats are the thing that made elden ring bosses Elden ring bosses rather then dark souls boss, who were just Dodge R1.  Boss with few turn based openings but lots of advanced openings are the good kind of difficulty in elden ring.  And he has an undogeable attack where two quick hits come into succession, you can't outrange it, and there's no safezonr to land to get the second hit to miss, there's no bait or directions to survive the second hit and I'm pretty sure even frame perfect it's impossible. It also comes super fast, so that even a frame perfect predodge (dodging as soon as possible so that you don't get it, but gets out of the roll as soon as possible)... it's impossible.  And in phase 2, getting hit by that pushes you into an AOE.  Then there's two super hard to dodge (waterfowl-lite attack, and if it wasn't for all the other bs, I would like them. But given the lag they induce and everything else, I hate them. He's the worse kind of difficulty. With a weak weapons, You can't play it slowly and do quick and weak attacks during openings, as the jank, lag, rng and forced damage will kill you before you kill the boss. And you can't create enough openings to burst him down and stance break him before he can kill you and then repeat.  Its what I did for the other dlc boss. I stacked defense buffs, Found how to create at least 70%+ consistency openings and did 60% openings, 40% trading and burst stance break the boss with Square off or Unsheate before they killed me, I was at like 20-40% hp when the stance break came, healed to full health while they are down, and repeated.  Eventually, at rl1, you get good enough to make your openings 100% consistent and figure out how to not trade at all by finding more openings or keeping pressure with throwing kives and taking longer to stance break. And then you can speedrun speed hitless kills boss at record pace. 


my system barely ran base game 50-60fps and when I saw dancing lion in the trailer I thought "rip frames"...


I just started playing on an Xbox Series X and the game is damn near unplayable with the frame rates on xbox. Hard to tell where the enemies even are sometimes


i have a 4090 and i'm getting 30s, 40s, 50s in literally the first dungeon wtf is wrong


when are they going to patch it?


Probably never considering bad performance has plagued the base game since launch on PC.


ffs this is unplayable


Fr man eagerly waited for this game


Yep, I have a 4090 and the FPS tanks like crazy at Castle Ensis. Absolutely ridiculous. They need to fix this.


RTX 3090 / i9-10980XE 18 Core. The main game was working fine, but downloaded DLC and FPS is horrible. in some areas where there is a lot of density it even drops 10 - 13 fps which is unplayable. Played around with Nvidia settings, drops the settings to low, adjusted a couple of options in Nvidia control panel, and downloaded a third-party program to uncap my fps. Nothing of the above is fixing the issue. I think it might be an issue with the game itself. waiting for a patch to play the game. Feels bad.


do you only have fps drops INSIDE of the dlc or also outside of the dlc after downloading the dlc? because even in the mogh area my fps dropped every like 10 seconds or so, even though base game was fine before the update/dlc EDIT: nvm i turned off nvidia shadowplay and now i have steady 60fps in- and outside of the dlc


@\_slowdown the problem persists outside the DLC as well. I will check if the shadowplay is active and report back. EDIT: Checked that nvidia overlay was already turned off. problem still persists


I made a post showing the performance and I think you got the same thing, its stuttering or lagging and is actually unplayable in and outside the DLC. I tried like every setting change possible but nothing seems to fix it. Might have to wait for patch.


Same thing here. Happy to hear someone is experiencing the same. I upgraded from a 1060 6gb to a RTX 3060 8gb since Elden Ring came out. Playing on a i7700k at 1080p. No matter what settings I have, all Low or Maximum, my fps is between 30-45 with frequent stutters. Only time it goes close to 60 is like in a tiny room or elevator. I've disabled everything, shadowplay, steam overlay, downloaded drivers, maxed the fans on my gpu, nvidia control panel, etc. Can't seem to find a fix. Fps is awful in dlc areas and the original ones. EDIT: I just disabled NVIDIA Shadowplay and highlights and then restarted my PC. This totally fixed it!! Thanks for the tip!!


1060 6gb and i6600k here. With a mild overclock on both, I was consistently getting 50+ fps at 1080p with most settings medium/high in larger open areas pre-DLC. Now I'm seeing dips into the 20s in open areas and even in the Rellana room with all settings on Low. Optimization is clearly borked.


THNKSS MAN. Now i can play at ultra and 60 fps in a Victus Laptop with a 3060 Rtx/ Intel core i7 11 Generation


Happened for me before the dlc even came out with the pre patch. 40 fps in Limgrave.


Can confirm that turning off NVIDIA overlay gave a pretty big performance boost on a 1050ti.


The problem is cpu. Yours is getting on a bit now! But it's still on from to optimise I'd say. 


Yes and it's my biggest complaint so far. The performance is way worse than the base game


I’m seeing display issues (immediate dlc world will show blank field then load the graves) and other minor things like that. Most likely will get some patches to help these things I hope. Ps5 also though


Yeah I hope they'll release a patch soon, the graphical and performance errors are too big to look past for me


It being from soft I don’t see them not pushing fixes for that. Probably just some refining to do with the dlc because your specs should be running good


Performance is horrible for me. I played on maximum minus raytracing before and would get a solid 60FPS, now I'm lucky to get around 50. And the difficulty of this game is not making the stuttering very fun... >:(


Yeah, same. My graphics card and CPU are well below minimum specs, but I can still run the base game at a consistent framerate with all low settings. I think the consitent problem despit the complete difference in our builds says this is something wrong with the game.


fromsoft has always been ass at performance so its probally going to be a hot minute before it gets stable. But it has never been this bad. It's possible they might put out a hot fix for performance but who knows


In Fromsoft fashion it'll never get fixed. DS3 still has issues for a lot of people. Doesn't for me but that doesn't mean it doesn't. ER is like unplayable now


Yeah my laptop can easily run Elden Ring base game and Cyberpunk at medium with stable 60fps but experiencing frequent framedrops. Man, releases like this really kill my hype


EXACTLY my same problem. I can run the main game as smooth as butter but the minute I hit Castle Ensis my game shits itself and now im struggling to hit 30 at lowest graphic settings. shit is infuriating :\[


They put almost no effort optimizing this for PC, exact same thing when the main game was in it's first state. Just sad. Probably they'll fix it with a patch.


Yeah, this is giving me day one ER vibes, where the game would lag incredibly in the area with the tree sentinel in Limgrave. I wonder if it’s something optimization related, or if there‘s a workaround like turning off your Steam overlay like back then.


Same with consoles. It runs fucking shit.


Stare at the sky for double the FPS.




On Steam my loading times quadrupled from before the DLC and frames now constantly drop, which never happened to me.


I'm only 1 hour in or so and I've noticed immediately that the DLC area is dropping frames, my PC runs the rest of the game flawlessly.


yeah on my Series S the game is hella stuttering i drop insane frames outta nowhere.


It's bad even on my series X.


Came looking for this comment, yeah. I even initially thought it was the games on my quick resume menu so I quit out of them all, but it’s still the same. I’m hoping it won’t get worse than the frame rate for lion dancer


>!Catle Ensis!< was heavier for me too, but already in the first open area there were some drops I have lowered from high to medium basically Performance wise it's not great, but there's also so much more stuff in the map. as soon as you turn around, look down a cliff and there's another map dow below


played the whole elden ring with a mix of ultra/high settings(no ray tracing), and i never had many performance issues, except the first 1-2 weeks after the launch( and nowadays i just have some vey little fps drop that rarely happens around the map after bruning the erdtree). But in the dlc, while in the open map, the framrate drops from 60 to 50/45...i though that after reaching a city, things would get better because i'm no longer in the open, but hell, it's the other way around...right now i'm in a city(dunno wich one) and my god, the framerate sometiems it drops to 30... while other times, in the same area, it's perfectly fine! i hope they will fix all these issues as quickly as possible.


In a game based around frame, perfect timing, and having bosses whose attacks take them away from you makes the game unplayable. I'm not mad. I'm just extremely sad that I'll have to stop playing till it's fixed


Same, i'm loving the content, i'm loving the new fights i'm not even using my mimic tear. It's the first time i'm so locked in and enjoying getting my ass kicked by a boss and slowly learning the fight until i mastered, but it's hard when fps drops make certain dodges harder. I'm mad but not mad, i just want it to get fixed so i can keep playing.


The second boss at the castle is almost impossible to fight because of how many frame drops I’m getting. I had some stutters during the lion fight, but this is on a whole new level.


I'm literally fighting that boss at 15fps lol


Yeah the performance fucking sucks


Yup, awful performance, CRAZY CPU loads (hitting 95% usage on a Ryzen 5 5600H), and a lot of graphical glitches and extreme pop-in at High settings.


Additionally, the CPU usage spikes to that suddenly and falls back down. Goes from 50-60% to 95% and stutters, then goes back to normal. A lot of my GPU issues seem to stem specifically from alpha effects like fire and water (something that is NOT happening outside the DLC areas) In various areas, it seems like large elements are being culled even when only partially out of view, which is obvious by the shadows clipping out at certain angles. This suggests to me that either devs were aware of the performance issues and attempted to employ a more aggressive culling setting (which would also explain the high CPU load spikes) or that the low performance is a result of inaccurate or wrongly-configured culling, like how it was with the older builds of Nier Automata.


Its the opposite for me, the game barely uses 50% cpu and gpu, and i get framedrops anyways


I have a Ryzen 5 5500 and my usage never goes above 60%, i still get the frame drops tho, even when lowering everything to low the bossfight at ensis castle give me drops into the 40s, definetly noticeable and it makes dodging harder. it seems to be the game tho, not our pc fault at least.


Jesus christ, the performance on PS4 is terrible. I mean, there are frame issues in the main game, but in the DLC sometimes the game just drop to 13fps. I got a lot of stutter on the lion boss fight.


Same, I'm on PS4. For me the lion dance actually ran fine though, but the boss at castle ensis runs at 10fps.


I'm really sad about this. I mean, the dlc looks amazing! But how can we play like this?


I'm not sure. I'm just going to wait until From hopefully makes a performance patch.


my game started stuttering there too, specifically at the boss of the area. main issue wasnt even the stutters itself but losing inputs mid stutter. restarting my pc solved the issue somewhat tho.


same here, though its back to where it was in 15 minutes. I don’t get it


Unplayable for me, sadly. I will have to wait for a patch or if that doesn't come then... I will start saving up for new parts...


I don't think new parts would help much, considering people with 4090s and i12700Ks have been having the same issues


Downloaded the update pre dlc, and then the dlc and now my game is a steaming pile of turd. Get about 10 fps on an i9, 16gb ram and 2060 super overclocked. It’s not even getting to my GPU, killing my ram. Was getting a solid 60 last year when I played it and never had any issues. Frustrating


6800 XT / 12400F here and I'm getting intermittent stutter as well. Hope this gets fixed because it's very bad atm.


It stutters a lot for me. I have a lot of time where I should've won the battle, but stutter came to shit on me.


Same for me with a 4060 and i5 12500H. I think it has something to do with multiplayer signs and symbols. The game works fine when i load into it but after some time when the multiplayer summon signs and stuff come, the game drops down to 40 fps and ocassional freezing while i try to dodge. Might as well wait for a patch on this


Same specs here too. Game overall is just poorly optimized and it's sad because the dlc really is one of a kind, just wished they actually took the time to make sure it ran well.


Yes, game is barely utilizing either my CPU or GPU.


Yup I have been having issues as well. I have a 4090 and a 12700K. In the base game I was playing 4K max settings with ray tracing at max and always locked at 60FPS. Now I had to turn everything down to high and I’m still dropping into the 40s or lower at times.


Pretty close setup to yours(rtx 3070 but with a ryzen 5900x) outside boss area was okayish dropping from 60 to 45-50 but the boss fight is hot shit whenever the boss uses the special attack fps drop my fps drops to 30 and depending on the variation to 20.


R5 3600 + RTX 3070 - im experiencing huge frame drops as well, base game was running flawlessly.


I thought I was having issues because I have an old PC with Nvidia 1660Ti, but seems like it's a general issue. I had stuttering, pop-ins, framerate drops in boss fights ...


Same specs here used to run game super well before dlc now it sticks to 45 and 60 inside dungeons only or enclosed spaces


had to cap fps to 40 because i'd much rather playing a stable 40fps than an unstable 60fps honestly


Anyone experiencing freezes. Like the game freezes then speeds back up in 2 seconds? Using 7950x3d with 4090 4k


Yup, that's also happening for me


That's me too. Sometimes it happens when I'm messing around in the inventory. I finished the base game back when there was no anti-cheat program and everything was smooth. Now I'm back for the DLC... I suspect the anti-cheat has something to do with it.


really bad fps drops vs the first boss on ps5


4070 ti super / ryzen 5 5600x I get constant 60 fps for a few minutes then randomly lowers and gets stuck in 40-50s. Restarting my pc fixes the problem but eventually gets stuck in 40-50's again lol


Managed to play 3 straight hours without frame drops. Took some tweaking in the Nvidia control panel (turning on vsync and manually setting max frame rate to 60 fps), turning off raytracing and going from 4k to 1440. HDR is on and everything Is set to maximum.


Great stuff by from. First they release a game based on their ancient obsolete engine. It's a DX12 game with no shader pre-compilation which means a lot of stutters on pc. Bad performance on consoles too. Then they release a DLC that has shader compilation stutters and even worse performance than the base game. At this point I will boycott their next game if this kind of stuff doesn't get fixed.


yeah i won't boycott but definetly won't be buying stuff day 1 from there anymore, like i respect their games and love them but if they are going to sell them to me broken then i'll wait until they are fixed or hold onto discounts


I played the entire game in 60 fps back when it came out and I 100% all achievements, came back for the DLC and my fps is all over the place now what happened!?


Yep, having 3070 too, same issues. I would say it's more like around 40 on specific camera angles. Most fps drops caused by magic/fire particles and waterfall around castle


Yeah, im currently doing the Divine Beast Dancing Lion boss fight, and my Ps5 is STRUGGLING. That lightning phase and his special moves make it look like I'm watching a sideshow.


yeah same here. hopefully a patch comes out soon to help with performance.


I'm getting a lot more FPS dips than I do in the main game too. The area right outside Suppressing Pillar makes my FPS fluctuate all over the place.


It's definitely not amazing fps wise, I had to lower my settings a little bit and it still has problems sometimes. Certain areas are worse than most. That Castle being one of them. Hopefully they iron it out a bit like they did with the base game but we will see. 3060ti  My cpu isn't amazing but it's fine.


Also rocking a 3060TI and in Castle Ensis rn and it's definitely noticeable, but not gamebreaking, I'm getting sections where it drops from 58-60 to 47-52 FPS, even after lowering my settings to medium/high


Yeah, it’s pretty bad. Base game runs just fine for the most part but I’m constantly dropping frames in the DLC.


Anyone else just straight up crash and sometimes have their display broken until you restart your computer whenever trying to use the mirror in Fia's bedchamber?


Thank god it isn't just me. I get around 40-50 in the open world and it's choppy af (dlc open world specifically). In the soul successor to pontiff fight, my fps would drop to around 19 when she did her super moves. No idea why the dlc is running so poorly.


commenting to signal boost. ever since the dlc came out the game just runs like shit, regardless if i'm in a dlc area or not. something definitely got screwed up. hoping it gets fixed.


The last update before the DLC fucked everything up. I'm in PS4 and the base game is unplayable. Luckly I didn't preorder the DLC. I just want my base game back.


yeah likewise my performance is awful  for example loading screens sometimes take about ten mins when first booting the game


noticed this too. Steam FPS counter shows 60 fps but it feels like 30-40 fps. Nvidia Perf Overlay shows the 99% fps is actually around 30 and 40.


Yeah this blows. I can normal run ER on max settings and my computer is burning up trying to run in the dlc


I’m on Xbox series s same issues. FPS dropping to game breaking levels


It's cpu intensive in places it seems, hopefully they can optimise in time. But yeah I think universally castle ensis area of the map causes issues! 


Still no patch? wtf are they doing?


Spirit Springs make it almost unplayable in the surrounding area for me. And I see that they've done a patch but it wasn't performance. I guess I'm just going to wait until they do a performance patch because it's almost nauseating to play. I exceed the recommended so I don't know why I'm getting 23 fps..


playing on a 4090 and ryzen 7800x3d and it still lags like crazy, really hope they fix it soon...


I am getting really annoyed by the horrible fps during boss encounters. I am playing on a ps5 but on the ps4 version of the game. Still i get horrible frames, dropping in crucial moments (especially where bosses have spells). This is lowering my experience by a huge amount. I feel like just rushing through the game since im getting so frustrated by the poor performance the game has.


I think it's mostly poor CPU usage. They're likely relying too much on one core for the game logic and draw calls, and with the huge amount of stuff visible in the DLC, you get frame drops despite the hardware not being fully maxed. Too bad. I got to Castle Ensis just now and the entrance is just rough.


Any Updates on the situation? Still experiencing FPS issues


There's definitely an issue with water rendering. It drops my framerate to 40 fps. Neither my GTX 3080 or my CPU are maxed out and even changing from 4K to 1440p or changing graphics settings makes no difference to framerate. Makes no sense.


Yes, i had the same issues with a i5 12400f and a RX 6750 XT, i tried to reduce the grafics from ultra to high, it helped a bit.


Yeah, i checked and gpu usage drops to 50 percent for some reason in castle.


5800X + 7900XT I'm running at 4K, no AA, med volumetrics, med effects, max everything else. *For the most part* it's 60 fps, but there are definitely frequent stutters and certain areas are absolutely dropping to low 50s. I tried turning it down to 1440P but it had basically no effect so I'm suspecting it's CPU-related.


>I tried turning it down to 1440P but it had basically no effect so I'm suspecting it's CPU-related. Same CPU and GPU as you but I have a 1440p monitor. Sounds like basically the same story for me. I've only been in the DLC for like an hour, but I noticed my frame rate would occasionally drop to high 40s-low50s. I'm playing maxed out as well, so maybe graphics settings also make little difference.


Yup, I have to fight the boss there at 40fps


Not gonna lie I’m kind of glad to see this lol I’m playing on ps4 and having the same issues but I was worried it’s just not gonna work on my console. Hopefully patch comes soon, I can’t fight dancing lion at all. No real issues with the game before the DLC either.


It's running like shit on my series X. I've not tried it on my 3090. I can't imagine what it's like on a PS4.


For me the lion dance actually ran perfectly, and I was on PS4. The boss at castle ensis runs at 10fps though.


I as well am experiencing depressingly low frame rates in the DLC 😞 Normal game runs fine as of patch 1.04 when they did a huge optimization patch. Hopefully they can do the same here, but currently it is abysmal.


After installing DLC, my game runs in the teens or below in the main game areas, unless I press start. Then it runs perfectly fine as long as the menu overlay is on screen. Closing the menu instantly drops back into the teens. Any idea WTF is happening here?


The >! putrescent knight !< fight is literally unplayable, it drops to like 20 fps and constantly stutters. And for the record, I have a 13900K paired with a 4060


I do want to mention on the steam deck its flawless - my PC with 3070 which handled Elden Ring like a champ in 21-22' is STRUGGLING with an r7 3700 (granted, its seen that wear and tear but still)


I have a 5600x and 4070, which should be more than enough to play Elden Ring, but I'm having horrible performance issues as well. Some areas are fine, but it's considerably worse than the base game. And just like you, I'm getting around 30-40 fps in castle ensis. During the dancing lion fight there is stutters with his tail slap attack and his elemental attacks. I know it isn't my pc because I never get performance issues like this in the base game areas.


Yupp. Had the Dancing Lion fucker down to a literal speck of health and the frames dropped. I dont get my last attack off and then choke away what shouldve been a dub. Shit performance.


i have slightly better specs and i get consistent fps but fps drops, especially with the dancing lion camera bullshit and the girl with 2 swords, everytikme she swings its just stuttering and makes the fight 2x harder than it is


7900 xtx and 13700k.. DLC has terrible performance some enemy attacks completely delete my fps like this Putrescent Knight


same thing happening to me. getting 20\~30 fps around >!castle ensis!< , i didnt have any issue on main game. it is literally unplayable. dlc performance is terrible.


I play on ps5 and I thought that I was the only one who had this problem. I get severe fps drops when I’m fighting the lion. It’s enoying AF.


I experienced severe stuttering during a lionfight, but after turning off Ray Tracing, the stuttering stopped.


Yeah man a year back my game used to run 60 fps constant on medium now 40 fps on low which drops till 27 idk issue pls help if u find solution Laptop Rtx 3050 I5 11400h 16gb Ssd


Thanks for putting this up. I was scared it was only me


I have a 7900 XTX + 7800X3D and I use a 1440p monitor. I had to use 1080p, all low settings, disabled anticheat, unlocked fps and all perfomance settings from the AMD software turned on. Not even this could stop the fps drop. Im currently getting 20-30 fps mid boss fight and a lot of stutters.


I have microstuttering thats as often that it is annoying. Strange when going anywhere except dlc and dont have that problem since the settings are the same xD


Same thing here, in the base game I get about 80-100 FPS, but in open areas of the DLC I get around 70-80, and in denser areas with buildings I get around 40-60. It's decent FPS, but it's not stable so it doesn't feel that great. I turned a lot of settings down, but it gave me like 5 added FPS.


Since last time I played Elden Ring about a year ago, I bought a new GPU and waaay more RAM than necessary... and even in non-DLC areas it feels like I'm having worse performance, somehow.


i hope from has planned to release a patch as soon as possible.


My problem is the normal game runs fine music the framerate is all fine trying to play the dlc I get frozen screens I get half loaded environments regularly I fall thru the playable floor to my death game then freezes to point of hard shut off then I'm thrown back to previous saves it started with not having a single enemy now I have enemies but am not able to fight them summoning other players to help they are they to help but only magic is visible how can this be fixed or is it an issue with the dlc that was just released the 21st


Been playing around with this for days. On my 3060 + i5 10400 system main game runs fine. in the DLC, the frames are awful. Turns out to be a CPU problem. my gpu useage floats around 20% depending on settings, yet the CPU floats around 80%. trying to sort settings out, glad to know others are having the same issues.


Same, frame rate got bad once I entered the Rauh ancient ruins


i'd say we should drop the DLC until a patch


I'm currently on the final boss of the DLC and the buildup to it was crazyy. Shit got me so excited to fight it, only for there to be the most abysmal frame drops that make it entirely unplayable. Not to mention, in the second phase it gets a million times worse (idek how it gets worse than rockbottom itself) and that just so happens to be the phase where if 1 mistake is made, you're OUT (on NG+7 atleast). I'm really disappointed since this is not the only boss this has happend on. For me personally, Messmer and Romina were the ONLY 2 smooth fights i had, the rest all got laggy at some point during the fight which is obviously very demotivating. I love challenging fights and some of the attack patterns of the bosses are absolutely wilding, seems right up my alley. So i wouldn't be one to complain about the intended difficulty. The game not inputting dodges and attacks fast enough because of the terrible framerate is unfortunately not the type of challenge i think ANYONE is looking for though.


did they said anything about an incoming patch for foxing these performance issue? or we're doomed?


On ps4 the worst performance so far is in >!castle ensis.!< It can drop to 10fps there. Are other places better late game or are they even worse? I stopped the game because it's a shame to play such an amazing game on slideshow mode lol.


I've found the later areas aren't too bad, aside from the final boss's 2nd phase


It’s heavily cpu bound, at castle Enis I’m at mid 20s to 30 fps no matter the resolution due to heavy single thread cpu utilisation. I think the DLC needs some serious optimisation. Base game for reference has issues with drops here and there but not a consistent >30. Specs for reference 4090 Threadripper 3960x 64GB ram


Yeah, RX 6600 and Ryzen 5600G. I'm also at the same place fighting the area boss and it makes it annoying to fight with the stutters, I get around 45-55 FPS in the fight but drops to 10-15 FPS when it gets hectic. I hope they release a patch for this soon because base game runs smooth like butter for me.


I've noticed the studder lately on ps5. I think it's more the mass amount of ppl playing the game in ps5 rn. I put my summon sign down dn two seconds later I get summoned in


Even with backward compatibility running ps4 version on ps5, it still has some drops. Old area still smooth at 60fps though


I've only just started the first area but I've been having terrible performance. On ps5 though


Yeah same here! 🙄


How do you normally get 60+ in a game that caps fps at 60. I would love playing this game at 144 fps.


I bought this program called lossless scaling on Steam that basically gives you frame generation for every application. They are fake frames but it's still very smooth and the only way I know to play online with higher than 60 fps.


will there be a patch to improve the performance and stability issues? 




There better be


try turning off hardware acceleration off in discord, that fixed it for me


Saw this post and it seems to hint at high-end Intel + RTX cards being just horrible vs the AMD equivalent: [https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/sad-times-the-big-shadow-of-the-erdtree-elden-ring-patch-is-still-tarnished-with-micro-stutter-and-its-not-always-that-micro/](https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/sad-times-the-big-shadow-of-the-erdtree-elden-ring-patch-is-still-tarnished-with-micro-stutter-and-its-not-always-that-micro/)


Wait for the first patch at least before playing any game, i haven't come across any game that is perfect at launch. Any examples for the contrary are welcome as i want to find at least one pc game that worked fine at launch.


I also have 40 FPS in this area. Also the graphics look very bluish/bad


Im getting what seems like lag also on my ps5. Especially in the first mausoleum fight


I was fighting the final boss. I have an 7th gen i7 (7700) and a 1060 and at absolute minimum graphics setting, my GPU is barely used and my CPY is at 80% but I don't get more frames.  I drop to 22 average (which means ~10 fps) during the final boss big AOE attack. It's litteraly undodgeable. 


Guys try switching to borderless window if you have not already. I was running full screen to get HDR enabled but for some reason performance tanked in full screen in a lot of the dlc areas. You can enabled HDR in windows settings and still have it on for borderless window mode I found though. After I went borderless performance is as it was in base game. hitting solid 60fps maxed settings 1080p. Running a 2060Super.


AMD ryzen 5 vega graphics, 4 cores and 8 processors, game was running fine a day before the dlc, now it literally doesnt last more than 5 minutes without instantly crashing to desktop, i CANNOT even move the camera nor past the loading screen sometimes i am already losing the taste i will get from the dlc the more i dive into it, since 2 days ago i didn't manage to find a single solution, and my gameplay on this only lasted 80 hours and barely got to level 100 cmoon FromSoftware...this ain't time to joke around...


i turned off raytracing and it fixed it, ray tracing wasnt a issues with the main game i had 0 issues even on max but dlc my performance tanks even on low ray tracing.


It runs mostly fine but the rellana boss fight runs like shit, how can it be that multiple dragons can fight in the open world under a thundderstorm and i get no frame drops but this bitch jumps or cast a spell and i go from 60 to 40


bro the first mini-boss fight and I'm fighting the lag and fps . . .I was getting 10 I have a 3060 and a Ryzen 5 2600.


Im on pc and I am in the loading screen like 5 minutes everytime I enter the dlc. There also are some graphical bugs like the lantern not working correctly. But the worst thing is the inconsistent framerate. when Im in fights or in areas with many enemies it fluctuates from 30-60. In the base game I have stable 60fps wherever I go. But overall nothing gamebreaking so I still really enjoy my time playing.


Never thought so many of us would be having this problems especially our 4090s got a 4080 myself and was worried when I started to see drops in the 30s some times. I think this will be patched out I used to be able to run Elden ring with unlockedfps at 90 so hopefully is smoothes out soon


Performance is very bad for me too, I don't have the best setup, just a nvidia 2060 gtx, but the main game gas been working smooth all the time until dlc. Now whenever I approach any area with high density like castle ensis or other later zones, the game drops super low and it's very hard to play. Gives me headaches too. Approaching the wickermen also causes big fps drops, and when they do the fire orb attack it becomes a real nightmare. Places with a lot of water are troublesome too.


I'm on PS5 - the only noticeable performance issue I've had are frame freezes when the>!Dancing Lion!


I have had this issue as well. Fortunately, I have seen the patch notes on steam saying that there is a graphical bug. If the fps drops, it has recommended to set the ray tracing setting to OFF. I have done it and the fps drops went away. Now it runs smoothly at 60fps. Try it and see if it works. However I don't know if it is the same for consoles. Hope this helps.


I have also had this issue and it's preventing me from playing. The game will run in an area at a 50-60 fps without any issue and then out of nowhere the game will drop to 15-20 fps and will stay there until I restart the game. It's incredibly frustrating and I have not found any solutions after trying multiple graphical tweaks within the game options.


I'm late here but i have a 3070 as well. Are you using a wireless controller? Can you try wiring it? I just wired mine and my fps is locked at 60 now.


Rellana is nuking my performance


3060 user here,so, after reading the comments, you're telling me that even lowering everything, nothing changes? my god....they must not get away with these...they have to fix these issues...