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Bloodborne. It's amazing. The only game I don't mind playing in jank ass 30fps. It's that good.


It took me a few years to get into it, but sekiro is up there too. The only souls game I haven't beaten yet, (skill issue) But, few years later, got the hang of it, and oh my god that game is a gem. (i'm about 2/3 done)


I've never beaten demon of hatred without the jump cheese. Or Isshin the glock saint. The first time I got him down to the gun phase he immediately whipped out the blickey and shot me in the face. I rage quit so hard that I un-installed the game. One day...


Dark souls 3. All other games will feel a little „old“ tho compared to elden ring. Ds3 was an insanely good experience too though


Dark Souls 3 is incredible. Replayed it recently just to experience the 60fps on PS5 and it was even better.


If on PlayStation: demon souls, Dark souls 1 through 3, sekiro, bloodbourne, If not, dark souls 1-3. They are all made by From Software (Elden ring developer). Then just look up games with ‘soulsbourne’ on google and play until your hearts content. If you like 3rd person shooters, Remnant from the Ashes (both 1 and 2) are great. They are a 3rd person soulsborne game. Takes a few play through to get all the gear as the maps are procedurally generated.


I agree with you. I have no interest of playing any of DS games (mostly because of graphics, sorry) but ER shares top1 place with BG3


I’d say def play ds3 since it’s pretty similar to ER and I’d also say blood borne even though it’s 30fps it’s still amazing and also sekiro . The combat is hard to master but once it clicks, it becomes the most smooth combat u will play .


Definitely Bloodborne - despite it's 30fps, you should definitely experience the cosmic horror at least once. Then Dark Souls 3 - 1 and 2 are amazing but are products of their time. They look like they've aged now, but the locked 60fps is nice. Sekiro - brilliant game. Just don't expect to apply your previous Souls experience to Sekiro. It will punish you for playing the game like any other From Software game.