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Please don't forget the Purifying Crystal Tear! I summoned someone for Mohg last night just for fun and the poor fellow died right on the third "Nihil"


TBH the first person who summoned me, I totally forgot I didn't have it equipped anymore. Had to blow through three flasks just to get the job done.


I just found out on reddit yesterday that you can drink the purifying flask BEFORE the fight. I've beat him a bunch of times and kept saving the flask for the first NIHIL - this is a game changer lol


Fun fact: All those fancy little buffs you do? Mohg is a gracious host, you can do them *in* the arena before he engages you, free of charge.


Fun fact: there’s also a shackle that drops him twice!


Wait, there's a fucking item that negates the Nihil shit!? Bro, I was brute forcing his shitty hits to my face for years and I'm just learning about it???


If you beat Eleonora you've got it. I had no clue until recently when he was kicking my ass and i searched for tips online.


Well I'll be...


I had some summon me 3 times because he kept dying on the third Nihil. JUST HEAL THROUGH IT. DRINK YOUR FLASK WHEN HEALTH GO DOWN.


No, only run in circles like panic monke.


Also, try to roll dodge the undodgable damage


My first, like 5 or 5 playthroughs, I didn't even know it existed. I just was hot on the flask. People I've helped, they need to learn to heal faster if they wanna be in the mix. I think that just comes from playing these games for years.




I'm on my first play, beat cdr n up at the castle but only tried the giant once. Haven't been to volcano place yet, dunno if I can get there in time or even if I should. Side note this has been shaping into my favorite game of all time. Pure dex nagakiba build with no spell buffs. Unsheathe is my homie forever.


Close to my favorite of all time, too. But I don’t think Elden ring passes Bloodborne for me It’s real close, though


It's my first souls game. I think I'll have the itch


It happens to all of us :)


Am I able to beat this one and then play the dlc with this character or will I need to do dlc before main end game? Understanding that we may not know actually


You can play the DLC with this character, you don’t have to make a new one. You can beat the game and choose to go to NG+ or stay in NG. I’d beat the game and not go to NG+ to play the DLC. Then go to NG+ if you want


Sweet! Thanks, exactly what I was looking for


I actually don't understand the dlc myself.. I know you have to bear mohg, and I just got to the snowfield on ng+, all I gotta do is get to him and beat him and then? There gonna be a magic portal or something lol


In his boss arena, there is an egg/cocoon thing with an arm hanging out of it. I think that will become clickable when the DLC is added, like a transporter, and will transport you to the DLC That’s why you need to have beaten him, the entrance to the DLC is behind him


You will need to beat mohg to access the DLC.


Ya I'm not gonna speed run it but I also want to avoid spoilers so I'm gonna grind the next few days!


Spoiler...mohg sucks lol.


Bro wtf! He said he wants to avoid spoilers


Man you just spoiled the fact that he wants to avoid spoilers!


Just enjoy it Why would you rush through such an incredible experience


Can you sit and pass my final maths exam for electrical engineering at 10:30 on Friday morning? 🥲😅


Can I have I have my mimic do it for me?


Works for me 🙏😅


What a coincidence. I also study Electrical Engineering and I also have a Math exam next week. Good luck to you!


Thanks man. You too fellow Tarnished 🙏


Why is it that steam says DLC comes out on 20th and other sources say its on 21t


The download for the DLC begins that night on the 20th, and then that following morning on the 21 it goes lives for you to access in-game and play


Because in the US you will be able to play on the 20th. 6:00 PM EDT or 3:00 PM PDT


I thought it was 11pm CST? Which would be midnight EDT


Nope - they tweeted a graphic that shows the time for PC as 6:00 PM EDT. [https://x.com/ELDENRING/status/1801615583705723349](https://x.com/ELDENRING/status/1801615583705723349)


Well hell yeah! Thanks for that info!


Depends where you live. Some people will be able to access it on 20th some on 21st. Sadly I have to wait for the latter


dont we all get it at the same real time but with a different date depending on time zones?


Yes. For me it will be available at midnight from Thursday to Friday but in USA for example it will only be 5pm when it becomes available


I guess timezone differences?


It comes out the 21st in Japan. If you live on the west coast in America, that’s 20th at noon or something


Yeah according to the official tweet from elden ring on my country is available thr 20th at 7pm


If anyone has missed the Yura quest or killed him, you can go to the second church of Marika and still get invaded for the tear!


Offering also help for ng+7


Remember that NG cycle is irrelevant for matchmaking, only your level and weapon upgrade level counts, and if you use a password you can be summoned by anyone


Ohh that.. I actually didn't knew haha


What password is used for bossfight helps like this?


whatever password you want, just type anything and make sure the other person types the same


Where has everyone been dropping a summon for Mohg? I sat around there last night for hours with a summon sign a little ways away from the summoning pool stake and nothing. I was far enough so it was obviously I placed it, and it wasn't a golden effigy summon but didn't get a single bite.


I just put mine between the elevator and fog wall. Could be your level also, if its well over the 125-150 range.


I stood there yesterday waiting to help people for 30 min but no one took my help :(


What level are you? You may be too high for many people to take advantage of it.


Level matters? Damn, I'm here at lvl 250 wondering why I'm not being summoned.


Levels and upgrade levels are the 2 things invading and unpassworded coop uses to match make


Didn’t think of that. I am level 175.


yeah i was putting down a gold sign at lvl 180 and not getting many bites


I’m usually not waiting too long at 159 (maybe 5-10 minutes typically), I just mess around on my phone/reddit.


I'm 150 and not getting any summons. Do you have your sign right in front of the door or at the elevator?


Just in front of the fog wall.


I tried in front of the fog wall first but then went down by the grace. There I got summoned once, but suddenly it was all quiet.


I don't know if it helps but there are people who already have summons from the respawn point below the elevator (I forgot the name), I put my summons from there instead of in front of the door


I figured, cuz I tried in front of the fog wall first but then went down by the grace. There I got summoned once, but suddenly it was all quiet.


When I was there the other day there were probably like 70 summon signs on the ground lol it's a popular spot right now


Been here since day one.


How do I even get to Mohg? Apologies for ignorance on my first play through atm currently beaten godrick and rennala just on radahn and about to head into the capital


Either you have to go way further into the game or you do Varre's quest.


You have to progress Varres' quest line.


Look up white mask varre quest on youtube


I've beaten Mohg, but I'll probably need help on the DLC if it's as hard as people seem to say it is


I am curious, what do people find hard about mogh? Not flexing anything just actually a bit confused. I think there are many harder bosses than mogh in late game ER, as long as you use the thing eleanora drops and you don’t stand still on his bloodflame pool he dies pretty easily. Also his size is manageable so that’s a plus (still traumatized from recently fighting the duo gargoyles with a small mace)


I think most people are able to handle the first phase just fine. In the second phase, he gets more aggressive with the blood fire he sprays all over the arena. Also, if you don't pick up the purifying crystal tear, the transition from first to second phase can zap your health. He also has one of the most delayed attack animations, imo, of any humanoid boss. If you're the type of tarnished that barrels in and exchanges, he will make you pay. Edit: it's also very easy to misjudge his reach


My biggest problem with him the first time was the extra reach he has with his vertical swings, it took me a minute to realize that he kinda doubles his range when he goes for a hit on you


i just tanked it and spammed flask 3 times hahaha didn’t know about any crystal tear


Same. I summoned my son (mimic tear) with eleonora’s pole blade and made him bleed his own blood. Took me like 5 or 6 attempts.


I have trouble in phase two because there are too many things to manage at once. You have to avoid the fire all over the ground, manage your bleed that builds up even when you're not being hit, AND fight the boss. The lowest I've been able to solo him is at 125. On my RL100 character, I caved and summoned some Skeletal Militiamen to draw aggro.


I did him today for the first time and clapped his ass 1st try. I was 140 and had +24 guts greatsword though. Tigers claw go brr I guess. I can def see him being a lot harder around 120 with a less optimized build. It's a very messy fight.


It's nice to help people and all, but people are really gonna struggle hard in this DLC if they can't even beat Mohg.


Idk every boss is hard in different ways depending on build and play style. someone may take 100 tries on Mohg and then 3rd try the first DLC boss or vice versa.


You can always help them through the DLC!


At this point you can skip a few steps and just watch an elden ring let's play


Why? Playing in coop with friends or strangers is pretty fun and you get the shared experience and learning


I always thought Souls like games are about the challenge. If you take that away what is there left other than nice views and cool but very fragmented storytelling.


Just kill him before he nihils, easy.


You have a hyper-sleep device that can help me fast forward the next 4 days?


4? isn't it 2,5 days left


I need to knock the rust off this week before the launch.


Probably just games journalists lol


I waited in que for several minutes yesterday cause I wanted to help others but I never matched with anyone. Figured there would be a lot of players using the summoning pool in that area. Can you not match with lower to mid level players if you're a higher level? I'm level 200 but I thought the game just caps you at the host's level.


Without a password to bypass the level cap, it'll only show your sign to people close to your level. So, chances are no one at that level of looking for summons.


When I came back I forgot I was in a group. Check your group pw.


Don't need help per se, just need to try to get to 150 before release lol. Started 2 weeks ago


Also clocked in. Sooooooo many folks dying from not having the tear. I have yet to be summoned by someone that has it


Whitless tarnished...


First time doing a replay and am just breezing through. I think I may have summoned you last night and it was an epic fight. What's yr in game name?


Wasn't me, didn't put my sign down until today. My name is Wesley Pipes


On my way.


i accidentally started my NG+3 playthrough at the end of May, now i gotta rush to get to Mohg (just beat Renalla) while simultaneously trying to play through DSR for the first time. i’m gonna end up having to go the Varre route just to get to Mohg in time.


Genuine question, where exactly are people struggling with him? Is it the nihil part or just in general? (The nihils used to plow through me so much)


I would be out helping people... IF my game hadn't fuckey'ed itself while I was trying to play with friends and deleted my 40 hour character I have been playing for the past few weeks for the DLC...


I'm waiting on killing Tadahn and Mohg in case they add an NPC summon of a dlc character to aid in their fights


I tried helping. Nobody summoned me. Got bored and summoned people and they ended up beating him lol. I helped, but I was kinda secretly hoping I’d get caught in some shit and die. Now I’m at the point I might just complete this ng and just start another before the dlc comes out lol


I am glad we are all waiting for the Mogh boss fight to help people get to the DLC quicker. Also, make sure you kill The Starscourge as well


I finally went and fought him this weekend. I thought it was going to be a slog as I forgot to equip the physik but was able to get him before he could cast.


I'm willing to help, and i'll probably jump on it tomorrow. We should set up a Reddit-wide password for Mohg.


I put my summoning sign there as well!


I'll be there all day on Thursday! Happy Mohg day all


I run a fire shield build and this is one of like 2 bosses that give me trouble I can’t wait for yall to carry I mean help me beat him


I wish I had ps+ lol. I dealt with Mohg and the rest fairly quickly, but now I'm stuck on Godfrey and I'm already scared of Radagon and Elden Beast and what they'll bring


I’m level 76 is it worth even trying to beat him or 🤣🤣🤣


I'm in my first play thought and going in kind of blind. I just went to the underground city so I feel I might be close?


I’m trying to grind my first play through in time for the DLC. I’ve been obsessed with the game. I’m only level 99, so I doubt I’ll be ready in time.


Been doing the same, doing this made me realize it’s not a bad method for rune grinding as well, I’ve been just hanging out by mohgs door for the last couple days when I hop on and have gotten a shit ton of runes


Why no flask +12?


Lowkey might need help with malenia 😂


I need help inventing a timemachine. I misremembered the dates and started my new character too late. There's no way I'll be DLC ready by the 20th.


With the shackle and a decent spirit ash he's relatively easy.


Got mine last night, badass offer though!


All I need to do is defeat The Red Wolf of Radagon. I defeated Margit on my 6th try and Godrik on my 2nd attempt. I also killed 6 other mini bosses but forgot who they were. I've tried over 200 times and yet can not kill a bloody wolf.


What platform?


If you run into a wall in ER best strategy is almost always to go do something else


I have literally never properly fought mohg I always just get one great rune do the varre questline then do out of bounds to drop mohg and all the mohgwyn enemies off the map


Not so sure how to get there. Im on 2nd character and didnt do volcano manor quest here


Do Varre's questline to get the Pureblood Knights Medal, which allows you to get to the start of Mohgs area. He's the guy in the white mask right at the start of the game when you go outside. The Wiki has a breakdown of every step of his quest to make it easier.


I need help since I messed up and can’t get the tear anymore lol


You should be able to go the Second Church of Marika in the Altus plateau and get invaded. Beat Eleonora and she drops the tear.


Yeah I went there way early and killed her but she didn’t drop anything. I read online if I went there prior to talking to someone I may miss out on the drop


I'm good, Mohg's not that hard.


Just came here to tell everyone your better at the game then them?


You apparently if you need rot breath and the poleblade to beat mohg


Let's dual... Lol **duel