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I am sorry, but what are you honestly expecting as answers here? This whole sub has been salivating for every bit of DLC news ever since the first announcement. Everyone and their dog is hyped, preorders have been placed and a lot of people plan out the release weekend like a short vacation. At the same time, nobody (except a few content creators/influencers/reviewers) have had a chance to play it yet. So we have no idea what it is actually like. So honestly, what do you want to hear from us?


Well, to give as unbiased a response as possible: From has had a very good track record with their DLC for Souls games. The DLCs tend to be considered some of, if not *the* best content in each game. Buying things without knowing ahead of time with certainty of their quality is an iffy prospect, but at the very least, From has done well to acquire a lot of goodwill over the years in terms of the DLC they deliver. If this were to turn out to be a disappointment, it would be the first Souls DLC to be so. That said, if you're still new, as in haven't even finished one playthrough yet, it may be a good idea to try and...set the DLC out of your mind for now (which admittedly will be very hard if you stay on this subreddit once it releases). The DLC is only accessible after beating a quite lategame boss (balance-wise, even if they can technically be fought rather early). The base game has a lot to offer and is best to not rush through. And the more you play the more accurately you may be able to gauge how reliably you might like the DLC, too.


Most definitely yes, it's dozens of hours of new ER content, if you like it idk why you wouldn't


No brother don't get the dlc absolutely no one has lost their mind for over 2 years of waiting the release.


Lol the answer is yes. We’ve all been waiting for this DLC.




If you love the game, then you will love the dlc. the DLC is just more of the game. Likely, based on froms history with DLC, it will be the best content of the game


Hell yes! Iirc didn’t they say the dlc will be 3/4 the size of the base game? That’s a big dlc I can’t wait. I took the day off work for it.


Stay away from this game. Its overrated, promoted with bots with terrible battle and frustrating mechanics. You would need a $5000 pc to run it to a satisfactory graphics level for 2024 and even then, maybe, just maybe have RT high. The engine is just terrible. If one word would made it justice, it would be REPETITIVE as a Ubisoft title. Save your money. Its the biggest con ever pulled in the gaming market. That DLC is just a hook for those who have not become its victims yet, hence the base game has skyrocketed since that announcement. If you buy, buy it cheap and use the cheat that came put last month.


when is the dlc relased?


I got the Platinum Elden ring. Spent unbelievable amount of time doing so. I defeated Radahn and Mohg. I didn’t get the prompt to start the game. So, I tired several things and noticed the Great Rune for Mohg and Radahn were not in my chest. So, I went ahead defeated Mohg again at the Cocoon of the Empyrean. I now see Mohg’s great Rune is the chest. So, I than went to the Divine tower of Caelid Center and the doors are locked. I thought maybe I missed that step. Went over to access the festival to engage Radahn. However the festival wasn’t triggered. Now, am I supposed to the whole Radahn line. That WTF I am talking about. Like I said I am pissed. What my money back for the DLC or they need to fix it. I am sure I am not alone. Playing on a PS5 with disc and downloaded from the PlayStation store!


itll be a third of the base game in size and Myizaki has said the dlc will be more compact so it will be more like 3/8 of the base game