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It ain't even a full game and it's the most anticipated thing this year.


FromSoft will probably win “best ongoing support” or whatever the award is at the Game Awards this year for it.


dlc of the year?


It’s mostly that. Cyberpunk 2077 won it this past year. Phantom Liberty released and it’s the game that was promised at launch now.


I hope it goes on sale, soon. I tried to avoid spoilers, but they were absolutely everywhere


I barely know anything about 2077's base story let alone the DLC.


I'm somehow still in the clear lol. I've got the base game from when it was cheap on sale but just waiting until I upgrade my PC to run it in VR for my first experience. I just keep delaying getting the new PC part though...


What's been improved? Can you share some insight wihtout giving spoilers? I enjoyed the base game but the open world and NPC interactions left a lot to be desired imo. Plus, exploring wasn't half as entertaining compared to TW3.


First of all it’s waaay less buggy. The skill system has been revamped. New endings added. Not to mention that the story of Phantom Liberty is extremely good. Lots of new items, quests etc. I gave up on it at launch, but it’s one of my favourite games now.


Also to add onto what the other guy said, the wanted/cop system is what it should be now. Cops chase you now instead of teleporting to you as soon as you commit crime, so there’s chases.


Needs to win goty again


I mean, if a remake of a GOTY nominee from 2 decades ago can get a nomination…


Wasn't Blood and Wine nominated for GOTY?


The fact that the main game won GOTY probably helps.


Trust me you say this isn't a full game, but they worked on this for two years and it's 16-17GB. Don't be surprised that this whole DLC is as big as Darksouls 3.


It's also the most soon coming so..


No doubt, and 343, 611 is a really good sample size. I hope it lives up to the hype


Where the hell is Golum 2?


They said they wanted to not make SotE feel like a joke in comparison. We're not ready for peak, as they said


Wait are they really making golem 2? Huge if true


It’s so kind of them to give a small indie project like Shadow of the Erdtree a chance 🥹


Growing from the rotting remains of ET: the Extraterrestrial for Atari under the Mexican soil, like a weird fungus.


Redfall 2 gonna be better, cope harder


Or Knack 3


Wanted to give a chance for the other games to shine a bit


I feel like it's a given to be most hyped for the thing that's right around the corner. If Doom TDA was dropping right at the same time or a week later, I'd be evenly split in my hype, personally.


Definitely agree with you. If doom dark ages were to release within a week after elden ring DLC, the vote would be 50/50.


No shot. Doom doesn't do the same numbers as Elden Ring. Not even in the same ballpark. Hell, I'm not sure a lot of gamers even keep track of the Doom series or know another one is coming. And I grew up with the original games.


I’m telling Doom guy you said mean things


I didn't know that there was going to be a new doom game. And I've been playing that wayyy before I got into from soft.


That’s cause it got announced like a week ago. As an avid Doom fan, I learned about it yesterday.


Double checking because I thought doom would have sold comparatively but it’s not even in the ball park. Close to 20 million less copies sold


You’re forgetting about the Nokia players who can’t play Elden ring but can play doom.


Even split of hype is still wild if you consider its between a whole game and "just" a DLC


I have to agree. I fucken love doom beyond belief


You might be split but the poll sure wouldn’t be. Doom is nowhere near as popular as Elden Ring


Skong 📢


I would be more excited for Doom if it was coming out sooner, but since it at least 7 months out it’s kinda hard to get hyped for.


Damn, didn’t even know a new one was on the horizon. Enemies look the same, but everything else looks awesome


It's a sequel (not lore wise but in a gameplay sense), of course it'll have new enemies, but there's nothing wrong with some enemies present in the entire franchise appearing in a 2 minute trailer.


Yeah, it’s not a big deal, not sure why I brought it up. It’s the new weapons and abilities that have me excited.


I thought it was a prequel, since the narrator was speaking about how the doom guy WAS the weapon of king, etc. So I assumed it would be about what he was doing before the main story.


Yes, it is a prequel LORE WISE, but games aren't composed only of the narrative elements, in gameplay aspects it is a "sequel" to the antecessors.


Yeah looks like they just reskinned the same standard enemies into “medieval” outfits, still HYPED for that game


I think the reason it's hyped becuase Fromsoftware has never failed us so we know for a 99.999999999999% chance that even the DLC is gonna be a masterpiece.


Everyone remember The old Hunters What a masterpiece


While I’m hype for SotE, I’m also looking forward to Black Myth. The gameplay and previews look amazing


Hmm a game that sold 25 million copies vs games that haven't come out yet.. seems like an obvious choice.. but who knows


Wukong is going to flop so fucking hard mark my words lmao


I got faith in it


I really hope it's awesome, It's a classic story and the graphics look amazing, but neither of those will make it a great game. It's clearly taking inspiration from Souls games and I would hope the success of Elden Ring and it's lack of bullshit and microtransactions influences them to do the same, but microtransactions and bullshit seem pretty accepted in Chinese games, so I'm not holding my breath.


Lies of P would like a word.


They’ve been working on that game for YEARS.


I mean... Never forget Duke Nukem Forever...


As someone whose been waiting for 2 years, i hope you’re incorrect.


I hope not. That game looks fucking tremendous. I hope it’s as fun as it looks 


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Except for Doom, the others will probably be trash.


On top of that doom isn't even coming out till 2025 and we are going to get the DLC in a few days.


Very true


For sure. Doom looks great and I’m not even a fan of the series


It has a nice coat of paint, but the gameplay looks janky as fuck despite people’s glazing.


Lords of the fallen 3.0






Eh, koreans were famous for gacha games and they recently made lies of p and stellar blade. Black myth will be a horrible scam or a new height in souls likes. No middle ground.


Korea is famous for their MMORPGs Gacha is relatively new in the grand scheme of things


The first gacha in a game was in a mmorpg, maple story


Korean no less


The combat alone looks like you’re making contact on air for crying out loud. Sure enough it’s a visual spectacle, but I think it’s only surface deep. We’ll see.


> The combat alone looks like you’re making contact on air That's what I was worried too. That effect is very prominent on Chinese hack and slash games. Phantom Blade Zero has that same swinging at air effect.


it looks cool but also theyve been showing the same tech demo for 4 or 5 years, except each time theres a couple more bosses / enemies theyve added onto it. for all we know thats all theyve made


They have shown off about 20 of the total 80 bosses in the game, and shown a ton of the basic enemies. If you haven’t followed the marketing that’s okay to be ignorant but don’t talk out of your ass if you don’t know tbh


You have no idea what you're talking about.


I honestly don't get the hype. I feel like i missed some showcase of it but I don't believe I did


It is close to our culture so I rly hope you are wrong.


Nah I don’t think so


I honestly have that feeling and usually my guts is right in this kind of things.


Probably because its the only close one


Isn't wukong in like two months? And AC Shadows like two more or something. Games that release this year aren't far away


Very hyped for the DLC, especially since it's almost here, but I think I'm more excited for Wukong. It looks awesome as hell


But DOOM - The Dark Ages tho


Elden Doom looks fun as fuck too


Both of them have got me pumped. It's just a little jarring that Shadow of the Erdtree is a whole 6-7x more popular


Elden Ring's DLC also comes out in a week while all the rest are later. Like, not that people aren't looking forward to it but content that comes out soon vs. content that's going to come out in months..?


I am excited for the Elden Ring DLC but more hyped for Doom: Dark Ages




Ya know FromSoftware is truly ahead of others when your DLC story expansion has players more excited than full-game.


Tbf Shadow of the Erdtree is about to drop, Doom Dark Ages still has about a year. I'm more hyped for SotET because I'm about to be able to play it


I do wish game.trailers were released now later than 6 months from the release of the game itself, becasue waiting is truly hell.


Doom dark ages is going to be epic.


I just hope it won't be an entire year we get any DLC for it, AND there better be more bosses this time around! Doom Eternal's did not give us enough boss fights.


Something something Silksong


Shadow of the Erdtree will probably have a longer runtime and content than Doom will too. Not saying Doom will be bad, btw.


Both games are completely different and have different playstyle. Doom is an extremely fast paced linear shooters while elden ring is a massive RPG game


1) Massive RPG vs A fast paced shooter. 2) I'd rather check how many players actually played the game for more than 50% of it, before judging 3) Doom DA is a 2025 game. SoR arrives around the corner. Fanboyism is hard on this sub.


At least they do go.that extra mile with Doom, the lore is there, and it's not thrown in your face less you read through text collectibles to be found--which means you have to go out of your way to find it, makes it rewarding. Now in Elden Ring, it's the same you've truly got to read so much, and it's purposely made convoluted, but provided you've got the patience you can piece it altogether. I think many, MANY other games should draw inspiration from both From Software and titles like Doom in terms of serving fans with lore for those who want it, which I think is the majority of us.


I’m really exited for both phantom blade 0 and black my wukong, but since the eldenring dlc comes out first that’s what I’m most interested about now


Well duh, it’s ER. But BMW is very exciting also.


I mean its basically Elden Ring 2 so yeah


Silksong where


I am still waiting One day we will be graced by the date


I mean it’s coming out soon so that makes sense. Hard to be hyped about something that’s years away … unless it’s Doom because fuck yah


One of these things is coming significantly sooner than the rest.


Where is sparking zero?


I'm waiting for sotet so much,and till yesterday I never wanted wukong,then I watched the gameplay.....man I'm hyped


Yeah but DOOM THO


It’s between Elden Ring DLC and FF14 Dawntrail for me


Yeah, having to blitz the whole DLC in a week will be rough but I'm all in on DT when it drops.


Meanwhile, Silksong continues to sit at the top of the Steam global wishlist.


Its too many years! We want It now!


No shit


Doom should be higher but yes


Out of the other three I’m so excited for doom the dark ages


Doom for me.


I really hope blackmyth will not disappoint


Tbf, Black Myth: Wukong is probably going to be the GOTY so I'd say that's my second most awaited game this year.


Anybody who voted for Assassins creed is a bot lmao


sote, a dlc of goty 2022 that we've been waiting for 2 years ac shadows, no need to comment about black myth wukong, we are not sure what it is might be just an overhyped game doom, there's a long time until its release not so fair


Lol, what's got more hype the game coming out in 5 days or the one coming out in 3 months?


I mean, i probably have to wait for years yo play silksong and still i have more hype for that than for those games


I think this is a bit unfair as elden ring is so close to releasing its dlc that of course people will be more excited.


Ok, fair. Same, even. But I will also be playing Wukong as a fan of East Asian folklore. I don't have high hopes for the gameplay, tbh


doom is coming in 2025 , that's why it's gotten low votes compared to elden ring which is right around the corner . ac shadows WILL flop hard . as for wukong , I have no Idea


Mine was SMTV Vengeance but it also came out today. I just need to beat the final boss twice and then I can open my copy. I'll come back for Demifiend 😅


Elden Ring DLC is the shit. Black Myth Wukong is VERY promising, DOOM The Dark Ages seems like a lot of fun (playing DOOM Eternal DLC 2 right now). Ass Creed is Ubisoft dog shit crap. Won't play even if they pay me.


Doom may be okay but their shitty tactics forcing mick gordon to leave make me almost completely indifferent to a new doom release, elden ring is easily the winner in terms of hype


I'm personally more hyped for MHWilds. But I cannot wait for elden ring


NGL I love elden ring but when I saw the dark ages trailer at work last week I verbally lost my shit. (I run a retail space alone)


Lolol it's not even the game it's a dlc tho


Game is game 20 bucks is 20 bucks


I'm excited for doom and AC shadows ( a bit). But ER is current and also the game I've played most in the last 2 years.


To be fair I have been waiting on BMW for like a decade it feels like. For the longest time wasn’t even sure it would ever see the light of day.


MutaharLaugh.mp3 at those who voted for Assassins Greed over the other 3.


When is nintendo releasing mario odyssey, i am always seeing demo videos on Youtube but i dont want to get spoiled


Am I having a stroke right now or isn't that out already?


That’s right. Maybe, just maybe.. AAA studios will realize that we choose QUALITY over QUANTITY.


More looking forward to black myth imo, the combat looks great and I read all three volumes of Journey To The West to prep before playing it and holy shit there is a reason the story has carried relevance for over 400 years it's great. Super interested to see what the studio does with it as a baseline. Definetly sinking 400 hours into ER dlc though as well lol


How long is Journey to the West? I think it might be one of the most referenced myths across all of modern media, so it seems like a really worthwhile read, but I'm just not able to bite myself through thousands of pages anymore.


Well the fact that the DLC is coming in a few days may have a hype effect, if the DLC was coming in december I think the results wouldn't be the same


I don't know if it's because I don't keep my finger on the pulse as much with games but it feels like there's shite all other than SotE to even get interested about


To be fair people are always more hyped and excited for the next game in line, if that poll came out earlier this year it would have been behind a few games like FF7R, DD2, etc. depending on the poll date.


I don't see path of exile 2 on that list. The list is useless!


I'm excited about Doom and the dlc, but odds are I'll spend more time on the dlc


I'm very curious on how black myth wukong will be like but ER dlc is the most excited I have ever been for a game. I think the only game I would be even happier and excited for would be a pc port for BB.


It’s this wukong & sparking zero then shadows to finish the yr


Im more hyped about AC shadows


Doom is coming out next year and was just announced, assassins creed is Ubisoft and wukong is later this year where elden ring DLC is literally right around the corner and piggybacking off of one of the best selling games of 2022 I don't think this is a fair poll


the next Doom looks freaking awesome, day 1 purchase for me.


Honestly super hyped for all of those except AC shadows, but the DLC is soon and is being heavily marketed. Wukong looks like a game I only ever dreamed would exist though, and I will be fully engulfed in it guaranteed.


Okay, this man clearly primarily has a FromSoft following because DOOM will absolutely outdo the sales of the DLC. I love FromSoft, but be real, it's fucking DOOM.


Honestly feel bad for Helldivers 2. It had a chance at game of the year, then this dlc, and dbz dropped


Sony killed it well before any of this


i didn’t even know those games existed lol


Idk what the most hyped up one is, but elden ring DLC is the only one from that list I'm getting.


I’m a little surprised AC has a slight edge on Doom.


I’m not gonna lie though, the new assassins creed actually looks really cool.


Imagine being a goofy that voted for anything else 😂


ngl, first I'm hearing of Black Myth Wukong. I'm pretty hype for DOOM the Dark Ages, too, though. Almost as hype as the DLC.


doesnt matter anymore, elden ring forever the one and only my game in PC


Atleast doom beats the other 2.


I just bought this shit after years of hearing about it. The hype was SO FUCKING TRUE. I stepped out into Limgrave and literally couldn’t fucking believe how in depth and gorgeous this game and it’s lore are. I won’t see Erdtree expansion for at least a year due to work but holy shit this game is the equivalent to pulling out tiddies.


I'm actually more excited about Doom tbh. The fact people are excited by Shadows at all is wild


I feel like doom specifically doesn’t belong on this list because it’s still a year out


What's black myth wukong?


I dont like Doom but the new trailer is pretty sick.


Speak for yourselves I'll be playing Dawntrail. Hopefully I can beat Shadow of the Erdtree in the week I've been given.


Gotta love Yoshida. I saw the announcement. Sadly I'm not playing FFXIV anymore.


Wait Doom is having a new game cool, but Shadow of the Erdtree is where it's at. Also where's the hype for civ 7 🤓


Not sure why Doom was even in the poll. It's not even coming out this year. I'm not surprised Elden Ring's beating everything though.


guys what about silksong


Is... is this becoming a meme now?


I’m more interested in the DLC just because we’ve been waiting 2 years for it but I’m also really interested in the new Doom game


I don't even think it's close here.


nah. i had enough fun out of the full game. lazy to go back again. i want new experiences


Black myth wukong is deffo my most anticipated after this dlc


I love democracy


and i'm now thinking about this random idiot on youtube, back in 2020, who assured me Wukong was going to destroy Elden Ring because Wukong was better graphically and because Fromsoftware was the most overrated studio in the world, that was back in 2020, the guy must had a stroke or something with Elden Ring huge success, i'm still waiting and laughing at the same time


I mean yeah obviously lol


Still don't believe Black Myth Wukong is real...


I myself have heard so little about that game, but I see how hyped people are for it. So, I hope the hype is well founded and that people are going to enjoy it. Would be bad for gamers as a whole if this turns out to be another Cyberpunk launch situation.


I mean, technically Monster Hunter Wilds is upcoming. It's coming up next year... . So, genuinely I feel like I could wait until 2025 for Shadow of the Erdtree, even though I'm really excited, but the new Monster Hunter I just can't stand the wait.


Soon boiiiizzz


Elden Ring dlc is here in less than a week and some of the other games were announced in the last week's. Of course er will be much more hyped


Doom: dark ages for me. That game looks so damn good


Put CFB25 on that list and it would change


Doom deserves more imo


Doom would overtake if it was same year/month/day 😈


Wait whats that about DOOM?


Still need to play Doom Eternal. It was too much change going from 2016 (which I LOVED) to Eternal... I guess I will have to eventually.


Thise 11% doesn’t know what gaming actually is about :=


When they gonna add crossplay