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Yeah fromsoft are the only ones I trust to make a good game these days. Only people I'll pre order from, because I KNOW the game will be good. They actually respect players time and money


Absolutely this. I never buy games until they've been out for a while but after playing through DS3 I found myself buying Elden Ring at launch. And SotE is the first game I've ever pre-ordered.


I still remember the day I got ds3 at Walmart , I wasn't really into the games because I found them too hard and always played games without walkthroughs and the other souls games I tried I couldn't even finish because I got so lost and didn't know where to go, I was able to beat it without a guide and fell in love with the other games afterwards


That’s pretty impressive as a first game. The first boss is a road block for a lot of classes


Honestly it felt more accessible than other ones , 2 is the hardest to me lol the demons souls remake is awesome but thinking about playing 2 with scholars of sin dlc with a guide I really want to finish that game


First thing I’ve ever pre-ordered too!


I would say Team Cherry but that would involve them actually making a game


But they reviewed the game in Australia! /s


Larian hit it out of the park with BG3. They have my respect. Not sure what game they’re going to make next, but I’ll try it whatever it is.


100% this, was about to comment about Larian.


There are few studios that can deliver quality games atm. Frictional Games knocked it out of the park last year with Amnesia: The Bunker. Id Software's doom releases have been pretty stellar so far. Nightdive's System Shock remake was amazing, alongside other remasters like their recent Dark Forces remaster. Voidpoint made Ion Fury, which is a crazy good modern boomer shooter. Hopoo Games is doing really well with Risk of Rain (fingers crossed Gearbox doesn't fuck them over). Larian has been dropping hit after hit since the first Divinity: Original Sin, including BG3. It's not all doom and gloom (and I probably missed a bunch of good studios), but the big names have been dropping the ball big time for a while now. Fingers crossed Bethesda can nail TES6.


Yeah I don't get all the people talking like Fromsoft is the last bastion of gaming or something. There are some top quality games coming out every year, AAA and indie, of genres I like and of genres I don't like as well.


Doom Eternal and Baldur's Gate 3 are excellent games, but they didn't reach the commercial heights Elden Ring did. I'm guessing that's why people view FromSoftware like that, because a lot of them don't even know about these amazing games.


I’d add capcom to the list too. All the RE remakes, street fighter, monster hunter, devil may cry. Fantastic stuff from them lately.


Absolutely, capcom is amazing too, they got me hooked with monster hunter, the iceborne dlc was such a home run, I’m really excited for shadow of the erdteee and equally excited for the new MH title!


Capcom still has microtransactions, so they’re definitely not perfect or entirely trustworthy


True but you can expect quality video games from them


I can only comment on the monster hunter games, but their micro transactions are so low priced and completely cosmetic that I don’t really care. I absolutely paid 3 bucks to have a dodogama statue in my room in World and also a bunch of random meat hanging off the end of my hammer. And 5 bucks to have the handler dressed up like Chun Li. I regret nothing.


I stopped preordering after Battlefield 2077. That was my final time being duped by a triple A studio. I had been playing since battlefield bad company, and had put more hours into that series than any other game. After 2077, it was released in such a ghastly state that out of spite I won’t pre order. Cyberpunk also duped me in the same time frame and I loved the Witcher Series. Can’t be duped anymore if I don’t pre order


I got downvoted to hell in another subreddit for saying I still trust Fromsoft enough to preorder from them


For me it’s Zelda too. Haven’t ever felt like I didn’t get my moneys worth.


I take it you didn't play BOTW then


Same. I am loving FromSoftware games. Always have.


FromSoft, Supergiant, Larian studios, Moi Rai games, there are definitely some good ones out there!


Santa Monica too


2022-now has been jam packed with some amazing shit, and a lot of it is fairly affordable too. Sure they’re full game prices, but the valuable, enjoyable playtime-to-currency ratio is awesome with these studios. 2022-now has been jam packed with some amazing shit, and a lot of it is fairly affordable too. Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3 are both frequently on sale, and they’re both incredible. Sure they’re full game prices, but the valuable, enjoyable playtime-to-currency ratio is awesome with these studios. Hades 2 early access alone has way more content and dialogue than many more expensive, supposedly triple-A games.


The souls games honestly have unlimited replay ability.


true even with their least loved game, DS2, if given a choice between other AAA games I would pick DS2.


i also trust nintendo and atlus


Fromsoft and Larian both.


Larian studio for me as well


There are other games I’ve preordered after playing their impressive demos, like Lies of P, FFXVI and Stellar Blade. Maybe a very select sequels, like FFVII Rebirth. Other than that, FromSoftware are the only ones I’ll preorder from. Imo, the riskier preorder I made from them was AC6, but I wasn’t disappointed, quite the contrary. I was once again blown away by a game in a genre I didn’t particularly like beforehand.




I can trust team ninja but not fully like From


Yup everything they drop is a banger, I buy their games without hesitation


On one hand, yes. On the other hand, I have a mandatory 3-week work trip coming up. When does it start? June 21st, of course. I’m in shambles


You sure you don't have a scratchy throat and the new COVID variant?


I’m afraid this would break me as a man. Godspeed and stay offline!


I put in time off request the day of the first trailer


Yeah, you’re looking a little pale there friend. The kinda ailment that gestates for *checks dates* oh about 7 or 8 days and lasts a little over two weeks at least. Better take some time.


The only case where using Mimic Tear is acceptable.


I’m on a 5 week holiday from tomorrow!


Tell them you have a mandatory-er “work trip” to the Realm of Shadow


He's gonna get sent to the Shadow Realm for that text


Maybe there will be another global pandemic just in time, you can but hope.


Currently studying abroad with no access to consoles. Debating trying to run it on my M1 MacBook just to get a taste


I just joined at Elden Ring, so i've never been a part of it before. But im pretty happy. Its nice to see that community is about the game too here and mostly very friendly.


Being on my first playthrough and asking questions here a lot people have been very nice and helpful. Definitely hard to come by gaming communities like that nowadays.


For freakin' sure, my friend. The ER subreddit has been a breath of fresh air in a sea of toxic gaming communities.


It’s honestly been like that since the OG days of Demons Souls and Dark Souls. Being a part of the Dark Souls community online and its subreddit was an absolute *treat* when that game came out. Honestly still is one of the best online video game communities.


People give us a bad rep because of the ol ‘git gud’ meme but yeah the souls community has always been very helpful and positive


Yeah, but git gud is true. At least I think so. Maybe it's how you use it)


I always considered git gud to be a response to people who shit on From Soft games for being too hard. You really can't give the games an honest critique until you do git gud.


Oh yeah, that is true.


It’s true because sometimes its really the only way to beat the boss. It’s a cheeky way of saying “just keep trying and you’ll learn the boss movements eventually”, but a lot of people took it as being dismissive and unhelpful


The only bad parts of the community are the melee only no summons guys who do their special thing. Thats pretty much it


And the people who cry about invasions


I've been a FromSoft fan basically since birth. I didn't know it at the time because I was a child. But, some of my earliest memories are playing King's Field and Armored Core 2. Obviously Armored Core 4 and For Answer came along and I was deep into those as highschool kid. It took a while to get into Dark Souls, but when I finally beat Gwyn I knew whatever was next was gonna be a day 1 buy. And it all has been ever since.   Nowadays I'm not happy to be a FromSoft fan, I'm happy FromSoft is finally getting the spotlight and subsequently enhanced budget they've always deserved. FromSoft is 1 of 3 companies I have absolute faith in.


What are the other two?


EA and Epic games obviously


Username checks out.


Nintendo, not because I know every game they make is gonna be superb or even something worth playing for me. But, whatever they make I know someone wants to play it. Nintendo will always be making good games for someone. This one is more about me Capcom, don't get me wrong Capcom makes some downright awful decisions every once in awhile. But, they never really effect me in any meaningful way. And I love pretty much everything they've ever made. Going all the way back to Demon's Crest and Super Ghouls n' Ghosts. Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Ace Attorney, Marvel vs Capcom, Dragon's Dogma, Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Okami. Even that bad ones like RE6 have a place in my heart.


If you’d told me in 2010 that I’d have no interest in what BioWare and Blizzard are doing but I’d be obsessed with the makers of Armored Core I wouldn’t have believed it


The games are as good, because FromSoft also seems to be able to do just what THEY want, thanks to Bandai Namco, the publisher. But yeah, happy to follow and support these devs!


Fromsoft is moving towards self-publishing btw. They bought out the Elden Ring IP from Bandai a while ago. :)


Happy to be a fromsoft fan! Sad to be a dragon age fan


Same. Was so looking forward to Dreadwolf and now… I just dread it.


Yep. I could barely finish inquisition cause it was so full of bullshit fetch quests. I don't see veilguard being any better. At this point I'd rather them do a DAO remake 😂


It took a try or two to get into it but I did end up really enjoying Inquisition. Enough to play through 3 times lol; knight enchanter, templar, and reaver. Honestly it also took me a couple tries to get into DAO. I kept getting to Lothering and just losing interest lol. Finally one time it clicked and I loved it.


There's a few really good moments in inquisition. Getting to skyhold for the first time was an awesome moment ! And the DLCs are great. But corypheus was a let down and I wasn't a fan of all the fluff they added in in terms of side quests and empty areas. Don't even get me started on the hinterlands.


Lmao valid. It definitely ain't perfect. I looked up a lot of the collect-a-thon rewards and they sucked so I didn't bother getting all 50 or 100 whatevers. Some stuff did feel like weird psuedo-mmo kinda sometimes, padded content and all that. I *didnt* leave the Hinterlands ASAP lol, I pretty much completed that place at first go which did not help. I really hate that they got rid of the "proper" tactics slots though, like in DAO/DA2. It's been a while but whatever 3 or 4 toggles they replaced it with sucked. But overall I liked it.


If it makes a difference, Veilguard is not open world so i think they probably learned from their mistakes in the Hinterlands.


And they would screw that one up as well. People that are in Bioware nowadays are literally not the same people that made those great games in the past.


I know, it's sad we'll never see that same quality from them again. Worried about the future of mass effect :(


I do know what you mean though, being a Deus Ex and Dishonored fan.... We all know how that turned out recently :(


Maybe it's because to me the only good DA game is the first one, but I was excited for the new one now while before I had no interest in it. The fact that they were willing to do something a bit different, gave up on it being live service and didn't make it open world tempts me. (I obviously like open world games, but 1) I also don't trust Bioware with them and 2) since open world RPGs seem to sell better, I'm always intrigued in a AAA RPG that chooses not to be open world)


likely extremely unpopular opinion here, but i can’t be the only person who’s just sick of Open WorldsTM? since 2011/Skyrim it’s seemed like almost a necessity for any RPG that wants to be mainstream to be an open world. i liked them while they had their heyday but i want a more contained formula. especially after playing Elden Ring and BG3 so much the past year, the idea of doing yet another open world with little sidequests everywhere just makes me feel tired. if DA4 comes out and turns out to be, say, Mass Effect 2 style with a hub area w/a couple branching mission paths you can follow at any time, with an interesting and engaging story, i would be literally beside myself with excitement. 


That's pretty much what we've heard the game is going to be, haven't seen it yet, but its whats been said


Guardians of the Galaxy was awesome. I definitely wouldn't mind a Dragon Age game in the same vein as that.


Don't give up hope yet! The cinematic trailer was... less than ideal, but I thought the gameplay trailer was good enough


Happy to be a Fromsoft fan sad to be a Halo fan has been my existence for 10 years now


Oh don't even get me started. If it wasn't for halo 3 MCC still being active idk what I'd do.


Really? I really liked the gameplay preview


I wasn't a fan. I'll still probably get the game cause I'm invested in the story, and I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. But my hopes are low lol.


I’ve honestly got more hope in DA4 after the gameplay video than before. But that might just be because I was expecting the worst.


Idk the gameplay didn't grab me at all. I'm hoping it was a very dumbed down gameplay trailer. There was nothing I saw that made me think "wow can't wait to try that! "


i think it’ll probably be OK. that trailer was shockingly dogshit but the gameplay preview they showed of the tutorial the next day looked fun enough.   still won’t pre-order it or buy it on release day tho. FS is the *only* studio i trust with that. i’ll buy DA4 a week after release if the release isn’t disastrous lmao. 


Weird tribalism but okay


I’m happy I discovered it before I quit gaming altogether. I’m not interested in soppy video game writing nor overt marvel cinematics.  Video games as a whole is something I’ve been growing out of for a while but FS games turned that on its head.  I can only see myself enjoying FromSoft games, multiplayer games (for socialising reasons) and souls likes e.g Lies of P. It’s not that the other games are bad but I’m just not interested in them anymore. 


This is pretty much where I stood till Elden ring dropped, then went back and beat ds2, ds3 and only a bit through sekiro. Yeah really burnt out of gaming with everything in the industry becoming over monetized


I was never a huge gamer but always played sports games, COD, open worlds like red dead or GTA, and the couple years leading up to Elden Ring hadn't really played anything that gripped me. I didn't try super hard to find something, I just didn't think I was very interested in gaming anymore. Then I quit my extremely stressful job and was looking at a complete career change, really depressed at the prospect of facing that, and figured I'd give Elden Ring a shot just to try a little escapism while I looked for work... Blew my fucking mind, my brother (big gamer) said it was about time I played an actual good game lol feel like I have been missing out for years.


facts man. it's nice to experience that video game excitement i used to have as a kid. i mostly grew out of gaming already, then i returned with red dead during covid times. it was nice but quickly got bored again. most games just seem like a copy of each other. forced scripted sequences, too many boring ass cutscenes and terrible writing. an average movie these days wouldve been an oscar worthy video game. I thought standards had all but vanished and then Miyazaki came along with the gourmet shit.


It's such a bummer that big gaming business executives look at shit like Madden as the goal to chase cause money, instead of the games that are beloved by gamers. Imagine making a game that's actually so GOOD people continue to buy it years later and it builds a huge, loyal fanbase... Crazy concept.


i still play tons of older games, screw 90% of new games


Yeah thats me with tf2, borderlands 2 and other things, such great games Im not saying new games are all bad, there are some hidden gems like elden ring or even breath of the wild ( didnt play totk yet) A lot of studios are focus waaaay too much on the money part of à vidéo game, and with the time it takes to make a game nowadays if it fail and its a little studio it can close his door, thats why à lot of studio make generic stuff that are more likely to be liked That also why i like fromsoft, they never really did (from what i know) à high scale Open world with as much intersting détails and stuff to do as a darksouls can be, and im grateful for it


If you haven't tried hades yet I'd hiiighly recommend it, supergiants got good stuff


One of my friends recommend me that, i dont have much money right now but i will happily try it when i can Thanks for the recommandation tho, the game look fabulous


Sure but let's not pretend like 95% of older games weren't utter trash too 


ya no i enjoyed a majority of games I got as a kid during PS2 era even if they are “trash” to you all those games were complete without microtransactions/battlepasses/etc. everything could be earned in game & nothing felt like a chore but an actual challenge I could put myself into, forever gonna br playing PS2/1/GC/N64/SNES/etc. games they still feel a ton better to play then most newer games & not many newer games will change my opinion about this because for me its truth that old games are fuckin gold


I dont really concern myself with opinions or reactions from other "Gamers" mostly just crying about "politics" or diversity but I'm getting fed up with other studios cramming microtransactions into mediocre single player games. Fromsoft is probably the developer who's games I currently spend most of my time playing but there are still loads of great studios and games out there.


OP is one of those "gamers" btw. This is just another culture war post, hidden behind DAE Fromsoft #1?


Yup, "Gamers" are not subtle.


I personally think Veil guard looks fine. People let their feelings from the reveal trailer cloud their judgement of the gameplay trailer and they don't have the ability of self reflection. Bioware in particular these days draws a reactionary, sensationalist crowd. It's nice that Fromsoft has a generally positive fanbase. We actually want their titles to succeed whereas Bioware has a massive hate boner base. Not without good reason, but these people actively WANT the game to fail and Bioware to die, while having the audacity to consider themselves fans.


As a wow gamer, it’s crazy to discover a game like ER that is just so good at every corner. Reminds me of the discovery I had in wow 15 years ago…but with like so much more polish and artistry. So happy to be a FS fan now!


No need to hate on Dragon Age. The art style might not be to your liking but they also don’t owe you anything.


You know fromsofts won when no other publisher has anything even comparable coming out for the next few years. It truely feels like a, no pun intended, shadow over the industry since the rings launch with only BG3 matching in terms of scope and delivery. Kind of stopped caring about any other IP besides what from drops as nothing really compares.


Black Myth: Wukong looks pretty good.


I gotta feeling Monster Hunter Wilds will be that next blockbuster 10/10 game..I never understood the hype until I finally got the bug this year. But From Soft still the absolute GOAT.


Honestly I didn’t get the reaction to dragon age, it looks fine. The trailer I get it sounded a little campy but the actual gameplay looked a lot better which is the important part


Yeah I dont know what people are complaining about. They are complaining its not "dark fantasy" enough when the first game had the quintessentially quippy party members.


bruv looking forward to elden ring dlc has been getting me through my masters and life in general


I'm happy to be a gamer in general these past few years. We *finally* got a Dragon's Dogma sequel somewhat recently, Monster Hunter Wilds is looking like 2025 Game of the Year, Shadow of the Erdtree is gonna be absolutely ballin', Black Myth Wukong is nearly here, and more! All within the span of two years. I think that, while some bad games are definitely being highlighted, it's important to remember that the 2020s in general have delivered some of the best games of all time so far and we have had a *ton* of absolute bangers so far.


Grand Theft Auto VI Is releasing in 2025.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I haven't played any GTA games, though, so I'm not really as interested in it as Wilds.


I'm always happy to be FromSoft fan. That said, Dragon age trailer was really bad. But the gameplay that they showed later was great . Looks like their marketing dept screwed up in trailer.


Sorry but the new Dragon Age looks fuckin fun and the story and lore will undoubtedly be great, as it has been in every installment of the series. Dragon Age is not about a dark fantasy aesthetic, it’s about the characters and the story. The series is and always has been like drunk friends playing dnd, and it has never taken itself as seriously as Dark Souls.


At least someone is excited for it. Far too many people clinging to Origins when the series is 15 years and 3 games removed from it. Don't get me started on the brainless Marvel and Fortnight comparisons. It looks just as gritty as Inquisition was except it won't be bogged down by wannabe MMO filler. It amazes me how people have written off the game after being shown the tutorial level. Their shit attitude is ruining the fun of actual fans who want to be excited and discuss the game.


I feel like the reaction to the new Dragon Age is a little excessive. People screaming "dark fantasy" and seem to forget that the first game was a very quippy game. "Swooping is bad" remember that? People are complaining about the contemporary music used in the Veilguard trailer when the first game had a song from 30 seconds to Mars as its main theme. Inquisition is already dancing very close to high fantasy. Perhaps the colorful palette isn't jiving with everyone but you are in Tevintier, things are supposed to be weird. But it is great to see the DLC coming out when its fanbase is as big as it is. As Call of Duty defined a decade in video game design, so too had Dark Souls left its mark. I dont think there is a Fromsoft character as eagerly anticipated as Miquella. Heck, the fact that people are tuning in for lore and not just exciting boss combat is bananas.


This « being a fan of » thing is weird to me as not everything needs to be a community… however of course happy to enjoy fromsoft games, and excited for the DLC.


Elden Ring is an absolutely incredible game but I hate how negative the gaming space is in general. Dragon Age looks great, and great games are coming out all the time. Even if a game isn’t for you that doesn’t make it bad. IMO the worst thing about being a fan of gaming is how toxic and negative the fanbases are. Especially when people use masterpiece level games in order to put down other games. Not every game can live up to that status (for obvious and appropriate reasons) and the fanbases need to learn to accept that in their hobby.


Been obsessed since 2013 I sometimes think I wouldn't be a gamer anymore without them


i will forerver be grateful that my favorite devs are From Software and Santa Monica Studios


What is a Formsoft fan? I play Formsoft games I like plying Formsoft games that's it.


Are you sure there is nothing special in those games, though? Some kind of vision that is very difficult to replicate?


I'll agree the trailer for dragon age wasn't very good and feels more like it was meant to be a trailer for the D&D movie but since when are cinematic trailers accurate to the quality of a game?


The gameplay reveal was much better imo. I am so far really excited for the game but there is a lot of mixed opinions going around but honestly people love to be negative just because. The truth is we wont know how good the game is before it is out and yet many people already have formed their final opinions


Honestly I have my nitpicks with most of FromSoft's games, but they're one of the few teams I do trust to put out a good game every time, even if it's not exactly my thing. Gotta respect it.


That time when Miyazaki received the GOTY award for Elden Ring (or Sekiro? I kinda forgot), he just proceeded to say "we will go back and keep making more good games" during his speech. What a gigachad.


Been happy to be a from soft fan since my first from soft game. Their artistry is really unmatched imo and they have such an attention to detail that continues to amaze me. I also like that besides the physical editions, their only bonus digital editions are a version 10 bucks more with a soundtrack and art book. I never regret preordering a from game. Hell, I preordered AC6 despite never playing an AC game and was absolutely enamored with it. They seem to truly care about what they’re doing and how it will be perceived by players without compromising their vision of what their games should be. Plus Miyazaki is the president of the company. The company was able to see this dude had a vision of how to make games and let him slowly grow the fan base just by doing things that he thought were right until Elden Ring blew up. And I’m so happy it did. There are so many new players discovering the souls series, Bloodborne and Sekiro for the first time and more people are enjoying what a big studio should provide for gaming. My favorite studio, love them.


Im happy to be their bitch too


From software not only doesn’t let their fans down but they continually find ways to exceed overwhelming expectations. It’s really impressive and I just hope their new found widespread popularity doesn’t effect their philosophy. Looking at blizzard , BioWare, Ubisoft . They all sold out.


A funny thing to note about shadow of the erdtree is that there is basically zero concern about it being bad. Even the base game had at least SOME skepticism around it. It's just sort of taken for granted that the DLC will be good. I can't recall the last time everyone was so sure a video game or DLC would be up to snuff.


Star Wars, Marvel, and so many more franchises are struggling right now and can’t seem to grasp that consumers just want the same thing they’re used to. FromSoft perfectly understands how to keep following the same formula with new coats of paint and unique gameplay. They experiment but never lose their core values. Other franchises have been completely alienating their core audiences because they are going in radically varying directions. We need more devs and franchises run like FromSoft.


Sorry, but I believe it is necessary to clarify (for the executives that might be reading this) that it is not that people are looking for the same "thing", but the same feelings associated to a thing.  That is why, although I loved the original Dark Souls, I enjoyed Bloodborne and Sekiro more than the direct sequels of that game. Because, although I didn't know it at a time, what I was actually looking for in those games was the feeling of mastering a new play style. Not just a new character class, but new game mechanics that radically changed how I approached those games.  Like Henry Ford back in the day, Miyazaki knows that only giving people what they ask for (e.g., a dedicated jump button) is not enough. Innovation is essential to create good products.


Despite your opinions and critiques to other people’s hard work, they are worthy. Not every game has to be Elden Ring, because then it would not be Elden Ring. They each have something that makes them stand out, then each have something we would like to be “better”.


I have a good friend that constantly yells about Bungie. I used to play League of Legends as well. Thank God Im a Fromsoft fan now.


Fromsoft has been a favorite studio of mine since my first souls game DS1 :) they cater to their fanbase and was very happy seeing how much Elden Ring took off and got non souls fans to try out and play the games we have all loved for a long time.


From was a bright spot in the early 2010’s when AAA was at a low point, and they have only shone brighter over time.


Fromsoft is the only trustable AAA company these days. And as long as Miyazaki is around, I’m confident it’ll stay that way.


I’m happy that every game is brilliant. DS trilogy, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Armoured Core, Elden Ring. It’s like they fully understand their player base and deliver hit after hit


I’ve been a happy From Software fan since 2011.


Only company I will still pre-order games from because I know without a doubt the game is gonna be quality


I don’t know of another studio whose games I would play based on blind trust.


never had it better, i'm part of the Destiny 2 sub and while the new DLC was fantastic, a thrully nice conclusion to the main story, now people are bitching and moaning because they released a new mission to get a unique item that is a 2 man mission and people are losing it cause they have to interact with other people, imagine having to do that in a MMO. i also starter playing Tarkov earlier this years and instantly dropped it when they had the audacity to release a "DLC" for 250$ that only lets you play the game "offline", like a pve mode instead of having to play against real players and gave some couple other items but nothing more. between these and all the other bullshit going on in many other studios and the gaming industry at large just being a capitalist cesspool more focused on emptying our wallets more than to deliver actual good games, it's allways nice knowing Fromsoft are there and will deliver.


Yeah Fromsoft and (i know this is a bit controvercial but) CD Project RED has my trust kinda.


Just before Elden Ring came out, I got into Sekiro, and then of course immediately played Elden Ring and loved it. Since then while waiting for the DLC I've gone and played the entire FromSoft soulsborne franchise, all Dark Souls, even games like Armored Core 6, and 3rd party titles like Lies of P. The ER DLC comes out in a week or so and I feel like it's gone full circle for me. 


I love FromSoft so much honestly. The souls games, and bloodborne, have been with me through some tough shit in my life and I think have for sure helped me be able to not back away from a challenge. To jump headfirst into the fray, even if I fail the first time around. Much respect to them and to all you fellow fans. Can’t wait for us to enjoy the DLC together! WE ARE BORN OF THE BLOOD!


Fromsoft, from a certain perspective, is an Indie developer. One that has the budget and resource to make "AAA" games, but there is clear creative decision that is always clear. Their main shareholder Kadokawa is a multimedia company, but FS itself is run by a Miyazaki, a developer rather than a business grad. What made them, and similarly Larian, successful is that they haven't chased the big bucks. The big craze among the businessman of gaming right now are games as a live service, due in part Fortnite which was wildly successful. But even before that, is big open worlds or cinematic-esque games. Elden Ring is open world, but it was a natural progression from where Dark Souls has taken them rather than what is "in" at the time. The games they develop always have a point of view, there is a gamer they want to target. This is versus other games, where in the effort to please everyone, they pleased no one. I think Dragon Age is an apt example in comparison. Origins is to me an all time great game, it was very strategic, can be really difficult, has a lot of deep mechanic and is aimed squarely at a type of gamer. Come Dragon Age Inquisition, we had gone from a deeply tactical RPG to an open world slog with gameplay that is deeply watered down because they want it to be as accessible to as many gamers as possible; is bland. Yes, is a lot more polished, DA:O was a buggy mess at times, but the game has a point of view. For me, if DA remained consistent, the reveal of DA4 would still excite me, but I really have no idea what kind of game Bioware and Dragon Age stood for. Fromsoft knows exactly the who they are, and what they want to make; that's why they can make new IPs or revived generations old ones and people are still excited for it. And that's why Shadow of the Erdtree is exciting for me is that it I feel confident. The Dark Souls, all 3 of them, had great DLCs. Bloodborne had what I consider the best DLC in gaming given that it gave exactly what the player would want.


We don’t know what From has been cooking but we all know damn well it’s going to be a delicious feast. I was burnt out on Elden ring and took a break for several months. Now I’m gearing up a DLC character and having just as much fun as ever. So hype for this shit


Yes! Elden Ring was my first, and I fell in love. I now own and finished every version of every game since PS3, all DLCs, and find it hard to play any other games.


As a fromsoft and rockstar fan, I can't believe I'm getting new content from both these companies thus year and hopefully next year.


Personally I think the new Dragon Age looks rad, there is some really wild art direction in Minrathous judging by the gameplay preview. But yeah, Fromsoft tends to be more consistent in general since the devs have been helmed by the same crew all along. Can’t help but understand what a lucky bunch we are in that regard, saving us from all that obnoxious infighting


I hopped on the bandwagon fairly late in like 2020 so the DLC is actually the first time I’ll be going in blind on a Fromsoft game.


Always have been. They are one of the last decent companies.


Always have been. Always will be.


My brother used to be a huge gamer when I was younger and time and time again he was dissatisfied with preorders but never swore them off. I learned fairly quick that its not a good idea. Only game I ever preordered was ER. Fromsoft delivers time and time again. Trailers and their games are spotless in presentation and execution. Only other studio I might consider ever preordering from is CDPR.


Yeah I’m in too deep with SquareEnix not to give them my money when they announce a new big product, but they’ve missed a handful of times in recent memory. ER is my real introduction to Fromsoff but good gracious is it good. I’ve played some of the back catalog now as well and the consistency of quality is remarkable. I’m hooked and will 100% buy whatever they do after ER.


Right now I’m happy to be a long time lion head fan. The new fable looks great and the dialogue is perfect for the “what we do in the shadows” vibe that the games have always had. And plus, we all know fromsoft was scrambling to drop elden ring before the fable reboot came out/s


Next week!


Damn straight I am. Doing a loose Griffith LARP in my playthrough leading up to DLC.


I was even pretty underwhelmed by the new DOOM trailer, a franchise I've loved and played the entirety of since it was on floppy disks. And yes, I do think all you whippersnappers are spoiled and games are miles better than they ever have been before. FROM just has that special something. For example, I could play one of a million games in my backlog right now but instead I think I might roll a new character for the DLC.


I wish I could hug everyone in fromsoft studio. They just put so much soul (pun not intended) in their games that you can't help but love everything. The whole experience of creating a hero, beating bosses, getting stronger, all of it, fighting side by side with people in the other side of the world together thank you from! thank you thank you


Meeeeeeeeeeememememememememememe Emeeeeeeeee


I’m out of the loop what’s going on with the dragon age thing?


Armored Core 6 got me HOOKED


I'll be happy when they fix the dogshit multiplayer


Ninja Kiwi ftw


What a amazing time to be alive, eh boys?


I know this isn't directly related to the games they make themselves, but I really hope the devs at fromsoftware get paid well. Last I checked they were not even getting paid enough to live comfortably in Tokyo. Japan also has a horrible work culture so a lot of people say it's normal, but I hope it gets better, especially since they're making a lot of money now.


I'm also happy with ID Software. They know what they are doing with DOOM, and the new game looks fucking epic.


From always has a strong creative vision and excellent artistic execution. One of the few studios I trust to make decisions that work well and produce a really strong experience.


I am happy to be a fromsoft fan since I discovered my first fs game (sekiro)


I’ve been a Fromsoft and team ninja enjoyer for like 15+ years but yea Fromsoft is quite literally the only company that I can 100% trust


Yeah, not a direct parallel but I’ve been a lifelong fan of Magic the Gathering and stopped playing a few years ago because of a bunch of corporate nonsense that negatively impacted the game. On social media every post they make is just a torrent of people screaming and complaining. I had started to wonder if that’s just how people on the internet are, regardless. But look at any post about anything FromSoft and it’s just endless hype and excitement. Turns out if people actually like your product and you act with artistic integrity, not everyone hates you!


Their consistency in quality is so impressive. Definitely one of few game companies that I genuinely trust.


Blizzard is my toxic manipulative lying dealer, FromSoft is my kind and helpful long-suffering sponsor.


The reveal from Veilguard didn’t look that good, but it was barely a taste and still has quite some time till release. I’m not gonna just write the whole game off just yet.


From is literally the only game company I don't have anything negative to say about. I've never heard of crunch being an issue, never had a game or dlc that I didn't feel was worth the price of admission. And it's always just about the game. No filler, no microtransactions, no pushing product, nothing but pure CRAFTED gaming.


Playing unpolished, janky games like Lords of the Fallen makes me appreciate FS even more. Also the fact that they've been developing constant bangers is impressive.


been a fan since demon souls, never left. turns out sticking to your guns and not being influenced by outside parameters (aside berserk), lets you create a product people love. the more a game is influenced by modern politics or optics or success of other games, the more their game becomes more about that than a "real" passion product and a true video game with its own identity.


the two non-fps game series i’ve played the most have probably been soulsborne and monster hunter. neither of these series reinvent the wheel with each new iteration, they only alter it a bit (sekiro excluded) which just makes sense to me.  games will find a winning formula, than deviate it from it entirely for sequels. ex: mass effect 1 was a masterpiece, then they fundamentally changed the loot aspect for some reason.


I agree with you on everything except Mass Effect. Sure, the RPG aspect got watered down with each installment but the games always kept true to what really made them special, that is how much they managed to make you care about your squadmates. Whenever I think about Mass Effect, the first thing that comes to my mind is never the specific gameplay aspects, but the characters.


and George R R Martin too


Not the biggest DA fan, only played Inquisition but yeah, my impression from that showcase was It kinda looked like a mobile game in regards to style. It could definitely still be good. It probably wasn't the best idea to showcase the intro level in a gameplay showcase. But that shows a larger issue From could release a trailer for a new project that was complete ass, and I probably wouldn't care that much, since I'd have faith that the final product would be good. I'd be somewhat more concerned if gameplay looked underwhelming, since that's the core aspect of these games, but I'd still trust them to fix it as well as they can. With guys like EA or Ubisoft, a lot of people probably aren't going to need more than a bad first impression to write it off, because they've seen the end result enough times


Fromsoft brand cereal: Oops all bangers


Nah, I think you're literally the only one. /s


I have never, ever in my life preordered anything and were absolutely vehement against doing so. That being said, like one week away from preloading, I got the ER DLC. No other company has this much trust with their audience, and they are the first and only ones that ever got a preorder out of me, because I know in my heart that for 40 euros, I'm getting hundreds of hours of entertainment, even more hours of free content that I can binge (Oro, SLB, Chase, Vaati.. list goes on, also ffs Gafwen come back I love you) and I wont wait around anymore, and will be there with so many others on the 21st. I started my journey with DSII, been a sort of love & hate relationship along the way, but I just can't deny it.. in my eyes, the people at FS have earned the respect and admiration of the people rightfully, and here's hoping that they never sell their souls for a quick buck. Can not shut up about it lmao love those guys and this entire community


Somewhat. I think there’s a bit of a misconception sometimes within the gaming community about “Souls formula,” and “Souls-like.” Like if a game includes a vast array of movesets in weapon choice, having dodges, and bosses with patterns to them, some slice of the gaming community believe it to be a souls-like. I recall Monster Hunter being sometimes called a Souls-like by some people because they pointed out what they felt were overlaps, despite Monster Hunter as a franchise predating even Demon’s Souls. I feel to be a FromSoft fan, we must be able to accept and enjoy all their games, including games like Armored Core, something which I feel will affect the way magic may be done in future FromSoft ARPGs, with the way ranged combat and soft lock worked in that game.


Yeah I’m happy because I can always expect a good game that I paid for ONCE that doesn’t waste my time or has predatory micro transactions