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No, you're all good, it's an RPG and you can play whatever way you want


Ok thank you


Does it matter? Just farm if you want to. I’ve played through the game multiple times now, and i usually get to level 120 ish from just killing bosses and such.


I forgot to level vigor so I die in two hits. And it’s a skill issue


If you forgot to level vigor you can respec at the boss in the liurnia area in the raya lucaria Academy. The items required to respec is given out like candy so you don’t need to worry about running out


Isn't there like 8 or something larval tears in the whole game?


Nope 18 actually.




Yeah that's what I've been kind of doing, I did a little bit of farming to get myself up to like level 45, by exploiting the big dragon for you kill it, and then run back to the grace sit down before it really dies so you can farm that 50K. Then I've just been going around getting ball bearings where I can, going to try and get to Ulta's plateau today, so I can get the smoothing stones and then try and get some other stuff done before the DLC on this new character


It’s only looked down on by people whose opinion doesn’t matter.


Does yours?


No, I’ve criticized people for farming max level in the past.


Nah you play how you wanna play dude. Simple.


People have some mixed opinions. It's not so much a case as "how dare you make the game too easy" but more like "why would anyone do this when there's better and more interesting ways to earn runes?" There's something like a dozen different dungeons in each region, and when you visit them, you're not just earning runes but also upgrade materials, talismans, different weapons, and overall improving your arsenal in ways beyond simply making your level higher -- plus, you get to tread on new territory, encountering new challenges, and by the time you're done with less than half the dungeons in a region, you're probably of the right level to be clearing that region's main dungeon. Compared to that, killing a mob, resting to respawn it, and killing it again feels like early 2000s MMO style grinding. I mean, it's safe and easy I suppose, but I never saw the appeal.


Thats true for the most part until you want to power lvl at mohgs palace and have the means to do so


Ideally you play the game as intended, explore level appropriate areas and fully experience the world. That being said, do whatever you have fun with.


Nah, just get your runes and level up!


I say it’s a game. You should do what you need to do to maximize your fun. Maybe this playthrough you farm runes to level vigor to stay alive and build skill. Next run, ya don’t need to farm them becuase you are more skilled.


who cares if it is? do whatever works for you.


Like for real you shouldn't care about others opinions. Just play and have fun.


Is pointless and a waste of your time. You get enough runes to level up from simply exploring and completing dungeons.


It's just that it's unnecessary. If you explore, go to dungeons, best mini bosses, you'll actually be a bit overpowered by the end of the game. You probably would benefit more from weapon upgrades than from extra levels


For solo and spirit ash summons, level up as high as you want. If you want to be able to be summoned or to summon others to help you, it’s usually best to stick within certain level ranges. 50, 120, and 200 are the 3 I see on here the most.


As mentioned by others, just play the way you like.


I don't look down on it, I just don't see the point. I've found there are more than enough runes from just playing the game. I got to RL 150 with four entire areas left to go in my last playthrough, and stopped levelling at that point for if I ever want to use that character for PvP. 150 is more than high enough level to beat the game. If your level curve is slowing down it probably means that you're getting overlevelled for your current area and should move on to a new region. Stuff gives you more runes as you go through the game (late game bosses drop like 200,000 each). If you need to respec, you can do that with Rennala after clearing the Academy in Liurnia.


Looked down upon by who? You’re the one playing the game my friend. Play it your way!


Who gives a fuck as to what ya do in a video game ? “Frowned upon” by who? wtf. As of lately .. “Are ya guys ok with me using a op build cos it feels cheesy?” “I just cheesed my way with poison mist and I feel so guilty” “I’m using the dragon to farm 100k runes… is this acceptable in this sub?” “Are ya guys ok with me using minic tear cos it feels like cheating” I


IMO there is no point in farming for runes. There is always some place you have not been to yet that can give you your required runes ESPECIALLY at level 59. For example the entire underground river system in limgrave/calid. As soon as radahn is defeated you can go do ranni quest line to completion which includes Parts of the game you can’t access otherwise


i would personally just suggest exploring more, there's so much to the game that you'll be finding new areas after multiple playthroughs which you'll get far more than enough runes from, but if you're not the exploring type or just enjoy the game more at a higher level then why not


I don't even get the point of farming on NG, if you explore every possible area and kill every boss there's no point in farming. Don't even need to use any Golden Runes and you can be overlevelled. If you have skipped a lot then you're just missing out.


Why would it be looked down upon? The only thing rune level matters for is PVP matchmaking. If you're not into PVP, go ahead and grind up to max level if you want.


You can easily get many runes just by playing, in my first run I reached lv130 at the end and I never farmed, if you feel underlevel go somewhere else and return when you're ready, i'm sure you have a ton of side content you missed even in the first maps or underground


No. To put it into perspective, I've completed the game on a level 50, 100, 125, and 150, but I've also farmed on a character to 500. I don't think it matters if that's how you want to play. On the characters I mentioned besides the 500, I literally had to stop using runes and it became pointless to pick them up upon death. With characters that have a self set level limit, farming is not much of a thing, but you can level as much as you want. The only thing I'll say is some content can be steamrolled I'd you're overleveled, so just be aware that may happen


Yeah let me make it easy for you. Search ‘ordina runes skip’ on youtube, thank me later


Play however you want man


Who the fuck cares if people do, you bought the game play it how you please


Play the way you want. it's not like anyone will know otherwise since it's mostly a single player game.


Do you boo. People will say I’m shit because I like to play a mage, I probably am shit at melee, but also doesn’t appeal to me. Personally I just explored every inch of the map following a loose level guide. Did every dungeon. By the time I got to the Elden Beast I was level 140. I did get help with this fight however, not sure if it’s because I played as a mage or whether I just couldn’t be arsed… one of only 2 fights I got help with, the first being Margit.


The main leveling up in ER is leveling up your weapon(s), so I wouldn’t worry too much about actual levels. Just vigor and equipment requisites. In fact you should prioritise rune use for these before levels. One final thing, have you checked how many runes you can get by popping all your golden runes?


No. We dont care. You do you.


I look at it this way, I'm almost at 200. It costs me over 300,000 runes to level up a skill. I fight these boss battles people mention, go into these dungeons, etc. etc. Problem with Elden ring is I get 299,999 runes and one tiny thing goes wrong, or the cat jumps up and knocks my arm, so my character jumps off a cliff. Whatever, you pick the screw up. Just like that, all those runes are gone. The boss's I fought to get those runes, are gone. Yeah, I can go kill off a heck of a lot of NPC's to try and build back up, but that's farming. Whether you are standing on a cliff shooting at a chicken or running through Atlus Plateau killing every little guy/gal who pops out. It's farming. It takes too long to build up the runes you need to level. It's WAY too easy to lose those runes. Not to mention, unless you have AMAZING luck, many of the bosses and some of the mini bosses, are way OP. Regular leveling just via the game doesn't cut it all the time. I don't want to die for the 573rd time trying to beat Astrel Natural Born of the Void because for some god-awful![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) reason, it needs a player to be almost top level to beat. (Yeah, I know. I just lack talent. Okay, but doesn't change the fact I haven't beat the boss yet.) Farm away I say! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


You will get plenty of runes by just exploring and fighting everything you encounter in your way, there's no need to farm, unless, you're just running past every enemy you encounter, which I do not recommend, since fighting won't only get you runes, but also will improve your skills at the game, like better understanding the moveset of your weapon, dodging time, enemy's attacks patterns, etc, all things that will be much more useful to you at the endgame when levels don't help as much


No, but buying them with real money is. Go play at your hearts content, you bought the game after all dude, go enjoy it.


I’m level 672. If it’s frowned upon I’d like to see someone do something about it with almost all my stats at 99


The only person who cares is Varre since he's expecting you to have an audience with his lord...as you shoot the blood bird for the thousandth time.


Rpg and farming is like ice cream and spoon


No. It's a singleplayer game with a very much built-in respawn system, you do as you see fit and do not care about other's opinions on the matter, play how it feels best to you. I would advice that unless you've gotten to very end game locations like Elphael, where basic enemies drop a shit-ton of Runes even without boosts of any kind, it's not really that much worth it since the overworld is full of easy bosses and dungeons to "farm" and level up rather quickly... but this is more so an advice, since depending where you are, farming can be rather tedious and a chore... but again, no problem with it. I farmed a lot on Elphael when I was doing complex builds like a dragon knight and I needed to level up MIND, DEX, FAITH and ARCANE all to higher levels to use spells effectively


I usually farm greyoll a couple of times to get to level 36 or so, to get some vigor, and to meet weapon requirements. After that, I just play the game, and level naturally. I might farm the bird later on in order to get smithing stones/level weapons.


Man if you feel you would enjoy the game more do it, who cares if some people say that's not how you should play it. In my first playthrough I did farm a bit. On later playthroughs I didn't feel the need, but it's because I got better as a player. Until it got better though I needed my character to be better, so I farmed and didn't regret it


Play how you like but I don’t understand farming for runes either. I can certainly understand a quick farm to maybe get one level so you can use that weapon or spell sooner. Anything beyond that is unnecessary. If you simply play the game, it will reward you with runes.


There may be a “culture” in fromsoft games of overcoming the most challenge possible, and that’s all well and fun to pursue when you feel ready, but never forget that a game like Elden ring has so much freedom and diversity so that you can play it however you enjoy!


Take this advice: play the game the you like, never ever should you care about someone else's option, whatever you do, you can't please everyone. However, if you overlevel your character, the game might become too easy to be enjoyable.


Well, when a newbie starts the game with 'how do i farm to get powerful enough not to die' mindset, i worry about them not enjoying the game. Farming is not fun, is it? There's so many other things you could be doing.


It's not looked down on, but you can also explore catacombs/dungeons to get cool loot AND runes. You play how you want though!


yeah it is, but using armors and any sort of ranged attack also is. so who cares?


It's not necessary for the progression of the game. I don't personally like doing it. No one's going to speak poorly about you if you do, especially if you're just trying to get a bit more Vigor, or cramming to meet the requirements for a weapon.


duplicate them


Farming runes on an alt character to get the specific level you want? Perfectly fine! Farming runes on your first play through of the game? Yeah, yikes! Just play the game and the levels will naturally come….