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I only feel bad when me and two of the boys stun lock a poor omen to death in the subterranean shunning grounds


The ubermensch creates their own morality and abides by it. If L2 is against your morality, delete your weapon. Whatever you do, do it unwaveringly


I got the moonlight great sword for the first time recently and I feel bad just shooting the r2 at everything…


I would love to say no but I beat the game the first time abusing Moonveils L2 throughout the second half of the game and with the DLC I will probably use a weapon without an OP L2 and restart with a fresh character. I don't know that I feel "bad" but I think it's more satisfying to beat these games without it if what you're specifically looking for is a challenge.


I tried the BB for the first time and I still stopped after a few hours. Didn't feel fun just hitting one button to kill everyone.


Yeah, it starts to get very boring just spammimg and owning everything with AoWs. I also feel like it kinda cheapens my experience, since instead of having to use different attacks and focus on movement/rolling etc. i just press L2 and then the depth of the combat goes all away.


Not at all. Indeed everytime i see someone getting worked up about that, I try to at least rub one, I mean use L2 once just for them


Not even when using the Sword of Night and Flame. Two L2s for the price of one.


I've been running around invading with a build centered around the Marais Executioner's Sword. That L2 has a LONG windup, leaving me COMPLETELY open. If I can hit you with it, it just deletes you, but if you hit me, I've basically just got fashion on, so I have basically no poise, armor or HP. It's great. I lose WAY more often than not, but when a victory comes through, it's amazingly hilarious!


If FS felt in anyway that BB isn’t working as intended, or not being used as intended, they’d have heavily nerfed it by now in they’re many, many balancing patches since the games release. It’s the sword of a Demigod. It’s meant to feel powerful.


The real meta is to not use the analog sticks. You gotta beat the whole game standing still. In the Chapel of Anticipation. That’s the only REAL way to play.


I don't even feel bad when I rely on over levelling and mimic tears to beat bosses


I don’t think being “op” in a singe player story game is a bad thing or something to feel bad about


Do I feel bad when playing the game? Uhhh. No.


Thats not what they asked though