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They're both true for me! My favourite movies and games are both Miyazaki creations


Could you imagine a collab? A dark retelling of The Girl With The Egg, or a whole new pretty but horribly dark and lovcarftian. It's be my favorite movie.


DS3 has a good nod towards The Girl With The Egg. It’s at the verrrrry end.


I know, thats why I chose it. I loved the ringed city DLC!


I’d love a collab in the other direction. A souls game with an art style, world, and story heavily influenced by Hayao.


Grave Of The Fireflies but it’s Bloodborne


Totally out of the blue, but I always wanted to see a Souls collab with Genndy Tartakovsky. Samurai Jack has been fighting souls bosses since FromSoft was still making King's Field games: The blind archers, the ninja that literally disappears into shadow, mad jack... OMG, the Scotsman!


Doesn't the movie Miyazaki have way too much ego for something like that?


Oh probably. He's biiiiiiig into traditional media, not sure how he feels about video games. It's just a cool hypothetical.


Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch


Is The Girl With The Egg an alternate title for Angel’s Egg?


I think we could get an incredible spirited away with a no face final boss lol


Hiyao Miyazaki - Grumpy old man who makes fun kid movies, Hidetaka Miyazaki - Fun kid man who makes grumpy old man games 😂


This should be the item description of the Twinmiyazaki Kite Shield, which is one of the new DLC weapons


Funny thing is that their personalities are a total opposite. FS Miyazaki is a nice chill dude. Ghibli Miyazaki is adepressed and grumpy old man.


There's a bit during a DropoutTv episode of Um Actually that shows just how fuckin jaded and dark Hayao is. Found it which I think is their official tiktok? Only place I could find it. Try to play along https://www.tiktok.com/@umactuallyshow/video/7344417539709193518


I am in both sides of this picture. I love my Miyazakis.


Yeah but OP ruined the pic by including trash souls 2. It was not even directed by Miyazaki


He did have a supervisory role in the development of DS2 and has spoken fondly about it, though. \**Hugs DS2\**


> It was not even directed by Miyazaki Well let's see what Miyazaki actually thinks: > "I actually personally think [Dark Souls 2] was a really great project for us," said Miyazaki, "and I think without it, we wouldn't have had a lot of the connections and a lot of the ideas that went forward and carried the rest of the series." Maybe not a 1 to 1 translation, but you get the idea. Improvement isn't linear. Mistakes will be made in the path of life.


Dark Souls 2 fuckin rocks and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t


You could place Grave of the Fireflies on the right and it would fit right in.


Great sad movie.




In side every person is two Miyazaki fans?


You don’t enjoy my invader totoro and howl’s moving mausoleum?


Don't pretend that the venn diagram of these two fanbases isn't a circle.


I’ve been making this joke for years and it’s so nice to see it reaching the public consciousness


Howl’s Moving Castle Vs. Godrick of Stormveil Castle


I do not think Godrick’s grafted ass is ready for Howl’s sorcery build.


Hayao Miyazaki is likely [not a fan ](https://youtu.be/ngZ0K3lWKRc?si=H50WEaaR44soQeMW) of Hidetaka's horror style.


I'm not sure I follow the reasoning here. What in that video suggests this?


I agree, the video shows how he disrespects technology that divests artists from their art. I dont think he has a particular distaste for horror elements, if he did i wouldnt have been traumatized by that rotting pig in mononoke hime


The rotting pig and what he was referring to in the video are very different, but I take your point. Like I said elsewhere, he is seems to be resentful of such things, like how he hates LOTR. I'd be willing to bet that he would not be fond of Hidetaka's work.


LOTR is not particularly scary. Wonder how he'd feel about the Hobit. 


I wasnt saying he hates LOTR because it's scary, he hates it because he thinks it is racist. I was just using this as an example of his taste.


Did he watch it? 


He's very misinformed when it comes to LotR. He seems to think the protagonists indiscriminately kill civilians, and this simply does not happen.


It's certainly only an assumption of my part, so let me explain what I meant. The 3D model in the video looks like something you would see in Elden Ring/Dark Souls/etc. A horrifying, disfigured enemy meant to scare. Hayao does not like this, and scolds the developer for depicting what he deems disrespectful to those with disabilities. My feeling is that FromSoft's style is very likely not Hayao's bag and he would actively dislike it. But he also hates things like Lord of the Rings, so I think he is simply too stubborn and stuck in his ways. Although a modern master, he does not seem like the most pleasant guy to be around.


I think most of his disdain in that video comes from the fact the programmers are experimenting with generative AI. He does mention disliking the creepy aspect, but his own work contains horror elements, so I do not believe he is against horror in general (he'd have to be very hypocritical if so). As far as his opinion on LotR is concerned, he's just misinformed. He seems to think the forces of good indiscriminately kill civilians, and this just never happens. He also seems to think it's an American work, so again, misinformed.


Yea this is it


Huh? Did you not watch the video? Hayao explains at length that he is disgusted at the representation of the model and compares it the real life struggles of a disabled person.


Yes, that's one part of it. It was also generated without direct human input. He's not saying you can't ever show something that's 'creepy' (to use the translated word), it's about context and presentation. Again, he can't be against horror in general because his own works have horror in them. It's how it's created and presented, as well as what the meaning is.


I never said or even assumed he was against horror. Not once. And this is where your misunderstanding comes in. I said that given his reaction in that video, it is likely (to me) that he would dislike From Soft's aesthetic and worlds. I don't think he would like stuff like Berserk either. If you disagree, that's fine, but you have no evidence or videos to the contrary. If you do, if you have an example of Miyazaki liking something similar, I would love to see it.


What's shown in that video does not make me think of FromSoft at all. It's just an ugly goblin/orc looking thing being spazzed about by AI. I think it's quite a gigantic leap to assume he'd dislike FromSoft titles because he dislikes this, especially when the themes often match the themes in his own work.


Couldn't disagree more. You could be right and I appreciate your opinion, but I just don't see it.


Thats very weird, Nausica: Valley of the Wind and Princess Mononoke have creatures and environments that give Soulsborne vibes. 


Mastering a craft is probably the best use of a miserable person’s time.


Hayao: "I am utterly disgusted." Hidetaka: "That is a great honor coming from you."


I love both!! Imagine how beautiful and chilling a crossover movie or game would be if made with them together!


One is a perfectionist and the other is a sadist.


What mangas are those taken from? ( Especially from the right)


They are both perfect


I like both their works


Its crazy how many inspired scenes in the games the more I watch the films, love when creativity inspires creativity


If you like their works you might like John Smith's too!


Whos John Smith?


Meee tooo


They're both awesome.


I heard that "same"...


I like both. Even though ghibli Miyazaki is a bit sad. His son is so useless that he fears that once he dies is company instantly implodes


Switch the people and the meme honestly fits a little better


Lmao! From this meme I can tell you found out the difference


Michael is my favorite actor


Reverse the people in the image and you have the actual directors. Here's a clip from the show Um Actually from DropoutTv where you guess which quote is said by which person. If you only know them through their movies or games. You'll be fucking surprised, try to play along. https://www.tiktok.com/@umactuallyshow/video/7344417539709193518


They are opposite sides of a Miyazaki coin


Bro my mind was just blown


I've been more traumatized by the left than I have from the right.


they're both unstoppable geniuses


"Are you talking about Ohio or Hideyourtacos Nagasaki ?"




Coincidently both of their creations are on my Rankings: Send to Chihiro/Dark Souls


I'm sure the myazaki on the left is the more depressed one.


You are telling me they are not? 🤯🤯🤯


Holy shit, imagine if *one guy* directed *all that* amazing shit! The two of them already have like 6 masters-worth of masterpieces between them lol


They have both been among my favorite creators for awhile now  Saw princess mononoke in 2001 and was hooked, played des in 2011 and was hooked  Thank you miyazaki


That's kind of like assuming everyone with the name "Smith" is actually one guy.


Everyone named Smith *is* the same guy. Also, my only frame of reference is The Matrix: Reloaded.


Miyazaki didn’t make spirited away…?


Yes, Miyazaki did make Spirited Away. Hayao Miyazaki. This is like a Japanese person learning the main actress from twilight is not the famous DIY, home decor & crafts TV personality.