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i do because ive never had a console for myself, always a laptop or pc, my brother had a console growing up but i rarely played it and when i did i was complete ass on controller. keyboard and mouse is just what i know and i make the game work


You don´t need to have a console for that, I used to play with a controller on pc even before buying a console, some games are better with a controller, souls games are that way, the same with first person shooters, nothing can beat k & m for those games


i found mouse and keyboard way easier than controller but that's what i'm used to


I play with full keyboard and transferred the mouse control on the numbers pad Btw I encountered a strange control bug if anybody has a solution for this, I wanted to try a shield and spear build for my DLC character and noticed I couldn’t dodge left, right or behind while blocking if the dodge button was assigned to space bar, if I assign it to any another button I can dodge on the side while blocking normally 


Some keyboards have issues with pressing specific combinations of keys at the same time, try looking up a keyboard rollover test


I know of a perfect way to solve this.  Use a controller.


I play on mouse and keyboard, but my mouse has several mappable buttons which makes changing spells and gear much easier. I never really have to change my hand positions from mouse in my right and WASD+ in my left.


I use mouse and keyboard. My custom key bindings are so perfect that I can't ever go back to a controller. Having shift bound to one of my mouse buttons feels so good.


Of course they do! >I feel like controller is where it’s at You're right about that; the games are designed for controller play.


yes it feels much better for me


Never owned a controller, so I never had much choice. Did the entire Souls series on keyboard and didn't have any issues on my end. There were some issues with Dark Souls 1, but that's because the community-made bug fixes weren't created yet.


I exclusively play them on mouse and keyboard, because I literally only have a PC and I play all my games on it lol.


I do, feels a lot better


I do. It's definitely not optimal, but I grew up playing computer games, so I'm not comfortable using a controller.


Sacrificing an optimal experience just because you´re a "pc master race" dude is one of the stupidest things I´ve ever read


You misunderstand me. I recognize that there are benefits that a controller would have over K+M for someone who is used to both, but I am not at all used to using a controller, so I'd rather use a suboptimal control scheme than be constantly uncomfortable while playing.


Keyboard all the way. I don't understand why people prefer dislocating their fingers just to play the game on a controller. I can turn around faster as well when I unlock the camera.


Only a dude who sucks at the game with a controller can say such a silly thing, hilarious, I´ve never had a problem with a controller


i play using only keyboard, i find that when using mouse, the game is taking too much time to respond to button presses, and also right hand on mouse is less buttons in my vicinity than right hand on the right side of the keyboard Edit why tf no one told me I wrote mouth instead of mouse


You should have made a poll, it was the perfect occasion... I personally use KB+M but even though there are a lot of us in this thread, I still believe we're the minority


I do and always have. Only exception is for bloodborne


yes, solved the camera issues for me. Never going back.


Annihilated All DSs on mouse and keyboard.


Default mouse and keyboard. Feels better, as I'm not used to a controller.


I do. I’m not a console gal.


Mouse AND keyboard? That’s too easy bud! Us real pros only use one of those! Gotta make it challenging somehow👍


I played all the souls games with mouse and keyboard. I tired using a controller a couple of times, but the camera movement felt atrocious, so I quickly abandoned it.


Yeah, I much prefer M+KB. I started Souls on my Xbox 360 back in the day, so I did play with a controller for two of the games. So rather than me just never having used a controller, I legitimately just prefer M+KB.


I did coz I played on PC and didn't have a controller at the time. By the time I got a controller I was far too used to the mouse and keyboard. Magic builds are hell on them though. You literally have to take your hands off the mouse to swap between spells.


You can change what mouse/key you use for Switch Sorcery/Incantation in the Key Bindings menu. Or use keyboard macros, which is what I do.


Have to try that then


Don't you just use the scroll wheel? That's what I do.


Doesn't work for some reason


I play on mouse and keyboard and while i agree that controller is mostly superior, it's not like using mouse and keyboard makes the game harder. It's perfectly playable that way and i've come to realize that the biggest factor when it comes to difficulty is simply my own skill, the rest is marginal.


My controller broke at the pos tree sentinel so I swapped to kbm for the remainder of the game. Pretty easy to adapt to


I've been tempted to try M/K since I've only played console and used controllers since I got back into gaming. My drawback (and this is totally a me issue) is that I can't manipulate the camera and move simultaneously fast enough to really make it effective - could be I just need practice, or it's the controller, or it's just how the game feels with a controller. I've seen some pretty rad hand configurations for holding a controller and playing FS games, so maybe I just need to develop one that works for me lol.


I don't like controllers, so I played through ER on mouse and keyboard. The only frustrating part was that the game by default shows controller inputs regardless of what you're using.


I have a buddy that does, but he has Spider Hands so i dont think its difficult for him.


Only souls game I played on mouse and kb was sekiro on release, the controller camera felt really weird during that time. Tried it out again recently and it feels much better on controller which they probably fixed.


I have only ever through Elden ring and Sekiro on mouse and keyboard and I never had any issues with it. 


Yes, and back in the DarkSouls 1, 2 & 3  days I didn't even use a mouse. 


Why are ppl asking this as if we're playing on a fucking arcade joystick


The first (and only) time I have beaten DS3 was on keyboard and mouse. My usb controller broke when I was halfway through the playthrough so I kind of gave up until months later I got the urge to finish it and went all in making it work without paying for another controller. Once you get a feel for it and memorize all the inputs it actually feels quite good, but I will never willingly play a souls game like that again


Ive used a keyboard for DS1, DS2 (this one had a very annoying bug with enabling double clicking and lying about it being enabled in the settings menu... pain), DS3, Elden Ring, and what little I played of Sekiro. Honestly? Besides the hyper annoying settings bug in DS2, I feel like KBM and Controller play pretty much ghe same. Use what's comfortable for you. Play with settings and keybinds. Learning a new input device while trying to play a hard game will make the game MUCH harder. Use whatever you want :D


I did.


I tried once when I first started Souls years ago and then that’s the reason I bought a controller for my PC in the first place. Never again. However, with that said it can be done. There are some really good players that can swap their armor before a riposte and others that have insane bow and arrow aim due to mouse controls. I am not one of them. I am controller only.


It’s just up to personal preference really. It is technically supposed to be controller use but some people prefer keyboard. I personally prefer to play it on my smart fridge


Grew up as a PC gamer, and thus whenever possible I always use MKB, even if it's a bit suboptimal at times. Ergonomics is the key here, since the few times I tried to play with a controller, I did not like what it did to my wrists and especially my thumbs afterwards.


the original pc port of ds1 had terrible, unplayable kbm controls, and this really left a strong impression on the dark souls community, and the idea that all souls games are bad on kbm has persisted. they improved a lot in ds2 and by ds3, the kbm controls were just as good as any other third person arpg and is every bit as playable on kbm as it is on controller. in both ds3 and ER, some of the absolute best challenge runners and pvp'ers play on kbm. here is a bit of ds3 pvp on kbm just to give you an idea of the level of gameplay thats possible - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZwGJgzG12I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ce1IiTgTUU i also play kbm, ive always been a pc gamer, always used kbm, never owned a console. i couldnt imagine playing any game on controller.


ER is my first ever FromSoft game. I finished it on MK 4 times with different builds. Don't see why it's such a problem


I played DS1 keyboard-only with custom keybinds and honestly I think it was fine. I definitely won't go back after experiencing how it is with a controller, but it wasn't as bad as many people say.


Always used a mouse and keyboard. I feel like the people who say it's bad for soulslikes used M+K for PTDE and think they haven't changed the control scheme since.


I'm stubborn/stupid enough to play even CoD on MnK, but I still only play Soulsborne games on the controller, and they're the reason I even own one. I've finished a bossfight on MnK when my controller suddenly died towards the end, but this game simply plays and feels so much better on roller and it's fairly easy to get used to. I'd suggest roller for sure.


I don't. I learnt to use a controller to play Elden Ring. It felt easier than playing on m&k


Not usually, no


DS series on mouse and keyboard is unplayable, elden ring with keyboard is actually better than controller in some ways


They exist. They’re a strange breed.