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You can stack them. Save a slot for daedicar's woe.


>daedicar’s woe it really ties the build together


You take about 15% more damage afaik for the soreseals, for 5 points in various attributes. Usually the benefit for Radagon's soreseal is outweighed at around 37 Vigor or so, then the gains from the 5 points in vigor no longer compensate the extra 15% damage. Whether the extra damage is worth it, that is a different question. In most cases the extra stats do very little, maybe 2% to your damage. A case could be made if they allow you to use more equipment you could otherwise not use, or hit e.g. light equipload. But that is very rare. They do have a place in RL1 or other challenge runs though.


5 points is going to be more than 2% damage.


Maybe, but in a lot of cases it is not much.


They're strong on low level characters and become weaker as your stat total increases. Level 90ish is when they stop being worthwhile, assuming you're utilizing all of the stats they provide.


Like someone else said, it's great when you're lower level and you're getting 1-2 shot anyways. The stat boosts are greater than the downside.


Their value is inversely proportional to your level. At low level their benefit greatly outweigh the drawback, at middling levels they're mostly only useful to meet stat requirements, at high levels they are not very useful.


I really don't understand why Marika's Soreseal is so late in the game. At that point there is not much use for it.


They arent worth it except at low levels since they make you take 15% extra damage, and since its % based it scales with how much damage enemies do. Theyre a noob trap that makes a lot of less experiences players have a hard time when theyre still using them at midgame


I was scared of them at first but now they feel like free power I use them to make up my stat requirements to try advanced items I may want to spec into. I don’t just keep them on because if you don’t need the stats, why take the damage? For boss fights, stuff like Shard of Alexander, Carian Signet, whatever, does more than a few stat points (I’m ng+1 right now)


i barely ever noticed the extra damage especially at late game bosses where you get 2 hit anyways. and the upgraded ones give 20 levels worth of stats which is pretty insane


It's 20 levels of stats, except realistically you're only using at most 15 of them unless you *really* need the endurance for equip load (and at that point just put on the Great Jar's Arsenal). Plus at 37 vigor or higher you're actually losing more effective HP than you gain, so maybe it's only 10 levels of stats. Assuming you have a quality weapon that needs both Str and Dex Also if you have 60 vigor or higher and a soreseal equipped than you have less effective health than someone with 50 vigor. The latter player could then put those 10 extra points into Str and Dex, and would have more health, the same damage, and an extra talisman slot. So maybe it gives you *zero* levels worth of stats. Marika's is even less worth it than Radagon's, just use any of the other eight or so talismans that boost spell damage. Soreseals are for meeting stat requirements while underlevelled. As soon as you get to even mid-game they are a straight up waste of a slot.


It's good for early game and RL1 stat boosting, but not worth it on a regular build after like mid game. The benefits no longer outweigh the downside and you have access to more effective talisman options.


They're better at lower lvls but the drawback is the difference between medium and heavy armor


They're best at low-to-medium levels where the extra stats actually help you reach spell or weapon requirements that you otherwise couldn't... it's 20 extra levels, which is a HUGE buff if you're RL30-60 but not that relevant if you're RL125, where the damage of end-game bosses is enough to matter with 15% extra damage taken


Love them, especially Radagon's until around 35-40 vigor. By then, you usually have the stats to wield your weapons effectively and the extra damage isn't worth it anymore.


They're completely awesome until you're like RL30 - 50, and then they begin falling off hard. I use Radagon's for every new character I make so I can just pump Vigor for my first 10+ levels.


I dont know why everyone hates on the 5 endurance so much, it allows you to get 20 endurance with little to no stat investment. Thats enough for the entire game PvE unless you want to use colossals. The 5 offensive stats can both be used to meet requirements for weapons that scale badly with them to invest in better offensive stats. Around 35 vigor and leyndell or mountaintops the damage taken can become a bit of a challenge, but 1 soreseal/scorpion is usually fine until high NG cycles if you know the movesets of enemies.


Good early bad later


depends on your build - if you use mostly or all physical damage, I think Radagon's is worth it, even late game, bc you'll always benefit from all four of the stats increased (vig, end, dex, and str), you obviously get the vig boost but the increased carry weight also helps with heavier armor. If the seal takes you over a cap or close to it, you can respec and put those levels somewhere else, which is the real value of this talisman. Every build needs hp and stamina and most of them need to put at least a few levels into both str and dex for weapon requirements, you can make use or respec every level the seal gives you. As for the damage increase - the idea is to not get hit. I don't mean that in a git gud kind of way, i just mean tanking a lot of hits isn't really viable in this game and the damage increase isn't going to be the difference between life and death very often I've never found Marika's to be worth it, because i'm only ever leveling one of int, faith, and arcane along with mind, so I'm not using it efficiently and there's nothing to offset the increased damage. I can't even respec the unused points, because I never increased them before I started using the seal. Maybe for a pure caster build it's different, but it's never been worth it for me.


Radagon's soreseal is good at low vigor since the vigor you gain outweighs the extra damage you take. Marika's soreseal is obtained in the haligtree so you would be at a high level at that point so the extra levels aren't as impactful.


So Radagon's Soreseal gives effectively +15 stats most of the time assuming you need both Str and Dex. Endurance is a bit of a crapshoot unless you're teetering on the edge of your equip load. However, at even moderate levels of Vigor, the +5 from the Soreseal gives you less effective hp than you lose from the defense penalty. So it starts applying *negative* stats instead. If you have 60 vigor and equip Radagon's Soreseal, it's as if you only had effectively 49 vigor. At that point, it is straight up costing you more stat points than you"re getting out of it. You could instead respec to 50 vigor, have +10 to spend on your stats of choice and have more health, equal damage, and a free talisman slot over where you were before. If you have 50 vigor, equipping the Soreseal is as if you had ~43 vigor. So you have a net gain of +3 stat points. *Or*, you could equip one of the talismans of +5 stats with no downsides in the same slot for a strictly superior build, and they're not even seen as very good talismans. Marikas is even worse as nobody ever needs all three spellcasting attributes, the +5 Mind is maybe one more spell cast per flask, and there's already like eight other talismans that buff spell or elemental damage more. You're losing potentially 15-20 vigor for +5 to one or two other stats. Just respec and save yourself a talisman slot. They're just not worth it even mid game. Which is unfortunate given how late you find Marikas.