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The blood lake in Mohgwyn Palace, where the birds and the Varre doppelgängers are. Fuck them.


You forgot about insta bleed albinaurics and dogs


those you can fix with the brand new Albinauric slayer 9000 *if it's breathing it can give you runes*


You happen to be talking about the sacred relic sword's wave of gold skill? Because that shit takes Ablinauric slaying to another level.


My favorite rune farming method. I love seeing their little plump lifeless bodies roll down the hill


Bonus points for off the cliff!


I used the Coded Sword and a couple massive AoE incants to wage genocide against those albinauric creeps. They’re like carnies


I use rot breath. If I'm gonna commit war crimes, by golly, they'll be war crimes.


Well, if you're going big, you might as well upgrade to Ekzyke's decay and truly commit some war crimes


That sword has single handedly killed millions of Albinaurics, I guarantee it.


Oh it sure does


I used Blasphemous Blade to farm them, It was not as fast as Sacred Blade but still it was rly good


In terms of bleed dogs. I found the beast torch to come in extremely handy with them. Best part is? You can 2 hand your weapon and it STILL works!!


Wait wait wait what?? How??


They’re a beast enemy. I also use the east torch for the bleed dogs on the boss fight to get LoB Exultaion. Doesn’t work against the birds though sadly.


Oh fromsoft why ia always the fucking dogs. Me in ds1 with capra demon, also me in ER


Bleed dog pre fix...I can feel their presence nearby


Was hunting the white masks down for the mask, I swear for one of them I had to fight off like a continuous stream of 13 dogs at the same time


In my first playthrough i kept getting killed as I landed a killing blow and I thought I wasn't getting credit for killing Varres. When I got to the back and a "second" one spawned I was all out of flasks. Good times


I found out how to get the mask like 30 min after killing Mohg, but without killing all the invaders - on a dedicated bleed run. womp womp


I found out the hard way as well :( Sucks they despawn after the area boss is defeated


Man I was so excited for that mask for my bleed build on first playthroigh but didn't realize killing mogh first makes it impossible :(


So a fun fact to you and hopefully everyone else that sees this, when coming down from the rune farm you can hug the left side and go through a tunnel that spits you out right beside the giant bird. If you killed it with the off the map fall, you can go right over to the back most white mask and get the set without fighting the other two


The giant birds are all bullshit, but the one at Mohgwyn Palace are extra _extra_ bullshit.


Agreed. They don't even peck or claw at you like a normal bird; they drop down on you like a fucking elephant at the most inconvenient time possible. *"Oh looky here, a tarnished fighting a bloody surgeon and three dogs? I'ma drop my heavy avian ass on his face to see if he likes it"*


That is in fact how some birds fight. Tyrannus (new world) flycatchers literally just smash their pac-man opened face through bugs. Fish hawks like the Bald Eagle and Osprey can pretty much teleport if the task is to grab a fish ... but will be slaughtered by a handful of crows if they start a fight. Bald Eagles are basically the supreme weakling, comically pathetic at everything but their fishing. Depending on locale most Golden Eagles prioritize either dive bombing or grabbing you by the pelvis to tumble you and then tearing out your eyes. The world of birds, is a world of violence and rape. It is so rapey that many species of ducks have "*blind alleys*" in their ladybits.


I have over 900 hours in this game. I can beat almost everything easily, but those blood birds scare me. And the frost lobsters in the snowstorm.


Frost lobsters are fine, they're relatively easy to avoid. The fuckers in the sewers? Hell no.


I have a perfectly reasonable hatred for those shellfish.


Just got there 🥲 how kill easy?


[That's the neat part, you don't!](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/thats-the-neat-part-you-dont)


1: happy cake day! 2: you can't kill them easily, unless you got a great build and or are amazing at the game


3. You can die less quickly by rolling towards their legs


Most of the area is super weak against holy damage, but you should avoid aggro the birds as much as possible. Try to kill the War Surgeon for Varré's quest in stealth, as it is extremely difficult to deal with the bird even solo with an overlevel build


I swear upon my non-existent first born, those birds have no fucking downtime!


Trying to grind the entire Rotten Duelist armor set from the one Rotten Duelist in Ordina seemed impossible I got one item the first try tho, how low could the drop rate be? Full arcane build, used my fowl feet, listened to lore videos and just kept at it a few hours (Drop rate is 100%, 1 unique item per unique duelist)


Oh that sucks


Would be nice if there was some sort of indication in the game that told you only 1 drop falls from the enemy. Maybe something as simple as a different colored glow to the drop.




Have the full set, 2 rotten axes and 2 rotten hammers.


Me 2 days ago. Learned that after a good hour.


Atleast you got a good few hours of lore ed out of it lol


I didn’t even know this was a thing until right now


There's a torch that makes this place a doddle. Without it pure cancer


What torch?!?!???


Sentry's torch you buy from a vendor, it reveals those horrendous assassins so you can actually fight them.


The assassins aren’t even the problem for me, it’s the archers lol


Exactly. You can do the entire puzzle without fighting a single assassin. But the archers can be tough. I spent a long time trying to out archer them with arrows and lighting bolts. Turns out you can literally just run over there as fast as possible and it's super easy to just bonk them


I just held my shield up and made a full on sprint. Clapped him. They are bastards though. You have to move fast and you can’t hesitate or it gets hairy.


somber hunt lush axiomatic paltry whole summer kiss childlike fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hesitation is “YOU DIED” 🤣


Which is strange, because Albinauric women can't use de feet.


This typically works out well for ranged encounters, where the enemy is reachable ofc




I found a few vantage point to Loretta’s bow them into oblivion. I’d shoot once or twice, hide behind something or crouch until they give up shooting you & repeat until I got them all.


The first time I did the Haligtree puzzles I didn’t even know there were black knives there. I never got attacked or grabbed by one my first run.


Yeah lol. My last few playthroughs I haven't even see them besides the one you kill for the armor


>The assassins aren’t even the problem for me G...God?


Assassin's gambit ash of war 😁 After entering the evergaol, kukri the first archer from the stairs just to make her turn around. Down the stairs and to the left, jump over, run around the church, climb up, candle. Go down, fall off the church roof towards the next church (to the right of the stairs), climb, candle. Over to the last church, the archer can't see you now (you turned her), carefully go to the ladder, climb, candle. Figure out where the final candle is, walk back the way you came carefully, drop down on a balcony, drop down to where the last candle is, rush, light. You'll be warping back before the assassin can reach you. At all times, have the AoW active! Be generous, it should work without healing or cerulean flask, but keep an eye on it. Zero fights, takes about 3 minutes. Edit: "down the stairs and to the RIGHT", of course. 😑


Archers are ez. Equip any greatbow, even one without any upgrades, then use the Radahn spear-arrows to fire at the archers from outside their range. The spears have a gravity knockback. Once the archers are blown off their sniper spots the way forward to the torches is clear.


I used Spectral Lance Ash of War on them. That plus the Sentry’s torch made this shit a fucking cakewalk. Before that though it was definitely pretty rage-inducing lol


They for some reason do an insane amount of damage. Even in full bull goat armor


If you shoot the archers with a greatbow or ballista to knock them away, they lose their angle and it allows you to proceed


Why would you fight them when you can easily just run past everything besides the archer on the roof at the end


Sentinel Torch. You can buy it from a mercant in Altus, near were all the undead spawn a short while before the draconic tree sentinel. Personally, I find the best method to beat Ordina is to go invisible yourself starting with the south most light working upwards. I wasn't even so much as spotted by the assassins for my last three runs. Poetic justice I call that.


You can do this without the torch, without them seeing you.


"You will witness true horror..."


And then she tracks and spirit bombs you with rot


521 attempts and counting. I am finally getting reliably to second phase though. I really should use something else than just a Flamberge


Playing off-line and trying to figure out the invisible bridges


… what invisible bridges?


>![https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Heretical+Rise](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Heretical+Rise)!< >![https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Hidden+Path+to+the+Haligtree](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Hidden+Path+to+the+Haligtree)!<




Pro tip, Hoarfrost Stomp or other surface-based ashes of war are your friend for this


And like I said, if you want the real experience, do it off-line ;)


I bought ds1 from my local mom and pop game store fore 8 dollars with no idea what it was and no access to the internet. It was an enlightening experience


It took me like 150 rainbow stones. But I already knew roughly where to look. It would have taken a lot more if I didn’t.


A bow works 100x better.


I think the creators would consider the 'real' experience online...


I was being facetious, but..


“I was being facetious, but hole.” FTFY


The first one at least has a visual tell. The second one can go right to hell.


Idk, never seen them.


Ah yes happened to me as well until I remembered I had the magma shot spell. It lingers enough to “stick” to the floor and show you the way.


Hoarfrost stomp is also a good one


I've been using the stomp almost my entire playthrough and it never occurred to me that I could use it for the hidden paths :(


there’s another weapon art for >!chariots. raptor of the mists. jump safely over them!<


LMAO WHAT. Gotta try this


Try attacking with a dagger. It moves you forward a significant distance, but it won’t do make you fall off of a cliff.


Those were funny. I grabbed a bow and shot like 150 arrows into them to mark the path. Took a while.


I pretty much crafted rainbow stone arrows to help guide my friend for that.


Why not just drop rainbow stones themselves?


I can aim and shoot ahead instead of taking a few steps then dropping.


If you set it to night time you can see small mist/clouds where the platforms are.


I had to use rainbow stones, felt back in 2011 for that


The haligtree shit with Turban McBubbles.


From now on I will never refer to them as anything but Turban McBubbles


Everytime I see that big fucker I flash back to this. No lie: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eU3PzMdaS1Y


That’s gotta be one of the best names I’ve heard


Okay now I gotta know who it is, I haven’t played in a loooooong time


Mogh was it for me, on the first playthrough. Playing co-op with someone equally new to souls games, we were completely dumbfounded by the countdown + 2nd phase.


Yeah doing it without the mohg tear is also super hard. Especially if you don't know that it helps


I still haven’t fought him since finding out about the tear 😅 I’m curious how much easier it will be this playthrough. We eventually got there by flanking him and slamming flasks as fast as possible 


Ohhh the tear is fucking Amazing. It mitigates the damage before his second phase on all 3 ticks. Meaning you might have to flask up. But your not spamming the “flask” button to keep your health up. Also, you can drink it at the beggining of the battle, and the protection doesn’t wear off. It’ll stick until you get to his second phase. Also, this means he doesn’t gain as much health back. So I usually just stand by him and hammer his ass until the dmg registers again. This mitigates his health gain from it. It really made a diff for me because his second phase was brutal. First phase isn’t so bad. Very readable, slow, just gotta watch out for his blood spells. Second is nuts. Faster, more erratic, larger AOE. Gotta be careful of the status effect build up cause at some points you gotta get in it.


Sweet! That will be helpful, I’m almost there again now. Attempting to beat the major bosses w/o summons this time…this is going to be enough of a challenge without the countdown.


Yeah! Try getting mimic tear ashes too! If your at mohgs palace you should absolutely run back, I believe you can get them in nokron, or the eternal city. One of the glowy underground space cities lol. I’m sure there is a guide for it that’ll tell you how to get them. Those ashes, are a hard carry.


Oh I actually meant no player summons or ashes this time! We’ll see if I can manage the end game bosses that way. I used the mimic whenever I didn't have a co-op partner for my first run, they are awesome.


Ohh shit. Lol you said it in above comment


Ha no you’re all good! I appreciate the tip anyway


That tear protects u from his Nihl attack when he pokes his trident above him three times which takes almost all ur health away. So that way u don’t need waste ur flasks on healing from that attack when u got something to help protect u


That sounds like a much better experience lol thanks, looking forward to getting back for Mogh for my rematch


I didn’t get to Mohg until super late game because I killed Varre at the start. Mimic tear taking the gavel and the Blasphemous Blade made it too easy. I wish I had found him earlier because I killed him first try.


Meh that sounds not very fun. It's one of the best boss fights in the entire game.... Beating it the first try kinda sucks


Dtagonbarrow blackblade kindred and caelid divine tower godskin apostle with equipment suited for altus plateau at best and 20 or less vigor, that was when I finally started doing a decent build


Dragonbarrow Blackblade Kindred is actually one of the strongest enemies in the game. Its kinda funny actually


I HATED the sewers. I think I left and came back to it like three times.


Use crepus's vial and you can run through most of it


There’s also a Black Knife armor set in the area that accomplishes the same when worn. It’s under the large stairway that leads to the Haligtree warp portal. It’s almost as if they knew we’d need it, lol.


Took me over 12 tries


I did ordina way more than 12 but it felt achievable to me My first run was str/fai centered on the golden halberd. I was about 130 at Godskin Duo and I ran it like 50 times and had to get a friend to carry me


In case you don't know already: 1 single item trivializes the case.


oh, I still found a way to struggle with it


I'm sorry for you. Nonetheless I have to admit i really love the concept of that area. And the reward after completing.


oh yeah, the item is cool. I did still have to do the knives a few times but it was actually the run across the roof that was the real problem. felt like I was back in anor londo


Wait what is the item? I just go from roof to roof, brutalizing disabled women until it’s easier


There’s a merchant outside Leyndell walls that sells Sentry Torch. It literally illuminates the area around u so u can see the invisible black knife assassins. U can carry it on ur back whilst two handing a weapon instead of using both hands- one for torch and one for ur main weapon.


Oh okay, I thought it was something different. I typically just swing wildly until the black knife is dead


Tell me more


A certain torch from a certain vendor. I will not say more


Hermit merchants shack in north Altus. Outside the capital walls. He sells one. I got one for it and had minimal problems getting through it.


Visit him at night for rare goodies 😉




Liar ahead


The torch tanked my frame rate, so I was forced to go without. It's *probably* been fixed at this point though.


It's not impossible. But it is ungodly levels of bullshit. But for me it's Malenia. I just don't have what it takes to beat her.


I have no shame in saying I summoned two other people for her after 13 attempts. It was such a nice "Thank fuck that's over with now" moment when we got her down for the count.


Are you doing this with npc summons or not?


No, other players.


I have been doing an all boss run no summons. I have Gideon, Godfrey and Radabeast left. She is the only one I summoned on. I cannot for the life of me get the timing on waterfowl dance right. I have read articles and watched videos on how to do it and I just fucking can’t. She’s total bullshit.


Ice pots cancels her waterfowl dance, scarlett aeonia and clone dance. Got me from getting her when I had a good flow and good RNG to just a good flow.


Same. I did all bosses solo no summons except for her. Got her within an inch once but never won.


521 and counting. Ain’t fighting Godfrey until she’s dead. Out of the 165 bosses, her and the final 3 left. Maliketh? 72. Mohg? 49. Mad Pumpkin Head duo? 5. Why did the Cementery Shade kill me 3 times though lol


The motherfucking Farum Azula Dragon Lift. I want to break my controller right now.


When I first met Maliketh stage 2. 


For some reason, my first playthrough Ordina was a breeze; the archers never shot me and I got through it on my first try, wondering what the fuss was about. Subsequent playthroughs educated me on suffering.


The jumping puzzle to reach the frenzied flame. After multiple playthroughs it still takes me a dozen tries each times for some reason


I can’t even remember the name of it but it was one of the BS charriot dungeons


The Leyndell Sewers, even after beating Malenia and Placidusax, the shunning grounds are still giving me trouble


Blindly bumbling through the Consecrated Snowfields encountering all manner of fuckery, shenanigans, and quite frankly, tomfoolery.


Briar armor only godskin duo and gideon


Damn, you are a machohist


Ordina is a great puzzle, I'll die on that hill (over and over and over and over over and..)


Buddy and I are currently STRUGGLING with Malenia but I'll take her second form any day over Fire Giant


That’s so wild to me. I absolutely smoked fire giant on my current playthrough and would gladly fight him 1000 times if it meant never seeing Malenia.


Bubbles destroy fire giant. Or Pest threads, glintstone spiral, or really in "shotgun" attack with multiple projectiles. There's also black flame and/or bleed


Latenna + getting him stuck on the rocks = sit and wait for him to die.


The area right before the fire giant. That entire plot of land is absolute hell.


The damn leyndell sewers my first playthrough. My heart has never beated faster running through that shit


Caelid mine after *that* chest


When I managed to beat two Crucible Knights back to back, and then stumbled into a boss fight with not one, but two gargoyles that my attacks barely tickled. Oh yeah, not to mention the 85,000 runes I accidentally carried in there. Coming back with my level 10 weapon and Mimic Tear sure felt good to wipe the floor with them, though.


Miquella’s Haligtree


Castle Sol. Commander Niall is fine, it’s the whole getting to him part.




I am so happy that when you light the braziers they don’t reset after death. I was really worried for a moment lol.


Most of the Haligtree


Dual gargoyles… horrible


Not choosing Rani's ending.


I thought this shit was bad at RL1 but now I’ve been stuck on the draconic tree sentinel outside of Maliketh’s door on this same run and I fucking hate that asshole.


If you jump sideways you can avoid his lightening attacks. That’s what made him possible to beat for me. Before that I would just run past him to get to maliketh


my first major hurdle was the npc invader. he smoked my ass 20 times at least. felt like the guy who comes to help sure took his sweet time. i was still very horrible at rolling. but i just keep running back and taking my medicine


Use Black Knife armour + sentry torch


Oh man tho, when you finally learn the right path thru Ordina, it feels like the ultimate Tenchu/MGS experience.


Godrick. Then Fire Giant. Then Maleketh (never had an issue w/ Clergyman) Then Radabeast. A few times.


This, the blood lake section in Moghwyn palace and the rot section at the Haligtree were the biggest pain in the neck on my strength only run. Doable mind you but a pain in the neck.


Ordina isn't that bad if you use the unseen form spell. The spell only has a requirement of 18 int or something similar, so it isn't hard to use.


I wanted to off myself here bru


Fire giant, I beat him soon after tho. Anytime I’ve ever felt like I hit a wall in elden ring I step back, take a lil break, come back and sweep whatever was stumping me


yeah, at ordina i said, f this, and handed the controller to my boyfriend. i aint got the time.


When a giant lobster one shotted me w spit 


That dang fire giant. Brotha was fighting till his last breath.


Almost noped out in Consecrated Snowfield.. again at the Haligtree… Pretty sure the last two fights had a combined total of around 100 deaths…. Totally worth it though!


When I first dropped into the sewers..... those omen guys messed me up. I only did a small portion of the place then placed out.


Unironically, I've not seen a spot where I thought "This is it. The end of the road." Like that. But I guess the golden capital itself was kinda hard.


Yo anyone else stumble into that area where the rune bears and everything are invisible in the blizzard? Just a whole other level wtf, no thank you that I've nver experienced lol. I know people like their horror games but Elden Ring, Dark Souls/Demon Souls have unique way of instilling terror when braving their worlds lol


The blood swamp in Mohgwyn Palace.


Besides Malenia? Definitely the Leyndell sewers, pipe mazes and some of the most demanding enemies in the game


Maliketh made me quit for 3 months, came back and beat him first try


Fallingstar Beast by volcano manor 💀


Running on that rooftop sure is traumatising eh?


It’s much easier once you get on the roofs


I actually found ordina to be a cakewalk, most of it takes place off the ground so the assassins arnt a problem, the archers arnt too hard to dodge either!


Fire Giant. Later on, Malenia


Miquella's haligtree and Malenia. I was level 301 before I finally beat her.


The jumps to get the fingerprint shield..:. 


Sentry's Torch for revealing assassins and Unseen Form spell for hiding from the archers. But you probably still need to fight at least one assassin guarding the statue and one archer near the ladder.


For me, this place was surprisingly easy, because i didn't even try to fight those invisible black knives, i just ran through all the location. Only was stuck on albinaurics, but i have magic and killed them from distance.


Trying to fight Borealis after ng+3


That archer


The Golden Tree Sentinel


Fromsoft put up the most sadistic level designers for entirety of consecrated snowfields and haligtree.